makeLink( $title, $msg, $attrs, $params, array( 'known' ) ); } else { return Linker::linkKnown( $title, $msg, $attrs, $params ); } } /** * Creates a link to a special page, using that page's top-level description as the link text. * @param LinkRenderer $linkRenderer * @param string $specialPageName * @return string */ public static function linkForSpecialPage( $linkRenderer, $specialPageName ) { $specialPage = SpecialPageFactory::getPage( $specialPageName ); return self::makeLink( $linkRenderer, $specialPage->getPageTitle(), htmlspecialchars( $specialPage->getDescription() ) ); } /** * Creates the name of the page that appears in the URL; * this method is necessary because Title::getPartialURL(), for * some reason, doesn't include the namespace * @param Title $title * @return string */ public static function titleURLString( $title ) { $namespace = $title->getNsText(); if ( $namespace !== '' ) { $namespace .= ':'; } if ( MWNamespace::isCapitalized( $title->getNamespace() ) ) { global $wgContLang; return $namespace . $wgContLang->ucfirst( $title->getPartialURL() ); } else { return $namespace . $title->getPartialURL(); } } /** * A very similar function to titleURLString(), to get the * non-URL-encoded title string * @param Title $title * @return string */ public static function titleString( $title ) { $namespace = $title->getNsText(); if ( $namespace !== '' ) { $namespace .= ':'; } if ( MWNamespace::isCapitalized( $title->getNamespace() ) ) { global $wgContLang; return $namespace . $wgContLang->ucfirst( $title->getText() ); } else { return $namespace . $title->getText(); } } /** * Gets the text contents of a page with the passed-in Title object. * @param Title $title * @return string|null */ public static function getPageText( $title ) { $wikiPage = new WikiPage( $title ); $content = $wikiPage->getContent(); if ( $content !== null ) { return $content->getNativeData(); } else { return null; } } /** * Helper function to get the SMW data store for different versions * of SMW. * @return Store|null */ public static function getSMWStore() { if ( class_exists( '\SMW\StoreFactory' ) ) { // SMW 1.9+ return \SMW\StoreFactory::getStore(); } elseif ( function_exists( 'smwfGetStore' ) ) { return smwfGetStore(); } else { return null; } } /** * Creates wiki-text for a link to a wiki page * @param int $namespace * @param string $name * @param string|null $text * @return string */ public static function linkText( $namespace, $name, $text = null ) { $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $namespace, $name ); if ( is_null( $title ) ) { return $name; // TODO maybe report an error here? } if ( is_null( $text ) ) { return '[[:' . $title->getPrefixedText() . '|' . $name . ']]'; } else { return '[[:' . $title->getPrefixedText() . '|' . $text . ']]'; } } /** * Prints the mini-form contained at the bottom of various pages, that * allows pages to spoof a normal edit page, that can preview, save, * etc. * @param string $title * @param string $page_contents * @param string $edit_summary * @param bool $is_save * @param bool $is_preview * @param bool $is_diff * @param bool $is_minor_edit * @param bool $watch_this * @param string $start_time * @param string $edit_time * @return string */ public static function printRedirectForm( $title, $page_contents, $edit_summary, $is_save, $is_preview, $is_diff, $is_minor_edit, $watch_this, $start_time, $edit_time ) { global $wgUser, $wgPageFormsScriptPath; if ( $is_save ) { $action = "wpSave"; } elseif ( $is_preview ) { $action = "wpPreview"; } else { // $is_diff $action = "wpDiff"; } $text = <<

END; $form_body = Html::hidden( 'wpTextbox1', $page_contents ); $form_body .= Html::hidden( 'wpUnicodeCheck', 'ℳ𝒲β™₯π“Šπ“ƒπ’Ύπ’Έβ„΄π’Ήβ„―' ); $form_body .= Html::hidden( 'wpSummary', $edit_summary ); $form_body .= Html::hidden( 'wpStarttime', $start_time ); $form_body .= Html::hidden( 'wpEdittime', $edit_time ); if ( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) { $edit_token = $wgUser->getEditToken(); } elseif ( class_exists( '\MediaWiki\Session\Token' ) ) { // MW 1.27+ $edit_token = \MediaWiki\Session\Token::SUFFIX; } else { $edit_token = EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX; } $form_body .= Html::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $edit_token ); $form_body .= Html::hidden( $action, null ); if ( $is_minor_edit ) { $form_body .= Html::hidden( 'wpMinoredit', null ); } if ( $watch_this ) { $form_body .= Html::hidden( 'wpWatchthis', null ); } $text .= Html::rawElement( 'form', array( 'id' => 'editform', 'name' => 'editform', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $title instanceof Title ? $title->getLocalURL( 'action=submit' ) : $title ), $form_body ); $text .= << window.onload = function() { document.editform.submit(); } END; Hooks::run( 'PageForms::PrintRedirectForm', array( $is_save, $is_preview, $is_diff, &$text ) ); return $text; } /** * Includes the necessary ResourceLoader modules for the form * to display and work correctly. * * Accepts an optional Parser instance, or uses $wgOut if omitted. * @param Parser|null $parser */ public static function addFormRLModules( $parser = null ) { global $wgOut, $wgPageFormsSimpleUpload, $wgVersion, $wgUsejQueryThree; // Handling depends on whether or not this form is embedded // in another page. if ( !