{ "@metadata": { "authors": [] }, "uploadwizard": "Upload Wizard", "uploadwizard-desc": "Upload Wizard, a user-friendly tool for uploading multimedia", "tag-uploadwizard": "Upload Wizard", "tag-uploadwizard-description": "Uploads made with Upload Wizard", "tag-uploadwizard-flickr": "Flickr", "tag-uploadwizard-flickr-description": "Flickr uploads made with Upload Wizard", "right-mass-upload": "Batch-upload more files at once with Upload Wizard", "right-upwizcampaigns": "Configure Upload Wizard campaigns", "action-upwizcampaigns": "configure upload campaigns", "group-upwizcampeditors": "Upload Wizard campaign editors", "group-upwizcampeditors-member": "{{GENDER:$1|Upload Wizard campaign editor}}", "grouppage-upwizcampeditors": "{{ns:project}}:Upload Wizard campaign editors", "accesskey-save-upload-campaign": "s", "accesskey-cancel-upload-campaign": "c", "group-upwizcampeditors.css": "/* CSS placed here will affect upload wizard campaign editors only */", "group-upwizcampeditors.js": "/* JS placed here will affect upload wizard campaign editors only */", "api-error-parsererror": "The server responded with an invalid JSON document. This could be a problem with the API, or you could be using a proxy server that prevents you from uploading files.", "api-error-aborted": "Upload aborted.", "api-error-noimageinfo": "The upload succeeded, but the server did not give us any information about the file.", "mwe-upwiz-unavailable": "Your browser is not compatible with UploadWizard or has JavaScript turned off, so we are showing you a simple upload form. ([https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/UploadWizard#Compatibility View compatibility requirements].)", "mwe-upwiz-extension-disabled": "This page has been disabled due to temporary technical problems. In the meantime try the standard upload form.", "mwe-upwiz-step-tutorial": "Learn", "mwe-upwiz-step-file": "Upload", "mwe-upwiz-step-deeds": "Release rights", "mwe-upwiz-step-details": "Describe", "mwe-upwiz-step-thanks": "Use", "mwe-upwiz-campaign-name-duplicate": "A campaign with this name exists already.", "mwe-upwiz-campaign-unknown-error": "An unknown error occurred.", "mwe-upwiz-api-warning-exists": "There is [$1 another file] already on the wiki with the same filename", "mwe-upwiz-api-warning-was-deleted": "There was a file by this name, \"$1\", but it was deleted and you can not reupload the file. If your file is different, try renaming it.", "mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-localized-file-missing": "Sorry, we could not find a tutorial in your language. The $1 one is shown instead.", "mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-file-missing": "Sorry, we could not find any files for the tutorial that is supposed to go here. Please contact the system administrators.", "mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-cannot-transform": "Sorry, we could not get a scaled image of the tutorial to fit this screen. This may be a temporary problem with Wikimedia Commons; try again later.", "mwe-upwiz-help-desk": "Help desk", "mwe-upwiz-help-desk-url": "{{ns:project}}:Help desk", "mwe-upwiz-add-file-n": "Add more files", "mwe-upwiz-add-file-0-free": "Select media files to share", "mwe-upwiz-add-file-flickr": "Share images from Flickr", "mwe-upwiz-add-file-flickr-n": "Add more images from Flickr", "mwe-upwiz-add-flickr-or": "Or", "mwe-upwiz-add-flickr": "Get from Flickr", "mwe-upwiz-flickr-input-placeholder": "Flickr URL", "mwe-upwiz-select-flickr": "Upload selected images", "mwe-upwiz-flickr-disclaimer1": "This form will load content hosted by flickr.com and subject to the\nFlickr [https://www.flickr.com/help/terms/ terms of use] and [https://www.flickr.com/help/privacy-policy/ privacy policy].", "mwe-upwiz-flickr-disclaimer2": "Please note that by using this tool, your IP address and request details will be available to Flickr.", "mwe-upwiz-error-no-image-retrieved": "We could not retrieve the file from $1.", "mwe-upwiz-multi-file-select2": "Select the files you would like to upload. Hold down the Shift key and click to select multiple files at once. You can select up to $1 {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}} to upload.", "mwe-upwiz-transport-started": "Starting…", "mwe-upwiz-uploading": "Uploading…", "mwe-upwiz-queued": "Queued…", "mwe-upwiz-assembling": "Assembling…", "mwe-upwiz-publish": "Publishing…", "mwe-upwiz-transported": "Finished uploading…", "mwe-upwiz-stashed-upload": "Uploaded", "mwe-upwiz-getting-metadata": "Getting file information and previews…", "mwe-upwiz-submitting-details": "Submitting details…", "mwe-upwiz-submitting-captions": "Submitting {{PLURAL:$1|caption|captions}}…", "mwe-upwiz-published": "Published!", "mwe-upwiz-failed": "Failed.", "mwe-upwiz-remove": "Remove", "mwe-upwiz-override": "Upload anyway", "mwe-upwiz-override-upload": "Upload this file anyway.", "mwe-upwiz-remove-upload": "Remove this file from the list of files to upload", "mwe-upwiz-remove-caption": "Remove this caption", "mwe-upwiz-remove-description": "Remove this description", "mwe-upwiz-upload": "Upload", "mwe-upwiz-file-upload-notcapable": "Unfortunately your browser is not capable of uploading files.