serializer = $serializer; $this->outputfile = null; $this->add_backlinks = $enable_backlinks; } /** * Enable or disable inclusion of backlinks into the output. * @param boolean $enable */ public function enableBacklinks( $enable ) { $this->add_backlinks = $enable; } /** * Initialize all internal structures to begin with some serialization. * Returns true if initialization was successful (this means that the * optional output file is writable). * @param string $outfilename URL of the file that output should be written * to, or empty string for writing to the standard output. * * @return boolean */ protected function prepareSerialization( $outfilename = '' ) { $this->serializer->clear(); $this->element_queue = []; $this->element_done = []; if ( $outfilename !== '' ) { $this->outputfile = fopen( $outfilename, 'w' ); if ( !$this->outputfile ) { // TODO Rather throw an exception here. print "\nCannot open \"$outfilename\" for writing.\n"; return false; } } return true; } /** * Serialize data associated to a specific page. This method works on the * level of pages, i.e. it serialises parts of SMW content and implements * features like recursive export or backlinks that are available for this * type of data. * * The recursion depth means the following. Depth of 1 or above means * the object is serialised with all property values, and referenced * objects are serialised with depth reduced by 1. Depth 0 means that only * minimal declarations are serialised, so no dependencies are added. A * depth of -1 encodes "infinite" depth, i.e. a complete recursive * serialisation without limit. * * @param SMWDIWikiPage $diWikiPage specifying the page to be exported * @param integer $recursiondepth specifying the depth of recursion */ protected function serializePage( SMWDIWikiPage $diWikiPage, $recursiondepth = 1 ) { if ( $this->isPageDone( $diWikiPage, $recursiondepth ) ) { return; // do not export twice } $this->markPageAsDone( $diWikiPage, $recursiondepth ); $semData = $this->getSemanticData( $diWikiPage, ( $recursiondepth == 0 ) ); // Don't try to serialize an empty page that cause an incomplete exp-data set // (e.g. _REDI as no property page hence DBKey is empty) if ( $semData === null || $diWikiPage->getDBKey() === '' ) { return null; } $expData = SMWExporter::getInstance()->makeExportData( $semData ); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( $expData, $recursiondepth ); foreach( $semData->getSubSemanticData() as $subSemanticData ) { // Mark SubSemanticData subjects as well to ensure that backlinks to // the same subject do not create duplicate XML export entities $this->markPageAsDone( $subSemanticData->getSubject(), $recursiondepth ); $expData = SMWExporter::getInstance()->makeExportData( $subSemanticData ); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( $expData ); } // let other extensions add additional RDF data for this page $expDataList = []; \Hooks::run( 'SMW::Exporter::Controller::AddExpData', [ $diWikiPage, &$expDataList, ( $recursiondepth != 0 ), $this->add_backlinks ] ); foreach ( $expDataList as $data ) { if ( !$data instanceof SMWExpData ) { continue; } $this->serializer->serializeExpData( $data ); } if ( $recursiondepth != 0 ) { $subrecdepth = $recursiondepth > 0 ? ( $recursiondepth - 1 ) : ( $recursiondepth == 0 ? 0 : -1 ); foreach ( $expData->getProperties() as $property ) { if ( $property->getDataItem() instanceof SMWWikiPageValue ) { $this->queuePage( $property->getDataItem(), 0 ); // no real recursion along properties } $wikipagevalues = false; foreach ( $expData->getValues( $property ) as $valueExpElement ) { $valueResource = $valueExpElement instanceof SMWExpData ? $valueExpElement->getSubject() : $valueExpElement; if ( !$wikipagevalues && ( $valueResource->getDataItem() instanceof SMWWikiPageValue ) ) { $wikipagevalues = true; } elseif ( !$wikipagevalues ) { break; } $this->queuePage( $valueResource->getDataItem(), $subrecdepth ); } } // Add backlinks: // Note: Backlinks are different from recursive serialisations, since // stub declarations (recdepth==0) still need to have the property that // links back to the object. So objects that would be exported with // recdepth 0 cannot be put into the main queue but must be done right // away. They also might be required many times, if they link back to // many different objects in many ways (we cannot consider them "Done" // if they were serialised at recdepth 0 only). if ( $this->add_backlinks ) { $inprops = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getInProperties( $diWikiPage ); foreach ( $inprops as $inprop ) { $propWikiPage = $inprop->getCanonicalDiWikiPage(); if ( !is_null( $propWikiPage ) ) { $this->queuePage( $propWikiPage, 0 ); // no real recursion along properties } $inSubs = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getPropertySubjects( $inprop, $diWikiPage ); foreach ( $inSubs as $inSub ) { if ( !