/** * PageForms.js * * Javascript utility functions for the Page Forms extension. * * @author Yaron Koren * @author Sanyam Goyal * @author Stephan Gambke * @author Jeffrey Stuckman * @author Harold Solbrig * @author Eugene Mednikov */ /*global wgPageFormsShowOnSelect, wgPageFormsFieldProperties, wgPageFormsCargoFields, wgPageFormsDependentFields, validateAll, alert, mwTinyMCEInit, pf*/ // Activate autocomplete functionality for the specified field ( function ( $, mw ) { /* extending jQuery functions for custom highlighting */ $.ui.autocomplete.prototype._renderItem = function( ul, item) { var delim = this.element[0].delimiter; var term; if ( delim === null ) { term = this.term; } else { term = this.term.split( delim ).pop(); } var re = new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + term.replace(/([\^\$\(\)\[\]\{\}\*\.\+\?\|\\])/gi, "\\$1") + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"); // HTML-encode the value's label. var itemLabel = $('
').text(item.label).html(); var loc = itemLabel.search(re); var t; if (loc >= 0) { t = itemLabel.substr(0, loc) + '' + itemLabel.substr(loc, term.length) + '' + itemLabel.substr(loc + term.length); } else { t = itemLabel; } return $( "
  • " ) .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .append( " " + t + "" ) .appendTo( ul ); }; $.fn.attachAutocomplete = function() { return this.each(function() { // Get all the necessary values from the input's "autocompletesettings" // attribute. This should probably be done as three separate attributes, // instead. var field_string = $(this).attr("autocompletesettings"); if ( typeof field_string === 'undefined' ) { return; } var field_values = field_string.split(','); var delimiter = null; var data_source = field_values[0]; if (field_values[1] === 'list') { delimiter = ","; if (field_values[2] !== null && field_values[2] !== '' && field_values[2] !== undefined) { delimiter = field_values[2]; } } // Modify the delimiter. If it's "\n", change it to an actual // newline - otherwise, add a space to the end. // This doesn't cover the case of a delimiter that's a newline // plus something else, like ".\n" or "\n\n", but as far as we // know no one has yet needed that. if ( delimiter !== null && delimiter !== '' && delimiter !== undefined ) { if ( delimiter === "\\n" ) { delimiter = "\n"; } else { delimiter += " "; } } // Store this value within the object, so that it can be used // during highlighting of the search term as well. this.delimiter = delimiter; /* extending jQuery functions */ $.extend( $.ui.autocomplete, { filter: function(array, term) { var wgPageFormsAutocompleteOnAllChars = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsAutocompleteOnAllChars' ); var matcher; if ( wgPageFormsAutocompleteOnAllChars ) { matcher = new RegExp($.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(term), "i" ); } else { matcher = new RegExp("\\b" + $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(term), "i" ); } // This may be an associative array instead of a // regular one - grep() requires a regular one. // (Is this "if" check necessary, or useful?) if ( typeof array === 'object' ) { // Unfortunately, Object.values() is // not supported on all browsers. array = Object.keys(array).map(function(key) { return array[key]; }); } return $.grep( array, function(value) { return matcher.test( value.label || value.value || value ); }); } } ); var values = $(this).data('autocompletevalues'); if ( !values ) { var wgPageFormsAutocompleteValues = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsAutocompleteValues' ); values = wgPageFormsAutocompleteValues[field_string]; } var split = function (val) { return val.split(delimiter); }; var extractLast = function (term) { return split(term).pop(); }; if (values !== null && values !== undefined) { // Local autocompletion if (delimiter !== null && delimiter !== undefined) { // Autocomplete for multiple values var thisInput = $(this); $(this).autocomplete({ minLength: 0, source: function(request, response) { // We need to re-get the set of values, since // the "values" variable gets overwritten. values = thisInput.data( 'autocompletevalues' ); if ( !values ) { values = wgPageFormsAutocompleteValues[field_string]; } response($.ui.autocomplete.filter(values, extractLast(request.term))); }, focus: function() { // prevent value inserted on focus return false; }, select: function(event, ui) { var terms = split( this.value ); // remove the current input terms.pop(); // add the selected item terms.push( ui.item.value ); // add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end terms.push(""); this.value = terms.join(delimiter); return false; } }); } else { // Autocomplete for a single value $(this).autocomplete({ // Unfortunately, Object.values() is // not supported on all browsers. source: ( typeof values === 'object' ) ? Object.keys(values).map(function(key) { return values[key]; }) : values }); } } else { // Remote autocompletion. var myServer = mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ); var autocomplete_type = $(this).attr("autocompletedatatype"); if ( autocomplete_type === 'cargo field' ) { var table_and_field = data_source.split('|'); myServer += "?action=pfautocomplete&format=json&cargo_table=" + table_and_field[0] + "&cargo_field=" + table_and_field[1]; } else { myServer += "?action=pfautocomplete&format=json&" + autocomplete_type + "=" + data_source; } if (delimiter !== null && delimiter !== undefined) { $(this).autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { $.getJSON(myServer, { substr: extractLast(request.term) }, function( data ) { response($.map(data.pfautocomplete, function(item) { return { value: item.title }; })); }); }, search: function() { // custom minLength var term = extractLast(this.value); if (term.length < 1) { return false; } }, focus: function() { // prevent value inserted on focus return false; }, select: function(event, ui) { var terms = split( this.value ); // remove the current input terms.pop(); // add the selected item terms.push( ui.item.value ); // add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end terms.push(""); this.value = terms.join(delimiter); return false; } } ); } else { $(this).autocomplete({ minLength: 1, source: function(request, response) { $.ajax({ url: myServer, dataType: "json", data: { substr:request.term }, success: function( data ) { response($.map(data.pfautocomplete, function(item) { return { value: item.title }; })); } }); }, open: function() { $(this).removeClass("ui-corner-all").addClass("ui-corner-top"); }, close: function() { $(this).removeClass("ui-corner-top").addClass("ui-corner-all"); } } ); } } }); }; /* * Functions to register/unregister methods for the