\nPlease try an alternative browser.", "mwe-upwiz-file-all-ok": "All uploads were successful!", "mwe-upwiz-file-some-failed": "Some uploads failed.", "mwe-upwiz-file-retry": "Retry failed uploads", "mwe-upwiz-next-file-despite-failures": "Continue anyway", "mwe-upwiz-skip-tutorial-future": "Skip this step in the future", "mwe-upwiz-file-all-failed": "None of the uploads were successful.", "mwe-upwiz-upload-count": "$1 of $2 {{PLURAL:$2|file|files}} uploaded", "mwe-upwiz-progressbar-uploading": "uploading", "mwe-upwiz-almost-finished": "Processing files…", "mwe-upwiz-finished": "Finished!", "mwe-upwiz-deeds-macro-prompt": "This site requires {{GENDER:$2|you}} to provide copyright information for {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, to make sure everyone can legally reuse {{PLURAL:$1|it|them}}.", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork": "{{PLURAL:$1|This file is|These files are}} my own work.", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-any-license": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, hereby irrevocably grant anyone the right to use, modify and redistribute {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} for any purpose, and I therefore publish {{PLURAL:$1|it|them}} under the following terms:", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, hereby irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} for any purpose, as long as they credit me and share derivative work under the same terms.", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-4.0": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-4.0-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-at": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Austria license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-at-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-de": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-de-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-ee": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Estonia license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-ee-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-es": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Spain license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-es-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-hr": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Croatia license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-hr-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-lu": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Luxembourg license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-lu-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-nl": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Netherlands license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-nl-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-no": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Norway license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-no-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-pl": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Poland license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-pl-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-sa-3.0-ro": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Romania license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-sa-3.0-ro-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me and share any derivative work under this license.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-4.0": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-4.0-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-by-3.0": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-by-3.0-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, as long as they credit me.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-cc-zero": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the Creative Commons Zero Public Domain Dedication ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-cc-zero-explain": "(Anyone may use, share or remix {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, with no restrictions at all.)