addJsInitFunctionData( 'PF_DP_init', $this->setupJsInitAttribs() ); } /** * Returns the name of the input type this class handles. * * This is the name to be used in the field definition for the * "input type" parameter. * * @return String The name of the input type this class handles. */ public static function getName() { return 'datepicker'; } /** * Returns the names of the resource modules this input type uses. * * Returns the names of the modules as an array or - if there is only * one module - as a string. * * @return null|string|array */ public function getResourceModuleNames() { return array( 'jquery.ui.datepicker', 'ext.pageforms.datepicker' ); } /** * Static setup method for input type "datepicker". * Adds the Javascript config settings used by all datepickers. */ private static function setup() { global $wgOut, $wgLang; static $hasRun = false; if ( !$hasRun ) { $hasRun = true; $regional = array( 'closeText' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-close' )->text(), 'prevText' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-prev' )->text(), 'nextText' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-next' )->text(), 'currentText' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-today' )->text(), 'monthNames' => array( wfMessage( 'january' )->text(), wfMessage( 'february' )->text(), wfMessage( 'march' )->text(), wfMessage( 'april' )->text(), wfMessage( 'may_long' )->text(), wfMessage( 'june' )->text(), wfMessage( 'july' )->text(), wfMessage( 'august' )->text(), wfMessage( 'september' )->text(), wfMessage( 'october' )->text(), wfMessage( 'november' )->text(), wfMessage( 'december' )->text(), ), 'monthNamesShort' => array( wfMessage( 'jan' )->text(), wfMessage( 'feb' )->text(), wfMessage( 'mar' )->text(), wfMessage( 'apr' )->text(), wfMessage( 'may' )->text(), wfMessage( 'jun' )->text(), wfMessage( 'jul' )->text(), wfMessage( 'aug' )->text(), wfMessage( 'sep' )->text(), wfMessage( 'oct' )->text(), wfMessage( 'nov' )->text(), wfMessage( 'dec' )->text(), ), 'dayNames' => array( wfMessage( 'sunday' )->text(), wfMessage( 'monday' )->text(), wfMessage( 'tuesday' )->text(), wfMessage( 'wednesday' )->text(), wfMessage( 'thursday' )->text(), wfMessage( 'friday' )->text(), wfMessage( 'saturday' )->text(), ), 'dayNamesShort' => array( wfMessage( 'sun' )->text(), wfMessage( 'mon' )->text(), wfMessage( 'tue' )->text(), wfMessage( 'wed' )->text(), wfMessage( 'thu' )->text(), wfMessage( 'fri' )->text(), wfMessage( 'sat' )->text(), ), 'dayNamesMin' => array( $wgLang->firstChar( wfMessage( 'sun' )->text() ), $wgLang->firstChar( wfMessage( 'mon' )->text() ), $wgLang->firstChar( wfMessage( 'tue' )->text() ), $wgLang->firstChar( wfMessage( 'wed' )->text() ), $wgLang->firstChar( wfMessage( 'thu' )->text() ), $wgLang->firstChar( wfMessage( 'fri' )->text() ), $wgLang->firstChar( wfMessage( 'sat' )->text() ), ), 'weekHeader' => '', 'dateFormat' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-dateformatshort' )->text(), 'firstDay' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-firstdayofweek' )->text(), 'isRTL' => $wgLang->isRTL(), 'showMonthAfterYear' => false, 'yearSuffix' => '', ); $wgOut->addJsConfigVars( '', $regional ); } } /** * Set up JS attributes * * @return String */ protected function setupJsInitAttribs() { global $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings, $wgExtensionAssetsPath; global $wgAmericanDates, $wgLang; // store user class(es) for use with buttons $userClasses = array_key_exists( 'class', $this->mOtherArgs ) ? $this->mOtherArgs['class'] : ''; // set up attributes required for both enabled and disabled datepickers $jsattribs = array( 'currValue' => $this->mCurrentValue, 'disabled' => $this->mIsDisabled, 'userClasses' => $userClasses ); if ( array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { $jsattribs['partOfDTP'] = $this->mOtherArgs['part of dtp']; } // set date format // SHORT and LONG are PF specific acronyms and are translated here // into format strings, anything else is passed to the jQuery date picker // Americans need special treatment if ( $wgAmericanDates && $wgLang->getCode() == "en" ) { if ( array_key_exists( 'date format', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { if ( $this->mOtherArgs['date format'] == 'SHORT' ) { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'mm/dd/yy'; } elseif ( $this->mOtherArgs['date format'] == 'LONG' ) { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'MM d, yy'; } else { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $this->mOtherArgs['date format']; } } elseif ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DateFormat"] ) { if ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DateFormat"] == 'SHORT' ) { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'mm/dd/yy'; } elseif ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DateFormat"] == 'LONG' ) { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'MM d, yy'; } else { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DateFormat"]; } } else { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'yy/mm/dd'; } } else { if ( array_key_exists( 'date format', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { if ( $this->mOtherArgs['date format'] == 