children() as $tag => $child ) { foreach ( $child->children() as $tag => $formelem ) { if ( $tag == $tagName ) { foreach ( $formelem->attributes() as $attr => $name ) { $pfarray[$attr] = (string)$formelem->attributes()->$attr; } } } return $pfarray; } } if ( $tagName == "pageforms_Form" ) { foreach ( $xml->children() as $tag => $child ) { if ( $tag == $tagName ) { $formName = (string)$child->attributes()->name; $pfarray['name'] = $formName; foreach ( $child->children() as $tag => $formelem ) { $pfarray[$tag] = (string)$formelem; } return $pfarray; } } } if ( $tagName == "pageforms_TemplateDetails" ) { foreach ( $xml->children() as $tag => $child ) { if ( $tag == $tagName ) { foreach ( $child->children() as $tag => $formelem ) { $pfarray[$tag] = (string)$formelem; } return $pfarray; } } } if ( $tagName == "pageforms_FormInput" || $tagName == "pageforms_PageSection" ) { foreach ( $xml->children() as $tag => $child ) { if ( $tag == $tagName ) { foreach ( $child->children() as $prop ) { if ( $prop->getName() == 'InputType' ) { $pfarray[$prop->getName()] = (string)$prop; } else { if ( (string)$prop->attributes()->name == '' ) { $pfarray[$prop->getName()] = (string)$prop; } else { $pfarray[(string)$prop->attributes()->name] = (string)$prop; } } } return $pfarray; } } } return null; } /** * Creates Page Schemas XML for form-wide information. * @return string */ public static function createSchemaXMLFromForm() { global $wgRequest; // Quick check: if the "form name" field hasn't been sent, // it means the main "Form" checkbox wasn't selected; don't // create any XML if so. if ( !$wgRequest->getCheck( 'pf_form_name' ) ) { return ''; } $formName = null; $xml = ''; $isStandardInputsOpen = false; foreach ( $wgRequest->getValues() as $var => $val ) { $val = str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( '<', '>' ), $val ); if ( $var == 'pf_form_name' ) { $formName = $val; } elseif ( $var == 'pf_page_name_formula' ) { if ( !empty( $val ) ) { $val = Xml::escapeTagsOnly( $val ); $xml .= '' . $val . ''; } } elseif ( $var == 'pf_create_title' ) { if ( !empty( $val ) ) { $xml .= '' . $val . ''; } } elseif ( $var == 'pf_edit_title' ) { if ( !empty( $val ) ) { $xml .= '' . $val . ''; } } elseif ( $var == 'pf_fi_free_text_label' ) { $isStandardInputsOpen = true; $xml .= '' . $xml; $xml .= ''; return $xml; } /** * Creates Page Schemas XML from form information on templates. * @return string[] */ public static function createTemplateXMLFromForm() { global $wgRequest; $xmlPerTemplate = array(); $templateNum = -1; foreach ( $wgRequest->getValues() as $var => $val ) { $val = str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( '<', '>' ), $val ); if ( substr( $var, 0, 18 ) == 'pf_template_label_' ) { $templateNum = substr( $var, 18 ); $xml = ''; if ( !empty( $val ) ) { $xml .= ""; } } elseif ( substr( $var, 0, 23 ) == 'pf_template_addanother_' ) { if ( !empty( $val ) ) { $xml .= "$val"; } $xml .= ''; $xmlPerTemplate[$templateNum] = $xml; } } return $xmlPerTemplate; } /** * Creates Page Schemas XML for form fields. * @return string[] */ public static function createFieldXMLFromForm() { global $wgRequest; $xmlPerField = array(); $fieldNum = -1; foreach ( $wgRequest->getValues() as $var => $val ) { $val = str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( '<', '>' ), $val ); if ( substr( $var, 0, 14 ) == 'pf_input_type_' ) { $fieldNum = substr( $var, 14 ); $xml = ''; if ( !empty( $val ) ) { $xml .