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-generic": "I have reviewed [[{{int:disclaimerpage}}|the disclaimer for this wiki]] and to my best knowledge {{PLURAL:$1|this work is|these works are}} not under data protection levels exceeding those of this wiki.", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-generic-explain": "({{PLURAL:$1|This work is|These works are}} acceptable for upload to this wiki)", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-custom": "I, $2, {{GENDER:$4|the copyright holder}} of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, irrevocably grant anyone the right to use {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the following license:", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-note": "I, copyright holder of {{PLURAL:$2|this work|these works}}, publish {{PLURAL:$2|this work|these works}} under the $1 license.", "mwe-upwiz-source-permission": "Their author gave you explicit permission to upload them", "mwe-upwiz-source-thirdparty": "{{PLURAL:$1|This file is|These files are}} not my own work.", "mwe-upwiz-source-thirdparty-intro": "Please enter the address where you found each file.", "mwe-upwiz-source-thirdparty-custom-multiple-intro": "If all files have the same source, author, and copyright status, you may enter them only once for all of them.", "mwe-upwiz-source-thirdparty-cases": "Now tell us why you are sure you have the right to publish {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}:", "mwe-upwiz-source-thirdparty-accept": "OK", "mwe-upwiz-source-custom": "Provide copyright information for each file individually on the next page.", "mwe-upwiz-patent": "I, $2, would like to grant a permanent patent license to any users of {{PLURAL:$1|the file|the files}} and related 3D objects ([$3 legal code]).", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-title": "Patent rights", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-title-filename": "Legal rights for: $1", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-button-back": "Back", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-button-next": "Next", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-title-warranty": "Warranty about Patents", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-text-warranty": "Use of {{PLURAL:$1|this file|these files}} and any objects depicted in {{PLURAL:$1|the file|the files}} will not knowingly or recklessly infringe any patents.", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-link-warranty": "Learn more", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-title-license": "Patent License", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-text-license": "Any 3D objects depicted in {{PLURAL:$1|the file|the files}} are my own work.", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-link-license": "Learn more", "mwe-upwiz-patent-dialog-checkbox-label": "I agree with these terms", "mwe-upwiz-patent-weapon-policy": "Users should avoid uploading any 3D models that could be viewed as a weapon or \"defense article\".\nThe Commons community might remove such items upon moderation.", "mwe-upwiz-patent-weapon-policy-link": "Read policy details", "mwe-upwiz-more-options": "Add location and more information …", "mwe-upwiz-copy-metadata": "Copy information to all uploads following …", "mwe-upwiz-copy-metadata-button": "Copy", "mwe-upwiz-copy-metadata-button-undo": "Undo", "mwe-upwiz-copied-metadata": "Copied!", "mwe-upwiz-undid-metadata": "Copy undone.", "mwe-upwiz-copy-title": "Copy title (with automatic numbering)", "mwe-upwiz-copy-caption": "Copy caption", "mwe-upwiz-copy-description": "Copy descriptions", "mwe-upwiz-copy-date": "Copy date", "mwe-upwiz-copy-categories": "Copy categories", "mwe-upwiz-copy-location": "Copy location", "mwe-upwiz-copy-other": "Copy other information", "mwe-upwiz-caption": "Caption", "mwe-upwiz-caption-add": "{{PLURAL:$1|0=Add a caption|Add a caption in another language}}", "mwe-upwiz-desc": "Description", "mwe-upwiz-desc-add": "{{PLURAL:$1|0=Add a description|Add a description in another language}}", "mwe-upwiz-title": "Title", "mwe-upwiz-date-created": "Date created", "mwe-upwiz-select-date": "Select a date", "mwe-upwiz-location": "Location", "mwe-upwiz-location-button": "Show on map", "mwe-upwiz-location-lat": "Latitude", "mwe-upwiz-location-lon": "Longitude", "mwe-upwiz-location-alt": "Altitude", "mwe-upwiz-location-heading": "Heading", "mwe-upwiz-copyright-info": "Release rights", "mwe-upwiz-objref-pick-image": "Add the object reference to this image.", "mwe-upwiz-objref-notice-existing-image": "An image already exists for the referred object.", "mwe-upwiz-objref-notice-update-delay": "Updating the referred page may take a while.", "mwe-upwiz-author": "Author(s)", "mwe-upwiz-autoconverted": "This file was automatically converted to the $1 format", "mwe-upwiz-other": "Other information", "mwe-upwiz-source": "Source", "mwe-upwiz-thanks-intro": "Thanks for uploading!", "mwe-upwiz-thanks-explain": "You can now use {{PLURAL:$1|this file|these files}} on wikis, or link to {{PLURAL:$1|it|them}} on the web.", "mwe-upwiz-thanks-wikitext": "To use the file in a wiki, copy this text into a page:", "mwe-upwiz-thanks-update-delay": "Inserting the image into the list page may take up to five minutes.", "mwe-upwiz-thanks-url": "To link to it in HTML, copy this URL:", "mwe-upwiz-upload-error-bad-filename-extension": "This wiki does not accept filenames that end in the extension \".