getTemplateName() ); $text = ""; foreach ( $template_in_form->getValuesFromPage() as $key => $value ) { if ( !is_null( $key ) && !is_numeric( $key ) ) { $key = urlencode( $key ); $text .= Html::hidden( '_unhandled_' . $templateName . '_' . $key, $value ); } } return $text; } static function summaryInputHTML( $is_disabled, $label = null, $attr = array(), $value = '' ) { global $wgPageFormsTabIndex; if ( $label == null ) { $label = wfMessage( 'summary' )->text(); } $text = Html::rawElement( 'span', array( 'id' => 'wpSummaryLabel' ), Html::element( 'label', array( 'for' => 'wpSummary' ), $label ) ); $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; $attr['tabindex'] = $wgPageFormsTabIndex; $attr['type'] = 'text'; $attr['value'] = $value; $attr['name'] = 'wpSummary'; $attr['id'] = 'wpSummary'; $attr['maxlength'] = 200; $attr['size'] = 60; if ( $is_disabled ) { $attr['disabled'] = true; } $text .= ' ' . Html::element( 'input', $attr ); return $text; } static function minorEditInputHTML( $form_submitted, $is_disabled, $is_checked, $label = null, $attrs = array() ) { global $wgPageFormsTabIndex, $wgUser, $wgParser; $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; if ( !$form_submitted ) { $is_checked = $wgUser->getOption( 'minordefault' ); } if ( $label == null ) { $label = $wgParser->recursiveTagParse( wfMessage( 'minoredit' )->text() ); } $tooltip = wfMessage( 'tooltip-minoredit' )->text(); $attrs += array( 'id' => 'wpMinoredit', 'accesskey' => wfMessage( 'accesskey-minoredit' )->text(), 'tabindex' => $wgPageFormsTabIndex, ); if ( $is_disabled ) { $attrs['disabled'] = true; } $text = "\t" . Xml::check( 'wpMinoredit', $is_checked, $attrs ) . "\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'wpMinoredit', 'title' => $tooltip ), $label ) . "\n"; return $text; } static function watchInputHTML( $form_submitted, $is_disabled, $is_checked = false, $label = null, $attrs = array() ) { global $wgPageFormsTabIndex, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgParser; $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; // figure out if the checkbox should be checked - // this code borrowed from /includes/EditPage.php if ( !$form_submitted ) { if ( $wgUser->getOption( 'watchdefault' ) ) { # Watch all edits $is_checked = true; } elseif ( $wgUser->getOption( 'watchcreations' ) && !$wgTitle->exists() ) { # Watch creations $is_checked = true; } elseif ( $wgUser->isWatched( $wgTitle ) ) { # Already watched $is_checked = true; } } if ( $label == null ) { $label = $wgParser->recursiveTagParse( wfMessage( 'watchthis' )->text() ); } $attrs += array( 'id' => 'wpWatchthis', 'accesskey' => wfMessage( 'accesskey-watch' )->text(), 'tabindex' => $wgPageFormsTabIndex, ); if ( $is_disabled ) { $attrs['disabled'] = true; } $text = "\t" . Xml::check( 'wpWatchthis', $is_checked, $attrs ) . "\n"; $tooltip = wfMessage( 'tooltip-watch' )->text(); $text .= "\t" . Html::rawElement( 'label', array( 'for' => 'wpWatchthis', 'title' => $tooltip ), $label ) . "\n"; return $text; } /** * Helper function to display a simple button * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param string $type * @param array $attrs * @return string */ static function buttonHTML( $name, $value, $type, $attrs ) { return "\t\t" . Html::input( $name, $value, $type, $attrs ) . "\n"; } static function saveButtonHTML( $is_disabled, $label = null, $attr = array() ) { global $wgPageFormsTabIndex; $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; if ( $label == null ) { $label = wfMessage( 'savearticle' )->text(); } $temp = $attr + array( 'id' => 'wpSave', 'tabindex' => $wgPageFormsTabIndex, 'accesskey' => wfMessage( 'accesskey-save' )->text(), 'title' => wfMessage( 'tooltip-save' )->text(), ); if ( $is_disabled ) { $temp['disabled'] = true; } return self::buttonHTML( 'wpSave', $label, 'submit', $temp ); } static function saveAndContinueButtonHTML( $is_disabled, $label = null, $attr = array() ) { global $wgPageFormsTabIndex; $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; if ( $label == null ) { $label = wfMessage( 'pf_formedit_saveandcontinueediting' )->text(); } $temp = $attr + array( 'id' => 'wpSaveAndContinue', 