initialization and * validation of inputs. */ // Initialize data object to hold initialization and validation data function setupPF() { $("#pfForm").data("PageForms",{ initFunctions : [], validationFunctions : [] }); } // Register a validation method // // More than one method may be registered for one input by subsequent calls to // PageForms_registerInputValidation. // // Validation functions and their data are stored in a numbered array // // @param valfunction The validation functions. Must take a string (the input's id) and an object as parameters // @param param The parameter object given to the validation function $.fn.PageForms_registerInputValidation = function(valfunction, param) { if ( ! this.attr("id") ) { return this; } if ( ! $("#pfForm").data("PageForms") ) { setupPF(); } $("#pfForm").data("PageForms").validationFunctions.push({ input : this.attr("id"), valfunction : valfunction, parameters : param }); return this; }; // Register an initialization method // // More than one method may be registered for one input by subsequent calls to // PageForms_registerInputInit. This method also executes the initFunction // if the element referenced by /this/ is not part of a multipleTemplateStarter. // // Initialization functions and their data are stored in a associative array // // @param initFunction The initialization function. Must take a string (the input's id) and an object as parameters // @param param The parameter object given to the initialization function // @param noexecute If set, the initialization method will not be executed here $.fn.PageForms_registerInputInit = function( initFunction, param, noexecute ) { // return if element has no id if ( ! this.attr("id") ) { return this; } // setup data structure if necessary if ( ! $("#pfForm").data("PageForms") ) { setupPF(); } // if no initialization function for this input was registered yet, // create entry if ( ! $("#pfForm").data("PageForms").initFunctions[this.attr("id")] ) { $("#pfForm").data("PageForms").initFunctions[this.attr("id")] = []; } // record initialization function $("#pfForm").data("PageForms").initFunctions[this.attr("id")].push({ initFunction : initFunction, parameters : param }); // execute initialization if input is not part of multipleTemplateStarter // and if not forbidden if ( this.closest(".multipleTemplateStarter").length === 0 && !noexecute) { var input = this; // ensure initFunction is only exectued after doc structure is complete $(function() {initFunction ( input.attr("id"), param );}); } return this; }; // Unregister all validation methods for the element referenced by /this/ $.fn.PageForms_unregisterInputValidation = function() { var pfdata = $("#pfForm").data("PageForms"); if ( this.attr("id") && pfdata ) { // delete every validation method for this input for ( var i = 0; i < pfdata.validationFunctions.length; i++ ) { if ( typeof pfdata.validationFunctions[i] !== 'undefined' && pfdata.validationFunctions[i].input === this.attr("id") ) { delete pfdata.validationFunctions[i]; } } } return this; }; // Unregister all initialization methods for the element referenced by /this/ $.fn.PageForms_unregisterInputInit = function() { if ( this.attr("id") && $("#pfForm").data("PageForms") ) { delete $("#pfForm").data("PageForms").initFunctions[this.attr("id")]; } return this; }; /* * Functions for handling 'show on select' */ // Display a div that would otherwise be hidden by "show on select". function showDiv( div_id, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ) { var speed = initPage ? 0 : 'fast'; var elem; if ( instanceWrapperDiv !== null ) { elem = $('[data-origID="' + div_id + '"]', instanceWrapperDiv); } else { elem = $('#' + div_id); } elem .addClass('shownByPF') .find(".hiddenByPF") .removeClass('hiddenByPF') .addClass('shownByPF') .find(".disabledByPF") .removeAttr('disabled') .removeClass('disabledByPF'); elem.each( function() { if ( $(this).css('display') === 'none' ) { $(this).slideDown(speed, function() { $(this).fadeTo(speed,1); }); } }); // Now re-show any form elements that are meant to be shown due // to the current value of form inputs in this div that are now // being uncovered. var wgPageFormsShowOnSelect = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsShowOnSelect' ); elem.find(".pfShowIfSelected, .pfShowIfChecked").each( function() { var uncoveredInput = $(this); var uncoveredInputID = null; if ( instanceWrapperDiv === null ) { uncoveredInputID = uncoveredInput.attr("id"); } else { uncoveredInputID = uncoveredInput.attr("data-origID"); } var showOnSelectVals = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[uncoveredInputID]; if ( showOnSelectVals !== undefined ) { var inputVal = uncoveredInput.val(); for ( var i = 0; i < showOnSelectVals.length; i++ ) { var options = showOnSelectVals[i][0]; var div_id2 = showOnSelectVals[i][1]; if ( uncoveredInput.hasClass( 'pfShowIfSelected' ) ) { showDivIfSelected( options, div_id2, inputVal, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); } else { uncoveredInput.showDivIfChecked( options, div_id2, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); } } } }); } // Hide a div due to "show on select". The CSS class is there so that PF can // ignore the div's contents when the form is submitted. function hideDiv( div_id, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ) { var speed = initPage ? 0 : 'fast'; var elem; // IDs can't contain spaces, and jQuery won't work with such IDs - if // this one has a space, display an alert. if ( div_id.indexOf( ' ' ) > -1 ) { // TODO - this should probably be a language value, instead of // hardcoded in English. alert( "Warning: this form has \"show on select\" pointing to an invalid element ID (\"" + div_id + "\") - IDs in HTML cannot contain spaces." ); } if ( instanceWrapperDiv !== null ) { elem = instanceWrapperDiv.find('[data-origID=' + div_id + ']'); } else { elem = $('#' + div_id); } // If we're just setting up the page, and this element has already // been marked to be shown by some other input, don't hide it. if ( initPage && elem.hasClass('shownByPF') ) { return; } elem.find("span, div").addClass('hiddenByPF'); elem.each( function() { if ( $(this).css('display') !== 'none' ) { // if 'display' is not 'hidden', but the element is hidden otherwise // (e.g. by having height = 0), just hide it, else animate the hiding if ( $(this).is(':hidden') ) { $(this).hide(); } else { $(this).fadeTo(speed, 0, function() { $(this).slideUp(speed); }); } } }); // Also, recursively hide further elements that are only shown because // inputs within this now-hidden div were checked/selected. var wgPageFormsShowOnSelect = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsShowOnSelect' ); elem.find(".pfShowIfSelected, .pfShowIfChecked").each( function() { var showOnSelectVals; if ( instanceWrapperDiv === null ) { showOnSelectVals = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[$(this).attr("id")]; } else { showOnSelectVals = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[$(this).attr("data-origID")]; } if ( showOnSelectVals !