lang = RequestContext::getMain()->getLanguage(); $this->translate = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Translate' ); } /** * Statistics table element (heading or regular cell) * * @param string $in Element contents. * @param string $bgcolor Backround color in ABABAB format. * @param string $sort Value used for sorting. * @return string Html td element. */ public function element( $in, $bgcolor = '', $sort = '' ) { $attributes = []; if ( $sort ) { $attributes['data-sort-value'] = $sort; } if ( $bgcolor ) { $attributes['style'] = 'background-color: #' . $bgcolor; } $element = Html::element( 'td', $attributes, $in ); return $element; } public function getBackgroundColor( $percentage, $fuzzy = false ) { if ( $fuzzy ) { // Steeper scale for fuzzy // (0), [0-2), [2-4), ... [12-100) $index = min( 7, ceil( 50 * $percentage ) ); $colors = [ '', 'fedbd7', 'fecec8', 'fec1b9', 'fcb5ab', 'fba89d', 'f89b8f', 'f68d81' ]; return $colors[ $index ]; } //,#eaf3ff|steps=20|bez=1|coL=1 // Color groups for (0-10], (10-20], ... (90-100], (100) $index = floor( $percentage * 10 ); $colors = [ 'eaf3ff', 'e2ebfc', 'dae3fa', 'd2dbf7', 'c9d4f5', 'c1ccf2', 'b8c4ef', 'b1bced', 'a8b4ea', '9fade8', '96a6e5' ]; return $colors[ $index ]; } /** * @return string */ public function getMainColumnHeader() { return $this->mainColumnHeader; } /** * @param Message $msg */ public function setMainColumnHeader( Message $msg ) { $this->mainColumnHeader = $this->createColumnHeader( $msg ); } /** * @param Message $msg * @return string HTML */ public function createColumnHeader( Message $msg ) { return Html::element( 'th', [], $msg->text() ); } public function addExtraColumn( Message $column ) { $this->extraColumns[] = $column; } /** * @return Message[] */ public function getOtherColumnHeaders() { return array_merge( [ wfMessage( 'translate-total' ), wfMessage( 'translate-untranslated' ), wfMessage( 'translate-percentage-complete' ), wfMessage( 'translate-percentage-proofread' ), wfMessage( 'translate-percentage-fuzzy' ), ], $this->extraColumns ); } /** * @return string HTML */ public function createHeader() { // Create table header $out = Html::openElement( 'table', [ 'class' => 'statstable' ] ); $out .= "\n\t" . Html::openElement( 'thead' ); $out .= "\n\t" . Html::openElement( 'tr' ); $out .= "\n\t\t" . $this->getMainColumnHeader(); foreach ( $this->getOtherColumnHeaders() as $label ) { $out .= "\n\t\t" . $this->createColumnHeader( $label ); } $out .= "\n\t" . Html::closeElement( 'tr' ); $out .= "\n\t" . Html::closeElement( 'thead' ); $out .= "\n\t" . Html::openElement( 'tbody' ); return $out; } /** * Makes a row with aggregate numbers. * @param Message $message * @param array $stats ( total, translate, fuzzy ) * @return string Html */ public function makeTotalRow( Message $message, $stats ) { $out = "\t" . Html::openElement( 'tr' ); $out .= "\n\t\t" . Html::element( 'td', [], $message->text() ); $out .= $this->makeNumberColumns( $stats ); $out .= "\n\t" . Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) . "\n"; return $out; } /** * Makes partial row from completion numbers * @param array $stats * @return string Html */ public function makeNumberColumns( $stats ) { $total = $stats[MessageGroupStats::TOTAL]; $translated = $stats[MessageGroupStats::TRANSLATED]; $fuzzy = $stats[MessageGroupStats::FUZZY]; $proofread = $stats[MessageGroupStats::PROOFREAD]; if ( $total === null ) { $na = "\n\t\t" . Html::element( 'td', [ 'data-sort-value' => -1 ], '...' ); $nap = "\n\t\t" . $this->element( '...', 'AFAFAF', -1 ); $out = $na . $na . $nap . $nap; return $out; } $out = "\n\t\t" . Html::element( 'td', [ 'data-sort-value' => $total ], $this->lang->formatNum( $total ) ); $out .