= '' . $val . ''; } } elseif ( substr( $var, 0, 14 ) == 'pf_key_values_' ) { $xml .= self::createFormInputXMLFromForm( $val ); } elseif ( substr( $var, 0, 14 ) == 'pf_input_befo_' ) { if ( $val !== '' ) { $xml .= '' . $val . ''; } } elseif ( substr( $var, 0, 14 ) == 'pf_input_desc_' ) { if ( $val !== '' ) { $xml .= '' . $val . ''; } } elseif ( substr( $var, 0, 18 ) == 'pf_input_desctool_' ) { if ( $val !== '' ) { $xml .= '' . $val . ''; } } elseif ( substr( $var, 0, 16 ) == 'pf_input_finish_' ) { // This is a hack. $xml .= ''; $xmlPerField[$fieldNum] = $xml; } } return $xmlPerField; } /** * Creates Page Schemas XML for page sections * @return string[] */ public static function createPageSectionXMLFromForm() { global $wgRequest; $xmlPerPageSection = array(); $pageSectionNum = -1; foreach ( $wgRequest->getValues() as $var => $val ) { $val = str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( '<', '>' ), $val ); if ( substr( $var, 0, 26 ) == 'pf_pagesection_key_values_' ) { $pageSectionNum = substr( $var, 26 ); $xml = ""; if ( $val != '' ) { $xml = ''; $xml .= self::createFormInputXMLFromForm( $val ); $xml .= ''; } $xmlPerPageSection[$pageSectionNum] = $xml; } } return $xmlPerPageSection; } static function createFormInputXMLFromForm( $valueFromForm ) { $xml = ''; if ( $valueFromForm !== '' ) { // replace the comma substitution character that has no chance of // being included in the values list - namely, the ASCII beep $listSeparator = ','; $key_values_str = str_replace( "\\$listSeparator", "\a", $valueFromForm ); $key_values_array = explode( $listSeparator, $key_values_str ); foreach ( $key_values_array as $value ) { // replace beep back with comma, trim $value = str_replace( "\a", $listSeparator, trim( $value ) ); $param_value = explode( "=", $value, 2 ); if ( count( $param_value ) == 2 && $param_value[1] != null ) { // Handles 20 $xml .= '' . $param_value[1] . ''; } else { // Handles $xml .= ''; } } } return $xml; } public static function getDisplayColor() { return '#CF9'; } public static function getSchemaDisplayString() { return 'Form'; } public static function getSchemaEditingHTML( $pageSchemaObj ) { $form_array = array(); $hasExistingValues = false; if ( !is_null( $pageSchemaObj ) ) { $form_array = $pageSchemaObj->getObject( 'pageforms_Form' ); if ( !is_null( $form_array ) ) { $hasExistingValues = true; } } // Get all the values from the page schema. $formName = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $form_array, 'name' ); $pageNameFormula = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $form_array, 'PageNameFormula' ); $createTitle = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $form_array, 'CreateTitle' ); $editTitle = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $form_array, 'EditTitle' ); // Inputs if ( !is_null( $pageSchemaObj ) ) { $standardInputs = $pageSchemaObj->getObject( 'standardInputs' ); } else { $standardInputs = array(); } $freeTextLabel = html_entity_decode( PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $form_array, 'freeTextLabel' ) ); $text = "\t

