{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Bruce89", "Lloffiwr", "Reedy", "Shirayuki" ] }, "maps-displaymap-par-centre": "Allows setting the coordinates of the map's centre for display_point(s).\nAccepts both addresses and coordinates.\nWhen this property is not provided, the map will centre itself on the provided marker, or between the provided markers.", "maps-invalid-coordinates": "The value $1 was not recognised as a valid set of coordinates.", "maps_unrecognized_coords": "The following {{PLURAL:$2|coordinate was|coordinates were}} not recognised: $1.", "maps_unrecognized_coords_for": "The following {{PLURAL:$2|coordinate was|coordinates were}} not recognised and {{PLURAL:$2|has|have}} been omitted from the map:\n$1", "maps_centred_on": "Map centred on $1, $2.", "maps-par-centre": "The location on which the map should be centred", "mapeditor-form-field-strokecolor": "Stroke colour", "mapeditor-form-field-fillcolor": "Fill colour", "semanticmaps-par-centre": "The centre of the map. When not provided, the map will automatically pick the optimal centre to display all markers on the map." }