getOutput(); $out->addModuleStyles( [ 'ext.translate.special.translate.styles', 'jquery.uls.grid', 'mediawiki.ui.button' ] ); $this->setHeaders(); if ( !defined( 'ULS_VERSION' ) ) { throw new ErrorPageError( 'translate-ulsdep-title', 'translate-ulsdep-body' ); } $this->setup( $parameters ); $out->addModules( 'ext.translate.special.translate' ); $out->addJsConfigVars( 'wgTranslateLanguages', TranslateUtils::getLanguageNames( null ) ); $out->addHTML( Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'grid ext-translate-container', ] ) ); $out->addHTML( $this->tuxSettingsForm() ); $out->addHTML( $this->messageSelector() ); $table = new TuxMessageTable( $this->getContext(), $this->group, $this->options['language'] ); $output = $table->fullTable(); $out->addHTML( $output ); $out->addHTML( Html::closeElement( 'div' ) ); } protected function setup( $parameters ) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $defaults = [ /* str */'taction' => 'translate', /* str */'language' => $this->getLanguage()->getCode(), /* str */'group' => '!additions', ]; // Dump everything here $nondefaults = []; $parameters = array_map( 'trim', explode( ';', $parameters ) ); $pars = []; foreach ( $parameters as $_ ) { if ( $_ === '' ) { continue; } if ( strpos( $_, '=' ) !== false ) { list( $key, $value ) = array_map( 'trim', explode( '=', $_, 2 ) ); } else { $key = 'group'; $value = $_; } $pars[$key] = $value; } foreach ( $defaults as $v => $t ) { if ( is_bool( $t ) ) { $r = isset( $pars[$v] ) ? (bool)$pars[$v] : $defaults[$v]; $r = $request->getBool( $v, $r ); } elseif ( is_int( $t ) ) { $r = isset( $pars[$v] ) ? (int)$pars[$v] : $defaults[$v]; $r = $request->getInt( $v, $r ); } elseif ( is_string( $t ) ) { $r = isset( $pars[$v] ) ? (string)$pars[$v] : $defaults[$v]; $r = $request->getText( $v, $r ); } if ( !isset( $r ) ) { throw new MWException( '$r was not set' ); } wfAppendToArrayIfNotDefault( $v, $r, $defaults, $nondefaults ); } // Fix defaults based on what we got if ( isset( $nondefaults['taction'] ) ) { if ( $nondefaults['taction'] === 'export' ) { // Redirect old export URLs to Special:ExportTranslations $params = []; if ( isset( $nondefaults['group'] ) ) { $params['group'] = $nondefaults['group']; } if ( isset( $nondefaults['language'] ) ) { $params['language'] = $nondefaults['language']; } $export = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ExportTranslations' )->getLocalURL( $params ); $this->getOutput()->redirect( $export ); } } $this->defaults = $defaults; $this->nondefaults = $nondefaults; Hooks::run( 'TranslateGetSpecialTranslateOptions', [ &$defaults, &$nondefaults ] ); $this->options = $nondefaults + $defaults; $this->group = MessageGroups::getGroup( $this->options['group'] ); if ( $this->group ) { $this->options['group'] = $this->group->getId(); } else { $this->group = MessageGroups::getGroup( $this->defaults['group'] ); } if ( !Language::isKnownLanguageTag( $this->options['language'] ) ) { $this->options['language'] = $this->defaults['language']; } if ( MessageGroups::isDynamic( $this->group ) ) { $this->group->setLanguage( $this->options['language'] ); } } protected function tuxSettingsForm() { $nojs = Html::element( 'div', [ 'class' => 'tux-nojs errorbox' ], $this->msg( 'tux-nojs' )->plain() ); $attrs = [ 'class' => 'row tux-editor-header' ]; $selectors = $this->tuxGroupSelector() . $this->tuxLanguageSelector() . $this->tuxGroupDescription() . $this->tuxWorkflowSelector() . $this->tuxGroupWarning(); return Html::rawElement( 'div', $attrs, $selectors ) . $nojs; } protected function messageSelector() { $output = Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'row tux-messagetable-header hide' ] ); $output .= Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'nine columns' ] ); $output .= Html::openElement( 'ul', [ 'class' => 'row tux-message-selector' ] ); $userId = $this->getUser()->getId(); $tabs = [ 'all' => '', 'untranslated' => '!translated', 'outdated' => 'fuzzy', 'translated' => 'translated', 'unproofread' => "translated|!reviewer:$userId|!last-translator:$userId", ]; $params = $this->nondefaults; foreach ( $tabs as $tab => $filter ) { // Possible classes and messages, for grepping: // tux-tab-all // tux-tab-untranslated // tux-tab-outdated // tux-tab-translated // tux-tab-unproofread $tabClass = "tux-tab-$tab"; $taskParams = [ 'filter' => $filter ] + $params; ksort( $taskParams ); $href = $this->getPageTitle()->getLocalURL( $taskParams ); $link = Html::element( 'a', [ 'href' => $href ], $this->msg( $tabClass )->text() ); $output .= Html::rawElement( 'li', [ 'class' => 'column ' . $tabClass, 'data-filter' => $filter, 'data-title' => $tab, ], $link ); } // Check boxes for the "more" tab. // The array keys are used as the name attribute of the checkbox. // in the id attribute as tux-option-KEY, // and and also for the data-filter attribute. // The message is shown as the check box's label. $options = [ 'optional' => $this->msg( 'tux-message-filter-optional-messages-label' )->escaped(), ]; $container = Html::openElement( 'ul', [ 'class' => 'column tux-message-selector' ] ); foreach ( $options as $optFilter => $optLabel ) { $container .= Html::rawElement( 'li', [ 'class' => 'column' ], Xml::checkLabel( $optLabel, $optFilter, "tux-option-$optFilter", isset( $this->nondefaults[$optFilter] ), [ 'data-filter' => $optFilter ] ) ); } $container .= Html::closeElement( 'ul' ); // @todo FIXME: Hard coded "ellipsis". $output .= Html::openElement( 'li', [ 'class' => 'column more' ] ) . '...' . $container . Html::closeElement( 'li' ); $output .= Html::closeElement( 'ul' ); $output .= Html::closeElement( 'div' ); // close nine columns $output .= Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'three columns' ] ); $output .= Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'tux-message-filter-wrapper' ] ); $output .= Html::element( 'input', [ 'class' => 'tux-message-filter-box', 'type' => 'search', ] ); $output .= Html::closeElement( 'div' ); // close tux-message-filter-wrapper $output .= Html::closeElement( 'div' ); // close three columns $output .= Html::closeElement( 'div' ); // close the row return $output; } protected function tuxGroupSelector() { $groupClass = [ 'grouptitle', 'grouplink' ]; if ( $this->group instanceof AggregateMessageGroup ) { $groupClass[] = 'tux-breadcrumb__item--aggregate'; } // @todo FIXME The selector should have expanded parent-child lists $output = Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'eight columns tux-breadcrumb', 'data-language' => $this->options['language'], ] ) . Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => 'grouptitle' ], $this->msg( 'translate-msggroupselector-projects' )->text() ) . Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => 'grouptitle grouplink tux-breadcrumb__item--aggregate' ], $this->msg( 'translate-msggroupselector-search-all' )->text() ) . Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => $groupClass, 'data-msggroupid' => $this->group->getId(), ], $this->group->getLabel() ) . Html::closeElement( 'div' ); return $output; } protected function tuxLanguageSelector() { global $wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode; if ( $this->options['language'] === $wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode ) { $targetLangName = $this->msg( 'translate-documentation-language' )->text(); } else { $targetLangName = Language::fetchLanguageName( $this->options['language'] ); } $label = Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => 'ext-translate-language-selector-label' ], $this->msg( 'tux-languageselector' )->text() ); $value = Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => 'uls' ], $targetLangName ); return Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'four columns ext-translate-language-selector' ], "$label $value" ); } protected function tuxGroupDescription() { // Initialize an empty warning box to be filled client-side. return Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'twelve columns description' ], $this->getGroupDescription( $this->group ) ); } protected function getGroupDescription( MessageGroup $group ) { $description = $group->getDescription( $this->getContext() ); if ( $description !== null ) { return TranslateUtils::parseAsInterface( $this->getOutput(), $description ); } return ''; } protected function tuxGroupWarning() { if ( $this->options['group'] === '' ) { return Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'twelve columns group-warning' ], $this->msg( 'tux-translate-page-no-such-group' )->parse() ); } // Initialize an empty warning box to be filled client-side. return Html::element( 'div', [ 'class' => 'twelve columns group-warning' ], '' ); } protected function tuxWorkflowSelector() { return Html::element( 'div', [ 'class' => 'tux-workflow twelve columns' ] ); } /** * Adds the task-based tabs on Special:Translate and few other special pages. * Hook: SkinTemplateNavigation::SpecialPage * @since 2012-02-10 * @param Skin $skin * @param array &$tabs * @return true */ public static function tabify( Skin $skin, array &$tabs ) { $title = $skin->getTitle(); list( $alias, $sub ) = TranslateUtils::resolveSpecialPageAlias( $title->getText() ); $pagesInGroup = [ 'Translate', 'LanguageStats', 'MessageGroupStats' ]; if ( !in_array( $alias, $pagesInGroup, true ) ) { return true; } $skin->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( 'ext.translate.tabgroup' ); // Extract subpage syntax, otherwise the values are not passed forward $params = []; if ( trim( $sub ) !== '' ) { if ( $alias === 'Translate' || $alias === 'MessageGroupStats' ) { $params['group'] = $sub; } elseif ( $alias === 'LanguageStats' ) { // Breaks if additional parameters besides language are code provided $params['language'] = $sub; } } $request = $skin->getRequest(); // However, query string params take precedence $params['language'] = $request->getVal( 'language' ); $params['group'] = $request->getVal( 'group' ); $taction = $request->getVal( 'taction', 'translate' ); $translate = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Translate' ); $languagestats = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'LanguageStats' ); $messagegroupstats = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'MessageGroupStats' ); // Clear the special page tab that might be there already $tabs['namespaces'] = []; $tabs['namespaces']['translate'] = [ 'text' => wfMessage( 'translate-taction-translate' )->text(), 'href' => $translate->getLocalURL( $params ), 'class' => 'tux-tab', ]; if ( $alias === 'Translate' && $taction === 'translate' ) { $tabs['namespaces']['translate']['class'] .= ' selected'; } $tabs['views']['lstats'] = [ 'text' => wfMessage( 'translate-taction-lstats' )->text(), 'href' => $languagestats->getLocalURL( $params ), 'class' => 'tux-tab', ]; if ( $alias === 'LanguageStats' ) { $tabs['views']['lstats']['class'] .= ' selected'; } $tabs['views']['mstats'] = [ 'text' => wfMessage( 'translate-taction-mstats' )->text(), 'href' => $messagegroupstats->getLocalURL( $params ), 'class' => 'tux-tab', ]; if ( $alias === 'MessageGroupStats' ) { $tabs['views']['mstats']['class'] .= ' selected'; } $tabs['views']['export'] = [ 'text' => wfMessage( 'translate-taction-export' )->text(), 'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ExportTranslations' )->getLocalURL( $params ), 'class' => 'tux-tab', ]; return true; } }