$this->isPageDone( $inSub, $subrecdepth ) ) { $semdata = $this->getSemanticData( $inSub, true ); if ( !$semdata instanceof SMWSemanticData ) { continue; } $semdata->addPropertyObjectValue( $inprop, $diWikiPage ); $expData = SMWExporter::getInstance()->makeExportData( $semdata ); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( $expData, $subrecdepth ); } } } if ( NS_CATEGORY === $diWikiPage->getNamespace() ) { // also print elements of categories $options = new SMWRequestOptions(); $options->limit = 100; // Categories can be large, always use limit $instances = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getPropertySubjects( new SMW\DIProperty( '_INST' ), $diWikiPage, $options ); $pinst = new SMW\DIProperty( '_INST' ); foreach ( $instances as $instance ) { if ( !array_key_exists( $instance->getHash(), $this->element_done ) ) { $semdata = $this->getSemanticData( $instance, true ); if ( !$semdata instanceof SMWSemanticData ) { continue; } $semdata->addPropertyObjectValue( $pinst, $diWikiPage ); $expData = SMWExporter::getInstance()->makeExportData( $semdata ); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( $expData, $subrecdepth ); } } } elseif ( SMW_NS_CONCEPT === $diWikiPage->getNamespace() ) { // print concept members (slightly different code) $desc = new SMWConceptDescription( $diWikiPage ); $desc->addPrintRequest( new PrintRequest( PrintRequest::PRINT_THIS, '' ) ); $query = new SMWQuery( $desc ); $query->setLimit( 100 ); $res = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getQueryResult( $query ); $resarray = $res->getNext(); $pinst = new SMW\DIProperty( '_INST' ); while ( $resarray !== false ) { $instance = end( $resarray )->getNextDataItem(); if ( !$instance instanceof \SMWDataItem ) { $resarray = $res->getNext(); continue; } if ( !array_key_exists( $instance->getHash(), $this->element_done ) ) { $semdata = $this->getSemanticData( $instance, true ); if ( !$semdata instanceof \SMW\SemanticData ) { $resarray = $res->getNext(); continue; } $semdata->addPropertyObjectValue( $pinst, $diWikiPage ); $expData = SMWExporter::getInstance()->makeExportData( $semdata ); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( $expData ); } $resarray = $res->getNext(); } } } } } /** * Add a given SMWDIWikiPage to the export queue if needed. */ protected function queuePage( SMWDIWikiPage $diWikiPage, $recursiondepth ) { if ( !$this->isPageDone( $diWikiPage, $recursiondepth ) ) { $diWikiPage->recdepth = $recursiondepth; // add a field $this->element_queue[$diWikiPage->getHash()] = $diWikiPage; } } /** * Mark an article as done while making sure that the cache used for this * stays reasonably small. Input is given as an SMWDIWikiPage object. */ protected function markPageAsDone( SMWDIWikiPage $di, $recdepth ) { $this->markHashAsDone( $di->getHash(), $recdepth ); } /** * Mark a task as done while making sure that the cache used for this * stays reasonably small. */ protected function markHashAsDone( $hash, $recdepth ) { if ( count( $this->element_done ) >= self::MAX_CACHE_SIZE ) { $this->element_done = array_slice( $this->element_done, self::CACHE_BACKJUMP, self::MAX_CACHE_SIZE - self::CACHE_BACKJUMP, true ); } if ( !$this->isHashDone( $hash, $recdepth ) ) { $this->element_done[$hash] = $recdepth; // mark title as done, with given recursion } unset( $this->element_queue[$hash] ); // make sure it is not in the queue } /** * Check if the given object has already been serialised at sufficient * recursion depth. * @param SMWDIWikiPage $st specifying the object to check * * @return boolean */ protected function isPageDone( SMWDIWikiPage $di, $recdepth ) { return $this->isHashDone( $di->getHash(), $recdepth ); } /** * Check if the given task has already been completed at sufficient * recursion depth. */ protected function isHashDone( $hash, $recdepth ) { return ( ( array_key_exists( $hash, $this->element_done ) ) && ( ( $this->element_done[$hash] == -1 ) || ( ( $recdepth != -1 ) && ( $this->element_done[$hash] >= $recdepth ) ) ) ); } /** * Retrieve a copy of the semantic data for a wiki page, possibly filtering * it so that only essential properties are included (in some cases, we only * want to export stub information about a page). * We make a copy of the object since we may want to add more data later on * and we do not want to modify the store's result which may be used for * caching purposes elsewhere. */ protected function getSemanticData( SMWDIWikiPage $diWikiPage, $core_props_only ) { // Issue 619 // Resolve the redirect target and return a container with information // about the redirect if ( $diWikiPage->getTitle() !