mDiWikiPages = $diWikiPages; $this->mDiProperty = $diProperty; $this->mLimit = $limit; $this->mFrom = $from; $this->mUntil = $until; } /** * Generates the prev/next link part to the HTML code of the top and * bottom section of the page. Whether and how these links appear * depends on specified boundaries, limit, and results. The title is * required to create a link to the right page. The query array gives * optional further parameters to append to all navigation links. * * @param $title Title * @param $query array that associates parameter names to parameter values * @return string */ public function getNavigationLinks( Title $title, $query = [] ) { global $wgLang; $limitText = $wgLang->formatNum( $this->mLimit ); $resultCount = count( $this->mDiWikiPages ); $beyondLimit = ( $resultCount > $this->mLimit ); if ( !is_null( $this->mUntil ) && $this->mUntil !== '' ) { if ( $beyondLimit ) { $first = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getWikiPageSortKey( $this->mDiWikiPages[1] ); } else { $first = ''; } $last = $this->mUntil; } elseif ( $beyondLimit || ( !is_null( $this->mFrom ) && $this->mFrom !== '' ) ) { $first = $this->mFrom; if ( $beyondLimit ) { $last = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getWikiPageSortKey( $this->mDiWikiPages[$resultCount - 1] ); } else { $last = ''; } } else { return ''; } $prevLink = wfMessage( 'prevn', $limitText )->escaped(); if ( $first !== '' ) { $prevLink = $this->makeSelfLink( $title, $prevLink, $query + [ 'until' => $first ] ); } $nextLink = wfMessage( 'nextn', $limitText )->escaped(); if ( $last !== '' ) { $nextLink = $this->makeSelfLink( $title, $nextLink, $query + [ 'from' => $last ] ); } return "($prevLink) ($nextLink)"; } /** * Format an HTML link with the given text and parameters. * * @return string */ protected function makeSelfLink( Title $title, $linkText, array $parameters ) { return smwfGetLinker()->link( $title, $linkText, [], $parameters ); } /** * Make SMWRequestOptions suitable for obtaining a list of results for * the given limit, and from or until string. One more result than the * limit will be created, and the results may have to be reversed in * order if ascending is set to false in the resulting object. * * @param $limit integer * @param $from string can be empty if no from condition is desired * @param $until string can be empty if no until condition is desired * @return SMWRequestOptions */ public static function getRequestOptions( $limit, $from, $until ) { $options = new SMWRequestOptions(); $options->limit = $limit + 1; $options->sort = true; if ( $from !== '' ) { $options->boundary = $from; $options->ascending = true; $options->include_boundary = true; } elseif ( $until !== '' ) { $options->boundary = $until; $options->ascending = false; $options->include_boundary = false; } return $options; } /** * Make SMWQuery suitable for obtaining a list of results based on the * given description, limit, and from or until string. One more result * than the limit will be created, and the results may have to be * reversed in order if $until is nonempty. * * @param $description SMWDescription main query description * @param $limit integer * @param $from string can be empty if no from condition is desired * @param $until string can be empty if no until condition is desired * @return SMWQuery */ public static function getQuery( SMWDescription $description, $limit, $from, $until ) { if ( $from !== '' ) { $diWikiPage = new SMWDIWikiPage( $from, NS_MAIN, '' ); // make a dummy wiki page as boundary $fromDescription = new SMWValueDescription( $diWikiPage, null, SMW_CMP_GEQ ); $queryDescription = new SMWConjunction( [ $description, $fromDescription ] ); $order = 'ASC'; } elseif ( $until !== '' ) { $diWikiPage = new SMWDIWikiPage( $until, NS_MAIN, '' ); // make a dummy wiki page as boundary $untilDescription = new SMWValueDescription( $diWikiPage, null, SMW_CMP_LESS ); // do not include boundary in this case $queryDescription = new SMWConjunction( [ $description, $untilDescription ] ); $order = 'DESC'; } else { $queryDescription = $description; $order = 'ASC'; } $queryDescription->addPrintRequest( new PrintRequest( PrintRequest::PRINT_THIS, '' ) ); $query = new SMWQuery( $queryDescription ); $query->sortkeys[''] = $order; $query->setLimit( $limit + 1 ); return $query; } /** * Format a list of data items chunked by letter, either as a * bullet list or a columnar format, depending on the length. * * @param $cutoff integer, use columns for more results than that * @return string */ public function formatList( $cutoff = 6 ) { $end = count( $this->mDiWikiPages ); $start = 0; if ( $end > $this->mLimit ) { if ( $this->mFrom !== '' ) { $end -= 1; } else { $start += 1; } } if ( count ( $this->mDiWikiPages ) > $cutoff ) { return self::getColumnList( $start, $end, $this->mDiWikiPages, $this->mDiProperty ); } elseif ( count( $this->mDiWikiPages ) > 0 ) { return self::getShortList( $start, $end, $this->mDiWikiPages, $this->mDiProperty ); } else { return ''; } } /** * Format a list of SMWDIWikiPage objects chunked by letter in a three-column * list, ordered vertically. * * @param $start integer * @param $end integer * @param $diWikiPages array of SMWDIWikiPage * @param $diProperty SMWDIProperty that the wikipages are values of, or null * * @return string */ public static function getColumnList( $start, $end, $diWikiPages, $diProperty, $moreCallback = null ) { global $wgContLang; if ( $diWikiPages instanceof \Iterator ) { $diWikiPages = iterator_to_array( $diWikiPages ); } // Divide list into three equal chunks. $chunk = (int) ( ( $end - $start + 1 ) / 3 ); // Get and display header. $r = ''; $prevStartChar = 'none'; // Loop through the chunks. for ( $startChunk = $start, $endChunk = $chunk, $chunkIndex = 0; $chunkIndex < 3; ++$chunkIndex, $startChunk = $endChunk, $endChunk += $chunk + 1 ) { $r .= "\n"; } $r .= '
\n"; $atColumnTop = true; // output all diWikiPages for ( $index = $startChunk; $index < $endChunk && $index < $end; ++$index ) { if ( !isset( $diWikiPages[$index] ) ) { continue; } $dataValue = \SMW\DataValueFactory::getInstance()->newDataValueByItem( $diWikiPages[$index], $diProperty ); $searchlink = \SMWInfolink::newBrowsingLink( '+', $dataValue->getWikiValue() ); // check for change of starting letter or beginning of chunk $sortkey = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getWikiPageSortKey( $diWikiPages[$index] ); $startChar = $wgContLang->convert( $wgContLang->firstChar( $sortkey ) ); if ( ( $index == $startChunk ) || ( $startChar != $prevStartChar ) ) { if ( $atColumnTop ) { $atColumnTop = false; } else { $r .= "\n"; } if ( $startChar == $prevStartChar ) { $cont_msg = ' ' . wfMessage( 'listingcontinuesabbrev' )->escaped(); } else { $cont_msg = ''; } $r .= "