'tabindex' => $wgPageFormsTabIndex, 'disabled' => true, 'accesskey' => wfMessage( 'pf_formedit_accesskey_saveandcontinueediting' )->text(), 'title' => wfMessage( 'pf_formedit_tooltip_saveandcontinueediting' )->text(), ); if ( $is_disabled ) { $temp['class'] = 'pf-save_and_continue disabled'; } else { $temp['class'] = 'pf-save_and_continue'; } return self::buttonHTML( 'wpSaveAndContinue', $label, 'button', $temp ); } static function showPreviewButtonHTML( $is_disabled, $label = null, $attr = array() ) { global $wgPageFormsTabIndex; $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; if ( $label == null ) { $label = wfMessage( 'showpreview' )->text(); } $temp = $attr + array( 'id' => 'wpPreview', 'tabindex' => $wgPageFormsTabIndex, 'accesskey' => wfMessage( 'accesskey-preview' )->text(), 'title' => wfMessage( 'tooltip-preview' )->text(), ); if ( $is_disabled ) { $temp['disabled'] = true; } return self::buttonHTML( 'wpPreview', $label, 'submit', $temp ); } static function showChangesButtonHTML( $is_disabled, $label = null, $attr = array() ) { global $wgPageFormsTabIndex; $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; if ( $label == null ) { $label = wfMessage( 'showdiff' )->text(); } $temp = $attr + array( 'id' => 'wpDiff', 'tabindex' => $wgPageFormsTabIndex, 'accesskey' => wfMessage( 'accesskey-diff' )->text(), 'title' => wfMessage( 'tooltip-diff' )->text(), ); if ( $is_disabled ) { $temp['disabled'] = true; } return self::buttonHTML( 'wpDiff', $label, 'submit', $temp ); } static function cancelLinkHTML( $is_disabled, $label = null, $attr = array() ) { global $wgTitle, $wgParser; if ( $label == null ) { $label = $wgParser->recursiveTagParse( wfMessage( 'cancel' )->text() ); } if ( $wgTitle == null ) { $cancel = ''; } elseif ( $wgTitle->isSpecial( 'FormEdit' ) ) { // If we're on the special 'FormEdit' page, just send the user // back to the previous page they were on. $stepsBack = 1; // For IE, we need to go back twice, past the redirect. if ( array_key_exists( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SERVER ) && stristr( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "msie" ) ) { $stepsBack = 2; } $cancel = "$label"; } else { if ( function_exists( 'MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getLinkRenderer' ) ) { $linkRenderer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkRenderer(); } else { $linkRenderer = null; } $cancel = PFUtils::makeLink( $linkRenderer, $wgTitle, $label ); } return "\t\t" . Html::rawElement( 'span', array( 'class' => 'editHelp' ), $cancel ) . "\n"; } static function runQueryButtonHTML( $is_disabled = false, $label = null, $attr = array() ) { // is_disabled is currently ignored global $wgPageFormsTabIndex; $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; if ( $label == null ) { $label = wfMessage( 'runquery' )->text(); } return self::buttonHTML( 'wpRunQuery', $label, 'submit', $attr + array( 'id' => 'wpRunQuery', 'tabindex' => $wgPageFormsTabIndex, 'title' => $label, ) ); } // Much of this function is based on MediaWiki's EditPage::showEditForm() static function formBottom( $form_submitted, $is_disabled ) { global $wgUser; $summary_text = self::summaryInputHTML( $is_disabled ); $text = <<
END; if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'minoredit' ) ) { $text .= self::minorEditInputHTML( $form_submitted, $is_disabled, false ); } if ( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) { $text .= self::watchInputHTML( $form_submitted, $is_disabled ); } $text .= <<
END; $text .= self::saveButtonHTML( $is_disabled ); $text .= self::showPreviewButtonHTML( $is_disabled ); $text .= self::showChangesButtonHTML( $is_disabled ); $text .= self::cancelLinkHTML( $is_disabled ); $text .= <<
