{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Jeroen De Dauw", "Karsten Hoffmeyer" ] }, "modern-timeline-name": "Modern Timeline", "modern-timeline-desc": "Provides a modern timeline visualization for Semantic MediaWiki", "modern-timeline-param-width": "Timeline width in %. Can also be specified in px, em and ex", "modern-timeline-param-height": "Timeline height in pixels. Can also be specified in em and ex", "modern-timeline-param-bookmark": "Make the timeline bookmarkable via the page URL", "modern-timeline-param-background": "Background color for the timeline slides", "modern-timeline-param-scale-factor": "Timeline width in screen widths at first presentation", "modern-timeline-param-position": "Display the timeline navigation at the top or at the bottom", "modern-timeline-param-tick-width": "Optimal distance (in pixels) between ticks on the axis", "modern-timeline-param-start-slide": "The first slide to display when the timeline is loaded", "modern-timeline-param-start-at-end": "Start with the last timeline slide", "modern-timeline-param-transition-duration": "Slide transition in milliseconds", "modern-timeline-param-navigation-height": "Height of the timeline navigation section in % or px", "modern-timeline-param-template": "Name of a template to show the slide area with", "modern-timeline-format-name": "Modern timeline" }