" . wfMessage( 'ps-namelabel' )->escaped() . ' ' . Html::input( 'pf_form_name', $formName, 'text', array( 'size' => 15 ) ) . "

\n"; // The checkbox isn't actually a field in the page schema - // we set it based on whether or not a page formula has been // specified. $twoStepProcessAttrs = array( 'id' => 'pf-two-step-process' ); if ( is_null( $pageNameFormula ) ) { $twoStepProcessAttrs['checked'] = true; } $text .= '

' . Html::input( 'pf_two_step_process', null, 'checkbox', $twoStepProcessAttrs ); $text .= ' Users must enter the page name before getting to the form (default)'; $text .= "

\n"; $text .= '
'; $text .= "\t

" . wfMessage( 'pf-pageschemas-pagenameformula' )->escaped() . ' ' . Html::input( 'pf_page_name_formula', $pageNameFormula, 'text', array( 'size' => 30 ) ) . "

\n"; $text .= "\t

" . wfMessage( 'pf-pageschemas-createtitle' )->escaped() . ' ' . Html::input( 'pf_create_title', $createTitle, 'text', array( 'size' => 25 ) ) . "

\n"; $text .= "\t

" . wfMessage( 'pf-pageschemas-edittitle' )->escaped() . ' ' . Html::input( 'pf_edit_title', $editTitle, 'text', array( 'size' => 25 ) ) . "

\n"; $text .= "Free text label: " . Html::input( 'pf_fi_free_text_label', ( ( empty( $freeTextLabel ) ) ? wfMessage( 'pf_form_freetextlabel' )->inContentLanguage()->text() : $freeTextLabel ), 'text' ) . "

"; // Inputs $text .= "

Define form buttons and inputs (all will be enabled if none are selected):  

"; // Free text $text .= ''; $text .= Html::input( 'pf_fi_free_text', '1', 'checkbox', array( 'id' => 'pf_fi_free_text', 'checked' => ( isset( $standardInputs['inputFreeText'] ) ) ? $standardInputs['inputFreeText'] : null ) ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'pf_fi_free_text' ), 'Free text input' ); $text .= " "; // Summary $text .= ''; $text .= Html::input( 'pf_fi_summary', '1', 'checkbox', array( 'id' => 'pf_fi_summary', 'checked' => ( isset( $standardInputs['inputSummary'] ) ) ? $standardInputs['inputSummary'] : null ) ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'pf_fi_summary' ), 'Summary input' ); $text .= " "; // Minor edit $text .= ''; $text .= Html::input( 'pf_fi_minor_edit', '1', 'checkbox', array( 'id' => 'pf_fi_minor_edit', 'checked' => ( isset( $standardInputs['inputMinorEdit'] ) ) ? $standardInputs['inputMinorEdit'] : null ) ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'pf_fi_minor_edit' ), 'Minor edit input' ); $text .= " "; // Watch $text .= ''; $text .= Html::input( 'pf_fi_watch', '1', 'checkbox', array( 'id' => 'pf_fi_watch', 'checked' => ( isset( $standardInputs['inputWatch'] ) ) ? $standardInputs['inputWatch'] : null ) ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'pf_fi_watch' ), 'Watch input' ); $text .= " "; // Save $text .= ''; $text .= Html::input( 'pf_fi_save', '1', 'checkbox', array( 'id' => 'pf_fi_save', 'checked' => ( isset( $standardInputs['inputSave'] ) ) ? $standardInputs['inputSave'] : null ) ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'pf_fi_save' ), 'Save input' ); $text .= " "; // Preview $text .= ''; $text .= Html::input( 'pf_fi_preview', '1', 'checkbox', array( 'id' => 'pf_fi_preview', 'checked' => ( isset( $standardInputs['inputPreview'] ) ) ? $standardInputs['inputPreview'] : null ) ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'pf_fi_preview' ), 'Preview input' ); $text .= " "; // Changes $text .= ''; $text .= Html::input( 'pf_fi_changes', '1', 'checkbox', array( 'id' => 'pf_fi_changes', 'checked' => ( isset( $standardInputs['inputChanges'] ) ) ? $standardInputs['inputChanges'] : null ) ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'pf_fi_changes' ), 'Changes input' ); $text .= " "; // Cancel $text .= ''; $text .= Html::input( 'pf_fi_cancel', '1', 'checkbox', array( 'id' => 'pf_fi_cancel', 'checked' => ( isset( $standardInputs['inputCancel'] ) ) ? $standardInputs['inputCancel'] : null ) ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'pf_fi_cancel' ), 'Cancel input' ); $text .= " "; $text .= "