== undefined ) { for ( var i = 0; i < showOnSelectVals.length; i++ ) { //var options = showOnSelectVals[i][0]; var div_id2 = showOnSelectVals[i][1]; hideDiv( div_id2, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); } } }); } // Show this div if the current value is any of the relevant options - // otherwise, hide it. function showDivIfSelected(options, div_id, inputVal, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage) { for ( var i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) { // If it's a listbox and the user has selected more than one // value, it'll be an array - handle either case. if (($.isArray(inputVal) && $.inArray(options[i], inputVal) >= 0) || (!$.isArray(inputVal) && (inputVal === options[i]))) { showDiv( div_id, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); return; } } hideDiv( div_id, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); } // Used for handling 'show on select' for the 'dropdown' and 'listbox' inputs. $.fn.showIfSelected = function(partOfMultiple, initPage) { var inputVal = this.val(), wgPageFormsShowOnSelect = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsShowOnSelect' ), showOnSelectVals, instanceWrapperDiv; if ( partOfMultiple ) { showOnSelectVals = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[this.attr("data-origID")]; instanceWrapperDiv = this.closest('.multipleTemplateInstance'); } else { showOnSelectVals = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[this.attr("id")]; instanceWrapperDiv = null; } if ( showOnSelectVals !== undefined ) { for ( var i = 0; i < showOnSelectVals.length; i++ ) { var options = showOnSelectVals[i][0]; var div_id = showOnSelectVals[i][1]; showDivIfSelected( options, div_id, inputVal, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); } } return this; }; // Show this div if any of the relevant selections are checked - // otherwise, hide it. $.fn.showDivIfChecked = function(options, div_id, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ) { for ( var i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) { if ($(this).find('[value="' + options[i] + '"]').is(":checked")) { showDiv( div_id, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); return this; } } hideDiv( div_id, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); return this; }; // Used for handling 'show on select' for the 'checkboxes' and 'radiobutton' // inputs. $.fn.showIfChecked = function(partOfMultiple, initPage) { var wgPageFormsShowOnSelect = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsShowOnSelect' ), showOnSelectVals, instanceWrapperDiv, i; if ( partOfMultiple ) { showOnSelectVals = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[this.attr("data-origID")]; instanceWrapperDiv = this.closest('.multipleTemplateInstance'); } else { showOnSelectVals = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[this.attr("id")]; instanceWrapperDiv = null; } if ( showOnSelectVals !== undefined ) { for ( i = 0; i < showOnSelectVals.length; i++ ) { var options = showOnSelectVals[i][0]; var div_id = showOnSelectVals[i][1]; this.showDivIfChecked( options, div_id, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); } } return this; }; // Used for handling 'show on select' for the 'checkbox' input. $.fn.showIfCheckedCheckbox = function( partOfMultiple, initPage ) { var wgPageFormsShowOnSelect = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsShowOnSelect' ), divIDs, instanceWrapperDiv, i; if (partOfMultiple) { divIDs = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[this.attr("data-origID")]; instanceWrapperDiv = this.closest(".multipleTemplateInstance"); } else { divIDs = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[this.attr("id")]; instanceWrapperDiv = null; } for ( i = 0; i < divIDs.length; i++ ) { var divID = divIDs[i]; if ($(this).is(":checked")) { showDiv( divID, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); } else { hideDiv( divID, instanceWrapperDiv, initPage ); } } return this; }; /* * Validation functions */ // Set the error message for an input. $.fn.setErrorMessage = function(msg, val) { var container = this.find('.pfErrorMessages'); container.html($('
    ').addClass( 'errorMessage' ).text( mw.msg( msg, val ) )); }; // Append an error message to the end of an input. $.fn.addErrorMessage = function(msg, val) { this.find('input').addClass('inputError'); this.find('select2-container').addClass('inputError'); this.append($('
    ').addClass( 'errorMessage' ).text( mw.msg( msg, val ) )); }; $.fn.isAtMaxInstances = function() { var numInstances = this.find("div.multipleTemplateInstance").length; var maximumInstances = this.attr("maximumInstances"); if ( numInstances >= maximumInstances ) { this.parent().setErrorMessage( 'pf_too_many_instances_error', maximumInstances ); return true; } return false; }; $.fn.validateNumInstances = function() { var minimumInstances = this.attr("minimumInstances"); var maximumInstances = this.attr("maximumInstances"); var numInstances = this.find("div.multipleTemplateInstance").length; if ( numInstances < minimumInstances ) { this.parent().addErrorMessage( 'pf_too_few_instances_error', minimumInstances ); return false; } else if ( numInstances > maximumInstances ) { this.parent().addErrorMessage( 'pf_too_many_instances_error', maximumInstances ); return false; } else { return true; } }; $.fn.validateMandatoryField = function() { var fieldVal = this.find(".mandatoryField").val(); var isEmpty; if (fieldVal === null) { isEmpty = true; } else if ($.isArray(fieldVal)) { isEmpty = (fieldVal.length === 0); } else { isEmpty = (fieldVal.replace(/\s+/, '') === ''); } if (isEmpty) { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_blank_error' ); return false; } else { return true; } }; $.fn.validateUniqueField = function() { var UNDEFINED = "undefined"; var field = this.find(".uniqueField"); var fieldVal = field.val(); if (typeof fieldVal === UNDEFINED || fieldVal.replace(/\s+/, '') === '') { return true; } var fieldOrigVal = field.prop("defaultValue"); if (fieldVal === fieldOrigVal) { return true; } var categoryFieldName = field.prop("id") + "_unique_for_category"; var categoryField = $("[name=" + categoryFieldName + "]"); var category = categoryField.val(); var namespaceFieldName = field.prop("id") + "_unique_for_namespace"; var namespaceField = $("[name=" + namespaceFieldName + "]"); var namespace = namespaceField.val(); var url = mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + "/api.php?format=json&action="; var query, isNotUnique; // SMW var propertyFieldName = field.prop("id") + "_unique_property", propertyField = $("[name=" + propertyFieldName + "]"), property = propertyField.val(); if (typeof property !