$parser ) { $wgOut->addMeta( 'robots', 'noindex,nofollow' ); $output = $wgOut; } else { $output = $parser->getOutput(); } $mainModules = array( 'ext.pageforms.main', 'ext.pageforms.submit', 'ext.smw.tooltips', 'ext.smw.sorttable', // @TODO - the inclusion of modules for specific // form inputs is wasteful, and should be removed - // it should only be done as needed for each input. // Unfortunately the use of multiple-instance // templates makes that tricky (every form input needs // to re-apply the JS on a new instance) - it can be // done via JS hooks, but it hasn't been done yet. 'ext.pageforms.dynatree', 'ext.pageforms.imagepreview', 'ext.pageforms.autogrow', 'ext.pageforms.checkboxes', 'ext.pageforms.select2', 'ext.pageforms.rating' ); if ( version_compare( $wgVersion, '1.30', '<' ) || $wgUsejQueryThree === false ) { $mainModules[] = 'ext.pageforms.fancybox.jquery1'; } else { $mainModules[] = 'ext.pageforms.fancybox.jquery3'; } if ( $wgPageFormsSimpleUpload ) { $mainModules[] = 'ext.pageforms.simpleupload'; } $output->addModules( $mainModules ); $otherModules = array(); Hooks::run( 'PageForms::AddRLModules', array( &$otherModules ) ); foreach ( $otherModules as $rlModule ) { $output->addModules( $rlModule ); } } /** * Returns an array of all form names on this wiki. * @return string[] */ public static function getAllForms() { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $dbr->select( 'page', 'page_title', array( 'page_namespace' => PF_NS_FORM, 'page_is_redirect' => false ), __METHOD__, array( 'ORDER BY' => 'page_title' ) ); $form_names = array(); while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res ) ) { $form_names[] = str_replace( '_', ' ', $row[0] ); } $dbr->freeResult( $res ); return $form_names; } /** * Creates a dropdown of possible form names. * @param array|null $form_names * @return string */ public static function formDropdownHTML( $form_names = null ) { global $wgContLang; $namespace_labels = $wgContLang->getNamespaces(); $form_label = $namespace_labels[PF_NS_FORM]; if ( $form_names === null ) { $form_names = self::getAllForms(); } $select_body = "\n"; foreach ( $form_names as $form_name ) { $select_body .= "\t" . Html::element( 'option', null, $form_name ) . "\n"; } return "\t" . Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'formSelector' ), $form_label . wfMessage( 'colon-separator' )->escaped() ) . "\n" . Html::rawElement( 'select', array( 'id' => 'formSelector', 'name' => 'form' ), $select_body ) . "\n"; } /** * A helper function, used by getFormTagComponents(). * @param string $s * @return string */ public static function convertBackToPipes( $s ) { return str_replace( "\1", '|', $s ); } /** * Splits the contents of a tag in a form definition based on pipes, * but does not split on pipes that are contained within additional * curly brackets, in case the tag contains any calls to parser * functions or templates. * @param string $string * @return string[] */ static function smartSplitFormTag( $string ) { if ( $string == '' ) { return array(); } $delimiter = '|'; $returnValues = array(); $numOpenCurlyBrackets = 0; $curReturnValue = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen( $string ); $i++ ) { $curChar = $string{$i}; if ( $curChar == '{' ) { $numOpenCurlyBrackets++; } elseif ( $curChar == '}' ) { $numOpenCurlyBrackets--; } if ( $curChar == $delimiter && $numOpenCurlyBrackets == 0 ) { $returnValues[] = trim( $curReturnValue ); $curReturnValue = ''; } else { $curReturnValue .= $curChar; } } $returnValues[] = trim( $curReturnValue ); return $returnValues; } /** * This function is basically equivalent to calling * explode( '|', $str ), except that it doesn't split on pipes * that are within parser function calls - i.e., pipes within * double curly brackets. * @param string $str * @return string[] */ public static function getFormTagComponents( $str ) { // Turn each pipe within double curly brackets into another, // unused character (here, "\1"), then do the explode, then // convert them back. $pattern = '/({{.*)\|(.*}})/'; while ( preg_match( $pattern, $str, $matches ) ) { $str = preg_replace( $pattern, "$1" . "\1" . "$2", $str ); } return array_map( array( 'PFUtils', 'convertBackToPipes' ), self::smartSplitFormTag( $str ) ); } /** * Gets the word in the wiki's language for either the value 'yes' or * 'no'. * @param bool $isYes * @return string */ public static function getWordForYesOrNo( $isYes ) { // @TODO - should Page Forms define these messages itself? $message = $isYes ? 'htmlform-yes' : 'htmlform-no'; return wfMessage( $message )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } /** * array_merge_recursive merges arrays, but it converts values with duplicate * keys to arrays rather than overwriting the value in the first array with the duplicate * value in the second array, as array_merge does. * * array_merge_recursive_distinct does not change the datatypes of the values in the arrays. * Matching keys' values in the second array overwrite those in the first array. * * Parameters are passed by reference, though only for performance reasons. They're not * altered by this function. * * See * * @param array &$array1 * @param array &$array2 * @return array * @author Daniel * @author Gabriel Sobrinho */ public static function array_merge_recursive_distinct( array &$array1, array &$array2 ) { $merged = $array1; foreach ( $array2 as $key => &$value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) && isset( $merged[$key] ) && is_array( $merged[$key] ) ) { $merged[$key] = self::array_merge_recursive_distinct( $merged[$key], $value ); } else { $merged[$key] = $value; } } return $merged; } }