[ 'leaflet', 'googlemaps3' ], // The mapping service that will be used when no service is specified by the user. 'egMapsDefaultService' => 'leaflet', // Allows disabling the extension even when it is installed. // CAUTION: this setting is intended for wiki farms. On single wiki installations, // the recommended way to disable maps is to uninstall it via Composer. Disabling // Maps via this setting undermines package management safety: extensions that depend // on Maps will likely either break or disable themselves. 'egMapsDisableExtension' => false, // Allows disabling the Semantic MediaWiki integration. 'egMapsDisableSmwIntegration' => false, /** * GENERAL MAP CONFIGURATION */ // Integer or string. The default width and height of a map. These values will // only be used when the user does not provide them. 'egMapsMapWidth' => 'auto', 'egMapsMapHeight' => 350, // Strings. The default content for all pop-ups. This value will only be used // when the user does not provide one. 'egMapsDefaultTitle' => '', 'egMapsDefaultLabel' => '', 'egMapsResizableByDefault' => false, 'egMapsRezoomForKML' => false, // Boolean. Sets if pages with maps should be put in special category 'egMapsEnableCategory' => false, // Integer. Determines the TTL of cached GeoJson. // Default value: 0 (no caching). 'egMapsGeoJsonCacheTtl' => 0, /** * SEMANTIC MEDIAWIKI INTEGRATION */ // Boolean. The default value for the showtitle parameter. Will hide the title in the marker pop-ups when set to false. // This value will only be used when the user does not provide one. 'smgQPShowTitle' => true, // Boolean. The default value for the hidenamespace parameter. Will hide the namespace in the marker pop-ups when set to true. // This value will only be used when the user does not provide one. 'smgQPHideNamespace' => false, // String or false. Allows you to define the content and it's layout of marker pop-ups via a template. // This value will only be used when the user does not provide one. 'smgQPTemplate' => false, /** * COORDINATE CONFIGURATION */ // The coordinate notations that should be available. 'egMapsAvailableCoordNotations' => [ 'float', 'dms', 'dm', 'dd' ], // The default output format of coordinates. // Possible values: float, dms, dm, dd 'egMapsCoordinateNotation' => 'dms', // Boolean. Indicates if coordinates should be outputted in directional notation by default. // Recommended to be true for dms and false for float. 'egMapsCoordinateDirectional' => true, // The default output format of coordinates when displayed by Semantic MediaWiki. // Possible values: float, dms, dm, dd 'smgQPCoodFormat' => 'dms', // Boolean. Indicates if coordinates should be outputted in directional notation by default when // displayed by Semantic MediaWiki. 'smgQPCoodDirectional' => true, // Boolean. Sets if direction labels should be translated to their equivalent in the wiki language or not. 'egMapsInternatDirectionLabels' => true, // Boolean. When false, the #coordinates parser function will not be enabled. // This is useful for people using the GeoData extension and want to use its #coordinates function instead. 'egMapsEnableCoordinateFunction' => true, /** * GEOCODING CONFIGURATION */ // Sets which service should be used to turn addresses into coordinates // Available services: geonames, google, nominatim // The geonames service requires you to specify a geonames user (see below), // if you set this setting to geonames but do not specify the user, Maps will // fall back to using the google service. 'egMapsDefaultGeoService' => 'nominatim', // String. GeoNames API user/application name. // Obtain an account here: http://www.geonames.org/login // Do not forget to activate your account for API usage! 'egMapsGeoNamesUser' => '', // Boolean. Sets if geocoded addresses should be stored in a cache. 'egMapsEnableGeoCache' => true, // Integer. If egMapsEnableGeoCache is true, determines the TTL of cached geocoded addresses. // Default value: 1 day. 'egMapsGeoCacheTtl' => 24 * 3600, /** * LEAFLET CONFIGURATION */ // Integer. The default zoom of a map. This value will only be used when the // user does not provide one. 'egMapsLeafletZoom' => 14, // String. The default layer for Leaflet. This value will only be // used when the user does not provide one. 'egMapsLeafletLayer' => 'OpenStreetMap', 'egMapsLeafletLayers' => [ 'OpenStreetMap' ], 'egMapsLeafletOverlayLayers' => [], // The definitions for the layers that should be available for the user. 