[ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#archive\.org/(?:details|embed)/([\d\w\-_][^/\?\#]+)#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w\-_][^/\?\#]+)$#is' ] ], 'bambuser' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#bambuser\.com/(?:v|broadcast)/([\d\w\-\+]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w\-\+]+)$#is' ] ], 'bambuser_channel' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#bambuser\.com/channel/([\d\w\-\+]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w\-\+]+)$#is' ] ], 'beam' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#beam.pro/([\d\w\-\+]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w\-\+]+)$#is' ] ], 'disclose' => [ 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'#^([\d]+)$#is' ] ], 'dailymotion' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#dailymotion\.com/(?:video|embed/video)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:_\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:_\S+?)?#is' ] ], 'divshare' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true ], 'funnyordie' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.64102564102564, // (640 / 390) 'https_enabled' => false, 'url_regex' => [ '#funnyordie\.com/(?:videos|embed)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$#is' ] ], 'gfycat' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#gfycat\.com/([a-zA-Z]+)#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([a-zA-Z]+)$#is' ] ], 'hitbox' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => false, 'url_regex' => [ '#hitbox.tv/([\d\w]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w]+)$#is' ] ], 'jwplayer' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#content\.jwplatform\.com/players/([a-zA-Z0-9]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:.)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#([a-zA-Z0-9]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)#is' ] ], 'kickstarter' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#kickstarter\.com/projects/([\d\w-]+/[\d\w-]+)(?:/widget/video.html)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w-]+/[\d\w-]+)$#is' ] ], 'mediacccde' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 660, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, //(16 / 9), 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#conferences/.*?([\d\w_-]+)(?:/oembed)?.html$#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w_-]+)$#is' ] ], 'metacafe' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => false, 'url_regex' => [ '#metacafe\.com/(?:watch|embed)/([\d]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d]+)$#is' ] ], 'nico' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.59609120521173, // (490 / 307) 'https_enabled' => false, 'url_regex' => [ '#nicovideo\.jp/watch/((?:[a-zA-Z]{2})?[\d]+)#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^((?:[a-zA-Z]{2})?[\d]+)$#is' ] ], 'rutube' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#rutube\.ru/video/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$#is' ] ], 'soundcloud' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 186, 'default_ratio' => 2.66666, 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#^(https://soundcloud\.com/.+?/.+?)$#is', ] ], 'teachertube' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.72972972972973, // (640 / 370) 'https_enabled' => false, 'url_regex' => [ '#teachertube\.com/video/(?:[\w\d\-]+?-)?([\d]+)$#is', ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d]+)$#is' ] ], 'ted' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#ted\.com/talks/([\d\w\-]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is', ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w\-]+)$#is' ] ], 'tubitv' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#tubitv.com/(?:video|embed)/([\d]+)(/[\w-]+)?$#is', ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d]+)$#is' ] ], 'tudou' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.6, 'https_enabled' => false, 'url_regex' => [ '#tudou.com/listplay/([\d\w-]+)/([\d\w-]+).html#is', '#tudou.com/listplay/([\d\w-]+).html#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w-]+)$#is' ] ], 'tvpot' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#tvpot\.daum\.net/v/([\d\w-%]+)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w-%]+)$#is' ] ], 'twitch' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378) 'https_enabled' => false, 'url_regex' => [ '#twitch\.tv/([\d\w-]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w-]+)$#is' ] ], 'twitchvod' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378) 'https_enabled' => false, 'url_regex' => [ '#twitch\.tv/([\d\w-]+)(?:/\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w-]+)$#is' ] ], 'videomaten' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_ratio' => 1.5, // (300 / 200) 'https_enabled' => false ], 'vimeo' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#vimeo\.com/([\d]+)#is', '#vimeo\.com/channels/[\d\w-]+/([\d]+)#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d]+)$#is' ], 'oembed' => '%4$s//vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d' ], 'vine' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1, // (1 / 1) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#vine\.co/v/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$#is' ] ], 'yahoo' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#screen\.yahoo\.com/([\w\d\-]+?