array() ); } public static function getHeight( $other_args ) { if ( array_key_exists( 'height', $other_args ) ) { $height = $other_args['height']; // Add on "px", if no unit is defined. if ( is_numeric( $height ) ) { $height .= "px"; } } else { $height = "500px"; } return $height; } public static function getWidth( $other_args ) { if ( array_key_exists( 'width', $other_args ) ) { $width = $other_args['width']; // Add on "px", if no unit is defined. if ( is_numeric( $width ) ) { $width .= "px"; } } else { $width = "500px"; } return $width; } public static function getHTML( $cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args ) { global $wgPageFormsFieldNum, $wgPageFormsTabIndex; global $wgOut; if ( !ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'OpenLayers' ) ) { $scripts = array( "" ); $scriptsHTML = ''; foreach ( $scripts as $script ) { $scriptsHTML .= Html::linkedScript( $script ); } $wgOut->addHeadItem( $scriptsHTML, $scriptsHTML ); } $wgOut->addModules( 'ext.pageforms.maps' ); $coordsInputAttrs = array( 'type' => 'text', 'tabindex' => $wgPageFormsTabIndex, 'class' => 'pfCoordsInput', 'name' => $input_name, 'value' => self::parseCoordinatesString( $cur_value ), 'size' => 40 ); $coordsInput = Html::element( 'input', $coordsInputAttrs ); // For OpenLayers, doing an address lookup, i.e. a geocode, // will require a separate geocoding address, which may // require a server-side reader to access that API. // For now, let's just not do this, since the Google Maps // input is much more widely used anyway. // @TODO - add this in. // $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; // $addressLookupInput = Html::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'text', 'tabindex' => $wgPageFormsTabIndex, 'class' => 'pfAddressInput', 'size' => 40, 'placeholder' => wfMessage( 'pf-maps-enteraddress' )->parse() ), null ); // $addressLookupButton = Html::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'button', 'class' => 'pfLookUpAddress', 'value' => wfMessage( 'pf-maps-lookupcoordinates' )->parse() ), null ); $height = self::getHeight( $other_args ); $width = self::getWidth( $other_args ); $mapCanvas = Html::element( 'div', array( 'class' => 'pfMapCanvas', 'id' => 'pfMapCanvas' . $wgPageFormsFieldNum, 'style' => "height: $height; width: $width;" ), null ); /* $fullInputHTML = << $addressLookupInput $addressLookupButton END; */ $fullInputHTML = << $coordsInput END; $fullInputHTML .= "$mapCanvas\n"; $text = Html::rawElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'pfOpenLayersInput' ), $fullInputHTML ); return $text; } public static function getParameters() { $params = parent::getParameters(); $params[] = array( 'name' => 'height', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf_forminputs_height' )->text() ); $params[] = array( 'name' => 'width', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf_forminputs_width' )->text() ); return $params; } /** * Returns the HTML code to be included in the output page for this input. * @return string */ public function getHtmlText() { return self::getHTML( $this->mCurrentValue, $this->mInputName, $this->mIsMandatory, $this->mIsDisabled, $this->mOtherArgs ); } /** * Parses one half of a set of coordinates into a number. * * Copied from CargoStore::coordinatePartToNumber() in the Cargo * extension. * @param string $coordinateStr * @return int * @throws MWException */ public static function coordinatePartToNumber( $coordinateStr ) { $degreesSymbols = array( "\x{00B0}", "d" ); $minutesSymbols = array( "'", "\x{2032}", "\x{00B4}" ); $secondsSymbols = array( '"', "\x{2033}", "\x{00B4}\x{00B4}" ); $numDegrees = null; $numMinutes = null; $numSeconds = null; foreach ( $degreesSymbols as $degreesSymbol ) { $pattern = '/([\d\.]+)' . $degreesSymbol . '/u'; if ( preg_match( $pattern, $coordinateStr, $matches ) ) { $numDegrees = floatval( $matches[1] ); break; } } if ( $numDegrees == null ) { throw new MWException( "Error: could not parse degrees in \"$coordinateStr\"." ); } foreach ( $minutesSymbols as $minutesSymbol ) { $pattern = '/([\d\.]+)' . $minutesSymbol . '/u'; if ( preg_match( $pattern, $coordinateStr, $matches ) ) { $numMinutes = floatval( $matches[1] ); break; } } if ( $numMinutes == null ) { // This might not be an error - the number of minutes // might just not have been set. $numMinutes = 0; } foreach ( $secondsSymbols as $secondsSymbol ) { $pattern = '/(\d+)' . $secondsSymbol . '/u'; if ( preg_match( $pattern, $coordinateStr, $matches ) ) { $numSeconds = floatval( $matches[1] ); break; } } if ( $numSeconds == null ) { // This might not be an error - the number of seconds // might just not have been set. $numSeconds = 0; } return ( $numDegrees + ( $numMinutes / 60 ) + ( $numSeconds / 3600 ) ); } /** * Parses a coordinate string in (hopefully) any standard format. * * Copied from CargoStore::parseCoordinateString() in the Cargo * extension. * @param string $coordinatesString * @return string|null */ public static function parseCoordinatesString( $coordinatesString ) { $coordinatesString = trim( $coordinatesString ); if ( $coordinatesString === '' ) { return null; } // This is safe to do, right? $coordinatesString = str_replace( array( '[', ']' ), '', $coordinatesString ); // See if they're separated by commas. if ( strpos( $coordinatesString, ',' ) > 0 ) { $latAndLonStrings = explode( ',', $coordinatesString ); } else { // If there are no commas, the first half, for the // latitude, should end with either 'N' or 'S', so do a // little hack to split up the two halves. $coordinatesString = str_replace( array( 'N', 'S' ), array( 'N,', 'S,' ), $coordinatesString ); $latAndLonStrings = explode( ',', $coordinatesString ); } if ( count( $latAndLonStrings ) != 2 ) { throw new MWException( "Error parsing coordinates string: \"$coordinatesString\"." ); } list( $latString, $lonString ) = $latAndLonStrings; // Handle strings one at a time. $latIsNegative = false; if ( strpos( $latString, 'S' ) > 0 ) { $latIsNegative = true; } $latString = str_replace( array( 'N', 'S' ), '', $latString ); if ( is_numeric( $latString ) ) { $latNum = floatval( $latString ); } else { $latNum = self::coordinatePartToNumber( $latString ); } if ( $latIsNegative ) { $latNum *= -1; } $lonIsNegative = false; if ( strpos( $lonString, 'W' ) > 0 ) { $lonIsNegative = true; } $lonString = str_replace( array( 'E', 'W' ), '', $lonString ); if ( is_numeric( $lonString ) ) { $lonNum = floatval( $lonString ); } else { $lonNum = self::coordinatePartToNumber( $lonString ); } if ( $lonIsNegative ) { $lonNum *= -1; } return "$latNum, $lonNum"; } }