'egMapsLeafletAvailableLayers' => [ 'OpenStreetMap' => true, 'OpenStreetMap.DE' => true, 'OpenStreetMap.BlackAndWhite' => true, 'OpenStreetMap.HOT' => true, 'OpenTopoMap' => true, 'Thunderforest.OpenCycleMap' => true, 'Thunderforest.Transport' => true, 'Thunderforest.TransportDark' => true, 'Thunderforest.SpinalMap' => true, 'Thunderforest.Landscape' => true, 'Thunderforest.Outdoors' => true, 'Thunderforest.Pioneer' => true, 'OpenMapSurfer.Roads' => true, 'OpenMapSurfer.Grayscale' => true, 'Hydda.Full' => true, 'Hydda.Base' => true, //'MapBox' => false, // todo: implement setting api key 'Stamen.Toner' => true, 'Stamen.TonerBackground' => true, 'Stamen.TonerHybrid' => true, 'Stamen.TonerLines' => true, 'Stamen.TonerLabels' => true, 'Stamen.TonerLite' => true, 'Stamen.Watercolor' => true, 'Stamen.Terrain' => true, 'Stamen.TerrainBackground' => true, 'Stamen.TopOSMRelief' => true, 'Stamen.TopOSMFeatures' => true, 'Esri.WorldStreetMap' => true, 'Esri.DeLorme' => true, 'Esri.WorldTopoMap' => true, 'Esri.WorldImagery' => true, 'Esri.WorldTerrain' => true, 'Esri.WorldShadedRelief' => true, 'Esri.WorldPhysical' => true, 'Esri.OceanBasemap' => true, 'Esri.NatGeoWorldMap' => true, 'Esri.WorldGrayCanvas' => true, 'MapQuestOpen' => true, //'HERE' => false, // todo: implement setting api key 'FreeMapSK' => true, 'MtbMap' => true, 'CartoDB.Positron' => true, 'CartoDB.PositronNoLabels' => true, 'CartoDB.PositronOnlyLabels' => true, 'CartoDB.DarkMatter' => true, 'CartoDB.DarkMatterNoLabels' => true, 'CartoDB.DarkMatterOnlyLabels' => true, 'HikeBike.HikeBike' => true, 'HikeBike.HillShading' => true, 'BasemapAT.basemap' => true, 'BasemapAT.grau' => true, 'BasemapAT.overlay' => true, 'BasemapAT.highdpi' => true, 'BasemapAT.orthofoto' => true, 'NASAGIBS.ModisTerraTrueColorCR' => true, 'NASAGIBS.ModisTerraBands367CR' => true, 'NASAGIBS.ViirsEarthAtNight2012' => true, 'NLS' => true, 'GeoportailFrance' => true, 'GeoportailFrance.parcels' => true, 'GeoportailFrance.ignMaps' => true, 'GeoportailFrance.orthos' => true ], 'egMapsLeafletAvailableOverlayLayers' => [ 'OpenMapSurfer.AdminBounds' => true, 'OpenSeaMap' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.Clouds' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.CloudsClassic' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.Precipitation' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.PrecipitationClassic' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.Rain' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.RainClassic' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.Pressure' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.PressureContour' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.Wind' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.Temperature' => true, 'OpenWeatherMap.Snow' => true, 'Hydda.RoadsAndLabels' => true, 'NASAGIBS.ModisTerraLSTDay' => true, 'NASAGIBS.ModisTerraSnowCover' => true, 'NASAGIBS.ModisTerraAOD' => true, 'NASAGIBS.ModisTerraChlorophyll' => true ], 'egMapsLeafletLayersApiKeys' => [ 'MapBox' => '', 'MapQuestOpen' => '', 'Thunderforest' => '', 'GeoportailFrance' => '' ], 'egMapsLeafletLayerDependencies' => [ 'MapQuestOpen' => 'https://open.mapquestapi.com/sdk/leaflet/v2.2/mq-map.js?key=', ], /** * GOOGLE MAPS CONFIGURATION */ // String. Google Maps v3 API Key 'egMapsGMaps3ApiKey' => '', // String. Google Maps v3 API version number 'egMapsGMaps3ApiVersion' => '', // Integer. The default zoom of a map. This value will only be used when the // user does not provide one. 'egMapsGMaps3Zoom' => 14, // Array of String. The Google Maps v3 default map types. This value will only // be used when the user does not provide one. 'egMapsGMaps3Types' => [ 'roadmap', 'satellite', 'hybrid', 'terrain' ], // String. The default map type. This value will only be used when the user // does not provide one. 'egMapsGMaps3Type' => 'roadmap', // Array. List of controls to display onto maps by default. 'egMapsGMaps3Controls' => [ 'pan', 'zoom', 'type', 'scale', 'streetview', 'rotate' ], // String. The default style for the type control. // horizontal, vertical or default 'egMapsGMaps3DefTypeStyle' => 'default', // String. The default style for the zoom control. // small, large or default 'egMapsGMaps3DefZoomStyle' => 'default', // Boolean. Open the info windows on load by default? 'egMapsGMaps3AutoInfoWindows' => false, // Array. Layers to load by default. // traffic, bicycling and transit 'egMapsGMaps3Layers' => [], // Show points of interest or not. 'egMapsShowPOI' => true, // String. Set the language when rendering Google Maps. 'egMapsGMaps3Language' => '', /** * DISTANCE CONFIGURATION */ // Array. A list of units (keys) and how many meters they represent (value). // No spaces! If the unit consists out of multiple words, just write them together. 'egMapsDistanceUnits' => [ 'm' => 1, 'meter' => 1, 'meters' => 1, 'km' => 1000, 'kilometers' => 1000, 'kilometres' => 1000, 'mi' => 1609.344, 'mile' => 1609.344, 'miles' => 1609.344, 'nm' => 1852, 'nauticalmile' => 1852, 'nauticalmiles' => 1852, ], // String. The default unit for distances. 'egMapsDistanceUnit' => 'm', // Integer. The default amount of fractal digits in a distance. 'egMapsDistanceDecimals' => 2, /** * DEBUGGING */ // When true, debugging messages will be logged using mw.log(). Do not use on production wikis. 'egMapsDebugJS' => false, 'egMapsGlobalJSVars' => [], ];