== UNDEFINED && property.replace(/\s+/, '') !== '') { query = "[[" + property + "::" + fieldVal + "]]"; if (typeof category !== UNDEFINED && category.replace(/\s+/, '') !== '') { query += "[[Category:" + category + "]]"; } if (typeof namespace !== UNDEFINED) { if (namespace.replace(/\s+/, '') !== '') { query += "[[:" + namespace + ":+]]"; } else { query += "[[:+]]"; } } var conceptFieldName = field.prop("id") + "_unique_for_concept"; var conceptField = $("[name=" + conceptFieldName + "]"); var concept = conceptField.val(); if (typeof concept !== UNDEFINED && concept.replace(/\s+/, '') !== '') { query += "[[Concept:" + concept + "]]"; } query += "|limit=1"; query = encodeURIComponent(query); url += "ask&query=" + query; isNotUnique = true; $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json', async: false, success: function(data) { if (data.query.meta.count === 0) { isNotUnique = false; } } }); if (isNotUnique) { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_not_unique_error' ); return false; } else { return true; } } // Cargo var cargoTableFieldName = field.prop("id") + "_unique_cargo_table"; var cargoTableField = $("[name=" + cargoTableFieldName + "]"); var cargoTable = cargoTableField.val(); var cargoFieldFieldName = field.prop("id") + "_unique_cargo_field"; var cargoFieldField = $("[name=" + cargoFieldFieldName + "]"); var cargoField = cargoFieldField.val(); if (typeof cargoTable !== UNDEFINED && cargoTable.replace(/\s+/, '') !== '' && typeof cargoField !== UNDEFINED && cargoField.replace(/\s+/, '') !== '') { query = "&where=" + cargoField + "+=+'" + fieldVal + "'"; if (typeof category !== UNDEFINED && category.replace(/\s+/, '') !== '') { category = category.replace(/\s/, '_'); query += "+AND+cl_to=" + category + "+AND+cl_from=_pageID"; cargoTable += ",categorylinks"; } if (typeof namespace !== UNDEFINED) { query += "+AND+_pageNamespace="; if (namespace.replace(/\s+/, '') !== '') { var ns = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds')[namespace.toLowerCase()]; if (typeof ns !== UNDEFINED) { query += ns; } } else { query += "0"; } } query += "&limit=1"; url += "cargoquery&tables=" + cargoTable + "&fields=" + cargoField + query; isNotUnique = true; $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json', async: false, success: function(data) { if (data.cargoquery.length === 0) { isNotUnique = false; } } }); if (isNotUnique) { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_not_unique_error' ); return false; } else { return true; } } return true; }; $.fn.validateMandatoryComboBox = function() { var combobox = this.find( "input.pfComboBox" ); if (combobox.val() === '') { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_blank_error' ); return false; } else { return true; } }; $.fn.validateMandatoryDateField = function() { if (this.find(".dayInput").val() === '' || this.find(".monthInput").val() === '' || this.find(".yearInput").val() === '') { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_blank_error' ); return false; } else { return true; } }; // Special handling for radiobuttons, because what's being checked // is the first radiobutton, which has an empty value. $.fn.validateMandatoryRadioButton = function() { if (this.find("[value='']").is(':checked')) { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_blank_error' ); return false; } else { return true; } }; $.fn.validateMandatoryCheckboxes = function() { // Get the number of checked checkboxes within this span - must // be at least one. var numChecked = this.find("input:checked").size(); if (numChecked === 0) { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_blank_error' ); return false; } else { return true; } }; /* * Type-based validation */ $.fn.validateURLField = function() { var fieldVal = this.find("input").val(); var url_protocol = mw.config.get( 'wgUrlProtocols' ); //removing backslash before colon from url_protocol string url_protocol = url_protocol.replace( /\\:/, ':' ); //removing '//' from wgUrlProtocols as this causes to match any protocol in regexp url_protocol = url_protocol.replace( /\|\\\/\\\//, '' ); var url_regexp = new RegExp( '(' + url_protocol + ')' + '(\\w+:{0,1}\\w*@)?(\\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\-\/]))?' ); if (fieldVal === "" || url_regexp.test(fieldVal)) { return true; } else { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_bad_url_error' ); return false; } }; $.fn.validateEmailField = function() { var fieldVal = this.find("input").val(); // code borrowed from http://javascript.internet.com/forms/email-validation---basic.html var email_regexp = /^\s*\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,6})+\s*$/; if (fieldVal === '' || email_regexp.test(fieldVal)) { return true; } else { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_bad_email_error' ); return false; } }; $.fn.validateNumberField = function() { var fieldVal = this.find("input").val(); // Handle "E notation"/scientific notation ("1.2e-3") in addition // to regular numbers if (fieldVal === '' || fieldVal.match(/^\s*[\-+]?((\d+[\.,]?\d*)|(\d*[\.,]?\d+))([eE]?[\-\+]?\d+)?\s*$/)) { return true; } else { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_bad_number_error' ); return false; } }; $.fn.validateDateField = function() { // validate only if day and year fields are both filled in var dayVal = this.find(".dayInput").val(); var yearVal = this.find(".yearInput").val(); if (dayVal === '' || yearVal === '') { return true; } else if (dayVal.match(/^\d+$/) && dayVal <= 31) { // no year validation, since it can also include // 'BC' and possibly other non-number strings return true; } else { this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_bad_date_error' ); return false; } }; // Standalone pipes are not allowed, because they mess up the template // parsing; unless they're part of a call to a template or a parser function. $.fn.checkForPipes = function() { var fieldVal = this.find("input, textarea").val(); // We need to check for a few different things because this is // called for a variety of different input types. if ( fieldVal === undefined || fieldVal === '' ) { fieldVal = this.text(); } if ( fieldVal === undefined || fieldVal === '' ) { return true; } if ( fieldVal.indexOf( '|' ) < 0 ) { return true; } if (mw.config.get( 'wgAllowPipesInForms' )) { return true; } // Also allow pipes within special tags, like
     or .