-\d+).html#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\w\d\-]+?-\d+)$#is' ] ], 'youtube' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#v=([\d\w-]+)(?:&\S+?)?#is', '#youtu\.be/([\d\w-]+)#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w-]+)$#is' ], 'oembed' => [ 'http' => 'http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d', 'https' => 'http://www.youtube.com/oembed?scheme=https&url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d' ] ], 'youtubeplaylist' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#list=([\d\w-]+)(?:&\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w-]+)$#is' ] ], 'youtubevideolist' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9) 'https_enabled' => true, 'url_regex' => [ '#playlist=([\d\w-]+)(?:&\S+?)?#is' ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^([\d\w-]+)$#is' ] ], 'youku' => [ 'embed' => '', 'default_width' => 640, 'default_ratio' => 1.6, 'https_enabled' => false, 'url_regex' => [ '#id_([\d\w-]+).html#is', ], 'id_regex' => [ '#^(?:id_)?([\d\w-]+)$#is' ] ] ]; /** * Mapping of host names to services * @var array */ static private $serviceHostMap = [ 'archive.org' => 'archiveorg', 'embed.bambuser.com' => ['bambuser', 'bambuser_channel'], 'beam.pro' => 'beam', 'blip.tv' => 'blip', 'bing.com' => 'bing', 'collegehumor.com' => 'collegehumor', 'dailymotion.com' => 'dailymotion', 'divshare.com' => 'divshare', 'funnyordie.com' => 'funnyordie', 'gfycat.com' => 'gfycat', 'hitbox.tv' => 'hitbox', 'content.jwplatform.com' => 'jwplayer', 'kickstarter.com' => 'kickstarter', 'media.ccc.de' => 'mideacccde', 'metacafe.com' => 'metacafe', 'nicovideo.jp' => 'nico', 'rutube.ru' => 'rutube', 'teachertube.com' => 'teachertube', 'ted.com' => 'ted', 'tubitv.com' => 'tubitv', 'tudou.com' => 'todou', 'tvpot.daum.net' => 'tvpot', 'twitch.tv' => ['twitch', 'twitchvod'], '' => 'videomaten', 'vimeo.com' => 'vimeo', 'vine.co' => 'vine', 'screen.yahoo.com' => 'yahoo', 'youtube.com' => ['youtube', 'youtubeplaylist', 'youtubevideolist'], 'youku.com' => 'youku' ]; /** * This object instance's service information. * * @var array */ private $service = []; /** * Video ID * * @var array */ private $id = false; /** * Player Width * * @var integer */ private $width = false; /** * Player Height * * @var integer */ private $height = false; /** * Description Text * * @var string */ private $description = false; /** * Extra IDs that some services require. * * @var array */ private $extraIDs = false; /** * Extra URL Arguments that may be utilized by some services. * * @var array */ private $urlArgs = false; /** * Main Constructor * * @access private * @param string Service Name * @return void */ private function __construct($service) { $this->service = self::$services[$service]; } /** * Create a new object from a service name. * * @access public * @param string Service Name * @return mixed New VideoService object or false on initialization error. */ static public function newFromName($service) { if (isset(self::$services[$service])) { return new self($service); } else { return false; } } /** * return the service host map array * @return array $serviceHostMap */ public static function getServiceHostMap() { return self::$serviceHostMap; } /** * return an array of defined services * * @return array $services */ public static function getAvailableServices() { return array_keys(self::$services); } /** * Add a service * * @access public * @param string Service Name * @param mixed args */ static public function addService($service, $args) { if (isset(self::$services[$service])) { throw new MWException("Service already already exists: $service"); } self::$services[$service] = $args; } /** * Return built HTML. * * @access public * @return mixed String HTML to output or false on error. */ public function getHtml() { if ($this->getVideoID() === false || $this->getWidth() === false || $this->getHeight() === false) { return false; } $html = false; if (isset($this->service['embed'])) { // Embed can be generated locally instead of calling out to the service to get it. $data = [ $this->service['embed'], htmlentities($this->getVideoID(), ENT_QUOTES), $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight(), ]; if ($this->getExtraIds() !== false) { foreach ($this->getExtraIds() as $extraId) { $data[] = htmlentities($extraId, ENT_QUOTES); } } $urlArgs = $this->getUrlArgs(); if ($urlArgs !== false) { $data[] = $urlArgs; } $html = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $data); } elseif (isset($this->service['oembed'])) { // Call out to the service to get the embed HTML. if ($this->service['https_enabled']) { if (stristr($this->getVideoID(), 'https:') !