{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Dantman", "Shirayuki", "Nemo bis", "Paladox", "Zachyoung6969" ] }, "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-custom": "I, $2, the copyright holder of {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}}, hereby publish {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} under the following licence:", "mwe-upwiz-source-ownwork-assert-note": "This means you release your work under the following licence: $1", "mwe-upwiz-deeds-need-license": "Please select a licence.", "mwe-upwiz-license-show-all": "Use a different licence", "mwe-upwiz-license-show-recommended": "Use the recommended licence", "mwe-upwiz-license-fal": "Free Art Licence", "mwe-upwiz-license-own-pd": "Public domain (all rights waived with Creative Commons Zero licence)", "mwe-upwiz-license-gfdl": "GNU Free Documentation Licence", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-head": "The copyright holder published {{PLURAL:$1|this work|these works}} with the right Creative Commons licence", "mwe-upwiz-license-cc-subhead": "Not all Creative Commons licences are good for this site. Make sure the copyright holder used one of these licences.", "mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-head": "The copyright holder published their {{PLURAL:$1|photo or video|photos or videos}} on Flickr with the right licence", "mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-subhead": "Check the \"Licence\" header on the side of the Flickr page. Both the icons and licence name that they used have to match one of the choices here.", "mwe-upwiz-license-custom-head": "Experts only: enter the code for a licence not shown here", "mwe-upwiz-license-external": "This file is under the following licence on \"$1\": $2.", "mwe-upwiz-license-external-invalid": "This file is under the following licence on $1: $2. Unfortunately, this licence is not appropriate for use on this site." }