"; $text .= "
\n"; global $wgOut; // Separately, add Javascript for getting the checkbox to // hide certain fields. $wgOut->addModules( array( 'ext.pageforms.PF_PageSchemas' ) ); return array( $text, $hasExistingValues ); } public static function getTemplateEditingHTML( $psTemplate ) { $hasExistingValues = false; $templateLabel = null; $addAnotherText = null; if ( !is_null( $psTemplate ) ) { $form_array = $psTemplate->getObject( 'pageforms_TemplateDetails' ); if ( !is_null( $form_array ) ) { $hasExistingValues = true; $templateLabel = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $form_array, 'Label' ); $addAnotherText = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $form_array, 'AddAnotherText' ); } } $text = "\t

" . "The following fields are useful if there can be multiple instances of this template." . "

\n"; $text .= "\t

" . wfMessage( 'exif-label' )->escaped() . ': ' . Html::input( 'pf_template_label_num', $templateLabel, 'text', array( 'size' => 15 ) ) . "

\n"; $text .= "\t

" . 'Text of button to add another instance (default is "Add another"):' . ' ' . Html::input( 'pf_template_addanother_num', $addAnotherText, 'text', array( 'size' => 25 ) ) . "

\n"; return array( $text, $hasExistingValues ); } /** * Returns the HTML for inputs to define a single form field, * within the Page Schemas 'edit schema' page. * @param PFField $psField * @return array */ public static function getFieldEditingHTML( $psField ) { $fieldValues = array(); $hasExistingValues = false; $inputType = null; $inputDesc = null; $inputDescTooltipMode = null; $inputBeforeText = null; if ( !is_null( $psField ) ) { $fieldValues = $psField->getObject( 'pageforms_FormInput' ); if ( !is_null( $fieldValues ) ) { $hasExistingValues = true; $inputType = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $fieldValues, 'InputType' ); $inputDesc = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $fieldValues, 'Description' ); $inputDescTooltipMode = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $fieldValues, 'DescriptionTooltipMode' ); $inputBeforeText = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $fieldValues, 'TextBeforeField' ); } else { $fieldValues = array(); } } global $wgPageFormsFormPrinter; $possibleInputTypes = $wgPageFormsFormPrinter->getAllInputTypes(); $inputTypeDropdownHTML = Html::element( 'option', null, null ); foreach ( $possibleInputTypes as $possibleInputType ) { $inputTypeOptionAttrs = array(); if ( $possibleInputType == $inputType ) { $inputTypeOptionAttrs['selected'] = true; } $inputTypeDropdownHTML .= Html::element( 'option', $inputTypeOptionAttrs, $possibleInputType ) . "\n"; } $inputTypeDropdown = Html::rawElement( 'select', array( 'name' => 'pf_input_type_num' ), $inputTypeDropdownHTML ); $text = '

' . wfMessage( 'pf-pageschemas-inputtype' )->escaped() . ' ' . $inputTypeDropdown . '

'; $text .= "\t" . '

' . wfMessage( 'pf-pageschemas-otherparams', 'size=20, mandatory' )->escaped() . '

' . "\n"; $paramValues = array(); foreach ( $fieldValues as $param => $value ) { if ( !empty( $param ) && $param != 'InputType' && $param != 'Description' && $param != 'DescriptionTooltipMode' && $param != 'TextBeforeField' ) { if ( !empty( $value ) ) { $paramValues[] = $param . '=' . $value; } else { $paramValues[] = $param; } } } foreach ( $paramValues as $i => $paramAndVal ) { $paramValues[$i] = str_replace( ',', '\,', $paramAndVal ); } $param_value_str = implode( ', ', $paramValues ); $inputParamsAttrs = array( 'size' => 80 ); $inputParamsInput = Html::input( 'pf_key_values_num', $param_value_str, 'text', $inputParamsAttrs ); $text .= "\t


\n"; $text .= '
' . "\n"; $inputBeforeTextPrint = Html::input( 'pf_input_befo_num', $inputBeforeText, 'text', array( 'size' => 80 ) ); $text .= "\t

