@firefox @meta.wikimedia.org Feature: Special:Translate This page is the primary web translation interface for users. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/Quality_assurance#Workflows describes how the workflow state selector can be used. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Translate-workflow-spec.pdf?page=10 describes how it is meant to look and behave. @sandbox.translatewiki.net Scenario: Workflow selector not being visible Given I am translating a message group which doesn't have workflow states Then I should not see a workflow state @custom-setup-needed Scenario: Workflow selector being visible Given I am translating a message group which has workflow states Then I should see a workflow state @custom-setup-needed Scenario: Workflow selector being clickable Given I am translating a message group which has workflow states When I click the workflow state Then I should see a list of states