" . htmlspecialchars( $startChar ) . $cont_msg . "

    "; $prevStartChar = $startChar; } $r .= "
  • " . $dataValue->getLongHTMLText( smwfGetLinker() ) . ' ' . $searchlink->getHTML( smwfGetLinker() ) . "
  • \n"; } if ( $index == $end && $moreCallback !== null ) { $r .= "
  • " . call_user_func( $moreCallback ) . "
  • \n"; } if ( !$atColumnTop ) { $r .= "
\n"; } $r .= "
'; return $r; } /** * Format a list of diWikiPages chunked by letter in a bullet list. * * @param $start integer * @param $end integer * @param $diWikiPages array of SMWDataItem * @param $diProperty SMWDIProperty that the wikipages are values of, or null * * @return string */ public static function getShortList( $start, $end, $diWikiPages, $diProperty, $moreCallback = null ) { if ( $diWikiPages instanceof \Iterator ) { $diWikiPages = iterator_to_array( $diWikiPages ); } $startDv = \SMW\DataValueFactory::getInstance()->newDataValueByItem( $diWikiPages[$start], $diProperty ); $searchlink = \SMWInfolink::newBrowsingLink( '+', $startDv->getWikiValue() ); // For a redirect, disable the DisplayTitle to show the original (aka source) page if ( $diProperty !== null && $diProperty->getKey() == '_REDI' ) { $startDv->setOption( 'smwgDVFeatures', ( $startDv->getOption( 'smwgDVFeatures' ) & ~SMW_DV_WPV_DTITLE ) ); } $startChar = self::getFirstChar( $diWikiPages[$start] ); $r = '

' . htmlspecialchars( $startChar ) . "

\n" . '

" . htmlspecialchars( $startChar ) . "

\n'; return $r; } private static function getFirstChar( $dataItem ) { global $wgContLang; $sortkey = \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore()->getWikiPageSortKey( $dataItem ); if ( $sortkey === '' ) { $sortkey = $dataItem->getDBKey(); } return $wgContLang->convert( $wgContLang->firstChar( $sortkey ) ); } }