# REEVOTech REEVOTech is a bundled of open source solution that allows builidng collective mapping and documentation for social projects. ## Current components * Mediawiki 1.31.3 * SemanticMediawiki 3.0.2 * Wordpress 5.2.3 * CiviCRM 5.16.4 ## Initial setup ### Deploy Files Get the files: ```git clone https://git.reevo.org/reevo/reevotech/ /srv/reevotech``` ### Configure and enable Nginx and php-fpm Edit ```/etc/nginx/nginx.conf``` and add at the end: ```include /srv/reevotech/etc/nginx/*.conf;``` Edit ```/etc/php/7.3/fpm/php-fpm.conf``` and add at the end: ```include=/srv/reevotech/etc/php-fpm/*.conf;``` ### Setup a initial wiki instance #### Enable nginx and php ... #### Database setup Create the database with the following command: ``` php www/wiki/maintenance/install.php --dbname=reevotech_wiki --dbserver="localhost" --installdbuser=root --installdbpass= --dbuser=reevotech_wiki --dbpass= --server="http://reevo.red" --scriptpath=/ --lang=es --pass=password123 "Deployment Name" "Admin" --confpath www/wiki/ ``` Create the global config file for the implementation. For that we define a string as `````` of the implementation: ```cp etc/global_config.php.sample global_config-.php``` Replace the existing ```www/wiki/LocalSettings.php``` with the official file: ```cp www/wiki/LocalSettings.php.sample www/wiki/LocalSettings.php``` Then edit the file, adding the created instances for your ``````, so it loads the required files. Run this script and pick the right domain, this creates tables and updates: ```php www/wiki/maintenance/update.php --conf www/wiki/LocalSettings-.php``` Then run this script and pick the right domain: ```php www/wiki/maintenance/runJobs.php --conf www/wiki/LocalSettings-.php``` #### API User creation Run the following contents: ``` php www/wiki/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --bureaucrat --sysop reebot --conf www/wiki/LocalSettings-.php php www/wiki/maintenance/resetUserEmail.php reebot reebot@reevo.org --conf www/wiki/LocalSettings-.php php www/wiki/maintenance/changePassword.php --user=reebot --password= --conf www/wiki/LocalSettings-.php ``` #### Setup cron tasks Add this to your crontab file: ```*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /srv/reevotech/www/wiki/maintenance/runJobs.php --conf /srv/reevotech/www/wiki/LocalSettings-.php > /var/log/runJobs.log 2>&1 ```