$definition = $message->definition();
$translation = $message->translation();
$subcheck = 'extra';
$matches = $links = [];
preg_match_all( "/\[\[([{$tc}]+)(\\|(.+?))?]]/sDu", $translation, $matches );
$count = count( $matches[0] );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
$backMatch = preg_quote( $matches[1][$i], '/' );
if ( preg_match( "/\[\[$backMatch/", $definition ) ) {
$links[] = "[[{$matches[1][$i]}{$matches[2][$i]}]]";
if ( count( $links ) ) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'links', $subcheck, $key, $code ],
[ 'PARAMS', $links ],
[ 'COUNT', count( $links ) ],
$subcheck = 'missing';
$matches = $links = [];
preg_match_all( "/\[\[([{$tc}]+)(\\|(.+?))?]]/sDu", $definition, $matches );
$count = count( $matches[0] );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
$backMatch = preg_quote( $matches[1][$i], '/' );
if ( preg_match( "/\[\[$backMatch/", $translation ) ) {
$links[] = "[[{$matches[1][$i]}{$matches[2][$i]}]]";
if ( count( $links ) ) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'links', $subcheck, $key, $code ],
[ 'PARAMS', $links ],
[ 'COUNT', count( $links ) ],
* Checks if the \
and \
tags are using the correct syntax.
* @param TMessage[] $messages Iterable list of TMessage objects.
* @param string $code Language code of the translations.
* @param array &$warnings Array where warnings are appended to.
protected function XhtmlCheck( $messages, $code, &$warnings ) {
foreach ( $messages as $message ) {
$key = $message->key();
$translation = $message->translation();
if ( strpos( $translation, '<' ) === false ) {
$subcheck = 'invalid';
$tags = [
~suDi' => '
', // Wrong syntax
~suDi' => '
~suDi' => '
', // Wrong syntax
~suDi' => '
'~<(HR|Hr|hR) />~su' => '
', // Case
'~<(BR|Br|bR) />~su' => '
$definition = $message->definition();
$wrongTags = [];
foreach ( $tags as $wrong => $correct ) {
$matches = [];
preg_match_all( $wrong, $translation, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
foreach ( $matches[0] as $wrongMatch ) {
if ( strpos( $definition, $wrongMatch ) !== false ) {
// If the message definition contains a
// non-strict string, do not enforce it
$wrongTags[$wrongMatch] = "$wrongMatch → $correct";
if ( count( $wrongTags ) ) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'xhtml', $subcheck, $key, $code ],
[ 'PARAMS', $wrongTags ],
[ 'COUNT', count( $wrongTags ) ],
* Checks if the translation doesn't use plural while the definition has one.
* @param TMessage[] $messages Iterable list of TMessage objects.
* @param string $code Language code of the translations.
* @param array &$warnings Array where warnings are appended to.
protected function pluralCheck( $messages, $code, &$warnings ) {
foreach ( $messages as $message ) {
$key = $message->key();
$definition = $message->definition();
$translation = $message->translation();
$subcheck = 'missing';
if (
stripos( $definition, '{{plural:' ) !== false &&
stripos( $translation, '{{plural:' ) === false
) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'plural', $subcheck, $key, $code ],
* Checks if the translation uses too many plural forms
* @param TMessage[] $messages
* @param string $code
* @param array &$warnings
* @since 2012-09-19
protected function pluralFormsCheck( $messages, $code, &$warnings ) {
foreach ( $messages as $message ) {
$key = $message->key();
$translation = $message->translation();
// Are there any plural forms for this language in this message?
if ( stripos( $translation, '{{plural:' ) === false ) {
$plurals = self::getPluralForms( $translation );
$allowed = self::getPluralFormCount( $code );
foreach ( $plurals as $forms ) {
$forms = self::removeExplicitPluralForms( $forms );
$provided = count( $forms );
if ( $provided > $allowed ) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'plural', 'forms', $key, $code ],
'translate-checks-plural-forms', $provided, $allowed
// Are the last two forms identical?
if ( $provided > 1 && $forms[$provided - 1] === $forms[$provided - 2] ) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'plural', 'dupe', $key, $code ],
* Returns the number of plural forms %MediaWiki supports
* for a language.
