getContext(), [ $this->getModulePrefix(), $this->getModuleName(), $this->getModulePath(), AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE, self::needsToken(), ] ); return $msgs; } public function execute() { $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); $this->requireAtLeastOneParameter( $params, 'continue', 'returnurl' ); if ( $params['returnurl'] !== null ) { $bits = wfParseUrl( $params['returnurl'] ); if ( !$bits || $bits['scheme'] === '' ) { $encParamName = $this->encodeParamName( 'returnurl' ); $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-badurl', $encParamName, wfEscapeWikiText( $params['returnurl'] ) ], "badurl_{$encParamName}" ); } } $helper = new ApiAuthManagerHelper( $this ); $manager = AuthManager::singleton(); // Make sure it's possible to create accounts if ( !$manager->canCreateAccounts() ) { $this->getResult()->addValue( null, 'createaccount', $helper->formatAuthenticationResponse( AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $this->msg( 'userlogin-cannot-' . AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE ) ) ) ); $helper->logAuthenticationResult( 'accountcreation', 'userlogin-cannot-' . AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE ); return; } // Perform the create step if ( $params['continue'] ) { $reqs = $helper->loadAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE_CONTINUE ); $res = $manager->continueAccountCreation( $reqs ); } else { $reqs = $helper->loadAuthenticationRequests( AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE ); if ( $params['preservestate'] ) { $req = $helper->getPreservedRequest(); if ( $req ) { $reqs[] = $req; } } $res = $manager->beginAccountCreation( $this->getUser(), $reqs, $params['returnurl'] ); } $this->getResult()->addValue( null, 'createaccount', $helper->formatAuthenticationResponse( $res ) ); $helper->logAuthenticationResult( 'accountcreation', $res ); } public function isReadMode() { return false; } public function isWriteMode() { return true; } public function needsToken() { return 'createaccount'; } public function getAllowedParams() { $ret = ApiAuthManagerHelper::getStandardParams( AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE, 'requests', 'messageformat', 'mergerequestfields', 'preservestate', 'returnurl', 'continue' ); $ret['preservestate'][ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND][] = 'apihelp-createaccount-param-preservestate'; return $ret; } public function dynamicParameterDocumentation() { return [ 'api-help-authmanagerhelper-additional-params', AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE ]; } protected function getExamplesMessages() { return [ 'action=createaccount&username=Example&password=ExamplePassword&retype=ExamplePassword' . '&createreturnurl=' => 'apihelp-createaccount-example-create', ]; } public function getHelpUrls() { return ''; } }