$1\".", "mwe-upwiz-upload-error-bad-filename-no-extension": "This wiki requires that files have an extension — like \".JPG\" at the end of the filename.", "mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate-filename-error": "You are already uploading the file \"$1\".", "mwe-upwiz-allowed-filename-extensions": "The allowed extensions are:", "mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate": "This file was previously uploaded to this wiki.", "mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate-archive": "This file was previously uploaded to this wiki, but later deleted.", "mwe-upwiz-upload-error-stashed-anyway": "Upload anyway?", "mwe-upwiz-deleted-duplicate-unknown-filename": "Unknown filename", "mwe-upwiz-ok": "OK", "mwe-upwiz-fileexists-replace-on-page": "A file with this name exists already. If you want to replace it, go to the page for [$2 $1] and replace it there.", "mwe-upwiz-fileexists-replace-no-link": "Please choose a different title, because this title is already in use by another file.", "mwe-upwiz-blacklisted-details": "Please choose a different, descriptive title ([$2 more info]).", "mwe-upwiz-blacklisted-details-feedback": "Please choose a different, descriptive title ([$2 more info]). • [$3 Send feedback]", "mwe-upwiz-next": "Next", "mwe-upwiz-next-file": "Continue", "mwe-upwiz-next-deeds": "Next", "mwe-upwiz-next-details": "Next", "mwe-upwiz-previous": "Back", "mwe-upwiz-home": "Go to wiki home page", "mwe-upwiz-upload-another": "Upload more files", "mwe-upwiz-prevent-close-wait": "Leaving this page may cause you to lose any changes you have made. Please wait a few seconds.", "mwe-upwiz-prevent-close": "You have not completed the upload process yet!", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-skiptutorial": "You can re-enable this tutorial in [$1 your user preferences], under $2 → $3.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-author": "The name of the person who took the photo, or painted the picture, drew the drawing, etc.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-source": "Where this digital file came from — could be a URL, or a book or publication.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-sign": "You can use your wiki user name or your real name.\nIn both cases, this will be linked to your wiki user page.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-title": "A unique descriptive title for the file, which will serve as a filename. You may use plain language with spaces. Do not include the file extension.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-caption": "Add a brief caption of the file.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-description": "Describe what is notable about the file.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-date": "Choose the date this work was created or first published from the calendar, or input it in the YYYY-MM-DD format.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-categories": "Add your file to [$1 categories] so as to make it easier to find.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-other": "Any other information you want to include about this work — geographic coordinates, links to other versions, etc.", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-location": "[$1 Geocode your file] to identify where the media was recorded (it is not always useful to enter a location for every kind of media).", "mwe-upwiz-tooltip-more-info": "Learn more.", "mwe-upwiz-file-need-file": "Please add an upload first.", "mwe-upwiz-deeds-need-deed": "Please explain where you got this file and how this site can use it, by selecting one of the options.", "mwe-upwiz-deeds-need-license": "Please select a license.", "mwe-upwiz-license-show-all": "Use a different license", "mwe-upwiz-license-show-recommended": "Use the site's recommended license", "mwe-upwiz-error-signature-blank": "You must sign with your username or real name in the appropriate field.", "mwe-upwiz-error-latitude": "The latitude must be a number between -90 and 90.", "mwe-upwiz-error-longitude": "The longitude must be a number between -180 and 180.", "mwe-upwiz-error-altitude": "The altitude must be a number.", "mwe-upwiz-error-heading": "The heading must be a number between 0 and 360.", "mwe-upwiz-error-signature-too-long": "Your signature is too long.\nMake it shorter than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}}.", "mwe-upwiz-error-signature-too-short": "Your signature is too short.\nMake it longer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}}.", "mwe-upwiz-error-date-license-mismatch": "The selected date doesn't match the license ($1).", "mwe-upwiz-error-date-license-unlikely": "The selected date likely isn't correct, given the license ($1).", "mwe-upwiz-error-blank": "This field is required.", "mwe-upwiz-error-too-long": "This entry is too long.