== false) { $protocol = 'https:'; } else { $protocol = 'http:'; } } $url = sprintf( $this->service['oembed'], $this->getVideoID(), $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight(), $protocol ); $oEmbed = OEmbed::newFromRequest($url); if ($oEmbed !== false) { $html = $oEmbed->getHtml(); } } return $html; } /** * Return Video ID * * @access public * @return mixed Parsed Video ID or false for one that is not set. */ public function getVideoID() { return $this->id; } /** * Set the Video ID for this video. * * @access public * @param string Video ID/URL * @return boolean Success */ public function setVideoID($id) { $id = $this->parseVideoID($id); if ($id !== false) { $this->id = $id; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Parse the video ID/URL provided. * * @access public * @param string Video ID/URL * @return mixed Parsed Video ID or false on failure. */ public function parseVideoID($id) { $id = trim($id); // URL regexes are put into the array first to prevent cases where the ID regexes might accidentally match an incorrect portion of the URL. $regexes = array_merge((array) $this->service['url_regex'], (array) $this->service['id_regex']); if (is_array($regexes) && count($regexes)) { foreach ($regexes as $regex) { if (preg_match($regex, $id, $matches)) { // Get rid of the full text match. array_shift($matches); $id = array_shift($matches); if (count($matches)) { $this->extraIDs = $matches; } return $id; } } // If nothing matches and matches are specified then return false for an invalid ID/URL. return false; } else { // Service definition has not specified a sanitization/validation regex. return $id; } } /** * Return extra IDs. * * @access public * @return boolean Array of extra information or false if not set. */ public function getExtraIDs() { return $this->extraIDs; } /** * Return the width. * * @access public * @return mixed Integer value or false for not set. */ public function getWidth() { return $this->width; } /** * Set the width of the player. This also will set the height automatically. * Width will be automatically constrained to the minimum and maximum widths. * * @access public * @param integer Width * @return void */ public function setWidth($width = null) { global $wgEmbedVideoMinWidth, $wgEmbedVideoMaxWidth, $wgEmbedVideoDefaultWidth; if (!is_numeric($width)) { if ($width === null && $this->getDefaultWidth() !== false && $wgEmbedVideoDefaultWidth < 1) { $width = $this->getDefaultWidth(); } else { $width = ($wgEmbedVideoDefaultWidth > 0 ? $wgEmbedVideoDefaultWidth : 640); } } else { $width = intval($width); } if ($wgEmbedVideoMaxWidth > 0 && $width > $wgEmbedVideoMaxWidth) { $width = $wgEmbedVideoMaxWidth; } if ($wgEmbedVideoMinWidth > 0 && $width < $wgEmbedVideoMinWidth) { $width = $wgEmbedVideoMinWidth; } $this->width = $width; if ($this->getHeight() === false) { $this->setHeight(); } } /** * Return the height. * * @access public * @return mixed Integer value or false for not set. */ public function getHeight() { return $this->height; } /** * Set the height automatically by a ratio of the width or use the provided value. * * @access public * @param mixed [Optional] Height Value * @return void */ public function setHeight($height = null) { if ($height !== null && $height > 0) { $this->height = intval($height); return; } $ratio = 16 / 9; if ($this->getDefaultRatio() !== false) { $ratio = $this->getDefaultRatio(); } $this->height = round($this->getWidth() / $ratio); } /** * Return the optional URL arguments. * * @access public * @return mixed Integer value or false for not set. */ public function getUrlArgs() { if ($this->urlArgs !== false) { return http_build_query($this->urlArgs); } } /** * Set URL Arguments to optionally add to the embed URL. * * @access public * @param string Raw Arguments * @return boolean Success */ public function setUrlArgs($urlArgs) { if (!$urlArgs) { return true; } $urlArgs = urldecode($urlArgs); $_args = explode('&', $urlArgs); if (is_array($_args)) { foreach ($_args as $rawPair) { list($key, $value) = explode("=", $rawPair, 2); if (empty($key) || ($value === null || $value === '')) { return false; } $arguments[$key] = htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES); } } else { return false; } $this->urlArgs = $arguments; return true; } /** * Is HTTPS enabled? * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function isHttpsEnabled() { return (bool) $this->service['https_enabled']; } /** * Return default width if set. * * @access public * @return mixed Integer width or false if not set. */ public function getDefaultWidth() { return ($this->service['default_width'] > 0 ? $this->service['default_width'] : false); } /** * Return default ratio if set. * * @access public * @return mixed Integer ratio or false if not set. */ public function getDefaultRatio() { return ($this->service['default_ratio'] > 0 ? $this->service['default_ratio'] : false); } }