== null && $diWikiPage->getTitle()->isRedirect() ) { try { $redirectTarget = $this->getDeepRedirectTargetResolver()->findRedirectTargetFor( $diWikiPage->getTitle() ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $redirectTarget = null; } // Couldn't resolve the redirect which is most likely caused by a // circular redirect therefore we give up if ( $redirectTarget === null ) { return null; } $semData = new SemanticData( $diWikiPage ); $semData->addPropertyObjectValue( new DIProperty( '_REDI' ), DIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $redirectTarget ) ); return $semData; } $semdata = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getSemanticData( $diWikiPage, $core_props_only ? [ '__spu', '__typ', '__imp' ] : false ); // advise store to retrieve only core things if ( $core_props_only ) { // be sure to filter all non-relevant things that may still be present in the retrieved $result = new SMWSemanticData( $diWikiPage ); foreach ( [ '_URI', '_TYPE', '_IMPO' ] as $propid ) { $prop = new SMW\DIProperty( $propid ); $values = $semdata->getPropertyValues( $prop ); foreach ( $values as $dv ) { $result->addPropertyObjectValue( $prop, $dv ); } } } else { $result = clone $semdata; } return $result; } /** * Send to the output what has been serialized so far. The flush might * be deferred until later unless $force is true. */ protected function flush( $force = false ) { if ( !$force && ( $this->delay_flush > 0 ) ) { $this->delay_flush -= 1; } elseif ( !is_null( $this->outputfile ) ) { fwrite( $this->outputfile, $this->serializer->flushContent() ); } else { ob_start(); print $this->serializer->flushContent(); // Ship data in small chunks (even though browsers often do not display anything // before the file is complete -- this might be due to syntax highlighting features // for app/xml). You may want to sleep(1) here for debugging this. ob_flush(); flush(); ob_get_clean(); } } /** * This function prints all selected pages, specified as an array of page * names (strings with namespace identifiers). * * @param array $pages list of page names to export * @param integer $recursion determines how pages are exported recursively: * "0" means that referenced resources are only declared briefly, "1" means * that all referenced resources are also exported recursively (propbably * retrieving the whole wiki). * @param string $revisiondate filter page list by including only pages * that have been changed since this date; format "YmdHis" * * @todo Consider dropping the $revisiondate filtering and all associated * functionality. Is anybody using this? */ public function printPages( $pages, $recursion = 1, $revisiondate = false ) { $linkCache = LinkCache::singleton(); $this->prepareSerialization(); $this->delay_flush = 10; // flush only after (fully) printing 11 objects // transform pages into queued short titles foreach ( $pages as $page ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $page ); if ( null === $title ) { continue; // invalid title name given } if ( $revisiondate !== '' ) { // filter page list by revision date $rev = Revision::getTimeStampFromID( $title, $title->getLatestRevID() ); if ( $rev < $revisiondate ) { continue; } } $diPage = SMWDIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $title ); $this->queuePage( $diPage, ( $recursion==1 ? -1 : 1 ) ); } $this->serializer->startSerialization(); if ( count( $pages ) == 1 ) { // ensure that ontologies that are retrieved as linked data are not confused with their subject! $ontologyuri = SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI( '&export;' ) . '/' . Escaper::encodeUri( end( $pages ) ); } else { // use empty URI, i.e. "location" as URI otherwise $ontologyuri = ''; } $this->serializer->serializeExpData( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getOntologyExpData( $ontologyuri ) ); while ( count( $this->element_queue ) > 0 ) { $diPage = reset( $this->element_queue ); $this->serializePage( $diPage, $diPage->recdepth ); $this->flush(); $linkCache->clear(); // avoid potential memory leak } $this->serializer->finishSerialization(); $this->flush( true ); } /** * Exports semantic data for all pages within the wiki and for all elements * that are referred to a file resource * * @since 2.0 * * @param string $outfile the output file URI, or false if printing to stdout * @param mixed $ns_restriction namespace restriction, see fitsNsRestriction() * @param integer $delay number of microseconds for which to sleep during * export to reduce server load in long-running operations * @param integer $delayeach number of pages to process between two sleeps */ public function printAllToFile( $outfile, $ns_restriction = false, $delay, $delayeach ) { if ( !