extractRequestParams(); $prop = array_flip( $params['prop'] ); $fld_displayname = isset( $prop['displayname'] ); $fld_description = isset( $prop['description'] ); $fld_hitcount = isset( $prop['hitcount'] ); $fld_defined = isset( $prop['defined'] ); $fld_source = isset( $prop['source'] ); $fld_active = isset( $prop['active'] ); $limit = $params['limit']; $result = $this->getResult(); $softwareDefinedTags = array_fill_keys( ChangeTags::listSoftwareDefinedTags(), 0 ); $explicitlyDefinedTags = array_fill_keys( ChangeTags::listExplicitlyDefinedTags(), 0 ); $softwareActivatedTags = array_fill_keys( ChangeTags::listSoftwareActivatedTags(), 0 ); $tagStats = ChangeTags::tagUsageStatistics(); $tagHitcounts = array_merge( $softwareDefinedTags, $explicitlyDefinedTags, $tagStats ); $tags = array_keys( $tagHitcounts ); # Fetch defined tags that aren't past the continuation if ( $params['continue'] !== null ) { $cont = $params['continue']; $tags = array_filter( $tags, function ( $v ) use ( $cont ) { return $v >= $cont; } ); } # Now make sure the array is sorted for proper continuation sort( $tags ); $count = 0; foreach ( $tags as $tagName ) { if ( ++$count > $limit ) { $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'continue', $tagName ); break; } $tag = []; $tag['name'] = $tagName; if ( $fld_displayname ) { $tag['displayname'] = ChangeTags::tagDescription( $tagName, $this ); } if ( $fld_description ) { $msg = $this->msg( "tag-$tagName-description" ); $tag['description'] = $msg->exists() ? $msg->text() : ''; } if ( $fld_hitcount ) { $tag['hitcount'] = intval( $tagHitcounts[$tagName] ); } $isSoftware = isset( $softwareDefinedTags[$tagName] ); $isExplicit = isset( $explicitlyDefinedTags[$tagName] ); if ( $fld_defined ) { $tag['defined'] = $isSoftware || $isExplicit; } if ( $fld_source ) { $tag['source'] = []; if ( $isSoftware ) { // TODO: Can we change this to 'software'? $tag['source'][] = 'extension'; } if ( $isExplicit ) { $tag['source'][] = 'manual'; } } if ( $fld_active ) { $tag['active'] = $isExplicit || isset( $softwareActivatedTags[$tagName] ); } $fit = $result->addValue( [ 'query', $this->getModuleName() ], null, $tag ); if ( !$fit ) { $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'continue', $tagName ); break; } } $result->addIndexedTagName( [ 'query', $this->getModuleName() ], 'tag' ); } public function getCacheMode( $params ) { return 'public'; } public function getAllowedParams() { return [ 'continue' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'api-help-param-continue', ], 'limit' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 10, ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'limit', ApiBase::PARAM_MIN => 1, ApiBase::PARAM_MAX => ApiBase::LIMIT_BIG1, ApiBase::PARAM_MAX2 => ApiBase::LIMIT_BIG2 ], 'prop' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => '', ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => [ 'displayname', 'description', 'hitcount', 'defined', 'source', 'active', ], ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE => [], ] ]; } protected function getExamplesMessages() { return [ 'action=query&list=tags&tgprop=displayname|description|hitcount|defined' => 'apihelp-query+tags-example-simple', ]; } public function getHelpUrls() { return 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/API:Tags'; } }