{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "राम प्रसाद जोशी" ] }, "config-desc": "मेडियाविकिको लागि स्थापक", "config-title": "मेडिया विकि $1 स्थापना", "config-information": "जानकारी", "config-localsettings-upgrade": "LocalSettings.php फाइल पाइयो ।\nयै स्थापनालाई अपग्रेड गर्न, तलीखाइ दिया बक्समी $wgUpgradeKey को मान दर्ज गर ।\nतम LocalSettings.php मा भेट्टे हौ ।", "config-localsettings-cli-upgrade": "LocalSettings.php फाइल पाइयो ।\nयै स्थापनालाई अपग्रेड गद्द, बदलामी कृपया यैलाई चलाओ update.php", "config-localsettings-key": "नवीनीकरण साँचो", "config-localsettings-badkey": "तमले प्रोभाइट गर्याको नवनिकरण साँचो मान्य छैन", "config-upgrade-key-missing": "An existing installation of MediaWiki has been detected.\nTo upgrade this installation, please put the following line at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php:\n\n$1", "config-localsettings-incomplete": "The existing LocalSettings.php appears to be incomplete.\nThe $1 variable is not set.\nPlease change LocalSettings.php so that this variable is set, and click \"{{int:Config-continue}}\".", "config-localsettings-connection-error": "An error was encountered when connecting to the database using the settings specified in LocalSettings.php. Please fix these settings and try again.\n\n$1", "config-session-error": "Error starting session: $1", "config-session-expired": "Your session data seems to have expired.\nSessions are configured for a lifetime of $1.\nYou can increase this by setting session.gc_maxlifetime in php.ini.\nRestart the installation process.", "config-no-session": "तमरो सेसन डाटा मेटिया छ!\nतमरो php चेक गर। ini र make sure session.save_path is set to an appropriate directory.", "config-your-language": "तमरो भाषा:", "config-your-language-help": "इन्स्टाल गर्दा उपयोग गद्दे भाषा छान ।", "config-wiki-language": "विकि भाषाहरू", "config-wiki-language-help": "Select the language that the wiki will predominantly be written in.", "config-back": "← पछाडी", "config-continue": "जारी राख्या", "config-page-language": "भाषा", "config-page-welcome": "मिडीयाविकिमी तमलाई स्वागत छ!", "config-page-dbconnect": "डेटाबेससँग सम्बन्ध बनाउन्या", "config-page-upgrade": "मौजूदा स्थापनाको नवीनीकरण", "config-page-dbsettings": "डेटावेस सेटिङ", "config-page-name": "नाऊ", "config-page-options": "विकल्पहरू", "config-page-install": "स्थापना गद्दे", "config-page-complete": "पूरा भयो !", "config-page-restart": "स्थापना फेरि सुरु गद्दे", "config-page-readme": "थप पड्डे", "config-page-releasenotes": "प्रकाशन टिप्पणी", "config-page-copying": "कपि हून लाग्याको छ", "config-page-upgradedoc": "अद्यावधिक गरिदै", "config-page-existingwiki": "विकि बन्द हुँदै", "config-help-restart": "Do you want to clear all saved data that you have entered and restart the installation process?", "config-restart": "हुन्छ, पुनः सुचारू गद्दे", "config-welcome": "=== Environmental checks ===\nBasic checks will now be performed to see if this environment is suitable for MediaWiki installation.\nRemember to include this information if you seek support on how to complete the installation.", "config-copyright": "=== Copyright and Terms ===\n\n$1\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.\nSee the GNU General Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA, or [https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html read it online].", "config-sidebar": "* [https://www.mediawiki.org MediaWiki home]\n* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Contents User's Guide]\n* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Contents Administrator's Guide]\n* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:FAQ FAQ]\n----\n* Read me\n* Release notes\n* Copying\n* Upgrading", "config-env-good": "The environment has been checked.\nYou can install MediaWiki.", "config-env-bad": "The environment has been checked.\nYou cannot install MediaWiki.", "config-env-php": "PHP $1 is installed.", "config-env-hhvm": "HHVM $1 स्थापना गरिएको छ ।", "config-unicode-using-intl": "Using the [https://pecl.php.net/intl intl PECL extension] for Unicode normalization.", "config-unicode-pure-php-warning": "Warning: The [https://pecl.php.net/intl intl PECL extension] is not available to handle Unicode normalization, falling back to slow pure-PHP implementation.\nIf you run a high-traffic site, you should read a little on [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Unicode_normalization_considerations Unicode normalization]." }