Text that will be printed before the field: $inputBeforeTextPrint

\n"; $inputDescription = Html::input( 'pf_input_desc_num', $inputDesc, 'text', array( 'size' => 80 ) ); $inputDescriptionTooltipMode = Html::input( 'pf_input_desctool_num', $inputDescTooltipMode, 'checkbox', array( 'checked' => ( $inputDescTooltipMode ) ? 'checked' : null ) ); $text .= "\t

Field description: $inputDescription
$inputDescriptionTooltipMode Show description as pop-up tooltip

\n"; // @HACK to make input parsing easier. $text .= Html::hidden( 'pf_input_finish_num', 1 ); $text .= "
\n"; return array( $text, $hasExistingValues ); } public static function getPageSectionEditingHTML( $psPageSection ) { $otherParams = array(); if ( !is_null( $psPageSection ) ) { $otherParams = $psPageSection->getObject( 'pageforms_PageSection' ); } $paramValues = array(); if ( !is_null( $otherParams ) ) { foreach ( $otherParams as $param => $value ) { if ( !empty( $param ) ) { if ( !empty( $value ) ) { $paramValues[] = $param . '=' . $value; } else { $paramValues[] = $param; } } } } foreach ( $paramValues as $i => $paramAndVal ) { $paramValues[$i] = str_replace( ',', '\,', $paramAndVal ); } $param_value_str = implode( ', ', $paramValues ); $text = "\t" . '

' . wfMessage( 'pf-pageschemas-otherparams', 'rows=10, mandatory' )->escaped() . '

' . "\n"; $inputParamsInput = Html::input( 'pf_pagesection_key_values_num', $param_value_str, 'text', array( 'size' => 80 ) ); $text .= "\t


