This document contains details about event handlers (also known as [Hooks][hooks]) provided by Semantic MediaWiki to enable users to extent and integrate custom specific solutions. Implementing a hook should be made in consideration of the expected performance impact for the front-end (additional DB read/write transactions etc.) and/or the back-end (prolonged job backlog etc.) process. # List of available hooks ## 1.9 - `SMW::Factbox::BeforeContentGeneration` to replace or amend text elements shown in a Factbox. See also `$smwgFactboxUseCache` settings.Use of `smwShowFactbox` was deprecated with 1.9 - `SMW::Job::updatePropertyJobs` to add additional update jobs for a property and related subjects.Use of `smwUpdatePropertySubjects` was deprecated with 1.9 - `SMW::DataType::initTypes` to add additional DataType support.Use of `smwInitDatatypes` was deprecated with 1.9 - `SMW::SQLStore::updatePropertyTableDefinitions` to add additional table definitions during initialization. ## 2.1 ### SMW::Store::BeforeQueryResultLookupComplete * Version: 2.1 * Description: Hook to return a `QueryResult` object before the standard selection process is started and allows to suppress the standard selection process completely by returning `false`. * Reference class: `SMW_SQLStore3.php`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::Store::AfterQueryResultLookupComplete', function( $store, $query, &$queryResult, $queryEngine ) {

	// Allow default processing
	return true;

	// Stop further processing
	return false;
} );
### SMW::Store::AfterQueryResultLookupComplete * Version: 2.1 * Description: Hook to manipulate a `QueryResult` after the selection process. * Reference class: `SMW_SQLStore3.php`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::Store::AfterQueryResultLookupComplete', function( $store, &$queryResult ) {

	return true;
} );
### SMW::Property::initProperties * Version: 2.1 * Description: Hook to add additional predefined properties (`smwInitProperties` was deprecated with 2.1) * Reference class: `SMW\PropertyRegistry`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::Property::initProperties', function( $propertyRegistry ) {

	return true;
} );
### SMW::SQLStore::BeforeDeleteSubjectComplete * Version: 2.1 * Description: Hook is called before the deletion of a subject is completed * Reference class: `SMW_SQLStore3_Writers.php`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::SQLStore::BeforeDeleteSubjectComplete', function( $store, $title ) {

	return true;
} );
### SMW::SQLStore::AfterDeleteSubjectComplete * Version: 2.1 * Description: Hook is called after the deletion of a subject is completed * Reference class: `SMW_SQLStore3_Writers.php`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::SQLStore::AfterDeleteSubjectComplete', function( $store, $title ) {

	return true;
} );
### SMW::SQLStore::BeforeChangeTitleComplete * Version: 2.1 * Description: Hook is called before change to a subject is completed * Reference class: `SMW_SQLStore3_Writers.php`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::SQLStore::BeforeChangeTitleComplete', function( $store, $oldTitle, $newTitle, $pageId, $redirectId ) {

	return true;
} );
## 2.2 ### SMW::Parser::BeforeMagicWordsFinder * Version: 2.2 * Description: Hook allowing to extend the magic words list that the `InTextAnnotationParser` should search for the wikitext. * Reference class: `\SMW\InTextAnnotationParser`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::Parser::BeforeMagicWordsFinder', function( array &$magicWords ) {

	return true;
} );
## 2.3 ### SMW::SQLStore::BeforeDataRebuildJobInserts * Version: 2.3 * Description: Hook to add update jobs while running the rebuild process.Use of `smwRefreshDataJobs` was deprecated with 2.3 * Reference class: `\SMW\SQLStore\EntityRebuildDispatcher`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::SQLStore::BeforeDataRebuildJobInsert', function( $store, array &$jobs ) {

	return true;
} );
### SMW::SQLStore::AddCustomFixedPropertyTables * Version: 2.3 * Description: Hook to add fixed property table definitions * Reference class: `\SMW\MediaWiki\Specials\Browse\ContentsBuilder`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::SQLStore::AddCustomFixedPropertyTables', function( array &$customFixedProperties, &$propertyTablePrefix ) {
	$customFixedProperties['Foo'] = '_Bar';

	return true;
} );
### SMW::Browse::AfterIncomingPropertiesLookupComplete * Version: 2.3 * Description: Hook to extend the incoming properties display for `Special:Browse` * Reference class: `\SMW\MediaWiki\Specials\Browse\ContentsBuilder`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::Browse::AfterIncomingPropertiesLookupComplete', function( $store, $semanticData, $requestOptions ) {

	return true;
} );
### SMW::Browse::BeforeIncomingPropertyValuesFurtherLinkCreate * Version: 2.3 * Description: Hook to replace the standard `SearchByProperty` with a custom link to an extended list of results (return `false` to replace the link) * Reference class: `\SMW\MediaWiki\Specials\Browse\ContentsBuilder`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::Browse::BeforeIncomingPropertyValuesFurtherLinkCreate', function( $property, $subject, &$propertyValue ) {

	return true;
} );
### SMW::SQLStore::AfterDataUpdateComplete * Version: 2.3 * Description: Hook to add processing after the update has been completed and provides `ChangeOp` to identify entities that have been added/removed during the update. (`SMWSQLStore3::updateDataAfter` was deprecated with 2.3)
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::SQLStore::AfterDataUpdateComplete', function( $store, $semanticData, $changeOp ) {

	return true;
} );
## 2.4 ### SMW::FileUpload::BeforeUpdate * Version: 2.4 * Description: Hook to add extra annotations before the `Store` update is triggered
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::FileUpload::BeforeUpdate', function( $filePage, $semanticData  ) {

	return true;
} );
## 2.5 ### SMW::Job::AfterUpdateDispatcherJobComplete * Version: 2.5 * Description: Hook allows to add extra jobs after `UpdateDispatcherJob` has been processed. * Reference class: `\SMW\MediaWiki\Jobs\UpdateDispatcherJob`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::Job::AfterUpdateDispatcherJobComplete', function( $job ) {