END; return $text; } // based on MediaWiki's EditPage::getPreloadedText() static function getPreloadedText( $preload ) { if ( $preload === '' ) { return ''; } else { $preloadTitle = Title::newFromText( $preload ); if ( isset( $preloadTitle ) && $preloadTitle->userCan( 'read' ) ) { $rev = Revision::newFromTitle( $preloadTitle ); if ( is_object( $rev ) ) { $content = $rev->getContent(); $text = ContentHandler::getContentText( $content ); // Remove sections and tags from text $text = StringUtils::delimiterReplace( '', '', '', $text ); $text = strtr( $text, array( '' => '', '' => '' ) ); return $text; } } return ''; } } /** * Used by 'RunQuery' page * @return string */ static function queryFormBottom() { return self::runQueryButtonHTML( false ); } static function getMonthNames() { return array( wfMessage( 'january' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'february' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'march' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'april' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), // Needed to avoid using 3-letter abbreviation wfMessage( 'may_long' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'june' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'july' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'august' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'september' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'october' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'november' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), wfMessage( 'december' )->inContentLanguage()->text() ); } /** * Parse the form definition and return it * @param Parser $parser * @param string|null $form_def * @param string|null $form_id * @return string */ public static function getFormDefinition( Parser $parser, $form_def = null, $form_id = null ) { if ( $form_id !== null ) { $cachedDef = self::getFormDefinitionFromCache( $form_id, $parser ); if ( $cachedDef !== null ) { return $cachedDef; } } if ( $form_id !== null ) { $form_title = Title::newFromID( $form_id ); $form_def = PFUtils::getPageText( $form_title ); } elseif ( $form_def == null ) { // No id, no text -> nothing to do return ''; } // Remove sections and tags from form definition $form_def = StringUtils::delimiterReplace( '', '', '', $form_def ); $form_def = strtr( $form_def, array( '' => '', '' => '' ) ); // We need to replace all PF tags in the form definition by strip items. But we can not just use // the Parser strip state because the Parser would during parsing replace all strip items and then // mangle them into HTML code. So we have to use our own. Which means we also can not just use // Parser::insertStripItem() (see below). $rnd = wfRandomString( 32 ); // This regexp will find any PF triple braced tags (including correct handling of contained braces), i.e. // {{{field|foo|default={{Bar}}}}} is not a problem. When used with preg_match and friends, $matches[0] will // contain the whole PF tag, $matches[1] will contain the tag without the enclosing triple braces. $regexp = '#\{\{\{((?>[^\{\}]+)|(\{((?>[^\{\}]+)|(?-2))*\}))*\}\}\}#'; // Needed to restore highlighting in vi - mInParse ) && $parser->mInParse === true ) { $form_def = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $form_def ); $output = $parser->getOutput(); } else { $title = is_object( $parser->getTitle() ) ? $parser->getTitle() : new Title(); // We need to pass "false" in to the parse() $clearState param so that // embedding Special:RunQuery will work. $output = $parser->parse( $form_def, $title, $parser->getOptions(), true, false ); $form_def = $output->getText(); } $form_def = preg_replace_callback( "/{$rnd}-item-(\d+)-{$rnd}/", function ( array $matches ) use ( $items ) { $markerIndex = (int)$matches[1]; return $items[$markerIndex]; }, $form_def ); if ( $output->getCacheTime() == -1 ) { $form_article = Article::newFromID( $form_id ); self::purgeCache( $form_article ); wfDebug( "Caching disabled for form definition $form_id\n" ); } elseif ( $form_id !== null ) { self::cacheFormDefinition( $form_id, $form_def, $parser ); } return $form_def; } /** * Get a form definition from cache * @param string $form_id * @param Parser $parser * @return string|null */ protected static function getFormDefinitionFromCache( $form_id, Parser $parser ) { global $wgPageFormsCacheFormDefinitions; // use cache if allowed if ( !