\n"; return $text; } public static function getFormName( $pageSchemaObj ) { $mainFormInfo = self::getMainFormInfo( $pageSchemaObj ); if ( is_null( $mainFormInfo ) || !array_key_exists( 'name', $mainFormInfo ) ) { return null; } return $mainFormInfo['name']; } public static function getMainFormInfo( $pageSchemaObj ) { // return $pageSchemaObj->getObject( 'pageforms_Form' ); // We don't just call getObject() here, because sometimes, for // some reason, this gets called before PF registers itself // with Page Schemas, which means that getObject() would return // null. Instead, we directly call the code that would have // been called. $xml = $pageSchemaObj->getXML(); foreach ( $xml->children() as $tag => $child ) { if ( $tag == "pageforms_Form" ) { $pfarray = array(); $formName = (string)$child->attributes()->name; $pfarray['name'] = $formName; foreach ( $child->children() as $tag => $formelem ) { if ( $tag == "standardInputs" ) { foreach ( $formelem->attributes() as $attr => $value ) { $pfarray[$attr] = (string)$formelem->attributes()->$attr; } } else { $pfarray[$tag] = (string)$formelem; } } return $pfarray; } } return array(); } public static function getFormFieldInfo( $psTemplate, $template_fields ) { $form_fields = array(); $fieldsInfo = $psTemplate->getFields(); foreach ( $fieldsInfo as $i => $psField ) { $fieldFormArray = $psField->getObject( 'pageforms_FormInput' ); if ( !is_null( $fieldFormArray ) ) { $formField = PFFormField::create( $template_fields[$i] ); foreach ( $fieldFormArray as $var => $val ) { if ( $var == 'InputType' ) { $formField->setInputType( $val ); } elseif ( $var == 'mandatory' ) { $formField->setIsMandatory( true ); } elseif ( $var == 'hidden' ) { $formField->setIsHidden( true ); } elseif ( $var == 'restricted' ) { $formField->setIsRestricted( true ); } elseif ( in_array( $var, array( 'Description', 'DescriptionTooltipMode', 'TextBeforeField' ) ) ) { $formField->setDescriptionArg( $var, $val ); } else { $formField->setFieldArg( $var, $val ); } } $form_fields[] = $formField; } } return $form_fields; } public static function getPageSection( $psPageSection ) { $pageSection = PFPageSection::create( $psPageSection->getSectionName() ); $pageSectionArray = $psPageSection->getObject( 'pageforms_PageSection' ); if ( !is_null( $pageSectionArray ) ) { foreach ( $pageSectionArray as $var => $val ) { if ( $var == 'mandatory' ) { $pageSection->setIsMandatory( true ); } elseif ( $var == 'hidden' ) { $pageSection->setIsHidden( true ); } elseif ( $var == 'restricted' ) { $pageSection->setIsRestricted( true ); } else { $pageSection->setSectionArgs( $var, $val ); } } } return $pageSection; } /** * Return the list of pages that Page Forms could generate from * the current Page Schemas schema. * @param PFPageSchemas $pageSchemaObj * @return Title[] */ public static function getPagesToGenerate( $pageSchemaObj ) { $genPageList = array(); $psTemplates = $pageSchemaObj->getTemplates(); foreach ( $psTemplates as $psTemplate ) { $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_TEMPLATE, $psTemplate->getName() ); $genPageList[] = $title; } $form_name = self::getFormName( $pageSchemaObj ); if ( $form_name != null ) { $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( PF_NS_FORM, $form_name ); $genPageList[] = $title; } return $genPageList; } /** * Returns an array of PFTemplateField objects, representing the fields * of a template, based on the contents of a tag. * @param PFTemplate $psTemplate * @return PFTemplateField[] */ public static function getFieldsFromTemplateSchema( $psTemplate ) { $psFields = $psTemplate->getFields(); $templateFields = array(); foreach ( $psFields as $psField ) { if ( defined( 'SMW_VERSION' ) ) { $prop_array = $psField->getObject( 'semanticmediawiki_Property' ); $propertyName = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $prop_array, 'name' ); if ( !is_null( $prop_array ) && empty( $propertyName ) ) { $propertyName = $psField->getName(); } } else { $propertyName = null; } if ( $psField->getLabel() === '' ) { $fieldLabel = $psField->getName(); } else { $fieldLabel = $psField->getLabel(); } $templateField = PFTemplateField::create( $psField->getName(), $fieldLabel, $propertyName, $psField->isList(), $psField->getDelimiter(), $psField->getDisplay() ); $templateField->setNamespace( $psField->getNamespace() ); if ( defined( 'CARGO_VERSION' ) ) { $cargoFieldArray = $psField->getObject( 'cargo_Field' ); $fieldType = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $cargoFieldArray, 'Type' ); $allowedValues = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $cargoFieldArray, 'AllowedValues' ); if ( $fieldType != '' ) { $templateField->setFieldType( $fieldType ); $templateField->setPossibleValues( $allowedValues ); } } $templateFields[] = $templateField; } return $templateFields; } /** * Creates a form page, when