	// Find related dependencies
	$title = $job->getTitle();

	return true;
} );
### SMW::SQLStore::Installer::AfterCreateTablesComplete * Version: 2.5 * Description: Hook allows to add extra tables after the creation process as been finalized. * Reference class: `\SMW\SQLStore\Installer`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::SQLStore::Installer::AfterCreateTablesComplete', function( $tableBuilder, $messageReporter ) {

	// Output details on the activity
	$messageReporter->reportMessage( '...' );

	// See documentation in the available TableBuilder interface
	$tableBuilder->create( ... );

	return true;
} );
### SMW::SQLStore::Installer::AfterDropTablesComplete * Version: 2.5 * Description: Hook allows to remove extra tables after the drop process as been finalized. * Reference class: `\SMW\SQLStore\Installer`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::SQLStore::Installer::AfterDropTablesComplete', function( $tableBuilder, $messageReporter ) {

	// Output details on the activity
	$messageReporter->reportMessage( '...' );

	// See documentation in the available TableBuilder interface
	$tableBuilder->drop( ... );

	return true;
} );
## 3.0 ### SMW::GetPreferences * Version: 3.0 * Description: Hook allows to add extra preferences that are ordered on the Semantic MediaWiki user preference tab * Reference class: `\SMW\MediaWiki\Hooks\GetPreferences`
\Hooks::register( 'SMW::GetPreferences', function( $user, &$preferences ) {

	return true;
} );
### SMW::Setup::AfterInitializationComplete * Version: 3.0 * Description: Hook allows to modify global configuration after initialization of Semantic MediaWiki is completed * Reference class: `\SMW\Setup`
use Hooks;

Hooks::register( 'SMW::Setup::AfterInitializationComplete', function( &$vars ) {

	// #2565
	unset( $GLOBALS['wgGroupPermissions']['smwcurator'] );

	return true;
} );
### SMW::Exporter::Controller::AddExpData * Version: 3.0 * Description: Hook allows to add additional RDF data for a selected page (was `smwAddToRDFExport`) * Reference class: `SMWExportController`
use Hooks;

Hooks::register( 'SMW::Exporter::Controller::AddExpData', function( DIWikiPage $subject, &$expDataList, $hasRecursionDepth, $withBacklinks ) {

	// $expData = new ExpData( ... );
	// $expDataList[] = $expData;

	return true;
} );
### SMW::SQLStore::EntityReferenceCleanUpComplete * Version: 3.0 * Description: Hook allows to get information about which entities have been removed * Reference class: `PropertyTableIdReferenceDisposer`
use Hooks;

Hooks::register( 'SMW::SQLStore::EntityReferenceCleanUpComplete', function( $store, $id, $subject, $isRedirect ) {

	return true;
} );
### SMW::LinksUpdate::ApprovedUpdate * Version: 3.0 * Description: Hook allows to suppress an update where for example the `latestRevID` is not the revision that is approved an should not be used for the `SemanticData` representation. * Reference class: `SMW\MediaWiki\Hooks\LinksUpdateConstructed` If you do suppress a revision, please log the event and make it visible to a user (or administrator) that an update was refused.
use Hooks;

Hooks::register( 'SMW::LinksUpdate::ApprovedUpdate', function( $title, $latestRevID ) {

	// If you need to decline an update
	// return false;

	return true;
} );
### SMW::Parser::ChangeRevision * Version: 3.0 * Description: Hook allows to forcibly change a revision used during content parsing as in case of the `UpdateJob` execution or when running `rebuildData.php`. * Reference class: `SMW\ContentParser` If you do alter a revision, please log the event and make it visible to a user (or administrator) that it was changed.
use Hooks;

Hooks::register( 'SMW::Parser::ChangeRevision', function( $title, &$revision ) {

	// Set a revision
	// $revision = \Revision::newFromId( $id );

	return true;
} );
### SMW::Admin::TaskHandlerFactory * Version: 3.0 * Description: Hook allows to extend available `TaskHandler` in `Special:SemanticMediaWiki` * Reference class: `SMW\MediaWiki\Specials\Admin\TaskHandlerFactory`
use Hooks;

Hooks::register( 'SMW::Admin::TaskHandlerFactory', function( &$taskHandlers, $store, $outputFormatter, $user ) {

	// Instance of TaskHandler
	// $taskHandlers[] = new FooTaskHandler();

	return true;
} );
### SMW::DataUpdater::ContentProcessor * Version: 3.0 * Description: Hook allows to extend the `SemanticData` with information from the `Content` object * Reference class: `SMW\DataUpdater`
use Hooks;

Hooks::register( 'SMW::DataUpdater::ContentProcessor', function( $semanticData, $content ) {

	if ( $content->getModel() === ' ... ' ) {
		// $data = $content->getNativeData();
		// ...
		// $semanticData->addPropertyObjectValue( ... );

	return true;
} );
## Other available hooks Subsequent hooks should be renamed to follow a common naming practice that help distinguish them from other hook providers. In any case this list needs details and examples. * `SMWParamFormat`, SMWResultFormat * `\SMW\Store`, SMWStore::updateDataBefore (SMW::Store::BeforeDataUpdateComplete) * `\SMW\Store`, SMWStore::updateDataAfter (SMW::Store::AfterDataUpdateComplete) * `SMWSQLStore3Writers`, SMWSQLStore3::updateDataBefore (SMW::SQLStore::BeforeDataUpdateComplete) [hooks]: "Manual:Hooks"