$wgPageFormsCacheFormDefinitions ) { return null; } $cache = self::getFormCache(); // create a cache key consisting of owner name, article id and user options $cacheKeyForForm = self::getCacheKey( $form_id, $parser ); $cached_def = $cache->get( $cacheKeyForForm ); // Cache hit? if ( is_string( $cached_def ) ) { wfDebug( "Cache hit: Got form definition $cacheKeyForForm from cache\n" ); return $cached_def; } wfDebug( "Cache miss: Form definition $cacheKeyForForm not found in cache\n" ); return null; } /** * Store a form definition in cache * @param string $form_id * @param string $form_def * @param Parser $parser */ protected static function cacheFormDefinition( $form_id, $form_def, Parser $parser ) { global $wgPageFormsCacheFormDefinitions; // Store in cache if requested if ( !$wgPageFormsCacheFormDefinitions ) { return; } $cache = self::getFormCache(); $cacheKeyForForm = self::getCacheKey( $form_id, $parser ); $cacheKeyForList = self::getCacheKey( $form_id ); // Update list of form definitions $listOfFormKeys = $cache->get( $cacheKeyForList ); // The list of values is used by self::purge, keys are ignored. // This way we automatically override duplicates. $listOfFormKeys[$cacheKeyForForm] = $cacheKeyForForm; // We cache indefinitely ignoring $wgParserCacheExpireTime. // The reasoning is that there really is not point in expiring // rarely changed forms automatically (after one day per // default). Instead the cache is purged on storing/purging a // form definition. // Store form definition with current user options $cache->set( $cacheKeyForForm, $form_def ); // Store updated list of form definitions $cache->set( $cacheKeyForList, $listOfFormKeys ); wfDebug( "Cached form definition $cacheKeyForForm\n" ); } /** * Deletes the form definition associated with the given wiki page * from the main cache. * * Hooks: ArticlePurge, PageContentSave * * @param WikiPage $wikipage * @return bool */ public static function purgeCache( WikiPage $wikipage ) { if ( !$wikipage->getTitle()->inNamespace( PF_NS_FORM ) ) { return true; } $cache = self::getFormCache(); $cacheKeyForList = self::getCacheKey( $wikipage->getId() ); // get references to stored datasets $listOfFormKeys = $cache->get( $cacheKeyForList ); if ( !is_array( $listOfFormKeys ) ) { return true; } // delete stored datasets foreach ( $listOfFormKeys as $key ) { $cache->delete( $key ); wfDebug( "Deleted cached form definition $key.\n" ); } // delete references to datasets $cache->delete( $cacheKeyForList ); wfDebug( "Deleted cached form definition references $cacheKeyForList.\n" ); return true; } /** * Get the cache object used by the form cache * @return BagOStuff */ public static function getFormCache() { global $wgPageFormsFormCacheType, $wgParserCacheType; $ret = wfGetCache( ( $wgPageFormsFormCacheType !== null ) ? $wgPageFormsFormCacheType : $wgParserCacheType ); return $ret; } /** * Get a cache key. * * @param string $formId * @param Parser|null $parser Provide parser to get unique cache key * @return string */ public static function getCacheKey( $formId, $parser = null ) { if ( is_null( $parser ) ) { return wfMemcKey( 'ext.PageForms.formdefinition', $formId ); } else { $optionsHash = $parser->getOptions()->optionsHash( ParserOptions::legacyOptions() ); return wfMemcKey( 'ext.PageForms.formdefinition', $formId, $optionsHash ); } } /** * Get section header HTML * @param string $header_name * @param int $header_level * @return string */ static function headerHTML( $header_name , $header_level = 2 ) { global $wgPageFormsTabIndex; $wgPageFormsTabIndex++; $text = ""; if ( !is_numeric( $header_level ) ) { // The default header level is set to 2 $header_level = 2; } $header_level = min( $header_level, 6 ); $elementName = 'h'. $header_level; $text = Html::rawElement( $elementName, array(), $header_name ); return $text; } /** * Get the changed index if a new template or section was * inserted before the end, or one was deleted in the form * @param int $i * @param int|null $new_item_loc * @param int|null $deleted_item_loc * @return int */ static function getChangedIndex( $i, $new_item_loc, $deleted_item_loc ) { $old_i = $i; if ( $new_item_loc != null ) { if ( $i > $new_item_loc ) { $old_i = $i - 1; } elseif ( $i == $new_item_loc ) { // it's the new template; it shouldn't // get any query-string data $old_i = - 1; } } elseif ( $deleted_item_loc != null ) { if ( $i >= $deleted_item_loc ) { $old_i = $i + 1; } } return $old_i; } }