array ( string, string ) ) Tuples of page
* text and last author indexed by page name.
public static function getContents( $titles, $namespace ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
if ( class_exists( ActorMigration::class ) ) {
$actorQuery = ActorMigration::newMigration()->getJoin( 'rev_user' );
} else {
$actorQuery = [
'tables' => [],
'fields' => [ 'rev_user_text' => 'rev_user_text' ],
'joins' => [],
$rows = $dbr->select( [ 'page', 'revision', 'text' ] + $actorQuery['tables'],
'page_title', 'old_text', 'old_flags',
'rev_user_text' => $actorQuery['fields']['rev_user_text']
'page_namespace' => $namespace,
'page_title' => $titles
'revision' => [ 'JOIN', 'page_latest=rev_id' ],
'text' => [ 'JOIN', 'rev_text_id=old_id' ],
] + $actorQuery['joins']
$titles = [];
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$titles[$row->page_title] = [
Revision::getRevisionText( $row ),
return $titles;
* Fetches recent changes for titles in given namespaces
* @param int $hours Number of hours.
* @param bool $bots Should bot edits be included.
* @param null|int[] $ns List of namespace IDs.
* @param string[] $extraFields List of extra columns to fetch.
* @return array List of recent changes.
public static function translationChanges(
$hours = 24, $bots = false, $ns = null, array $extraFields = []
) {
global $wgTranslateMessageNamespaces;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
if ( class_exists( ActorMigration::class ) ) {
$actorQuery = ActorMigration::newMigration()->getJoin( 'rc_user' );
} else {
$actorQuery = [
'tables' => [],
'fields' => [ 'rc_user_text' => 'rc_user_text' ],
'joins' => [],
$hours = (int)$hours;
$cutoff_unixtime = time() - ( $hours * 3600 );
$cutoff = $dbr->timestamp( $cutoff_unixtime );
$conds = [
'rc_timestamp >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes( $cutoff ),
'rc_namespace' => $ns ?: $wgTranslateMessageNamespaces,
if ( $bots ) {
$conds['rc_bot'] = 0;
$res = $dbr->select(
[ 'recentchanges' ] + $actorQuery['tables'],
array_merge( [
'rc_namespace', 'rc_title', 'rc_timestamp',
'rc_user_text' => $actorQuery['fields']['rc_user_text'],
], $extraFields ),
$rows = iterator_to_array( $res );
// Calculate 'lang', then sort by it and rc_timestamp
foreach ( $rows as &$row ) {
$pos = strrpos( $row->rc_title, '/' );
$row->lang = $pos === false ? $row->rc_title : substr( $row->rc_title, $pos + 1 );
unset( $row );
usort( $rows, function ( $a, $b ) {
$x = strcmp( $a->lang, $b->lang );
if ( !$x ) {
// descending order
$x = strcmp(
wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $b->rc_timestamp ),
wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $a->rc_timestamp )
return $x;
} );
return $rows;
/* Some other helpers for output */
* Returns a localised language name.
* @param string $code Language code.
* @param null|string $language Language code of the language that the name should be in.
* @return string Best-effort localisation of wanted language name.
public static function getLanguageName( $code, $language = 'en' ) {
$languages = self::getLanguageNames( $language );
if ( isset( $languages[$code] ) ) {
return $languages[$code];
} else {
return $code;
* Returns a language selector.
* @param string $language Language code of the language the names should be localised to.
* @param string $selectedId The language code that is selected by default.
* @return string
public static function languageSelector( $language, $selectedId ) {
$selector = self::getLanguageSelector( $language );
$selector->setDefault( $selectedId );
$selector->setAttribute( 'id', 'language' );
$selector->setAttribute( 'name', 'language' );
return $selector->getHTML();
* Standard language selector in Translate extension.
* @param string $language Language code of the language the names should be localised to.
