fields to be updated * * @var array * @access private */ public $tables; /** * tables => fields to be updated in a deferred job * * @var array */ public $tablesJob; /** * Flag that can be set to false, in case another process has already started * the updates and the old username may have already been renamed in the user table. * * @var bool * @access private */ public $checkIfUserExists; /** * User object of the user performing the rename, for logging purposes * * @var User */ private $renamer; /** * Reason to be used in the log entry * * @var string */ private $reason = ''; /** * A prefix to use in all debug log messages * * @var string */ private $debugPrefix = ''; /** * Users with more than this number of edits will have their rename operation * deferred via the job queue. */ const CONTRIB_JOB = 500; // B/C constants for tablesJob field const NAME_COL = 0; const UID_COL = 1; const TIME_COL = 2; /** * Constructor * * @param string $old The old username * @param string $new The new username * @param int $uid * @param User $renamer * @param array $options Optional extra options. * 'reason' - string, reason for the rename * 'debugPrefix' - string, prefixed to debug messages * 'checkIfUserExists' - bool, whether to update the user table */ public function __construct( $old, $new, $uid, User $renamer, $options = [] ) { $this->old = $old; $this->new = $new; $this->uid = $uid; $this->renamer = $renamer; $this->checkIfUserExists = true; if ( isset( $options['checkIfUserExists'] ) ) { $this->checkIfUserExists = $options['checkIfUserExists']; } if ( isset( $options['debugPrefix'] ) ) { $this->debugPrefix = $options['debugPrefix']; } if ( isset( $options['reason'] ) ) { $this->reason = $options['reason']; } $this->tables = []; // Immediate updates $this->tablesJob = []; // Slow updates // We still do the table updates here for MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW because reads might // still be falling back. if ( self::getActorMigrationStage() < MIGRATION_NEW ) { $this->tables['image'] = [ 'img_user_text', 'img_user' ]; $this->tables['oldimage'] = [ 'oi_user_text', 'oi_user' ]; $this->tables['filearchive'] = [ 'fa_user_text', 'fa_user' ]; // If this user has a large number of edits, use the jobqueue // T134136: if this is for user_id=0, then use the queue as the edit count is unknown. if ( !$uid || User::newFromId( $uid )->getEditCount() > self::CONTRIB_JOB ) { $this->tablesJob['revision'] = [ self::NAME_COL => 'rev_user_text', self::UID_COL => 'rev_user', self::TIME_COL => 'rev_timestamp', 'uniqueKey' => 'rev_id' ]; $this->tablesJob['archive'] = [ self::NAME_COL => 'ar_user_text', self::UID_COL => 'ar_user', self::TIME_COL => 'ar_timestamp', 'uniqueKey' => 'ar_id' ]; $this->tablesJob['logging'] = [ self::NAME_COL => 'log_user_text', self::UID_COL => 'log_user', self::TIME_COL => 'log_timestamp', 'uniqueKey' => 'log_id' ]; } else { $this->tables['revision'] = [ 'rev_user_text', 'rev_user' ]; $this->tables['archive'] = [ 'ar_user_text', 'ar_user' ]; $this->tables['logging'] = [ 'log_user_text', 'log_user' ]; } // Recent changes is pretty hot, deadlocks occur if done all at once if ( wfQueriesMustScale() ) { $this->tablesJob['recentchanges'] = [ 'rc_user_text', 'rc_user', 'rc_timestamp' ]; } else { $this->tables['recentchanges'] = [ 'rc_user_text', 'rc_user' ]; } } Hooks::run( 'RenameUserSQL', [ $this ] ); } protected function debug( $msg ) { if ( $this->debugPrefix ) { $msg = "{$this->debugPrefix}: $msg"; } wfDebugLog( 'Renameuser', $msg ); } /** * Do the rename operation * @return true */ public function rename() { global $wgAuth, $wgUpdateRowsPerJob; // Grab the user's edit count first, used in log entry $contribs = User::newFromId( $this->uid )->getEditCount(); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->startAtomic( __METHOD__ ); Hooks::run( 'RenameUserPreRename', [ $this->uid, $this->old, $this->new ] ); // Make sure the user exists if needed if ( $this->checkIfUserExists && !self::lockUserAndGetId( $this->old ) ) { $this->debug( "User {$this->old} does not exist, bailing out" ); return false; } // Rename and touch the user before re-attributing edits to avoid users still being // logged in and making new edits (under the old name) while being renamed. $this->debug( "Starting rename of {$this->old} to {$this->new}" ); $dbw->update( 'user', [ 'user_name' => $this->new, 'user_touched' => $dbw->timestamp() ], [ 'user_name' => $this->old, 'user_id' => $this->uid ], __METHOD__ ); if ( self::getActorMigrationStage() >= MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH ) { $dbw->update( 'actor', [ 'actor_name' => $this->new ], [ 'actor_name' => $this->old, 'actor_user' => $this->uid ], __METHOD__ ); } // Reset token to break login with central auth systems. // Again, avoids user being logged in with old name. $user = User::newFromId( $this->uid ); if ( class_exists( SessionManager::class ) && is_callable( [ SessionManager::singleton(), 'invalidateSessionsForUser' ] ) ) { $user->load( User::READ_LATEST ); SessionManager::singleton()->invalidateSessionsForUser( $user ); } else { $authUser = $wgAuth->getUserInstance( $user ); $authUser->resetAuthToken(); } // Purge user cache $user->invalidateCache(); // Update ipblock list if this user has a block in there. $dbw->update( 'ipblocks', [ 'ipb_address' => $this->new ], [ 'ipb_user' => $this->uid, 'ipb_address' => $this->old ], __METHOD__ ); // Update this users block/rights log. Ideally, the logs would be historical, // but it is really annoying when users have "clean" block logs by virtue of // being renamed, which makes admin tasks more of a pain... $oldTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $this->old ); $newTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $this->new ); $this->debug( "Updating logging table for {$this->old} to {$this->new}" ); $logTypesOnUser = SpecialLog::getLogTypesOnUser(); $dbw->update( 'logging', [ 'log_title' => $newTitle->getDBkey() ], [ 'log_type' => $logTypesOnUser, 'log_namespace' => NS_USER, 'log_title' => $oldTitle->getDBkey() ], __METHOD__ ); // Do immediate re-attribution table updates... foreach ( $this->tables as $table => $fieldSet ) { list( $nameCol, $userCol ) = $fieldSet; $dbw->update( $table, [ $nameCol => $this->new ], [ $nameCol => $this->old, $userCol => $this->uid ], __METHOD__ ); } /** @var RenameUserJob[] $jobs */ $jobs = []; // jobs for all tables // Construct jobqueue updates... // FIXME: if a bureaucrat renames a user in error, he/she // must be careful to wait until the rename finishes before // renaming back. This is due to the fact the the job "queue" // is not really FIFO, so we might end up with a bunch of edits // randomly mixed between the two new names. Some sort of rename // lock might be in order... foreach ( $this->tablesJob as $table => $params ) { $userTextC = $params[self::NAME_COL]; // some *_user_text column $userIDC = $params[self::UID_COL]; // some *_user column $timestampC = $params[self::TIME_COL]; // some *_timestamp column $res = $dbw->select( $table, [ $timestampC ], [ $userTextC => $this->old, $userIDC => $this->uid ], __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => "$timestampC ASC" ] ); $jobParams = []; $jobParams['table'] = $table; $jobParams['column'] = $userTextC; $jobParams['uidColumn'] = $userIDC; $jobParams['timestampColumn'] = $timestampC; $jobParams['oldname'] = $this->old; $jobParams['newname'] = $this->new; $jobParams['userID'] = $this->uid; // Timestamp column data for index optimizations $jobParams['minTimestamp'] = '0'; $jobParams['maxTimestamp'] = '0'; $jobParams['count'] = 0; // Unique column for slave lag avoidance if ( isset( $params['uniqueKey'] ) ) { $jobParams['uniqueKey'] = $params['uniqueKey']; } // Insert jobs into queue! while ( true ) { $row = $dbw->fetchObject( $res ); if ( !