called from the 'generatepages' page * of Page Schemas. * @param string $formName * @param string $formTitle * @param array $formItems * @param array $formDataFromSchema * @param string $categoryName */ public static function generateForm( $formName, $formTitle, $formItems, $formDataFromSchema, $categoryName ) { global $wgUser; $input = array(); if ( array_key_exists( 'inputFreeText', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $input['free text'] = '{{{standard input|free text|rows=10}}}'; } if ( array_key_exists( 'inputSummary', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $input['summary'] = '{{{standard input|summary}}}'; } if ( array_key_exists( 'inputMinorEdit', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $input['minor edit'] = '{{{standard input|minor edit}}}'; } if ( array_key_exists( 'inputWatch', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $input['watch'] = '{{{standard input|watch}}}'; } if ( array_key_exists( 'inputSave', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $input['save'] = '{{{standard input|save}}}'; } if ( array_key_exists( 'inputPreview', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $input['preview'] = '{{{standard input|preview}}}'; } if ( array_key_exists( 'inputChanges', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $input['changes'] = '{{{standard input|changes}}}'; } if ( array_key_exists( 'inputCancel', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $input['cancel'] = '{{{standard input|cancel}}}'; } $freeTextLabel = null; if ( array_key_exists( 'freeTextLabel', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $freeTextLabel = $formDataFromSchema['freeTextLabel']; } $form = PFForm::create( $formName, $formItems ); $form->setAssociatedCategory( $categoryName ); if ( array_key_exists( 'PageNameFormula', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $form->setPageNameFormula( $formDataFromSchema['PageNameFormula'] ); } if ( array_key_exists( 'CreateTitle', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $form->setCreateTitle( $formDataFromSchema['CreateTitle'] ); } if ( array_key_exists( 'EditTitle', $formDataFromSchema ) ) { $form->setEditTitle( $formDataFromSchema['EditTitle'] ); } $formContents = $form->createMarkup( $input, $freeTextLabel ); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $formContents; $job = new PSCreatePageJob( $formTitle, $params ); $jobs = array( $job ); JobQueueGroup::singleton()->push( $jobs ); } /** * Generate pages (form and templates) specified in the list. * @param PageSchemas $pageSchemaObj * @param array $selectedPages */ public static function generatePages( $pageSchemaObj, $selectedPages ) { global $wgUser; $psFormItems = $pageSchemaObj->getFormItemsList(); $form_items = array(); $jobs = array(); $templateHackUsed = false; $isCategoryNameSet = false; // Generate every specified template foreach ( $psFormItems as $psFormItem ) { if ( $psFormItem['type'] == 'Template' ) { $psTemplate = $psFormItem['item']; $templateName = $psTemplate->getName(); $templateTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_TEMPLATE, $templateName ); $fullTemplateName = PageSchemas::titleString( $templateTitle ); $template_fields = self::getFieldsFromTemplateSchema( $psTemplate ); // Get property for use in either #set_internal // or #subobject, defined by either SIO's or // SMW's Page Schemas portion. We don't need // to record which one it came from, because // PF's code to generate the template runs its // own, similar check. // @TODO - $internalObjProperty should probably // have a more generic name. if ( class_exists( 'SIOPageSchemas' ) ) { $internalObjProperty = SIOPageSchemas::getInternalObjectPropertyName( $psTemplate ); } elseif ( method_exists( 'SMWPageSchemas', 'getConnectingPropertyName' ) ) { $internalObjProperty = SMWPageSchemas::getConnectingPropertyName( $psTemplate ); } else { $internalObjProperty = null; } // TODO - actually, the category-setting should be // smarter than this: if there's more than one // template in the schema, it should probably be only // the first non-multiple template that includes the // category tag. if ( $psTemplate->isMultiple() ) { $categoryName = null; } else { if ( $isCategoryNameSet == false ) { $categoryName = $pageSchemaObj->getCategoryName(); $isCategoryNameSet = true; } else { $categoryName = null; } } if ( method_exists( $psTemplate, 'getFormat' ) ) { $templateFormat = $psTemplate->getFormat(); } else { $templateFormat = null; } $pfTemplate = new PFTemplate( $templateName, $template_fields ); $pfTemplate->setConnectingProperty( $internalObjProperty ); $pfTemplate->setCategoryName( $categoryName ); $pfTemplate->setFormat( $templateFormat ); // Set Cargo table, if one was set in the schema. $cargoArray = $psTemplate->getObject( 'cargo_TemplateDetails' ); if ( !is_null( $cargoArray ) ) { $pfTemplate->mCargoTable = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject( $cargoArray, 'Table' ); } $templateText = $pfTemplate->createText(); if ( in_array( $fullTemplateName, $selectedPages ) ) { $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $templateText; $jobs[] = new PSCreatePageJob( $templateTitle, $params ); if ( strpos( $templateText, '{{!