{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Jeroen De Dauw", "Daniel Werner", "Karsten Hoffmeyer" ] }, "validator-desc": "Declarative parameter processing library", "validator-warning": "Warning: $1", "validator-error": "Error: $1", "validator-fatal-error": "Fatal error: $1", "validator_error_parameters": "The following {{PLURAL:$1|error has|errors have}} been detected in your syntax:", "validator_warning_parameters": "There {{PLURAL:$1|is an error|are errors}} in your syntax.", "validator-warning-adittional-errors": "... and {{PLURAL:$1|one more issue|multiple more issues}}.", "validator-error-omitted": "The {{PLURAL:$2|value \"$1\" has|values \"$1\" have}} been omitted.", "validator-error-problem": "There was a problem with parameter $1.", "validator_error_unknown_argument": "$1 is not a valid parameter.", "validator_error_required_missing": "The required parameter \"$1\" is not provided.", "validator-error-override-argument": "Tried to override parameter $1 (value: $2) with value \"$3\"", "validator-type-string": "text", "validator-type-integer": "whole number", "validator-type-float": "number", "validator-type-boolean": "yes/no", "validator-type-char": "character", "validator-type-dimension": "number and dimensional unit", "validator-type-title": "title", "validator-type-string-list": "list of texts", "validator-type-integer-list": "list of integers", "validator-type-float-list": "list of numbers", "validator-type-boolean-list": "list of yes/no", "validator-type-char-list": "list characters", "validator-type-title-list": "list of titles", "validator-listerrors-errors": "Errors", "validator-listerrors-severity-message": "($1) $2", "validator-listerrors-minor": "Minor", "validator-listerrors-low": "Low", "validator-listerrors-normal": "Normal", "validator-listerrors-high": "High", "validator-listerrors-fatal": "Fatal", "validator-listerrors-description": "Lists errors (and warnings) that occurred in parser hooks added via Validator.\nOnly lists for parser hooks added above where listerrors is inserted;\nplace listerrors at or near the bottom of the page to get all errors.", "validator-listerrors-par-minseverity": "The minimum severity of an issue for it to be listed.", "validator-describe-description": "Generates documentation for one or more parser hooks defined via Validator.", "validator-describe-notfound": "There is no parser hook that handles \"$1\".", "validator-describe-descriptionmsg": "'''Description''': $1", "validator-describe-aliases": "'''{{PLURAL:$2|Alias|Aliases}}''': $1", "validator-describe-parserfunction": "Implemented only as parser function.", "validator-describe-tagextension": "Implemented only as tag extension.", "validator-describe-bothhooks": "Implemented as both parser function and as tag extension.", "validator-describe-par-hooks": "The parser hooks for which to display documentation.", "validator-describe-par-pre": "Allows you to get the actual wikitext for the documentation, without it being rendered on the page.", "validator-describe-par-language": "The language to display the descriptions in", "validator-describe-listtype": "List of $1 items", "validator-describe-empty": "empty", "validator-describe-required": "required", "validator-describe-header-parameter": "Parameter", "validator-describe-header-aliases": "Aliases", "validator-describe-header-type": "Type", "validator-describe-header-default": "Default", "validator-describe-header-description": "Description", "validator-describe-parameters": "Parameters", "validator-describe-syntax": "Syntax", "validator-describe-tagmin": "Tag extension with only the required parameters.", "validator-describe-tagmax": "Tag extension with all parameters.", "validator-describe-tagdefault": "Tag extension with all parameters using the default parameter notation.", "validator-describe-pfmin": "Parser function with only the required parameters.", "validator-describe-pfmax": "Parser function with all parameters.", "validator-describe-pfdefault": "Parser function with all parameters using the default parameter notation.", "validator-describe-autogen": "The contents of this section was auto-generated by the \"describe\" parser hook of the Validator extension.", "validator_error_empty_argument": "Parameter $1 can not have an empty value.", "validator_error_must_be_number": "Parameter $1 can only be a number.", "validator_error_must_be_integer": "Parameter $1 can only be an integer.", "validator_error_must_be_title": "Parameter $1 can only be a valid wiki page name.", "validator_error_must_be_existing_title": "Parameter $1 can only be an existing wiki page name.", "validator-error-must-be-float": "Parameter $1 can only be a floating point number.", "validator_error_invalid_range": "Parameter $1 must be between $2 and $3.", "validator-error-invalid-regex": "Parameter $1 must match this regular expression: $2.", "validator-error-invalid-length": "Parameter $1 must have a length of $2.", "validator-error-invalid-length-range": "Parameter $1 must have a length between $2 and $3.", "validator_error_invalid_argument": "The value $1 is not valid for parameter $2.", "validator_list_error_empty_argument": "Parameter $1 does not accept empty values.", "validator_list_error_must_be_number": "Parameter $1 can only contain numbers.", "validator_list_error_must_be_integer": "Parameter $1 can only contain integers.", "validator_list_error_must_be_title": "Parameter $1 can only contain valid wiki page names.", "validator_list_error_must_be_existing_title": "Parameter $1 can only contain existing wiki page names.", "validator-list-error-must-be-float": "Parameter $1 can only contain floats.", "validator_list_error_invalid_range": "All values of parameter $1 must be between $2 and $3.", "validator-list-error-invalid-regex": "All values of parameter $1 must match this regular expression: $2.", "validator_list_error_invalid_argument": "One or more values for parameter $1 are invalid.", "validator-list-error-accepts-only": "One or more values for parameter $1 are invalid. It only accepts {{PLURAL:$3|this value|these values}}: $2.", "validator-list-error-accepts-only-omitted": "One or more values for parameter $1 are invalid. It only accepts {{PLURAL:$3|this value|these values}}: $2 (and $4 omitted {{PLURAL:$4|value|values}}).", "validator_error_accepts_only": "The value \"$4\" is not valid for parameter $1. It only accepts {{PLURAL:$3|this value|these values}}: $2.", "validator-error-accepts-only-omitted": "The value \"$2\" is not valid for parameter $1. It only accepts {{PLURAL:$5|this value|these values}}: $3 (and $4 omitted {{PLURAL:$4|value|values}}).", "validator_list_omitted": "The {{PLURAL:$2|value|values}} $1 {{PLURAL:$2|has|have}} been omitted.", "validator-message-nodesc": "No description provided" }