$row ) { # If there are any job rows left, add it to the queue as one job if ( $jobParams['count'] > 0 ) { $jobs[] = Job::factory( 'renameUser', $oldTitle, $jobParams ); } break; } # Since the ORDER BY is ASC, set the min timestamp with first row if ( $jobParams['count'] === 0 ) { $jobParams['minTimestamp'] = $row->$timestampC; } # Keep updating the last timestamp, so it should be correct # when the last item is added. $jobParams['maxTimestamp'] = $row->$timestampC; # Update row counter $jobParams['count']++; # Once a job has $wgUpdateRowsPerJob rows, add it to the queue if ( $jobParams['count'] >= $wgUpdateRowsPerJob ) { $jobs[] = Job::factory( 'renameUser', $oldTitle, $jobParams ); $jobParams['minTimestamp'] = '0'; $jobParams['maxTimestamp'] = '0'; $jobParams['count'] = 0; } } $dbw->freeResult( $res ); } // Log it! $logEntry = new ManualLogEntry( 'renameuser', 'renameuser' ); $logEntry->setPerformer( $this->renamer ); $logEntry->setTarget( $oldTitle ); $logEntry->setComment( $this->reason ); $logEntry->setParameters( [ '4::olduser' => $this->old, '5::newuser' => $this->new, '6::edits' => $contribs ] ); $logid = $logEntry->insert(); // Include the log_id in the jobs as a DB commit marker foreach ( $jobs as $job ) { $job->params['logId'] = $logid; } // Insert any jobs as needed. If this fails, then an exception will be thrown and the // DB transaction will be rolled back. If it succeeds but the DB commit fails, then the // jobs will see that the transaction was not committed and will cancel themselves. $count = count( $jobs ); if ( $count > 0 ) { JobQueueGroup::singleton()->push( $jobs ); $this->debug( "Queued $count jobs for {$this->old} to {$this->new}" ); } // Commit the transaction $dbw->endAtomic( __METHOD__ ); $that = $this; $dbw->onTransactionIdle( function () use ( $that, $dbw, $logEntry, $logid ) { $dbw->startAtomic( __METHOD__ ); // Clear caches and inform authentication plugins $user = User::newFromId( $that->uid ); $user->load( User::READ_LATEST ); // Call $wgAuth for backwards compatibility if ( class_exists( AuthManager::class ) ) { AuthManager::callLegacyAuthPlugin( 'updateExternalDB', [ $user ] ); } else { global $wgAuth; $wgAuth->updateExternalDB( $user ); } // Trigger the UserSaveSettings hook, which is the replacement for // $wgAuth->updateExternalDB() $user->saveSettings(); Hooks::run( 'RenameUserComplete', [ $that->uid, $that->old, $that->new ] ); // Publish to RC $logEntry->publish( $logid ); $dbw->endAtomic( __METHOD__ ); } ); $this->debug( "Finished rename for {$this->old} to {$this->new}" ); return true; } /** * @param string $name Current wiki local user name * @return integer Returns 0 if no row was found */ private static function lockUserAndGetId( $name ) { return (int)wfGetDB( DB_MASTER )->selectField( 'user', 'user_id', [ 'user_name' => $name ], __METHOD__, [ 'FOR UPDATE' ] ); } /** * Fetch the core actor table schema migration stage * @return int MIGRATION_* constant */ public static function getActorMigrationStage() { global $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage; return isset( $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage ) ? $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage : ( is_callable( User::class, 'getActorId' ) ? MIGRATION_NEW : MIGRATION_OLD ); } }