$this->prepareSerialization( $outfile ) ) { return; } $this->printAll( $ns_restriction, $delay, $delayeach ); } /** * Exports semantic data for all pages within the wiki and for all elements * that are referred to the stdout * * @since 2.0 * * @param mixed $ns_restriction namespace restriction, see fitsNsRestriction() * @param integer $delay number of microseconds for which to sleep during * export to reduce server load in long-running operations * @param integer $delayeach number of pages to process between two sleeps */ public function printAllToOutput( $ns_restriction = false, $delay, $delayeach ) { $this->prepareSerialization(); $this->printAll( $ns_restriction, $delay, $delayeach ); } /** * @since 2.0 made protected; use printAllToFile or printAllToOutput */ protected function printAll( $ns_restriction = false, $delay, $delayeach ) { $linkCache = LinkCache::singleton(); $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $this->delay_flush = 10; $this->serializer->startSerialization(); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getOntologyExpData( '' ) ); $end = $db->selectField( 'page', 'max(page_id)', false, __METHOD__ ); $a_count = 0; // DEBUG $d_count = 0; // DEBUG $delaycount = $delayeach; for ( $id = 1; $id <= $end; $id += 1 ) { $title = Title::newFromID( $id ); if ( is_null( $title ) || !\SMW\NamespaceExaminer::getInstance()->isSemanticEnabled( $title->getNamespace() ) ) { continue; } if ( !self::fitsNsRestriction( $ns_restriction, $title->getNamespace() ) ) { continue; } $a_count += 1; // DEBUG $diPage = SMWDIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $title ); $this->queuePage( $diPage, 1 ); while ( count( $this->element_queue ) > 0 ) { $diPage = reset( $this->element_queue ); $this->serializePage( $diPage, $diPage->recdepth ); // resolve dependencies that will otherwise not be printed foreach ( $this->element_queue as $key => $diaux ) { if ( !\SMW\NamespaceExaminer::getInstance()->isSemanticEnabled( $diaux->getNamespace() ) || !self::fitsNsRestriction( $ns_restriction, $diaux->getNamespace() ) ) { // Note: we do not need to check the cache to guess if an element was already // printed. If so, it would not be included in the queue in the first place. $d_count += 1; // DEBUG } else { // don't carry values that you do not want to export (yet) unset( $this->element_queue[$key] ); } } // sleep each $delaycount for $delay µs to be nice to the server if ( ( $delaycount-- < 0 ) && ( $delayeach != 0 ) ) { usleep( $delay ); $delaycount = $delayeach; } } $this->flush(); $linkCache->clear(); } $this->serializer->finishSerialization(); $this->flush( true ); } /** * Print basic definitions a list of pages ordered by their page id. * Offset and limit refer to the count of existing pages, not to the * page id. * @param integer $offset the number of the first (existing) page to * serialize a declaration for * @param integer $limit the number of pages to serialize */ public function printPageList( $offset = 0, $limit = 30 ) { global $smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks; $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $this->prepareSerialization(); $this->delay_flush = 35; // don't do intermediate flushes with default parameters $linkCache = LinkCache::singleton(); $this->serializer->startSerialization(); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getOntologyExpData( '' ) ); $query = ''; foreach ( $smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks as $ns => $enabled ) { if ( $enabled ) { if ( $query !== '' ) { $query .= ' OR '; } $query .