getOutput(), etc. * @throws ErrorPageError * @return false */ public function show() { return self::displayForm( $this, $this->page ); } /** * Execute the action in a silent fashion: do not display anything or release any errors. * @return bool whether execution was successful */ public function execute() { return true; } /** * Adds an "action" (i.e., a tab) to edit the current article with * a form * @param Title $obj * @param array &$links * @return true */ static function displayTab( $obj, &$links ) { global $wgPageFormsDefaultFormForNamespace; if ( method_exists( $obj, 'getTitle' ) ) { $title = $obj->getTitle(); } else { $title = $obj->mTitle; } // Make sure that this is not a special page, and // that the user is allowed to edit it // - this function is almost never called on special pages, // but before SMW is fully initialized, it's called on // Special:SMWAdmin for some reason, which is why the // special-page check is there. if ( !isset( $title ) || ( $title->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL ) ) { return true; } $form_names = PFFormLinker::getDefaultFormsForPage( $title ); // /!\ if page is just been created, link to forms may not be recorded yet, so we double check if ( count( $form_names) == 0 && $wgPageFormsDefaultFormForNamespace ) { $firstTimestamp = $title->getEarliestRevTime(); // if created less than 30seconds ago, link to form may not be presents // strange to diff string like that, but it does the job if (wfTimestamp( TS_MW) - $firstTimestamp < 30 ) { if (isset($wgPageFormsDefaultFormForNamespace[$title->getNamespace()])) { $form_names = [ $wgPageFormsDefaultFormForNamespace[$title->getNamespace()] ]; } } } if ( count( $form_names ) == 0 ) { return true; } global $wgPageFormsRenameEditTabs, $wgPageFormsRenameMainEditTab; $content_actions = &$links['views']; $user_can_edit = $title->userCan( 'edit' ); // Create the form edit tab, and apply whatever changes are // specified by the edit-tab global variables. if ( $wgPageFormsRenameEditTabs ) { $form_edit_tab_msg = $user_can_edit ? 'edit' : 'pf_viewform'; if ( array_key_exists( 'edit', $content_actions ) ) { $msg = $user_can_edit ? 'pf_editsource' : 'viewsource'; $content_actions['edit']['text'] = wfMessage( $msg )->text(); } } else { if ( $user_can_edit ) { $form_edit_tab_msg = $title->exists() ? 'formedit' : 'pf_formcreate'; } else { $form_edit_tab_msg = 'pf_viewform'; } // Check for renaming of main edit tab only if // $wgPageFormsRenameEditTabs is off. if ( $wgPageFormsRenameMainEditTab ) { if ( array_key_exists( 'edit', $content_actions ) ) { $msg = $user_can_edit ? 'pf_editsource' : 'viewsource'; $content_actions['edit']['text'] = wfMessage( $msg )->text(); } } } $class_name = ( $obj->getRequest()->getVal( 'action' ) == 'formedit' ) ? 'selected' : ''; $form_edit_tab = array( 'class' => $class_name, 'text' => wfMessage( $form_edit_tab_msg )->text(), 'href' => $title->getLocalURL( 'action=formedit' ) ); // Find the location of the 'edit' tab, and add 'edit // with form' right before it. // This is a "key-safe" splice - it preserves both the keys // and the values of the array, by editing them separately // and then rebuilding the array. Based on the example at // $tab_keys = array_keys( $content_actions ); $tab_values = array_values( $content_actions ); $edit_tab_location = array_search( 'edit', $tab_keys ); // If there's no 'edit' tab, look for the 'view source' tab // instead. if ( $edit_tab_location == null ) { $edit_tab_location = array_search( 'viewsource', $tab_keys ); } // This should rarely happen, but if there was no edit *or* // view source tab, set the location index to -1, so the // tab shows up near the end. if ( $edit_tab_location == null ) { $edit_tab_location = - 1; } array_splice( $tab_keys, $edit_tab_location, 0, 'formedit' ); array_splice( $tab_values, $edit_tab_location, 0, array( $form_edit_tab ) ); $content_actions = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $tab_keys ); $i++ ) { $content_actions[$tab_keys[$i]] = $tab_values[$i]; } if ( ! $obj->getUser()->isAllowed( 'viewedittab' ) ) { // The tab can have either of these two actions. unset( $content_actions['edit'] ); unset( $content_actions['viewsource'] ); } return true; // always return true, in order not to stop MW's hook processing! } static function displayFormChooser( $output, $title ) { $output->addModules( 'ext.pageforms.main' ); $targetName = $title->getPrefixedText(); $output->setPageTitle( wfMessage( "creating", $targetName )->text() ); $output->addHTML( Html::element( 'p', null, wfMessage( 'pf-formedit-selectform' )->text() ) ); $formNames = PFUtils::getAllForms(); $pagesPerForm = self::getNumPagesPerForm(); $totalPages = 0; foreach ( $pagesPerForm as $formName => $numPages ) { $totalPages += $numPages; } // We define "popular forms" as those that are used to // edit more than 1% of the wiki's form-editable pages. $popularForms = array(); foreach ( $pagesPerForm as $formName => $numPages ) { if ( $numPages > $totalPages / 100 ) { $popularForms[] = $formName; } } $otherForms = array(); foreach ( $formNames as $i => $formName ) { if ( !in_array( $formName, $popularForms ) ) { $otherForms[] = $formName; } } $fe = SpecialPageFactory::getPage( 'FormEdit' ); if ( count( $popularForms ) > 0 ) { if ( count( $otherForms ) > 0 ) { $output->addHTML( Html::element( 'p', array(), wfMessage( 'pf-formedit-mainforms' )->text() ) ); } $text = self::printLinksToFormArray( $popularForms, $targetName, $fe ); $output->addHTML( Html::rawElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'infoMessage mainForms' ), $text ) ); } if ( count( $otherForms ) > 0 ) { if ( count( $popularForms ) > 0 ) { $output->addHTML( Html::element( 'p', array(), wfMessage( 'pf-formedit-otherforms' )->text() ) ); } $text = self::printLinksToFormArray( $otherForms, $targetName, $fe ); $output->addHTML( Html::rawElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'infoMessage otherForms' ), $text ) ); } // We need to call linkKnown(), not link(), so that PF's // edit=>formedit hook won't be called on this link. if ( function_exists( 'MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices::getLinkRenderer' ) ) { $linkRenderer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkRenderer(); } else { $linkRenderer = null; } $noFormLink = PFUtils::makeLink( $linkRenderer, $title, wfMessage( 'pf-formedit-donotuseform' )->escaped(), array(), array( 'action' => 'edit', 'redlink' => true ) ); $output->addHTML( Html::rawElement( 'p', null, $noFormLink ) ); } /** * Finds the number of pages on the wiki that use each form, by getting all the * categories that have a #default_form call pointing to a particular form, and * adding up the number of pages in each such category. * This approach doesn't count #default_form calls for namespaces or * individual pages, but that doesn't seem like a big deal, because, when * creating a page in a namespace that has a form, this interface probably won't * get called anyway; and #default_form calls for individual pages are * (hopefully) pretty rare. * @return int[] */ static function getNumPagesPerForm() { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $dbr->select( array( 'category', 'page', 'page_props' ), array( 'pp_value', 'SUM(cat_pages) AS total_pages' ), array( // Keep backward compatibility with // the page property name for // Semantic Forms. 'pp_propname' => array( 'PFDefaultForm', 'SFDefaultForm' ) ), __METHOD__, array( 'GROUP BY' => 'pp_value', 'ORDER BY' => 'total_pages DESC', 'LIMIT' => 100 ), array( 'page' => array( 'JOIN', 'cat_title = page_title' ), 'page_props' => array( 'JOIN', 'page_id = pp_page' ) ) ); $pagesPerForm = array(); while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res ) ) { $formName = $row['pp_value']; $pagesPerForm[$formName] = $row['total_pages']; } return $pagesPerForm; } static function printLinksToFormArray( $formNames, $targetName, $fe ) { $text = ''; foreach ( $formNames as $i => $formName ) { if ( $i > 0 ) { $text .= " · "; } // Special handling for forms whose name contains a slash. if ( strpos( $formName, '/' ) !== false ) { $url = $fe->getPageTitle()->getLocalURL( array( 'form' => $formName, 'target' => $targetName ) ); } else { $url = $fe->getPageTitle( "$formName/$targetName" )->getLocalURL(); } $text .= Html::element( 'a', array( 'href' => $url ), $formName ); } return $text; } /** * The function called if we're in index.php (as opposed to one of the * special pages) * @param Action $action * @param Article $article * @return true */ static function displayForm( $action, $article ) { $output = $action->getOutput(); $title = $article->getTitle(); $form_names = PFFormLinker::getDefaultFormsForPage( $title ); if ( count( $form_names ) == 0 ) { // If no form is set, display an interface to let the // user choose out of all the forms defined on this wiki // (or none at all). self::displayFormChooser( $output, $title ); return true; } if ( count( $form_names ) > 1 ) { $warning_text = "\t" . '
' . wfMessage( 'pf_formedit_morethanoneform' )->text() . "
\n"; $output->addWikiText( $warning_text ); } $form_name = $form_names[0]; $page_name = PFUtils::titleString( $title ); $pfFormEdit = new PFFormEdit(); $pfFormEdit->printForm( $form_name, $page_name ); return false; } }