* @param bool $labelOption
* @return XmlSelect
public static function getLanguageSelector( $language, $labelOption = false ) {
$languages = self::getLanguageNames( $language );
ksort( $languages );
$selector = new XmlSelect();
if ( $labelOption !== false ) {
$selector->addOption( $labelOption, '-' );
foreach ( $languages as $code => $name ) {
$selector->addOption( "$code - $name", $code );
return $selector;
* Get translated language names for the languages generally supported for
* translation in the current wiki. Message groups can have further
* exclusions.
* @param null|string $code
* @return array ( language code => language name )
public static function getLanguageNames( $code ) {
$languageNames = Language::fetchLanguageNames( $code );
$deprecatedCodes = LanguageCode::getDeprecatedCodeMapping();
foreach ( array_keys( $deprecatedCodes ) as $deprecatedCode ) {
unset( $languageNames[ $deprecatedCode ] );
Hooks::run( 'TranslateSupportedLanguages', [ &$languageNames, $code ] );
return $languageNames;
* Returns the primary group message belongs to.
* @param int $namespace
* @param string $key
* @return string|null Group id or null.
public static function messageKeyToGroup( $namespace, $key ) {
$groups = self::messageKeyToGroups( $namespace, $key );
return count( $groups ) ? $groups[0] : null;
* Returns the all the groups message belongs to.
* @param int $namespace
* @param string $key
* @return string[] Possibly empty list of group ids.
public static function messageKeyToGroups( $namespace, $key ) {
$mi = MessageIndex::singleton()->retrieve();
$normkey = self::normaliseKey( $namespace, $key );
if ( isset( $mi[$normkey] ) ) {
return (array)$mi[$normkey];
} else {
return [];
* Converts page name and namespace to message index format.
* @param int $namespace
* @param string $key
* @return string
public static function normaliseKey( $namespace, $key ) {
$key = lcfirst( $key );
return strtr( "$namespace:$key", ' ', '_' );
* Constructs a fieldset with contents.
* @param string $legend Raw html.
* @param string $contents Raw html.
* @param array $attributes Html attributes for the fieldset.
* @return string Html.
public static function fieldset( $legend, $contents, array $attributes = [] ) {
return Xml::openElement( 'fieldset', $attributes ) .
Xml::tags( 'legend', null, $legend ) . $contents .
Xml::closeElement( 'fieldset' );
* Escapes the message, and does some mangling to whitespace, so that it is
* preserved when outputted as-is to html page. Line feeds are converted to
* \
and occurrences of leading and trailing and multiple consecutive
* spaces to non-breaking spaces.
* This is also implemented in JavaScript in ext.translate.quickedit.
* @param string $msg Plain text string.
* @return string Text string that is ready for outputting.
public static function convertWhiteSpaceToHTML( $msg ) {
$msg = htmlspecialchars( $msg );
$msg = preg_replace( '/^ /m', ' ', $msg );
$msg = preg_replace( '/ $/m', ' ', $msg );
$msg = preg_replace( '/ /', ' ', $msg );
$msg = str_replace( "\n", '
', $msg );
return $msg;
* Construct the web address to given asset.
* @param string $path Path to the resource relative to extensions root directory.
* @return string Full or partial web path.
public static function assetPath( $path ) {
global $wgExtensionAssetsPath;
return "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/Translate/$path";
* Gets the path for cache files
* @param string $filename
* @return string Full path.
* @throws MWException If cache directory is not configured.
public static function cacheFile( $filename ) {
global $wgTranslateCacheDirectory, $wgCacheDirectory;
if ( $wgTranslateCacheDirectory !== false ) {
$dir = $wgTranslateCacheDirectory;
} elseif ( $wgCacheDirectory !== false ) {
$dir = $wgCacheDirectory;
} else {
throw new MWException( "\$wgCacheDirectory must be configured" );
return "$dir/$filename";
* Returns a random string that can be used as placeholder in strings.
* @return string
* @since 2012-07-31
public static function getPlaceholder() {
static $i = 0;
return "\x7fUNIQ" . dechex( mt_rand( 0, 0x7fffffff ) ) .
dechex( mt_rand( 0, 0x7fffffff ) ) . '-' . $i++;
* Get URLs for icons if available.