\nPlease make sure this entry is at most $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}}.", "mwe-upwiz-error-too-short": "This entry is too short.\nPlease make sure this entry is at least $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}}.", "mwe-upwiz-error-bad-captions": "There are problems with some of the captions.", "mwe-upwiz-error-bad-descriptions": "There are problems with some of the descriptions.", "mwe-upwiz-error-title-blacklisted": "This title contains some undesirable text. Please revise it.", "mwe-upwiz-error-title-senselessimagename": "Please make this title more meaningful.", "mwe-upwiz-error-title-thumbnail": "This looks like a thumbnail title. Please do not upload thumbnails back to the same wiki. Otherwise, please fix the filename so it is more meaningful, and does not have the thumbnail prefix.", "mwe-upwiz-error-title-extension": "You do not need to add a file extension. Just make a human readable title and the application will take care of the rest.", "mwe-upwiz-error-title-protected": "This title corresponds to a protected page on this wiki. Please choose a different one.", "mwe-upwiz-error-title-duplicate": "This title has been specified for more than one file you're going to upload. Underscores are treated as spaces, a file extension is added automatically.", "mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-missing": "You selected an option which requires you to enter wikitext.", "mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-too-short": "The wikitext here is too short to be a license", "mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-too-long": "The wikitext you entered is too long.", "mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-missing-template": "The wikitext you entered doesn't contain a valid license template.", "mwe-upwiz-error-patent-disagree": "You need to agree with the terms.", "mwe-upwiz-error-pageprops-missing-page": "Failed to retrieve page properties: page does not (yet) exist.", "mwe-upwiz-error-pageprops-missing-prop": "Failed to retrieve page properties: property does not (yet) exist.", "mwe-upwiz-error-submit-captions": "The image was uploaded successfully, but something went wrong submitting the {{PLURAL:$3|caption|captions}}. Visit [[$1]] to update the captions there. Error details: $2", "mwe-upwiz-warning-categories-missing": "It is recommended that you fill in some categories for your uploads.", "mwe-upwiz-warning-postdate": "The date that you selected is in the future.", "mwe-upwiz-details-error-count": "There {{PLURAL:$1|is one error|are $1 errors}} with the {{PLURAL:$2|form|forms}} above. Correct the {{PLURAL:$1|error|errors}}, and try submitting again.", "mwe-upwiz-details-warning-count": "There {{PLURAL:$1|is one warning|are $1 warnings}} with the {{PLURAL:$2|form|forms}} above. We recommend correcting {{PLURAL:$1|it|them}} before continuing.", "mwe-upwiz-too-many-files-text": "You can only upload $1 {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}} at once but you tried to upload $2 {{PLURAL:$2|file|files}} in total. Please try again with fewer files!", "mwe-upwiz-too-many-files": "Too many files.", "mwe-upwiz-file-too-large-text": "You can only upload files with a size of up to $1. You tried to upload a file that is $2.", "mwe-upwiz-file-too-large": "File too large.", "mwe-upwiz-dialog-warning": "We recommend that you properly fill in all the fields. Do you want to continue without correcting these warnings?", "mwe-upwiz-dialog-yes": "Yes", "mwe-upwiz-dialog-no": "No", "mwe-upwiz-dialog-title": "Warning", "mwe-upwiz-campaign-create-account-button": "Create an account and upload!", "mwe-upwiz-campaign-upload-button": "Upload!", "mwe-upwiz-campaign-media-count-desc": "{{PLURAL:$1|Upload|Uploads}}", "mwe-upwiz-campaign-contributors-count-desc": "{{PLURAL:$1|Contributor|Contributors}}", "mwe-upwiz-campaign-view-all-media": "View all uploaded media", "mwe-upwiz-campaign-no-uploads-yet": "No uploads yet!", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-4.0": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-at": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Austria ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-de": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-ee": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Estonia ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-es": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Spain ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-hr": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Croatia ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-lu": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Luxembourg ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-nl": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Netherlands ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-no": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Norway ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-pl": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Poland ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-ro": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Romania ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-4.0": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-3.0": "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-2.5": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-2.5": "Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-2.0": "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-2.0": "Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 ([$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-zero": "Creative Commons CC0 Waiver (release all rights, like public domain: [$2 legal code])", "mwe-upwiz-license-custom": "The license is described by the following wikitext (must contain a valid [$2 copyright tag]):", "mwe-upwiz-license-custom-url": "//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Copyright_tags", "mwe-upwiz-license-fal": "Free Art License", "mwe-upwiz-license-own-pd": "All rights waived with Creative Commons Zero license (like public domain)", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old-100": "Author died more than 100 years ago", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old": "Author died more than 70 years ago", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-art-70": "Faithful reproduction of a painting in the public domain because the artist died more than 70 years ago ([$2 learn more])", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-us": "First published in the United States before 1923", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov": "Original work of the US Federal Government", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-nasa": "Original work of NASA", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-military-navy": "Original work of the US Military Navy", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible": "Too simple to be copyrighted", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible-help": "Be careful with this one. The image has to be very simple, like a green circle or red square", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-textlogo": "Logo with only simple text (wordmark)", "mwe-upwiz-license-copyrighted-free-use": "Copyrighted, but may be used for any purpose, including commercially", "mwe-upwiz-license-attribution": "May be used for any purpose, including commercially, if the copyright holder is properly attributed", "mwe-upwiz-license-gfdl": "GNU Free Documentation License", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-gfdl": "Copyleft, attribution required (GFDL, CC BY-SA 3.0)", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-head": "The copyright holder published {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} with the right Creative Commons license", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-subhead": "Not all Creative Commons licenses are good for this site. Make sure the copyright holder used one of these licenses.", "mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-head": "The copyright holder published their {{PLURAL:$1|photo or video|photos or videos}} on Flickr with the right license", "mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-subhead": "Check the \"License\" header on the side of the Flickr page. Both the icons and license name that they used have to match one of the choices here.", "mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-head": "The copyright has definitely expired in the USA", "mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-subhead": "{{SITENAME}} is located in the USA, so the work must be out of copyright in that country.", "mwe-upwiz-license-usgov-head": "{{PLURAL:$1|This work was|These works were}} made by the United States government", "mwe-upwiz-license-misc": "Miscellaneous reasons", "mwe-upwiz-license-custom-head": "Another reason not mentioned above", "mwe-upwiz-license-custom-preview": "Preview", "mwe-upwiz-license-none-head": "I found it on the Internet — I'm not sure", "mwe-upwiz-license-none": "I believe {{PLURAL:$1|this work is|these works are}} freely licensed or legally in the public domain. I understand that if I do not add the necessary licensing information in a timely fashion, the {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}} may be deleted.", "mwe-upwiz-license-generic-head": "{{PLURAL:$1|This work is|These works are}} acceptable for upload to this wiki", "mwe-upwiz-license-generic": "I have reviewed [[{{int:disclaimerpage}}|the disclaimer for this wiki]] and to my best knowledge {{PLURAL:$1|this work is|these works are}} not under data protection levels exceeding those