root: _type: array _children: BASIC: _type: array _required: true _children: class: _type: text _not_empty: true codeBrowser: _type: text description: _type: text icon: _type: text id: _type: text _not_empty: true label: _type: text _not_empty: true meta: _type: boolean namespace: _type: text sourcelanguage: _type: text _description: defaults to "en" projectPage: _type: text _description: Title of the page that explains the group translatorCategory: _type: text _description: Name of the category for translators of this group MANGLER: _type: array _children: class: _type: text _not_empty: true CHECKER: _type: array _children: class: _type: text _not_empty: true checks: _type: prototype _prototype: _type: text INSERTABLES: _type: array _children: class: # for supplying one class _type: text classes: # for supplying multiple _type: prototype _prototype: _type: text TAGS: _type: prototype _prototype: _type: prototype _max_items: 99999 # default is 200, which is too little _prototype: _type: text AUTOLOAD: _type: array _ignore_extra_keys: true _children: [] GROUPS: _type: prototype _min_items: 1 _prototype: _type: text LANGUAGES: _type: array _children: whitelist: _type: prototype _prototype: _type: text blacklist: _type: prototype _prototype: _type: text