'SHORT' ) { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-dateformatshort' )->text(); } elseif ( $this->mOtherArgs['date format'] == 'LONG' ) { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-dateformatlong' )->text(); } else { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $this->mOtherArgs['date format']; } } elseif ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DateFormat"] ) { if ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DateFormat"] == 'SHORT' ) { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfmessage( 'pf-datepicker-dateformatshort' )->text(); } elseif ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DateFormat"] == 'LONG' ) { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-dateformatlong' )->text(); } else { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DateFormat"]; } } else { $jsattribs['dateFormat'] = 'yy/mm/dd'; } } // setup attributes required only for either disabled or enabled datepickers if ( $this->mIsDisabled ) { $jsattribs['buttonImage'] = $wgExtensionAssetsPath . '/PageForms/images/DatePickerButtonDisabled.gif'; } else { $jsattribs['buttonImage'] = $wgExtensionAssetsPath . '/PageForms/images/DatePickerButton.gif'; // find min date, max date and disabled dates // set first date if ( array_key_exists( 'first date', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { $minDate = date_create( $this->mOtherArgs['first date'] ); } elseif ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["FirstDate"] ) { $minDate = date_create( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["FirstDate"] ); } else { $minDate = null; } // set last date if ( array_key_exists( 'last date', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { $maxDate = date_create( $this->mOtherArgs['last date'] ); } elseif ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["LastDate"] ) { $maxDate = date_create( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["LastDate"] ); } else { $maxDate = null; } // find allowed values and invert them to get disabled values if ( array_key_exists( 'possible_values', $this->mOtherArgs ) && count( $this->mOtherArgs['possible_values'] ) ) { $enabledDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges( self::createRangesArray( $this->mOtherArgs['possible_values'] ) ); // correct min/max date to the first/last allowed value if ( !$minDate || $minDate < $enabledDates[0][0] ) { $minDate = $enabledDates[0][0]; } if ( !$maxDate || $maxDate > $enabledDates[count( $enabledDates ) - 1][1] ) { $maxDate = $enabledDates[count( $enabledDates ) - 1][1]; } $disabledDates = self::invertRangesArray( $enabledDates ); } else { $disabledDates = array(); } // add user-defined or default disabled values if ( array_key_exists( 'disable dates', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { $disabledDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges( array_merge( $disabledDates, self::createRangesArray( explode( ',', $this->mOtherArgs['disable dates'] ) ) ) ); } elseif ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DisabledDates"] ) { $disabledDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges( array_merge( $disabledDates, self::createRangesArray( explode( ',', $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DisabledDates"] ) ) ) ); } // If a minDate is set, discard all disabled dates // below the min date. if ( $minDate ) { // Discard all ranges of disabled dates that // are entirely below the min date. while ( $minDate && count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[0][1] < $minDate ) { array_shift( $disabledDates ); } // If min date is in first disabled date range, // discard that range and adjust min date. if ( count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[0][0] <= $minDate && $disabledDates[0][1] >= $minDate ) { $minDate = $disabledDates[0][1]; array_shift( $disabledDates ); $minDate->modify( "+1 day" ); } } // if a maxDate is set, discard all disabled dates above the max date if ( $maxDate ) { // Discard all ranges of disabled dates that // are entirely above the max date. while ( count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][0] > $maxDate ) { array_pop( $disabledDates ); } // If max date is in last disabled date range, // discard that range and adjust max date. if ( count( $disabledDates ) && $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][0] <= $maxDate && $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][1] >= $maxDate ) { $maxDate = $disabledDates[count( $disabledDates ) - 1][0]; array_pop( $disabledDates ); $maxDate->modify( "-1 day" ); } } // finished with disabled dates // find highlighted dates if ( array_key_exists( "highlight dates", $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { $highlightedDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges( self::createRangesArray( explode( ',', $this->mOtherArgs["highlight dates"] ) ) ); } elseif ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["HighlightedDates"] ) { $highlightedDates = self::sortAndMergeRanges( self::createRangesArray( explode( ',', $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["HighlightedDates"] ) ) ); } else { $highlightedDates = null; } // find disabled week days and mark them in an array if ( array_key_exists( "disable