setFunctionHook( 'calendarstartdate', [ 'SRFParserFunctions', 'runCalendarStartDate' ] ); $parser->setFunctionHook( 'calendarenddate', [ 'SRFParserFunctions', 'runCalendarEndDate' ] ); return true; } static function runCalendarStartDate( &$parser, $calendar_type = 'month', $calendar_start_day = null, $calendar_days = 7, $default_year = null, $default_month = null, $default_day = null ) { if ( $calendar_type == '' ) $calendar_type = 'month'; list( $lower_date, $upper_date, $query_date ) = SRFParserFunctions::getBoundaryDates( $calendar_type, $calendar_start_day, $calendar_days, $default_year, $default_month, $default_day ); return date( "Y", $lower_date ) . '-' . date( "m", $lower_date ) . '-' . date( "d", $lower_date ); } static function runCalendarEndDate( &$parser, $calendar_type = 'month', $calendar_start_day = null, $calendar_days = 7, $default_year = null, $default_month = null, $default_day = null ) { if ( $calendar_type == '' ) $calendar_type = 'month'; list( $lower_date, $upper_date, $query_date ) = SRFParserFunctions::getBoundaryDates( $calendar_type, $calendar_start_day, $calendar_days, $default_year, $default_month, $default_day ); return date( "Y", $upper_date ) . '-' . date( "m", $upper_date ) . '-' . date( "d", $upper_date ); } /** * Obtain both a lower- and upper- bound date to be used for querying. * * @param $calendar_type string Values: 'month' (the default) for monthly * calendar such as SRF Calendar; others not yet defined. * @param $calendar_start_day int Optionally force the lower bound date to be a certain * day of the week (0 for Sunday, 6 for Saturday). If using a $calendar_type * of 'month' this parameter is ignored, as the start day of week for a monthly * calendar is currently always set as Sunday. Ohterwise defaults to either the day * supplied in the query string, or the current day. * @param $calendar_days int The number of days to display. Ignored if using a * $calendar_type of 'month'; otherwise defaults to 7. * @param $default_year int (Optional) Default year if none is specified in * the query string. If parameter is not supplied, will fall back to current year. * @param $default_month int (Optional) Default month if none is specified in * the query string. If parameter is not supplied, will fall back to current month. * @param $default_day int (Optional) Default day of month if none is specified in * the query string. If parameter is not supplied, will fall back to current day of month. * @return array First element contains the lower bound date, second * element contains the upper bound, third element contains a date indicating * the year/month/day to be queried. * */ static function getBoundaryDates( $calendar_type = 'month', $calendar_start_day = null, $calendar_days = 7, $default_year = null, $default_month = null, $default_day = null ) { if ( $calendar_type == 'month' ) $calendar_start_day = 0; if ( $default_year == null ) $default_year = date( "Y", time() ); if ( $default_month == null ) $default_month = date( "n", time() ); if ( $default_day == null ) $default_day = date( "j", time() ); global $wgRequest; // Set the lower bound based on query string parameters if provided; // otherwise fall back to defaults. if ( $wgRequest->getCheck( 'year' ) && $wgRequest->getCheck( 'month' ) ) { $query_year = $wgRequest->getVal( 'year' ); if ( is_numeric( $query_year ) && ( intval( $query_year ) == $query_year ) ) { $lower_year = $query_year; } else { $lower_year = $default_year; } $query_month = $wgRequest->getVal( 'month' ); if ( is_numeric( $query_month ) && ( intval( $query_month ) == $query_month ) && $query_month >= 1 && $query_month <= 12 ) { $lower_month = $query_month; } else { $lower_month = $default_month; } $query_day = $wgRequest->getVal( 'day' ); if ( $wgRequest->getCheck( 'day' ) && is_numeric( $query_day ) && ( intval( $query_day ) == $query_day ) && $query_day >= 1 && $query_day <= 31 ) { $lower_day = $query_day; } elseif ( $calendar_type != 'month' && (int)$lower_year == (int)$default_year && (int)$lower_month == (int)$default_month ) { $lower_day = $default_day; } else { $lower_day = '1'; } } else { $lower_year = $default_year; $lower_month = $default_month; if ( $calendar_type == 'month' ) { $lower_day = 1; } else { $lower_day = $default_day; } } $lower_date = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $lower_month, $lower_day, $lower_year ); // Date to be queried $return_date = $lower_date; // Set the upper bound based on calendar type or number of days. if ( $calendar_type == 'month' ) { $upper_year = date( "Y", $lower_date ); $upper_month = date( "n", $lower_date ) + 1; if ( $upper_month == 13 ) { $upper_month = 1; $upper_year = $upper_year + 1; } // One second before start of next month. $upper_date = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $upper_month, 1, $upper_year ) - 1; } else { // One second before start of first day outside our range. $upper_date = $lower_date + $calendar_days * 86400 - 1; } // If necessary, adjust bounds to comply with required days of week for each. if ( $calendar_type == 'month' || $calendar_start_day >= 0 ) { $lower_offset = date( "w", $lower_date ) - $calendar_start_day; if ( $lower_offset < 0 ) { $lower_offset += 7; } if ( $calendar_type == 'month' ) { $upper_offset = $calendar_start_day + 6 - date( "w", $upper_date ); if ( $upper_offset > 6 ) { $upper_offset -= 7; } } else { $upper_offset = 0 - $lower_offset; } $lower_date = $lower_date - 86400 * $lower_offset; $upper_date = $upper_date + 86400 * $upper_offset; } // Add a day since users will need to use < operator for upper date. $upper_date += 86400; return [ $lower_date, $upper_date, $return_date ]; } }