Error: The Semantic Result Formats ' . 'extension requires Semantic MediaWiki to be ' . 'installed and enabled.
' ); } } // Admin Links hook needs to be called in a delayed way so that it // will always be called after SMW's Admin Links addition; as of // SMW 1.9, SMW delays calling all its hook functions. $GLOBALS['wgHooks']['AdminLinks'][] = 'SRFHooks::addToAdminLinks'; $GLOBALS['srfgScriptPath'] = ( $GLOBALS['wgExtensionAssetsPath'] === false ? $GLOBALS['wgScriptPath'] . '/extensions' : $GLOBALS['wgExtensionAssetsPath'] ) . '/SemanticResultFormats'; $formatClasses = [ // Assign the Boilerplate class to a format identifier // 'boilerplate' => 'SRFBoilerplate', 'timeline' => 'SRFTimeline', 'eventline' => 'SRFTimeline', 'vcard' => 'SRF\vCard\vCardFileExportPrinter', 'icalendar' => 'SRF\iCalendar\iCalendarFileExportPrinter', 'bibtex' => 'SRF\BibTex\BibTexFileExportPrinter', 'calendar' => 'SRFCalendar', 'eventcalendar' => 'SRF\EventCalendar', 'outline' => 'SRF\Outline\OutlineResultPrinter', 'sum' => 'SRFMath', 'product' => 'SRFMath', 'average' => 'SRFMath', 'min' => 'SRFMath', 'max' => 'SRFMath', 'median' => 'SRFMath', 'exhibit' => 'SRFExhibit', 'googlebar' => 'SRFGoogleBar', 'googlepie' => 'SRFGooglePie', 'jitgraph' => 'SRFJitGraph', 'jqplotchart' => 'SRFjqPlotChart', 'jqplotseries' => 'SRFjqPlotSeries', 'graph' => 'SRF\Graph\GraphPrinter', 'process' => 'SRFProcess', 'gallery' => 'SRF\Gallery', 'tagcloud' => 'SRF\TagCloud', 'valuerank' => 'SRFValueRank', 'array' => 'SRFArray', 'hash' => 'SRFHash', 'd3chart' => 'SRFD3Chart', 'tree' => 'SRF\Formats\Tree\TreeResultPrinter', 'ultree' => 'SRF\Formats\Tree\TreeResultPrinter', 'oltree' => 'SRF\Formats\Tree\TreeResultPrinter', 'filtered' => 'SRF\Filtered\Filtered', 'latest' => 'SRFTime', 'earliest' => 'SRFTime', 'slideshow' => 'SRFSlideShow', 'timeseries' => 'SRFTimeseries', 'sparkline' => 'SRFSparkline', 'listwidget' => 'SRFListWidget', 'pagewidget' => 'SRFPageWidget', 'dygraphs' => 'SRFDygraphs', 'incoming' => 'SRFIncoming', 'media' => 'SRF\MediaPlayer', 'datatables' => 'SRF\DataTables', 'gantt' => 'SRF\Gantt\GanttPrinter' ]; $formatAliases = [ 'tagcloud' => [ 'tag cloud' ], 'datatables' => [ 'datatable' ], 'valuerank' => [ 'value rank' ], 'd3chart' => [ 'd3 chart' ], 'timeseries' => [ 'time series' ], 'jqplotchart' => [ 'jqplot chart', 'jqplotpie', 'jqplotbar' ], 'jqplotseries' => [ 'jqplot series' ], ]; if ( class_exists( '\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet' ) ) { $formatClasses['spreadsheet'] = 'SRF\SpreadsheetPrinter'; $formatAliases['spreadsheet'] = [ 'excel' ]; } foreach ( $GLOBALS['srfgFormats'] as $format ) { if ( array_key_exists( $format, $formatClasses ) ) { $GLOBALS['smwgResultFormats'][$format] = $formatClasses[$format]; if ( isset( $GLOBALS['smwgResultAliases'] ) && array_key_exists( $format, $formatAliases ) ) { $GLOBALS['smwgResultAliases'][$format] = $formatAliases[$format]; } } } } /** * @since 2.5 * * @return string|null */ public static function getVersion() { return SRF_VERSION; } }