* @since 2012-09-19
* @param string $code Language code
* @return int
public static function getPluralFormCount( $code ) {
$forms = Language::factory( $code )->getPluralRules();
// +1 for the 'other' form
return count( $forms ) + 1;
* Ugly home made probably awfully slow looping parser
* that parses {{PLURAL}} instances from message and
* returns array of invokations having array of forms.
* @since 2012-09-19
* @param string $translation
* @return array[]
public static function getPluralForms( $translation ) {
// Stores the forms from plural invocations
$plurals = [];
$cb = function ( $parser, $frame, $args ) use ( &$plurals ) {
$forms = [];
foreach ( $args as $index => $form ) {
// The first arg is the number, we skip it
if ( $index !== 0 ) {
// Collect the raw text
$forms[] = $frame->expand( $form, PPFrame::RECOVER_ORIG );
// Expand the text to process embedded plurals
$frame->expand( $form );
$plurals[] = $forms;
return '';
// Setup parser
$parser = new Parser();
// Load the default magic words etc now.
// So that they don't overrider our own callback
$parser->setFunctionHook( 'plural', $cb, Parser::SFH_NO_HASH | Parser::SFH_OBJECT_ARGS );
// Setup things needed for preprocess
$title = null;
$options = new ParserOptions( new User(), Language::factory( 'en' ) );
$parser->preprocess( $translation, $title, $options );
return $plurals;
* Imitiates the core plural form handling by removing
* plural forms that start with explicit number.
* @since 2012-09-19
* @param array $forms
* @return array
public static function removeExplicitPluralForms( array $forms ) {
// Handle explicit 0= and 1= forms
foreach ( $forms as $index => $form ) {
if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9]+=/', $form ) ) {
unset( $forms[$index] );
return array_values( $forms );
* Checks for page names that they have an untranslated namespace.
* @param TMessage[] $messages Iterable list of TMessage objects.
* @param string $code Language code of the translations.
* @param array &$warnings Array where warnings are appended to.
protected function pagenameMessagesCheck( $messages, $code, &$warnings ) {
foreach ( $messages as $message ) {
$key = $message->key();
$definition = $message->definition();
$translation = $message->translation();
$subcheck = 'namespace';
$namespaces = 'help|project|\{\{ns:project}}|mediawiki';
$matches = [];
if ( preg_match( "/^($namespaces):[\w\s]+$/ui", $definition, $matches ) &&
!preg_match( "/^{$matches[1]}:.+$/u", $translation )
) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'pagename', $subcheck, $key, $code ],
* Checks for some miscellaneous messages with special syntax.
* @param TMessage[] $messages Iterable list of TMessage objects.
* @param string $code Language code of the translations.
* @param array &$warnings Array where warnings are appended to.
protected function miscMWChecks( $messages, $code, &$warnings ) {
$timeList = [ 'protect-expiry-options', 'ipboptions' ];
foreach ( $messages as $message ) {
$key = $message->key();
$definition = $message->definition();
$translation = $message->translation();
if ( in_array( strtolower( $key ), $timeList, true ) ) {
$defArray = explode( ',', $definition );
$traArray = explode( ',', $translation );
$subcheck = 'timelist-count';
$defCount = count( $defArray );
$traCount = count( $traArray );
if ( $defCount !== $traCount ) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'miscmw', $subcheck, $key, $code ],
wfMessage( 'translate-checks-parametersnotequal' )
->numParams( $traCount, $defCount )->text()
for ( $i = 0; $i < $defCount; $i++ ) {
$defItems = array_map( 'trim', explode( ':', $defArray[$i] ) );
$traItems = array_map( 'trim', explode( ':', $traArray[$i] ) );
$subcheck = 'timelist-format';
if ( count( $traItems ) !== 2 ) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'miscmw', $subcheck, $key, $code ],
$subcheck = 'timelist-format-value';
if ( $traItems[1] !== $defItems[1] ) {
$warnings[$key][] = [
[ 'miscmw', $subcheck, $key, $code ],
"$traItems[1] !== $defItems[1]", // @todo FIXME: i18n missing.