'wikifab-style.js', 'styles' => array(), 'messages' => array( ), 'dependencies' => array( 'jquery.ui.core' ), 'position' => 'bottom', 'localBasePath' => __DIR__ . '', 'remoteExtPath' => 'WfextStyle', ); $wgResourceModules['ext.Wikifab.css'] = array( 'styles' => array( 'wikifab-style.css', ), 'localBasePath' => __DIR__, 'remoteExtPath' => 'WfextStyle', ); // Specify the function that will change the user menu. $wgHooks['PersonalUrls'][] = 'PersonalUrlsWikifabCustom'; function PersonalUrlsWikifabCustom( &$personal_urls, &$title, $that ) { unset($personal_urls['mytalk']); if(isset($personal_urls['userpage']['text'])) { $personal_urls['userpage']['text'] = wfMessage( 'wfextstyle-my_profil'); } if(isset($personal_urls['anonuserpage'])) { unset($personal_urls['anonuserpage']); } if(isset($personal_urls['anontalk'])) { unset($personal_urls['anontalk']); } if(isset($personal_urls['watchlist'])) { unset($personal_urls['watchlist']); } if(isset($personal_urls['mycontris'])) { unset($personal_urls['mycontris']); } } $wgWikifabStyleForceUpdate = true; // hook to launch synchronous update properties of new pages // this has been added because if not, after create new page, // the page has not instantly his properties, and so the forms links (action=formedit) are not setted $wgHooks['ArticleEditUpdates'][] = 'wfExtStyleArticleEditUpdates'; function wfExtStyleArticleEditUpdates( WikiPage $wikipage, $editInfo, $changed ) { global $wgWikifabStyleForceUpdate; if ($wgWikifabStyleForceUpdate) { $title = $wikipage->getTitle(); $output = $editInfo->output; if( ! $editInfo->oldContent ) { $linksUpdate = new LinksUpdate( $title, $output, $recursive = false ); $linksUpdate->doUpdate(); } } } $wgHooks['ParserMakeImageParams'][] = 'onParserMakeImageParams'; function onParserMakeImageParams( $title, $file, &$params, $parser ) { if(method_exists($file, 'getMimeType')){ switch ($file->getMimeType()) { case 'application/sla': $params['frame']['class'] = 'file-3D'; break; case 'video/mp4': $params['frame']['class'] = 'videofile'; break; } } return true; } $wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'onBeforePageDisplay'; function onBeforePageDisplay( OutputPage &$out, Skin &$skin ) { $out->addModuleStyles('ext.Wikifab.css'); }