= "\n\t\t" . Html::element( 'td', [ 'data-sort-value' => $total - $translated ], $this->lang->formatNum( $total - $translated ) ); if ( $total === 0 ) { $transRatio = 0; $fuzzyRatio = 0; $proofRatio = 0; } else { $transRatio = $translated / $total; $fuzzyRatio = $fuzzy / $total; $proofRatio = $translated === 0 ? 0 : $proofread / $translated; } $out .= "\n\t\t" . $this->element( $this->formatPercentage( $transRatio, 'floor' ), $this->getBackgroundColor( $transRatio ), sprintf( '%1.5f', $transRatio ) ); $out .= "\n\t\t" . $this->element( $this->formatPercentage( $proofRatio, 'floor' ), $this->getBackgroundColor( $proofRatio ), sprintf( '%1.5f', $proofRatio ) ); $out .= "\n\t\t" . $this->element( $this->formatPercentage( $fuzzyRatio, 'ceil' ), $this->getBackgroundColor( $fuzzyRatio, true ), sprintf( '%1.5f', $fuzzyRatio ) ); return $out; } /** * Makes a nice print from plain float. * @param number $num * @param string $to floor or ceil * @return string Plain text */ public function formatPercentage( $num, $to = 'floor' ) { $num = $to === 'floor' ? floor( 100 * $num ) : ceil( 100 * $num ); $fmt = $this->lang->formatNum( $num ); return wfMessage( 'percent', $fmt )->text(); } /** * Gets the name of group with some extra formatting. * @param MessageGroup $group * @return string Html */ public function getGroupLabel( MessageGroup $group ) { $groupLabel = htmlspecialchars( $group->getLabel() ); // Bold for meta groups. if ( $group->isMeta() ) { $groupLabel = Html::rawElement( 'b', [], $groupLabel ); } return $groupLabel; } /** * Gets the name of group linked to translation tool. * @param MessageGroup $group * @param string $code Language code * @param array $params Any extra query parameters. * @return string Html */ public function makeGroupLink( MessageGroup $group, $code, $params ) { $queryParameters = $params + [ 'group' => $group->getId(), 'language' => $code ]; $attributes = []; $translateGroupLink = Linker::link( $this->translate, $this->getGroupLabel( $group ), $attributes, $queryParameters ); return $translateGroupLink; } /** * Check whether translations in given group in given language * has been disabled. * @param string $groupId Message group id * @param string $code Language code * @return bool */ public function isBlacklisted( $groupId, $code ) { global $wgTranslateBlacklist; $blacklisted = null; $checks = [ $groupId, strtok( $groupId, '-' ), '*' ]; foreach ( $checks as $check ) { if ( isset( $wgTranslateBlacklist[$check] ) && isset( $wgTranslateBlacklist[$check][$code] ) ) { $blacklisted = $wgTranslateBlacklist[$check][$code]; } if ( $blacklisted !== null ) { break; } } $group = MessageGroups::getGroup( $groupId ); $languages = $group->getTranslatableLanguages(); if ( $languages !== null && !isset( $languages[$code] ) ) { $blacklisted = true; } $include = Hooks::run( 'Translate:MessageGroupStats:isIncluded', [ $groupId, $code ] ); if ( !$include ) { $blacklisted = true; } return $blacklisted; } /** * Used to circumvent ugly tooltips when newlines are used in the * message content ("x\ny" becomes "x y"). * @param string $text * @return string */ public static function formatTooltip( $text ) { $wordSeparator = wfMessage( 'word-separator' )->text(); $text = strtr( $text, [ "\n" => $wordSeparator, "\r" => $wordSeparator, "\t" => $wordSeparator, ] ); return $text; } }