days of week", $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { $disabledDaysString = $this->mOtherArgs['disable days of week']; } else { $disabledDaysString = $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["DisabledDaysOfWeek"]; } if ( $disabledDaysString != null ) { $disabledDays = array( false, false, false, false, false, false, false ); foreach ( explode( ',', $disabledDaysString ) as $day ) { if ( is_numeric( $day ) && $day >= 0 && $day <= 6 ) { $disabledDays[$day] = true; } } } else { $disabledDays = null; } // find highlighted week days and mark them in an array if ( array_key_exists( "highlight days of week", $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { $highlightedDaysString = $this->mOtherArgs['highlight days of week']; } else { $highlightedDaysString = $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["HighlightedDaysOfWeek"]; } if ( $highlightedDaysString != null ) { $highlightedDays = array( false, false, false, false, false, false, false ); foreach ( explode( ',', $highlightedDaysString ) as $day ) { if ( is_numeric( $day ) && $day >= 0 && $day <= 6 ) { $highlightedDays[$day] = true; } } } else { $highlightedDays = null; } // set first day of the week if ( array_key_exists( 'week start', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { $jsattribs['firstDay'] = $this->mOtherArgs['week start']; } elseif ( $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["WeekStart"] != null ) { $jsattribs['firstDay'] = $wgPageFormsDatePickerSettings["WeekStart"]; } else { $jsattribs['firstDay'] = wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-firstdayofweek' )->text(); } // store min date as JS attrib if ( $minDate ) { $jsattribs['minDate'] = $minDate->format( 'Y/m/d' ); } // store max date as JS attrib if ( $maxDate ) { $jsattribs['maxDate'] = $maxDate->format( 'Y/m/d' ); } // register disabled dates with datepicker if ( count( $disabledDates ) > 0 ) { // Convert the PHP array of date ranges into an // array of numbers. $jsattribs["disabledDates"] = array_map( function ( $range ) { $y0 = $range[0]->format( "Y" ); $m0 = $range[0]->format( "m" ) - 1; $d0 = $range[0]->format( "d" ); $y1 = $range[1]->format( "Y" ); $m1 = $range[1]->format( "m" ) - 1; $d1 = $range[1]->format( "d" ); return array( $y0, $m0, $d0, $y1, $m1, $d1 ); }, $disabledDates ); } // register highlighted dates with datepicker if (is_array($highlightedDates)) { if ( count( $highlightedDates ) > 0 ) { // Convert the PHP array of date ranges into an // array of numbers. $jsattribs["highlightedDates"] = array_map( function ( $range ) { $y0 = $range[0]->format( "Y" ); $m0 = $range[0]->format( "m" ) - 1; $d0 = $range[0]->format( "d" ); $y1 = $range[1]->format( "Y" ); $m1 = $range[1]->format( "m" ) - 1; $d1 = $range[1]->format( "d" ); return array( $y0, $m0, $d0, $y1, $m1, $d1 ); }, $highlightedDates ); } } // register disabled days of week with datepicker if (is_array($disabledDays)) { if ( count( $disabledDays ) > 0 ) { $jsattribs["disabledDays"] = $disabledDays; } } // register highlighted days of week with datepicker if ( count( $highlightedDays ) > 0 ) { $jsattribs["highlightedDays"] = $highlightedDays; } } return $jsattribs; } /** * Sort and merge time ranges in an array. * * Expects an array of arrays - * the inner arrays must contain two dates representing the start and * end date of a time range. * * Returns an array of arrays with the date ranges sorted and * overlapping ranges merged. * * @param array[] $ranges array of arrays of DateTimes * @return array[] array of arrays of DateTimes */ private static function sortAndMergeRanges( $ranges ) { // sort ranges, earliest date first sort( $ranges ); // stores the start of the current date range $currmin = false; // stores the date the next ranges start date has to top to not overlap $nextmin = false; // result array $mergedRanges = array(); foreach ( $ranges as $range ) { // ignore empty date ranges if ( !$range ) { continue; } if ( !$currmin ) { // found first valid range $currmin = $range[0]; $nextmin = $range[1]; $nextmin->modify( '+1 day' ); } elseif ( $range[0] <= $nextmin ) { // overlap detected $currmin = min( $currmin, $range[0] ); $range[1]->modify( '+1 day' ); $nextmin = max( $nextmin, $range[1] ); } else { // No overlap - store current range and // continue with next. $nextmin->modify( '-1 day' ); $mergedRanges[] = array( $currmin, $nextmin ); $currmin = $range[0]; $nextmin = $range[1]; $nextmin->modify( '+1 day' ); } } // store last range if ( $currmin ) { $nextmin->modify( '-1 day' ); $mergedRanges[] = array( $currmin, $nextmin ); } return $mergedRanges; } /** * Creates an array of arrays of dates from an array of strings * * Expects an array of strings containing dates or date ranges in the * format "yyyy/mm/dd" or "yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd" * * Returns an array of arrays, each of the latter consisting of two * dates representing the start and end date of the range * * The result array will contain null values for unparseable date * strings. * * @param string[] $rangesAsStrings dates and date ranges * @return array[] array of arrays of DateTimes */ private static function createRangesArray( $rangesAsStrings ) { return array_map( function ( $range ) { if ( strpos( $range, "-" ) === false ) { // single date $date = date_create( $range ); return ( $date ) ? array( $date, clone $date ) : null; } else { // date range $dates = array_map( "date_create", explode( "-", $range ) ); return ( $dates[0] && $dates[1] ) ? $dates : null; } }, $rangesAsStrings ); } /** * Takes an array of date ranges and returns an array containing the gaps * * The very first and the very last date of the original string are * lost in the process, of course, as they do not delimit a gap. This * means, after repeated inversions the result will eventually be empty. * * @param DateTime[] $ranges * @return array[] array of arrays of DateTimes */ private static function invertRangesArray( $ranges ) { // the result (initially empty) $invRanges = null; // the minimum of the current gap (initially none) $min = null; foreach ( $ranges as $range ) { if ( $min ) { // if min date of current gap is known store gap $min->modify( "+1day " ); $range[0]->modify( "-1day " ); $invRanges[] = array( $min, $range[0] ); } $min = $range[1]; // store min date of next gap } return $invRanges; } /** * Returns the set of parameters for this form input. * * TODO: Add missing parameters * @return array[] */ public static function getParameters() { $params = parent::getParameters(); $params['date format'] = array( 'name' => 'date format', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-dateformat' )->text() ); $params['week start'] = array( 'name' => 'week start', 'type' => 'int', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-weekstart' )->text() ); $params['first date'] = array( 'name' => 'first date', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-firstdate' )->text() ); $params['last date'] = array( 'name' => 'last date', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-lastdate' )->text() ); $params['disable days of week'] = array( 'name' => 'disable days of week', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-disabledaysofweek' )->text() ); $params['highlight days of week'] = array( 'name' => 'highlight days of week', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-highlightdaysofweek' )->text() ); $params['disable dates'] = array( 'name' => 'disable dates', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-disabledates' )->text() ); $params['highlight days of week'] = array( 'name' => 'highlight days of week', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage( 'pf-datepicker-highlightdates' )->text() ); return $params; } /** * Returns the HTML code to be included in the output page for this input. * * Ideally this HTML code should provide a basic functionality even if * the browser is not JavaScript capable, i.e. even without JavaScript * the user should be able to input values. * @return string */ public function getHtmlText() { // Assemble HTML code. $html = self::genericTextHTML( $this->mCurrentValue, $this->mInputName, $this->mIsDisabled, $this->mOtherArgs, 'input_' . $this->mInputNumber ); if ( ! array_key_exists( 'part of dtp', $this->mOtherArgs ) ) { // wrap in span (e.g. used for mandatory inputs) $class = array_key_exists( 'mandatory', $this->mOtherArgs ) ? 'inputSpan mandatoryFieldSpan' : 'inputSpan'; $html = Xml::tags( 'span', array( 'class' => $class ), $html ); } return $html; } /** * Returns the set of SMW property types which this input can * handle, but for which it isn't the default input. * * @return string[] */ public static function getOtherPropTypesHandled() { return array( '_str', '_dat' ); } /** * Creates the HTML text for an input. * * Common attributes for input types are set according to the parameters. * The parameters are the standard parameters set by Page Forms' * InputTypeHook plus some optional. * * @param string $currentValue * @param string $inputName * @param bool $isDisabled * @param array $otherArgs * @param string|null $inputId (optional) * @param int|null $tabIndex (optional) * @param string $class * @return string the html text of an input element */ static function genericTextHTML( $currentValue, $inputName, $isDisabled, $otherArgs, $inputId = null, $tabIndex = null, $class = '' ) { global $wgPageFormsTabIndex; // array of attributes to pass to the input field $attribs = array( 'name' => $inputName, 'class' => $class, 'value' => $currentValue, 'type' => 'text' ); // set size attrib if ( array_key_exists( 'size', $otherArgs ) ) { $attribs['size'] = $otherArgs['size']; } // set maxlength attrib if ( array_key_exists( 'maxlength', $otherArgs ) ) { $attribs['maxlength'] = $otherArgs['maxlength']; } // modify class attribute for mandatory form fields if ( array_key_exists( 'mandatory', $otherArgs ) ) { $attribs['class'] .= ' mandatoryField'; } // add user class(es) to class attribute of input field if ( array_key_exists( 'class', $otherArgs ) ) { $attribs['class'] .= ' ' . $otherArgs['class']; } // set readonly attrib if ( $isDisabled ) { $attribs['disabled'] = true; } // if no special input id is specified set the Page Forms standard if ( $inputId !== null ) { $attribs['id'] = $inputId; } if ( $tabIndex == null ) { $attribs['tabindex'] = $wgPageFormsTabIndex; } else { $attribs['tabindex'] = $tabIndex; } $html = Xml::element( 'input', $attribs ); return $html; } }