    	// Code copied, more or less, from PFTemplateInForm::escapeNonTemplatePipes().
    	var startAndEndTags = [
    		[ '' ],
    		[ '' ],
    		[ '' ],
    		[ '' ]
    	for ( var i in startAndEndTags ) {
    		var startTag = startAndEndTags[i][0];
    		var endTag = startAndEndTags[i][1];
    		var pattern = RegExp( "(" + startTag + "[^]*?)\\|([^]*?" + endTag + ")", 'i' );
    		var matches;
    		while ( ( matches = fieldVal.match( pattern ) ) !== null ) {
    			// Special handling, to avoid escaping pipes
    			// within a string that looks like:
    			// startTag ... endTag | startTag ... endTag
    			if ( matches[1].includes( endTag ) &&
    				matches[2].includes( startTag ) ) {
    				fieldVal = fieldVal.replace( pattern, "$1" + "\2" + "$2");
    			} else {
    				fieldVal = fieldVal.replace( pattern, "$1" + "\1" + "$2" );
    	fieldVal = fieldVal.replace( "\2", '|' );
    	// Now check for pipes outside of brackets.
    	var nextPipe,
    	// There's at least one pipe - here's where the real work begins.
    	// We do a mini-parsing of the string to try to make sure that every
    	// pipe is within either double square brackets (links) or double
    	// curly brackets (parser functions, template calls).
    	// For simplicity's sake, turn all curly brackets into square brackets,
    	// so we only have to check for one thing.
    	// This will incorrectly allow bad text like "[[a|b}}", but hopefully
    	// that's not a major problem.
    	fieldVal = fieldVal.replace( /{{/g, '[[' );
    	fieldVal = fieldVal.replace( /}}/g, ']]' );
    	var curIndex = 0;
    	var numUnclosedBrackets = 0;
    	while ( true ) {
    		nextDoubleBracketsStart = fieldVal.indexOf( '[[', curIndex );
    		if ( numUnclosedBrackets === 0 ) {
    			nextPipe = fieldVal.indexOf( '|', curIndex );
    			if ( nextPipe < 0 ) {
    				return true;
    			if ( nextDoubleBracketsStart < 0 || nextPipe < nextDoubleBracketsStart ) {
    				// There's a pipe where it shouldn't be.
    				this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_pipe_error' );
    				return false;
    		} else {
    			if ( nextDoubleBracketsEnd < 0 ) {
    				// Something is malformed - might as well throw
    				// an error.
    				this.addErrorMessage( 'pf_pipe_error' );
    				return false;
    		nextDoubleBracketsEnd = fieldVal.indexOf( ']]', curIndex );
    		if ( nextDoubleBracketsStart >= 0 && nextDoubleBracketsStart < nextDoubleBracketsEnd ) {
    			curIndex = nextDoubleBracketsStart + 2;
    		} else {
    			curIndex = nextDoubleBracketsEnd + 2;
    	// We'll never get here, but let's have this line anyway.
    	return true;
    window.validateAll = function () {
    	// Hook that fires on form submission, before the validation.
    	var num_errors = 0;
    	// Remove all old error messages.
    	// Make sure all inputs are ignored in the "starter" instance
    	// of any multiple-instance template.
    	$(".multipleTemplateStarter").find("span, div").addClass("hiddenByPF");
    	$(".multipleTemplateList").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateNumInstances() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.inputSpan.mandatoryFieldSpan").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateMandatoryField() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("div.ui-widget.mandatory").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateMandatoryComboBox() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.dateInput.mandatoryFieldSpan").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateMandatoryDateField() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.radioButtonSpan.mandatoryFieldSpan").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateMandatoryRadioButton() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.checkboxesSpan.mandatoryFieldSpan").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateMandatoryCheckboxes() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("div.pfTreeInput.mandatory").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		// @HACK - handle both the options for tree, checkboxes and
    		// radiobuttons, at the same time, regardless of which one is
    		// being used. This seems to work fine, though.
    		if (! $(this).validateMandatoryCheckboxes() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    		if (! $(this).validateMandatoryRadioButton() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.inputSpan.uniqueFieldSpan").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateUniqueField() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.inputSpan, div.pfComboBox").not(".hiddenByPF, .freeText, .pageSection").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).checkForPipes() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.URLInput").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateURLField() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.emailInput").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateEmailField() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.numberInput").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateNumberField() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("span.dateInput").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		if (! $(this).validateDateField() ) {
    			num_errors += 1;
    	$("input.modifiedInput").not(".hiddenByPF").each( function() {
    		// No separate function needed.
    		$(this).parent().addErrorMessage( 'pf_modified_input_error' );
    		num_errors += 1;
    	// call registered validation functions
    	var pfdata = $("#pfForm").data('PageForms');
    	if ( pfdata && pfdata.validationFunctions.length > 0 ) { // found data object?
