getDB()->getType() . '.sql'; if ( !file_exists( $dbfile ) ) { $dbfile = __DIR__ . '/UploadWizard.sql'; } $updater->addExtensionTable( 'uw_campaigns', $dbfile ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( [ 'addIndex', 'uw_campaigns', 'uw_campaigns_name', __DIR__ . '/sql/UW_IndexCampaignsName.sql', true ] ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( [ 'addIndex', 'uw_campaigns', 'uw_campaigns_enabled', __DIR__ . '/sql/UW_IndexCampaignsEnabled.sql', true ] ); return true; } /** * Adds the preferences of UploadWizard to the list of available ones. * @see * * @since 1.2 * * @param User $user * @param array &$preferences * * @return true */ public static function onGetPreferences( User $user, array &$preferences ) { $config = UploadWizardConfig::getConfig(); // User preference to skip the licensing tutorial, provided it's not globally disabled if ( UploadWizardConfig::getSetting( 'tutorial' ) != [] ) { $preferences['upwiz_skiptutorial'] = [ 'type' => 'check', 'label-message' => 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-skiptutorial', 'section' => 'uploads/upwiz-interface' ]; } $preferences['upwiz_licensename'] = [ 'type' => 'text', 'label-message' => 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-name', 'help-message' => 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-name-help', 'section' => 'uploads/upwiz-licensing' ]; if ( UploadWizardConfig::getSetting( 'enableLicensePreference' ) ) { $licenseConfig = UploadWizardConfig::getSetting( 'licenses' ); $licenses = []; $licensingOptions = UploadWizardConfig::getSetting( 'licensing' ); $ownWork = $licensingOptions['ownWork']; foreach ( $ownWork['licenses'] as $license ) { $licenseMessage = self::getLicenseMessage( $license, $licenseConfig ); $licenseKey = wfMessage( 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-own', $licenseMessage )->text(); $licenses[$licenseKey] = 'ownwork-' . $license; } $thirdParty = UploadWizardConfig::getThirdPartyLicenses(); $hasCustom = false; foreach ( $thirdParty as $license ) { if ( $license !== 'custom' ) { $licenseMessage = self::getLicenseMessage( $license, $licenseConfig ); $licenseKey = wfMessage( 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-thirdparty', $licenseMessage )->text(); $licenses[$licenseKey] = 'thirdparty-' . $license; } else { $hasCustom = true; } } $licenses = array_merge( [ wfMessage( 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license-def' )->text() => 'default' ], $licenses ); if ( $hasCustom ) { // The "custom license" option must be last, otherwise the text referring to "following // wikitext" and "last option above" makes no sense. $licenseMessage = self::getLicenseMessage( 'custom', $licenseConfig ); $licenseKey = wfMessage( 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-thirdparty', $licenseMessage )->text(); $licenses[$licenseKey] = 'thirdparty-custom'; }; $preferences['upwiz_deflicense'] = [ 'type' => 'radio', 'label-message' => 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license', 'section' => 'uploads/upwiz-licensing', 'options' => $licenses ]; if ( $hasCustom ) { $preferences['upwiz_deflicense_custom'] = [ 'type' => 'text', 'label-message' => 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license-custom', 'help-message' => 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license-custom-help', 'section' => 'uploads/upwiz-licensing', ]; } } // Setting for maximum number of simultaneous uploads (always lower than the server-side config) if ( $config[ 'maxSimultaneousConnections' ] > 1 ) { // Hack to make the key and value the same otherwise options are added wrongly. $range = range( 0, $config[ 'maxSimultaneousConnections' ] ); $range[0] = 'default'; $preferences['upwiz_maxsimultaneous'] = [ 'type' => 'select', 'label-message' => 'mwe-upwiz-prefs-maxsimultaneous-upload', 'section' => 'uploads/upwiz-experimental', 'options' => $range ]; } return true; } /** * Hook to blacklist flickr images by intercepting upload from url * @param string $url * @param bool &$allowed * @return true */ public static function onIsUploadAllowedFromUrl( $url, &$allowed ) { if ( $allowed ) { $flickrBlacklist = new UploadWizardFlickrBlacklist( UploadWizardConfig::getConfig(), RequestContext::getMain() ); if ( $flickrBlacklist->isBlacklisted( $url ) ) { $allowed = false; } } return true; } /** * Get JavaScript test modules * @param array &$testModules * @param ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader */ public static function onResourceLoaderTestModules( array &$testModules, ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader ) { $dependencies = [ 'ext.uploadWizard' ]; // Add our EventLogging schemas (normally lazy-loaded) to dependencies to avoid issues with // tests failing intermittently due to "Pending AJAX requests". $dependencies[] = 'ext.eventLogging'; $schemas = array_keys( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->getAttribute( 'EventLoggingSchemas' ) ); $ourSchemas = array_filter( $schemas, function ( $schema ) { return substr( $schema, 0, 12 ) === 'UploadWizard'; } ); foreach ( $ourSchemas as $schema ) { $dependencies[] = "schema.$schema"; } $testModules['qunit']['ext.uploadWizard.unit.tests'] = [ 'scripts' => [ 'tests/qunit/controller/uw.controller.Deed.test.js', 'tests/qunit/controller/uw.controller.Details.test.js', 'tests/qunit/controller/uw.controller.Step.test.js', 'tests/qunit/controller/uw.controller.Thanks.test.js', 'tests/qunit/controller/uw.controller.Tutorial.test.js', 'tests/qunit/controller/uw.controller.Upload.test.js', 'tests/qunit/transports/mw.FormDataTransport.test.js', 'tests/qunit/uw.EventFlowLogger.test.js', 'tests/qunit/uw.ConcurrentQueue.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mw.UploadWizardUpload.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mw.UploadWizardLicenseInput.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mw.FlickrChecker.test.js', 'tests/qunit/uw.TitleDetailsWidget.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mw.fileApi.test.js', ], 'dependencies' => $dependencies, 'localBasePath' => __DIR__, 'remoteExtPath' => 'UploadWizard', ]; } /** * Helper function to get the message for a license. * * @since 1.2 * * @param string $licenseName * @param array $licenseConfig * * @return string */ public static function getLicenseMessage( $licenseName, array $licenseConfig ) { if ( array_key_exists( 'url', $licenseConfig[$licenseName] ) ) { return wfMessage( $licenseConfig[$licenseName]['msg'], '', $licenseConfig[$licenseName]['url'] )->parse(); } else { return wfMessage( $licenseConfig[$licenseName]['msg'] )->text(); } } /** * Lists tags used by UploadWizard (via ListDefinedTags, * ListExplicitlyDefinedTags & ChangeTagsListActive hooks) * * @param array &$tags * @return bool true */ public static function onListDefinedTags( &$tags ) { $tags[] = 'uploadwizard'; $tags[] = 'uploadwizard-flickr'; return true; } }