setHeaders(); $this->printCreatePropertyForm( $query ); } static function createPropertyText( $property_type, $allowed_values_str ) { global $smwgContLang; $prop_labels = $smwgContLang->getPropertyLabels(); $type_tag = "[[{$prop_labels['_TYPE']}::$property_type]]"; $text = wfMessage( 'pf_property_isproperty', $type_tag )->inContentLanguage()->text(); if ( $allowed_values_str !== '' ) { // replace the comma substitution character that has no chance of // being included in the values list - namely, the ASCII beep global $wgPageFormsListSeparator; $allowed_values_str = str_replace( "\\$wgPageFormsListSeparator", "\a", $allowed_values_str ); $allowed_values_array = explode( $wgPageFormsListSeparator, $allowed_values_str ); $text .= "\n\n" . wfMessage( 'pf_property_allowedvals' ) ->numParams( count( $allowed_values_array ) )->inContentLanguage()->text(); foreach ( $allowed_values_array as $i => $value ) { if ( $value == '' ) { continue; } // replace beep back with comma, trim $value = str_replace( "\a", $wgPageFormsListSeparator, trim( $value ) ); $prop_labels = $smwgContLang->getPropertyLabels(); $text .= "\n* [[" . $prop_labels['_PVAL'] . "::$value]]"; } } return $text; } function printCreatePropertyForm( $query ) { global $smwgContLang; $out = $this->getOutput(); $req = $this->getRequest(); // Cycle through the query values, setting the appropriate // local variables. $presetPropertyName = str_replace( '_', ' ', $query ); if ( $presetPropertyName !== '' ) { $out->setPageTitle( wfMessage( 'pf-createproperty-with-name', $presetPropertyName )->text() ); $property_name = $presetPropertyName; } else { $property_name = $req->getVal( 'property_name' ); } $property_type = $req->getVal( 'property_type' ); $allowed_values = $req->getVal( 'values' ); $save_button_text = wfMessage( 'savearticle' )->text(); $preview_button_text = wfMessage( 'preview' )->text(); $property_name_error_str = ''; $save_page = $req->getCheck( 'wpSave' ); $preview_page = $req->getCheck( 'wpPreview' ); if ( $save_page || $preview_page ) { $validToken = $this->getUser()->matchEditToken( $req->getVal( 'csrf' ), 'CreateProperty' ); if ( !$validToken ) { $text = "This appears to be a cross-site request forgery; canceling save."; $out->addHTML( $text ); return; } // Validate property name. if ( $property_name === '' ) { $property_name_error_str = wfMessage( 'pf_blank_error' )->escaped(); } else { // Redirect to wiki interface. $out->setArticleBodyOnly( true ); $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $property_name ); $full_text = self::createPropertyText( $property_type, $allowed_values ); $edit_summary = wfMessage( 'pf_createproperty_editsummary', $property_type )->inContentLanguage()->text(); $text = PFUtils::printRedirectForm( $title, $full_text, $edit_summary, $save_page, $preview_page, false, false, false, null, null ); $out->addHTML( $text ); return; } } $datatypeLabels = $smwgContLang->getDatatypeLabels(); $pageTypeLabel = $datatypeLabels['_wpg']; if ( array_key_exists( '_str', $datatypeLabels ) ) { $stringTypeLabel = $datatypeLabels['_str']; } else { $stringTypeLabel = $datatypeLabels['_txt']; } $numberTypeLabel = $datatypeLabels['_num']; $emailTypeLabel = $datatypeLabels['_ema']; global $wgContLang; $mw_namespace_labels = $wgContLang->getNamespaces(); $name_label = wfMessage( 'pf_createproperty_propname' )->escaped(); $type_label = wfMessage( 'pf_createproperty_proptype' )->escaped(); $text = << END; $text .= "\n

"; // set 'title' as hidden field, in case there's no URL niceness if ( $presetPropertyName === '' ) { $text .= Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() ) . "\n"; $text .= "$name_label\n"; $text .= Html::input( 'property_name', '', array( 'size' => 25 ) ); $text .= Html::element( 'span', array( 'style' => "color: red;" ), $property_name_error_str ); } $text .= "\n$type_label\n"; $select_body = ""; foreach ( $datatypeLabels as $label ) { $select_body .= "\t" . Html::element( 'option', null, $label ) . "\n"; } $text .= Html::rawElement( 'select', array( 'id' => 'property_dropdown', 'name' => 'property_type' ), $select_body ) . "\n"; $values_input = wfMessage( 'pf_createproperty_allowedvalsinput' )->escaped(); $text .= <<


END; $text .= "\t" . Html::hidden( 'csrf', $this->getUser()->getEditToken( 'CreateProperty' ) ) . "\n"; $edit_buttons = "\t" . Html::input( 'wpSave', $save_button_text, 'submit', array( 'id' => 'wpSave' ) ); $edit_buttons .= "\t" . Html::input( 'wpPreview', $preview_button_text, 'submit', array( 'id' => 'wpPreview' ) ); $text .= "\t" . Html::rawElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'editButtons' ), $edit_buttons ) . "\n"; $text .= "\t\n"; $out->addJsConfigVars( 'wgPageTypeLabel', $pageTypeLabel ); $out->addJsConfigVars( 'wgStringTypeLabel', $stringTypeLabel ); $out->addJsConfigVars( 'wgNumberTypeLabel', $numberTypeLabel ); $out->addJsConfigVars( 'wgEmailTypeLabel', $emailTypeLabel ); $out->addModules( array( 'ext.pageforms.PF_CreateProperty' ) ); $out->addHTML( $text ); } protected function getGroupName() { return 'pf_group'; } }