path: root/www/wiki/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki.api/mediawiki.api.options.test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki.api/mediawiki.api.options.test.js')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki.api/mediawiki.api.options.test.js b/www/wiki/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki.api/mediawiki.api.options.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..997a42c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki.api/mediawiki.api.options.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+( function ( mw ) {
+ QUnit.module( 'mediawiki.api.options', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( {
+ setup: function () {
+ this.server = this.sandbox.useFakeServer();
+ this.server.respondImmediately = true;
+ }
+ } ) );
+ QUnit.test( 'saveOption', function ( assert ) {
+ var api = new mw.Api(),
+ stub = this.sandbox.stub( mw.Api.prototype, 'saveOptions' );
+ api.saveOption( 'foo', 'bar' );
+ assert.ok( stub.calledOnce, '#saveOptions called once' );
+ assert.deepEqual( stub.getCall( 0 ).args, [ { foo: 'bar' } ], '#saveOptions called correctly' );
+ } );
+ QUnit.test( 'saveOptions without Unit Separator', function ( assert ) {
+ var api = new mw.Api( { useUS: false } );
+ // We need to respond to the request for token first, otherwise the other requests won't be sent
+ // until after the server.respond call, which confuses sinon terribly. This sucks a lot.
+ api.getToken( 'options' );
+ this.server.respond(
+ /meta=tokens&type=csrf/,
+ [ 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
+ '{ "query": { "tokens": { "csrftoken": "+\\\\" } } }' ]
+ );
+ // Requests are POST, match requestBody instead of url
+ this.server.respond( function ( request ) {
+ if ( [
+ // simple
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&change=foo%3Dbar&token=%2B%5C',
+ // two options
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&change=foo%3Dbar%7Cbaz%3Dquux&token=%2B%5C',
+ // not bundleable
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&optionname=foo&optionvalue=bar%7Cquux&token=%2B%5C',
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&optionname=bar&optionvalue=a%7Cb%7Cc&token=%2B%5C',
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&change=baz%3Dquux&token=%2B%5C',
+ // reset an option
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&change=foo&token=%2B%5C',
+ // reset an option, not bundleable
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&optionname=foo%7Cbar%3Dquux&token=%2B%5C'
+ ].indexOf( request.requestBody ) !== -1 ) {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Repond to ' + request.requestBody );
+ request.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
+ '{ "options": "success" }' );
+ } else {
+ assert.ok( false, 'Unexpected request: ' + request.requestBody );
+ }
+ } );
+ return QUnit.whenPromisesComplete(
+ api.saveOptions( {} ).then( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: empty case' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { foo: 'bar' } ).then( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: simple' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { foo: 'bar', baz: 'quux' } ).then( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: two options' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { foo: 'bar|quux', bar: 'a|b|c', baz: 'quux' } ).then( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: not bundleable' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { foo: null } ).then( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: reset an option' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { 'foo|bar=quux': null } ).then( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: reset an option, not bundleable' );
+ } )
+ );
+ } );
+ QUnit.test( 'saveOptions with Unit Separator', function ( assert ) {
+ var api = new mw.Api( { useUS: true } );
+ // We need to respond to the request for token first, otherwise the other requests won't be sent
+ // until after the server.respond call, which confuses sinon terribly. This sucks a lot.
+ api.getToken( 'options' );
+ this.server.respond(
+ /meta=tokens&type=csrf/,
+ [ 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
+ '{ "query": { "tokens": { "csrftoken": "+\\\\" } } }' ]
+ );
+ // Requests are POST, match requestBody instead of url
+ this.server.respond( function ( request ) {
+ if ( [
+ // simple
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&change=foo%3Dbar&token=%2B%5C',
+ // two options
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&change=foo%3Dbar%7Cbaz%3Dquux&token=%2B%5C',
+ // bundleable with unit separator
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&change=%1Ffoo%3Dbar%7Cquux%1Fbar%3Da%7Cb%7Cc%1Fbaz%3Dquux&token=%2B%5C',
+ // not bundleable with unit separator
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&optionname=baz%3Dbaz&optionvalue=quux&token=%2B%5C',
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&change=%1Ffoo%3Dbar%7Cquux%1Fbar%3Da%7Cb%7Cc&token=%2B%5C',
+ // reset an option
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&change=foo&token=%2B%5C',
+ // reset an option, not bundleable
+ 'action=options&format=json&formatversion=2&optionname=foo%7Cbar%3Dquux&token=%2B%5C'
+ ].indexOf( request.requestBody ) !== -1 ) {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Repond to ' + request.requestBody );
+ request.respond(
+ 200,
+ { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
+ '{ "options": "success" }'
+ );
+ } else {
+ assert.ok( false, 'Unexpected request: ' + request.requestBody );
+ }
+ } );
+ return QUnit.whenPromisesComplete(
+ api.saveOptions( {} ).done( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: empty case' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { foo: 'bar' } ).done( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: simple' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { foo: 'bar', baz: 'quux' } ).done( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: two options' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { foo: 'bar|quux', bar: 'a|b|c', baz: 'quux' } ).done( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: bundleable with unit separator' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { foo: 'bar|quux', bar: 'a|b|c', 'baz=baz': 'quux' } ).done( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: not bundleable with unit separator' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { foo: null } ).done( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: reset an option' );
+ } ),
+ api.saveOptions( { 'foo|bar=quux': null } ).done( function () {
+ assert.ok( true, 'Request completed: reset an option, not bundleable' );
+ } )
+ );
+ } );
+}( mediaWiki ) );