* @param MessageGroup $g
* @param int $size Length of the edge of a bounding box to fit the icon.
* @return null|array
* @since 2013-04-01
public static function getIcon( MessageGroup $g, $size ) {
$icon = $g->getIcon();
if ( substr( $icon, 0, 7 ) !== 'wiki://' ) {
return null;
$formats = [];
$filename = substr( $icon, 7 );
$file = wfFindFile( $filename );
if ( !$file ) {
wfWarn( "Unknown message group icon file $icon" );
return null;
if ( $file->isVectorized() ) {
$formats['vector'] = $file->getFullUrl();
$formats['raster'] = $file->createThumb( $size, $size );
return $formats;
* Parses list of language codes to an array.
* @param string $codes Comma separated list of language codes. "*" for all.
* @return string[] Language codes.
public static function parseLanguageCodes( $codes ) {
$langs = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $codes ) );
if ( $langs[0] === '*' ) {
$languages = Language::fetchLanguageNames();
ksort( $languages );
$langs = array_keys( $languages );
return $langs;
* Get a DB handle suitable for read and read-for-write cases
* @return \Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase Master for HTTP POST, CLI, DB already changed;
* slave otherwise
public static function getSafeReadDB() {
$lb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer();
// Parsing APIs need POST for payloads but are read-only, so avoid spamming
// the master then. No good way to check this at the moment...
if ( PageTranslationHooks::$renderingContext ) {
$index = DB_REPLICA;
} else {
$index = (
PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ||
RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->wasPosted() ||
return $lb->getConnection( $index );
* Get an URL that points to an editor for this message handle.
* @param MessageHandle $handle
* @return string Domain relative URL
* @since 2017.10
public static function getEditorUrl( MessageHandle $handle ) {
if ( !$handle->isValid() ) {
return $handle->getTitle()->getLocalURL( [ 'action' => 'edit' ] );
$title = self::getSpecialPage( 'Translate' )->getPageTitle();
return $title->getLocalURL( [
'showMessage' => $handle->getInternalKey(),
'group' => $handle->getGroup()->getId(),
'language' => $handle->getCode(),
] );
* Compatibility for pre-1.32, when SpecialPageFactory methods were static.
* @see SpecialPageFactory::resolveAlias
* @param string $text
* @return array
public static function resolveSpecialPageAlias( $text ) : array {
if ( method_exists( MediaWikiServices::class, 'getSpecialPageFactory' ) ) {
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSpecialPageFactory()->resolveAlias( $text );
return SpecialPageFactory::resolveAlias( $text );
* Compatibility for pre-1.32, when SpecialPageFactory methods were static.
* @see SpecialPageFactory::getPage
* @param string $name
* @return SpecialPage|null
public static function getSpecialPage( $name ) {
if ( method_exists( MediaWikiServices::class, 'getSpecialPageFactory' ) ) {
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSpecialPageFactory()->getPage( $name );
return SpecialPageFactory::getPage( $name );
* Compatibility for pre-1.32, before OutputPage::addWikiTextAsInterface()
* @see OutputPage::addWikiTextAsInterface
* @param OutputPage $out
* @param string $text The wikitext to add to the output.
public static function addWikiTextAsInterface( OutputPage $out, $text ) {
if ( is_callable( [ $out, 'addWikiTextAsInterface' ] ) ) {
$out->addWikiTextAsInterface( $text );
} else {
// $out->addWikiTextTitle is deprecated in 1.32, but has existed
// since (at least) MW 1.21, so use that as a fallback.
$text, $out->getTitle(),
/*linestart*/true, /*tidy*/true, /*interface*/true
* Compatibility for pre-1.32, before OutputPage::wrapWikiTextAsInterface()
* @see OutputPage::wrapWikiTextAsInterface
* @param OutputPage $out
* @param string $wrapperClass The class attribute value for the