    		// for every registered input
    		for ( var i = 0; i < pfdata.validationFunctions.length; i++ ) {
    			// if input is not part of multipleTemplateStarter
    			if ( typeof pfdata.validationFunctions[i] !== 'undefined' &&
    				$("#" + pfdata.validationFunctions[i].input).closest(".multipleTemplateStarter").length === 0 &&
    				$("#" + pfdata.validationFunctions[i].input).closest(".hiddenByPF").length === 0 ) {
    				if (! pfdata.validationFunctions[i].valfunction(
    					) {
    					num_errors += 1;
    	if (num_errors > 0) {
    		// add error header, if it's not there already
    		if ($("#form_error_header").size() === 0) {
     ' + mw.message( 'pf_formerrors_header' ).escaped() + '

    '); } scroll(0, 0); } else { // Disable inputs hidden due to either "show on select" or // because they're part of the "starter" div for // multiple-instance templates, so that they aren't // submitted by the form. $('.hiddenByPF').find("input, select, textarea").not(':disabled') .prop('disabled', true) .addClass('disabledByPF'); //remove error box if it exists because there are no errors in the form now $("#contentSub").find(".errorbox").remove(); } // Hook that fires on form submission, after the validation. mw.hook('pf.formValidationAfter').fire(); return (num_errors === 0); }; var num_elements = 0; /** * Functions for multiple-instance templates. */ $.fn.addInstance = function( addAboveCurInstance ) { var wgPageFormsShowOnSelect = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsShowOnSelect' ); var wrapper = this.closest(".multipleTemplateWrapper"); var multipleTemplateList = wrapper.find('.multipleTemplateList'); // If the nubmer of instances is already at the maximum allowed, // exit here. if ( multipleTemplateList.isAtMaxInstances() ) { return false; } // Global variable. num_elements++; // Create the new instance var new_div = wrapper .find(".multipleTemplateStarter") .clone() .removeClass('multipleTemplateStarter') .addClass('multipleTemplateInstance') .addClass('multipleTemplate') // backwards compatibility .removeAttr("id") .fadeTo(0,0) .slideDown('fast', function() { $(this).fadeTo('fast', 1); }); // Add on a new attribute, "data-origID", representing the ID of all // HTML elements that had an ID; and delete the actual ID attribute // of any divs and spans (presumably, these exist only for the // sake of "show on select"). We do the deletions because no two // elements on the page are allowed to have the same ID. new_div.find('[id!=""]').attr('data-origID', function() { return this.id; }); new_div.find('div[id!=""], span[id!=""]').removeAttr('id'); new_div.find('.hiddenByPF') .removeClass('hiddenByPF') .find('.disabledByPF') .removeAttr('disabled') .removeClass('disabledByPF'); // Make internal ID unique for the relevant form elements, and replace // the [num] index in the element names with an actual unique index new_div.find("input, select, textarea").each( function() { // Add in a 'b' at the end of the name to reduce the // chance of name collision with another field if (this.name) { var real_old_name = this.name; var old_name = this.name.replace(/\[num\]/g, ''); $(this).attr('origName', old_name); this.name = this.name.replace(/\[num\]/g, '[' + num_elements + 'b]'); var new_name = this.name; // replace name in imput that reference it : new_div.find("input[data-targetname='"+real_old_name + "']").each( function () { $(this).attr('data-targetname',new_name); } ); } if (this.id) { var old_id = this.id; this.id = this.id.replace(/input_/g, 'input_' + num_elements + '_'); // TODO: Data in wgPageFormsShowOnSelect should probably be stored in // $("#pfForm").data('PageForms') if ( wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[ old_id ] ) { wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[ this.id ] = wgPageFormsShowOnSelect[ old_id ]; } // register initialization and validation methods for new inputs var pfdata = $("#pfForm").data('PageForms'); if ( pfdata ) { // found data object? var i; if ( pfdata.initFunctions[old_id] ) { // For every initialization method for // input with id old_id, register the // method for the new input. for ( i = 0; i < pfdata.initFunctions[old_id].length; i++ ) { $(this).PageForms_registerInputInit( pfdata.initFunctions[old_id][i].initFunction, pfdata.initFunctions[old_id][i].parameters, true //do not yet execute ); } } // For every validation method for the // input with ID old_id, register it // for the new input. for ( i = 0; i < pfdata.validationFunctions.length; i++ ) { if ( typeof pfdata.validationFunctions[i] !== 'undefined' && pfdata.validationFunctions[i].input === old_id ) { $(this).PageForms_registerInputValidation( pfdata.validationFunctions[i].valfunction, pfdata.validationFunctions[i].parameters ); } } } } } ); new_div.find('a').attr('href', function() { return this.href.replace(/input_/g, 'input_' + num_elements + '_'); }); new_div.find('span').attr('id', function() { return this.id.replace(/span_/g, 'span_' + num_elements + '_'); }); new_div.find('label').attr('for', function() { return this.htmlFor.replace(/input_/g, 'input_' + num_elements + '_'); }); // Add the new instance. if ( addAboveCurInstance ) { new_div.insertBefore(this.closest(".multipleTemplateInstance")); } else { this.closest(".multipleTemplateWrapper") .find(".multipleTemplateList") .append(new_div); } new_div.initializeJSElements(true); // Initialize new inputs. new_div.find("input, select, textarea").each( function() { if (this.id) { var pfdata = $("#pfForm").data('PageForms'); if ( pfdata ) { // have to store data array: the id attribute // of 'this' might be changed in the init function var thatData = pfdata.initFunctions[this.id] ; if ( thatData ) { // if anything registered at all // Call every initialization method // for this input for ( var i = 0; i < thatData.length; i++ ) { var initFunction = thatData[i].initFunction; // If the code attempted to store // this