}}' ) > 0 ) { $templateHackUsed = true; } } $templateValues = self::getTemplateValues( $psTemplate ); if ( array_key_exists( 'Label', $templateValues ) ) { $templateLabel = $templateValues['Label']; } else { $templateLabel = null; } $form_fields = self::getFormFieldInfo( $psTemplate, $template_fields ); // Create template info for form, for use in generating // the form (if it will be generated). $form_template = PFTemplateInForm::create( $templateName, $templateLabel, $psTemplate->isMultiple(), null, $form_fields ); $form_items[] = array( 'type' => 'template', 'name' => $form_template->getTemplateName(), 'item' => $form_template ); } elseif ( $psFormItem['type'] == 'Section' ) { $psPageSection = $psFormItem['item']; $form_section = self::getPageSection( $psPageSection ); $form_section->setSectionLevel( $psPageSection->getSectionLevel() ); $form_items[] = array( 'type' => 'section', 'name' => $form_section->getSectionName(), 'item' => $form_section ); } } // Create the "!" hack template, if it's necessary if ( $templateHackUsed ) { $templateTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_TEMPLATE, '!' ); if ( ! $templateTitle->exists() ) { $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = '|'; $jobs[] = new PSCreatePageJob( $templateTitle, $params ); } } JobQueueGroup::singleton()->push( $jobs ); // Create form, if it's specified. $formName = self::getFormName( $pageSchemaObj ); $categoryName = $pageSchemaObj->getCategoryName(); if ( !empty( $formName ) ) { $formInfo = self::getMainFormInfo( $pageSchemaObj ); $formTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe( PF_NS_FORM, $formName ); $fullFormName = PageSchemas::titleString( $formTitle ); if ( in_array( $fullFormName, $selectedPages ) ) { self::generateForm( $formName, $formTitle, $form_items, $formInfo, $categoryName ); } } } public static function getSchemaDisplayValues( $schemaXML ) { foreach ( $schemaXML->children() as $tag => $child ) { if ( $tag == "pageforms_Form" ) { $formName = $child->attributes()->name; $values = array(); foreach ( $child->children() as $tagName => $prop ) { $values[$tagName] = (string)$prop; } return array( $formName, $values ); } } return null; } public static function getTemplateValues( $psTemplate ) { // TODO - fix this. $values = array(); if ( $psTemplate instanceof PSTemplate ) { $psTemplate = $psTemplate->getXML(); } foreach ( $psTemplate->children() as $tag => $child ) { if ( $tag == "pageforms_TemplateDetails" ) { foreach ( $child->children() as $prop ) { $values[$prop->getName()] = (string)$prop; } } } return $values; } public static function getTemplateDisplayString() { return 'Details for template in form'; } /** * Displays form details for one template in the Page Schemas XML. * @param string $templateXML * @return null|array */ public static function getTemplateDisplayValues( $templateXML ) { $templateValues = self::getTemplateValues( $templateXML ); if ( count( $templateValues ) == 0 ) { return null; } $displayValues = array(); foreach ( $templateValues as $key => $value ) { if ( $key == 'Label' ) { $propName = wfMessage( 'exif-label' )->escaped(); } elseif ( $key == 'AddAnotherText' ) { $propName = "'Add another' button"; } $displayValues[$propName] = $value; } return array( null, $displayValues ); } public static function getFieldDisplayString() { return 'Form input'; } public static function getPageSectionDisplayString() { return wfMessage( 'ps-otherparams' )->text(); } /** * Displays data on a single form input in the Page Schemas XML. * @param Node $fieldXML * @return array|null */ public static function getFieldDisplayValues( $fieldXML ) { foreach ( $fieldXML->children() as $tag => $child ) { if ( $tag == "pageforms_FormInput" ) { $inputName = $child->attributes()->name; $values = array(); foreach ( $child->children() as $prop ) { if ( $prop->getName() == 'InputType' ) { $propName = 'Input type'; } else { $propName = (string)$prop->attributes()->name; } $values[$propName] = (string)$prop; } return array( $inputName, $values ); } } return null; } public static function getPageSectionDisplayValues( $pageSectionXML ) { foreach ( $pageSectionXML->children() as $tag => $child ) { if ( $tag == "pageforms_PageSection" ) { $inputName = $child->attributes()->name; $values = array(); foreach ( $child->children() as $prop ) { $propName = (string)$prop->attributes()->name; $values[$propName] = (string)$prop; } return array( $inputName, $values ); } } return null; } }