= 'page_namespace = ' . $db->addQuotes( $ns ); } } $res = $db->select( $db->tableName( 'page' ), 'page_id,page_title,page_namespace', $query, 'SMW::RDF::PrintPageList', [ 'ORDER BY' => 'page_id ASC', 'OFFSET' => $offset, 'LIMIT' => $limit ] ); $foundpages = false; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $foundpages = true; try { $diPage = new SMWDIWikiPage( $row->page_title, $row->page_namespace, '' ); $this->serializePage( $diPage, 0 ); $this->flush(); $linkCache->clear(); } catch ( SMWDataItemException $e ) { // strange data, who knows, not our DB table, keep calm and carry on } } if ( $foundpages ) { // add link to next result page if ( strpos( SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI( '&wikiurl;' ), '?' ) === false ) { // check whether we have title as a first parameter or in URL $nexturl = SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI( '&export;?offset=' ) . ( $offset + $limit ); } else { $nexturl = SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI( '&export;&offset=' ) . ( $offset + $limit ); } $expData = new SMWExpData( new SMWExpResource( $nexturl ) ); $ed = new SMWExpData( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', 'Thing' ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'rdf', 'type' ), $ed ); $ed = new SMWExpData( new SMWExpResource( $nexturl ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'rdfs', 'isDefinedBy' ), $ed ); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( $expData ); } $this->serializer->finishSerialization(); $this->flush( true ); } /** * Print basic information about this site. */ public function printWikiInfo() { $this->prepareSerialization(); $this->delay_flush = 35; // don't do intermediate flushes with default parameters // assemble export data: $expData = new SMWExpData( new SMWExpResource( '&wiki;#wiki' ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'rdf', 'type' ), new SMWExpData( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'Wikisite' ) ) ); // basic wiki information $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'rdfs', 'label' ), new SMWExpLiteral( Site::name() ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'siteName' ), new SMWExpLiteral( Site::name(), '' ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'pagePrefix' ), new SMWExpLiteral( SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI( '&wikiurl;' ), '' ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'smwVersion' ), new SMWExpLiteral( SMW_VERSION, '' ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'langCode' ), new SMWExpLiteral( Site::languageCode(), '' ) ); $mainpage = Title::newMainPage(); if ( !is_null( $mainpage ) ) { $ed = new SMWExpData( new SMWExpResource( $mainpage->getFullURL() ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'mainPage' ), $ed ); } // statistical information foreach ( Site::stats() as $key => $value ) { $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', $key ), new SMWExpLiteral( (string)$value, '' ) ); } $this->serializer->startSerialization(); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getOntologyExpData( '' ) ); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( $expData ); // link to list of existing pages: if ( strpos( SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI( '&wikiurl;' ), '?' ) === false ) { // check whether we have title as a first parameter or in URL $nexturl = SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI( '&export;?offset=0' ); } else { $nexturl = SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI( '&export;&offset=0' ); } $expData = new SMWExpData( new SMWExpResource( $nexturl ) ); $ed = new SMWExpData( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'owl', 'Thing' ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'rdf', 'type' ), $ed ); $ed = new SMWExpData( new SMWExpResource( $nexturl ) ); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue( SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'rdfs', 'isDefinedBy' ), $ed ); $this->serializer->serializeExpData( $expData ); $this->serializer->finishSerialization(); $this->flush( true ); } /** * This function checks whether some article fits into a given namespace * restriction. Restrictions are encoded as follows: a non-negative number * requires the namespace to be identical to the given number; "-1" * requires the namespace to be different from Category, Property, and * Type; "false" means "no restriction". * * @param $res mixed encoding the restriction as described above * @param $ns integer the namespace constant to be checked * * @return boolean */ static public function fitsNsRestriction( $res, $ns ) { if ( $res === false ) { return true; } if ( is_array( $res ) ) { return in_array( $ns, $res ); } if ( $res >= 0 ) { return ( $res == $ns ); } return ( ( $res != NS_CATEGORY ) && ( $res != SMW_NS_PROPERTY ) ); } private function getDeepRedirectTargetResolver() { if ( $this->deepRedirectTargetResolver === null ) { $this->deepRedirectTargetResolver = ApplicationFactory::getInstance()->newMwCollaboratorFactory()->newDeepRedirectTargetResolver(); } return $this->deepRedirectTargetResolver; } }