function before it was // defined, only its name was stored. // In that case, get the function now. // @TODO - move getFunctionFromName() // so that it can be called from here, // which would be better than window[]. if ( typeof initFunction === 'string' ) { initFunction = window[initFunction]; } initFunction( this.id, thatData[i].parameters ); } } } } } ); // Hook that fires each time a new template instance is added. // The first parameter is a jQuery selection of the newly created instance div. mw.hook('pf.addTemplateInstance').fire(new_div); }; // The first argument is needed, even though it's an attribute of the element // on which this function is called, because it's the 'name' attribute for // regular inputs, and the 'origName' attribute for inputs in multiple-instance // templates. $.fn.setDependentAutocompletion = function( dependentField, baseField, baseValue ) { // Get data from either Cargo or Semantic MediaWiki. var myServer = mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + "/api.php", wgPageFormsCargoFields = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsCargoFields' ), wgPageFormsFieldProperties = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsFieldProperties' ); myServer += "?action=pfautocomplete&format=json"; if ( wgPageFormsCargoFields.hasOwnProperty( dependentField ) ) { var cargoTableAndFieldStr = wgPageFormsCargoFields[dependentField]; var cargoTableAndField = cargoTableAndFieldStr.split('|'); var cargoTable = cargoTableAndField[0]; var cargoField = cargoTableAndField[1]; var baseCargoTableAndFieldStr = wgPageFormsCargoFields[baseField]; var baseCargoTableAndField = baseCargoTableAndFieldStr.split('|'); var baseCargoTable = baseCargoTableAndField[0]; var baseCargoField = baseCargoTableAndField[1]; myServer += "&cargo_table=" + cargoTable + "&cargo_field=" + cargoField + "&is_array=true" + "&base_cargo_table=" + baseCargoTable + "&base_cargo_field=" + baseCargoField + "&basevalue=" + baseValue; } else { var propName = wgPageFormsFieldProperties[dependentField]; var baseProp = wgPageFormsFieldProperties[baseField]; myServer += "&property=" + propName + "&baseprop=" + baseProp + "&basevalue=" + baseValue; } var dependentValues = []; var thisInput = $(this); // We use $.ajax() here instead of $.getJSON() so that the // 'async' parameter can be set. That, in turn, is set because // if the 2nd, "dependent" field is a combo box, it can have weird // behavior: clicking on the down arrow for the combo box leads to a // "blur" event for the base field, which causes the possible // values to get recalculated, but not in time for the dropdown to // change values - it still shows the old values. By setting // "async: false", we guarantee that old values won't be shown - if // the values haven't been recalculated yet, the dropdown won't // appear at all. // @TODO - handle this the right way, by having special behavior for // the dropdown - it should get delayed until the values are // calculated, then appear. $.ajax({ url: myServer, dataType: 'json', async: false, success: function(data) { var realData = data.pfautocomplete; $.each(realData, function(key, val) { dependentValues.push(val.title); }); thisInput.data('autocompletevalues', dependentValues); thisInput.attachAutocomplete(); } }); }; /** * Called on a 'base' field (e.g., for a country) - sets the autocompletion * for its 'dependent' field (e.g., for a city). */ $.fn.setAutocompleteForDependentField = function( partOfMultiple ) { var curValue = $(this).val(); if ( curValue === null ) { return this; } var nameAttr = partOfMultiple ? 'origName' : 'name'; var name = $(this).attr(nameAttr); var wgPageFormsDependentFields = mw.config.get( 'wgPageFormsDependentFields' ); var dependent_on_me = []; for ( var i = 0; i < wgPageFormsDependentFields.length; i++ ) { var dependentFieldPair = wgPageFormsDependentFields[i]; if ( dependentFieldPair[0] === name ) { dependent_on_me.push(dependentFieldPair[1]); } } dependent_on_me = $.unique(dependent_on_me); var self = this; $.each( dependent_on_me, function() { var element, cmbox, tokens, dependentField = this; if ( partOfMultiple ) { element = $( self ).closest( '.multipleTemplateInstance' ) .find('[origName="' + dependentField + '"]'); } else { element = $('[name="' + dependentField + '"]'); } if ( element.hasClass( 'pfComboBox' ) ) { cmbox = new pf.select2.combobox(); cmbox.refresh(element); } else if ( element.hasClass( 'pfTokens' ) ) { tokens = new pf.select2.tokens(); tokens.refresh(element); } else { element.setDependentAutocompletion(dependentField, name, curValue); } }); return this; }; /** * Initialize all the JS-using elements contained within this block - can be * called for either the entire HTML body, or for a div representing an * instance of a multiple-instance template. */ $.fn.initializeJSElements = function( partOfMultiple ) { var fancyBoxSettings; this.find(".pfShowIfSelected").each( function() { // Avoid duplicate calls on any one element. if ( !partOfMultiple && $(this).parents('.multipleTemplateWrapper').length > 0 ) { return; } $(this) .showIfSelected(partOfMultiple, true) .change( function() { $(this).showIfSelected(partOfMultiple, false); }); }); this.find(".pfShowIfChecked").each( function() { // Avoid duplicate calls on any one element. if ( !partOfMultiple && $(this).parents('.multipleTemplateWrapper').length > 0 ) { return; } $(this) .showIfChecked(partOfMultiple, true) .click( function() { $(this).showIfChecked(partOfMultiple, false); }); }); this.find(".pfShowIfCheckedCheckbox").each( function() { // Avoid duplicate calls on any one element. if ( !partOfMultiple && $(this).parents('.multipleTemplateWrapper').length > 0 ) { return; } $(this) .showIfCheckedCheckbox(partOfMultiple, true) .click( function() { $(this).showIfCheckedCheckbox(partOfMultiple, false); }); }); if ( partOfMultiple ) { // Enable the new remove button this.find(".removeButton").click( function() { // Unregister