{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Nike", "Siebrand Mazeland", "Santhosh Thottingal", "Amire80", "Zoranzoki21" ] }, "managetranslatorsandbox": "Manage translator sandbox", "tsb-filter-pending": "Pending requests", "tsb-reminder-title-generic": "Complete your introduction to become a translator", "tsb-reminder-content-generic": "Hi $1,\n\nThanks for registering with {{SITENAME}}.\n\nIf you complete your test translations, the administrators will grant you full translation access soon afterwards.\n\nPlease come over and make some more translations here:\n$2\n\n$3,\n{{SITENAME}} staff", "tsb-reminder-sending": "Sending the reminder...", "tsb-reminder-sent": "{{PLURAL:$1|Sent $1 reminder. Time: $2.|Sent $1 reminders. Time of the last one: $2.}}", "tsb-reminder-sent-new": "Sent a reminder", "tsb-reminder-failed": "Sending the reminder failed", "tsb-email-promoted-subject": "You are now a translator at {{SITENAME}}", "tsb-email-promoted-body": "Hi {{GENDER:$1|$1}},\n\nCongratulations! I checked the test translations that you made at {{SITENAME}} and gave you full translator rights.\n\nCome to {{SITENAME}} to continue translating now, and every day:\n$2\n\nWelcome, and thank you for your contributions!\n\n{{GENDER:$3|$3}},\n{{SITENAME}} staff", "tsb-email-rejected-subject": "Your application to be a translator at {{SITENAME}} was rejected", "tsb-email-rejected-body": "Hi {{GENDER:$1|$1}},\n\nThank you for applying as a translator at {{SITENAME}}. I regret to inform you that I have rejected your application, because the quality of your translations did not meet the requirements.\n\nIf you think that your application was rejected by mistake, please try to apply again as a translator at {{SITENAME}}. You can sign up here:\n$2\n\n{{GENDER:$3|$3}},\n{{SITENAME}} staff", "tsb-request-count": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|request|requests}}", "tsb-all-languages-button-label": "All languages", "tsb-search-requests": "Search requests", "tsb-accept-button-label": "Accept", "tsb-reject-button-label": "Reject", "tsb-selected-count": "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 user selected|$1 users selected}}", "tsb-older-requests": "$1 older {{PLURAL:$1|request|requests}}", "tsb-accept-all-button-label": "Accept all", "tsb-reject-all-button-label": "Reject all", "tsb-user-posted-a-comment": "Not a translator", "tsb-reminder-link-text": "Send email reminder", "tsb-didnt-make-any-translations": "This user did not make any translations.", "tsb-translations-source": "Source", "tsb-translations-user": "{{GENDER:$1|User}} translations", "tsb-translations-current": "Existing translations", "tsb-delete-userpage-summary": "Deleting the user page of a sandbox user", "tsb-reject-confirmation": "{{PLURAL:$1|User|Users}} rejected", "tsb-accept-confirmation": "{{PLURAL:$1|User|Users}} accepted", "translationstash": "Welcome", "translate-translationstash-welcome": "Welcome {{GENDER:$1|$1}}, you are a new translator", "translate-translationstash-welcome-note": "Become familiar with the translation tools. Translate some messages and get full-translator rights to participate in your favorite projects.", "translate-translationstash-initialtranslation": "Your initial translation", "translate-translationstash-translations": "$1 completed {{PLURAL:$1|translation|translations}}", "translate-translationstash-skip-button-label": "Try another", "tsb-limit-reached-title": "Thanks for your translations", "tsb-limit-reached-body": "You reached the translation limit for new translators.\nOur team will verify and upgrade your account soon.\nThen you will be able to translate without limits.", "tsb-no-requests-from-new-users": "No requests from new users", "tsb-create-user-page": "Created basic user page", "log-name-translatorsandbox": "Translation sandbox log", "log-description-translatorsandbox": "A log of actions on translation sandbox users", "logentry-translatorsandbox-promoted": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|promoted}} $3 to {{GENDER:$4|translator}}", "logentry-translatorsandbox-rejected": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|rejected}} the request from \"$3\" to become a translator", "logentry-newusers-tsbpromoted": "User account $3 was {{GENDER:$2|created}} by promotion from sandbox" }