of this wiki.", "mwe-upwiz-license-confirm-remove": "Are you sure you want to remove {{PLURAL:$1|this upload|these uploads}}?", "mwe-upwiz-license-confirm-remove-title": "Confirm remove", "mwe-upwiz-license-external": "The file is under the following license on the source site \"$1\": $2.", "mwe-upwiz-license-external-invalid": "The file is under the following license on the source site \"$1\": $2. Unfortunately, this wiki does not allow that license.", "mwe-upwiz-license-photoset-invalid": "Unfortunately, no image in the photoset has a license appropriate to be used on this site.", "mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old-70-1923": "First published before 1923 and author deceased more than 70 years ago", "mwe-upwiz-url-invalid": "The URL entered is unsupported or points to an invalid or restricted $1 image or photoset and cannot be used.", "mwe-upwiz-user-blacklisted": "Unfortunately, no images from this $1 account can be uploaded on this site.", "mwe-upwiz-categories": "Categories", "mwe-upwiz-categories-missing": "One of the categories lacks a description page. Are you sure you typed the name correctly?", "mwe-upwiz-thumbnail-failed": "The upload succeeded, but the server could not get a preview thumbnail.", "mwe-upwiz-unparseable-filename": "Could not understand the filename \"$1\".", "mwe-upwiz-error-title-invalid": "This title is invalid. Make sure to remove characters like square brackets, colons, slashes, comparison operators, pipes and curly brackets.", "mwe-upwiz-subhead-bugs": "[$1 Known issues]", "mwe-upwiz-subhead-alt-upload": "Back to the old form", "mwe-upwiz-subhead-alternatives": "Alternative upload methods", "mwe-upwiz-feedback-prompt": "Leave feedback", "mwe-upwiz-feedback-title": "Leave feedback about Upload Wizard", "mwe-upwiz-feedback-blacklist-line-intro": "This is the title blacklist entry that matched it:\n$1", "mwe-upwiz-feedback-blacklist-subject": "My upload title, \"$1\" was prohibited.", "mwe-upwiz-errordialog-title": "There was an error in your submission", "mwe-upwiz-errordialog-ok": "OK", "mwe-upwiz-error-nosuchcampaign": "There is no campaign with name \"$1\".", "mwe-upwiz-error-campaigndisabled": "Campaign \"$1\" has not been enabled.", "mwe-upwiz-calendar-date": "Choose date from calendar", "mwe-upwiz-custom-date": "Use custom date format", "prefs-uploads": "Uploading", "prefs-upwiz-licensing": "Licensing", "prefs-upwiz-experimental": "Experimental features", "prefs-upwiz-interface": "User interface", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license": "Default license", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license-def": "Use whatever the default is", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license-custom": "Custom default license", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license-custom-help": "This field is only used if you choose the last option above.", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-name": "Author's name", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-name-help": "Defaults to username if the field is left empty", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-own": "Own work - $1", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-thirdparty": "Someone else's work - $1", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-chunked": "Chunked uploads for files over $1 in Upload Wizard - Increases maximum file upload size from $2 to $3", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-skiptutorial": "Skip introductory licensing tutorial", "mwe-upwiz-prefs-maxsimultaneous-upload": "Maximum number of concurrent uploads", "campaigns": "Upload Wizard campaigns", "mwe-upload-campaigns-pagination-next": "Next page", "mwe-upload-campaigns-list-title": "List of upload campaigns", "apihelp-flickrblacklist-description": "Validate a Flickr URL by using the user ID (NSID) for blacklisting.\n\nWhen used with the list option, returns all blacklisted IDs.", "apihelp-flickrblacklist-summary": "Validate a Flickr URL by using the user ID (NSID) for blacklisting.", "apihelp-flickrblacklist-extended-description": "When used with the list option, returns all blacklisted IDs.", "apihelp-flickrblacklist-param-url": "The Flickr URL to be tested.", "apihelp-flickrblacklist-param-list": "When set, the complete blacklist is returned. Cannot be used together with $1url.", "apihelp-flickrblacklist-example-1": "Check a URL against the blacklist", "apihelp-flickrblacklist-example-2": "Return the entire blacklist", "apihelp-query+allcampaigns-description": "Enumerate all UploadWizard campaigns.", "apihelp-query+allcampaigns-summary": "Enumerate all UploadWizard campaigns.", "apihelp-query+allcampaigns-param-enabledonly": "Only list campaigns that are enabled.", "apihelp-query+allcampaigns-param-limit": "Number of campaigns to return.", "apihelp-query+allcampaigns-example-1": "Enumerate enabled campaigns" }