initialization and validation for deleted inputs $(this).parentsUntil( '.multipleTemplateInstance' ).last().parent().find("input, select, textarea").each( function() { $(this).PageForms_unregisterInputInit(); $(this).PageForms_unregisterInputValidation(); } ); // Remove the encompassing div for this instance. $(this).closest(".multipleTemplateInstance") .fadeTo('fast', 0, function() { $(this).slideUp('fast', function() { $(this).remove(); }); }); return false; }); // ...and the new adder this.find('.addAboveButton').click( function() { $(this).addInstance( true ); return false; // needed to disable behavior }); } var combobox = new pf.select2.combobox(); this.find('.pfComboBox').not('#semantic_property_starter, .multipleTemplateStarter .pfComboBox, .select2-container').each( function() { combobox.apply($(this)); }); var tokens = new pf.select2.tokens(); this.find('.pfTokens').not('.multipleTemplateStarter .pfTokens, .select2-container').each( function() { tokens.apply($(this)); }); // We use a different version of FancyBox depending on the version // of jQuery (1 vs. 3) (which in turn depends on the version of // MediaWiki (<= 1.29 vs. >= 1.30)). if ( parseInt($().jquery) >= 3 ) { fancyBoxSettings = { toolbar : false, smallBtn : true, iframe : { preload : false, css : { width : '75%', height : '75%' } }, animationEffect : false }; } else { fancyBoxSettings = { 'width' : '75%', 'height' : '75%', 'autoScale' : false, 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'type' : 'iframe', 'overlayColor' : '#222', 'overlayOpacity' : '0.8' }; } if ( partOfMultiple ) { this.find('.pfFancyBox').fancybox(fancyBoxSettings); this.find('.autocompleteInput').attachAutocomplete(); this.find('.autoGrow').autoGrow(); this.find(".pfRating").applyRatingInput(); this.find(".pfTreeInput").each( function() { $(this).applyDynatree(); }); } else { this.find('.pfFancyBox').not('multipleTemplateWrapper .pfFancyBox').fancybox(fancyBoxSettings); this.find('.autocompleteInput').not('.multipleTemplateWrapper .autocompleteInput').attachAutocomplete(); this.find('.autoGrow').not('.multipleTemplateWrapper .autoGrow').autoGrow(); this.find(".pfRating").not(".multipleTemplateWrapper .pfRating").applyRatingInput(); this.find(".pfTreeInput").not(".multipleTemplateWrapper .pfTreeInput").each( function() { $(this).applyDynatree(); }); } // @TODO - this should ideally be called only for inputs that have // a dependent field - which might involve changing the storage of // "dependent fields" information from a global variable to a // per-input HTML attribute. this.find('input, select').each( function() { $(this) .setAutocompleteForDependentField( partOfMultiple ) .blur( function() { $(this).setAutocompleteForDependentField( partOfMultiple ); }); }); // The 'blur' event doesn't get triggered for radio buttons for // Chrome and Safari (the WebKit-based browsers) so use the 'change' // event in addition. // @TODO - blur() shuldn't be called at all for radio buttons. this.find('input:radio') .change( function() { $(this).setAutocompleteForDependentField( partOfMultiple ); }); var myThis = this; if ( $.fn.applyVisualEditor ) { if ( partOfMultiple ) { myThis.find(".visualeditor").applyVisualEditor(); } else { myThis.find(".visualeditor").not(".multipleTemplateWrapper .visualeditor").applyVisualEditor(); } } else { $(document).bind('VEForAllLoaded', function(e) { if ( partOfMultiple ) { myThis.find(".visualeditor").applyVisualEditor(); } else { myThis.find(".visualeditor").not(".multipleTemplateWrapper .visualeditor").applyVisualEditor(); } }); } // @TODO - this should be in the TinyMCE extension, and use a hook. if ( partOfMultiple ) { this.find(".tinymce").each( function() { mwTinyMCEInit( '#' + $(this).attr('id') ); }); } else { this.find(".tinymce").not(".multipleTemplateWrapper .tinymce").each( function() { mwTinyMCEInit( '#' + $(this).attr('id') ); }); } }; // Once the document has finished loading, set up everything! $(document).ready( function() { var i, inputID, validationFunctionData; function getFunctionFromName( functionName ) { var func = window; var namespaces = functionName.split( "." ); for ( var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++ ) { func = func[ namespaces[ i ] ]; } // If this gets called before the function is defined, just // store the function name instead, for later lookup. if ( func === null ) { return functionName; } return func; } // Initialize inputs created by #forminput. if ( $('.pfFormInput').length > 0 ) { $('.autocompleteInput').attachAutocomplete(); } // Exit now if a Page Forms form is not present. if ( $('#pfForm').length === 0 ) { return; } // register init functions var initFunctionData = mw.config.get( 'ext.pf.initFunctionData' ); for ( inputID in initFunctionData ) { for ( i in initFunctionData[inputID] ) { /*jshint -W069 */ $( '#' + inputID ).PageForms_registerInputInit( getFunctionFromName( initFunctionData[ inputID ][ i ][ 'name' ] ), initFunctionData[ inputID ][ i ][ 'param' ] ); /*jshint +W069 */ } } // register validation functions validationFunctionData = mw.config.get( 'ext.pf.validationFunctionData' ); for ( inputID in validationFunctionData ) { for ( i in validationFunctionData[inputID] ) { /*jshint -W069 */ $( '#' + inputID ).PageForms_registerInputValidation( getFunctionFromName( validationFunctionData[ inputID ][ i ][ 'name' ] ), validationFunctionData[ inputID ][ i ][ 'param' ] ); /*jshint +W069 */ } } $( 'body' ).initializeJSElements(false); $('.multipleTemplateInstance').initializeJSElements(true); $('.multipleTemplateAdder').click( function() { $(this).addInstance( false ); }); $('.multipleTemplateList').sortable({ axis: 'y', handle: '.instanceRearranger' }); // If the form is submitted, validate everything! $('#pfForm').submit( function() { return validateAll(); } ); mw.hook('pf.formInitializationEnd').fire(); }); }( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );