path: root/www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderFileModuleTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderFileModuleTest.php')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderFileModuleTest.php b/www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderFileModuleTest.php
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index 00000000..e82bab72
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+++ b/www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderFileModuleTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ * @group Database
+ * @group ResourceLoader
+ */
+class ResourceLoaderFileModuleTest extends ResourceLoaderTestCase {
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ // The return value of the closure shouldn't matter since this test should
+ // never call it
+ SkinFactory::getDefaultInstance()->register(
+ 'fakeskin',
+ 'FakeSkin',
+ function () {
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ private static function getModules() {
+ $base = [
+ 'localBasePath' => realpath( __DIR__ ),
+ ];
+ return [
+ 'noTemplateModule' => [],
+ 'deprecatedModule' => $base + [
+ 'deprecated' => true,
+ ],
+ 'deprecatedTomorrow' => $base + [
+ 'deprecated' => 'Will be removed tomorrow.'
+ ],
+ 'htmlTemplateModule' => $base + [
+ 'templates' => [
+ 'templates/template.html',
+ 'templates/template2.html',
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'htmlTemplateUnknown' => $base + [
+ 'templates' => [
+ 'templates/notfound.html',
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'aliasedHtmlTemplateModule' => $base + [
+ 'templates' => [
+ 'foo.html' => 'templates/template.html',
+ 'bar.html' => 'templates/template2.html',
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'templateModuleHandlebars' => $base + [
+ 'templates' => [
+ 'templates/template_awesome.handlebars',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'aliasFooFromBar' => $base + [
+ 'templates' => [
+ '' => 'templates/',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ public static function providerTemplateDependencies() {
+ $modules = self::getModules();
+ return [
+ [
+ $modules['noTemplateModule'],
+ [],
+ ],
+ [
+ $modules['htmlTemplateModule'],
+ [
+ 'mediawiki.template',
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ $modules['templateModuleHandlebars'],
+ [
+ 'mediawiki.template',
+ 'mediawiki.template.handlebars',
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ $modules['aliasFooFromBar'],
+ [
+ 'mediawiki.template',
+ '',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider providerTemplateDependencies
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::__construct
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getDependencies
+ */
+ public function testTemplateDependencies( $module, $expected ) {
+ $rl = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( $module );
+ $rl->setName( 'testing' );
+ $this->assertEquals( $rl->getDependencies(), $expected );
+ }
+ public static function providerDeprecatedModules() {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'deprecatedModule',
+ 'mw.log.warn("This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module \"deprecatedModule\".");',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'deprecatedTomorrow',
+ 'mw.log.warn(' .
+ '"This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module \"deprecatedTomorrow\".\\n' .
+ "Will be removed tomorrow." .
+ '");'
+ ]
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider providerDeprecatedModules
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getScript
+ */
+ public function testDeprecatedModules( $name, $expected ) {
+ $modules = self::getModules();
+ $module = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( $modules[$name] );
+ $module->setName( $name );
+ $ctx = $this->getResourceLoaderContext();
+ $this->assertEquals( $module->getScript( $ctx ), $expected );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getScript
+ */
+ public function testGetScript() {
+ $module = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( [
+ 'localBasePath' => __DIR__ . '/../../data/resourceloader',
+ 'scripts' => [ 'script-nosemi.js', 'script-comment.js' ],
+ ] );
+ $module->setName( 'testing' );
+ $ctx = $this->getResourceLoaderContext();
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ "/* eslint-disable */\\n" .
+ "\n" .
+ "/* eslint-disable */\\n//;\n" .
+ "\n",
+ $module->getScript( $ctx ),
+ 'scripts are concatenated with a new-line'
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getAllStyleFiles
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getAllSkinStyleFiles
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getSkinStyleFiles
+ */
+ public function testGetAllSkinStyleFiles() {
+ $baseParams = [
+ 'scripts' => [
+ 'foo.js',
+ 'bar.js',
+ ],
+ 'styles' => [
+ 'foo.css',
+ 'bar.css' => [ 'media' => 'print' ],
+ 'screen.less' => [ 'media' => 'screen' ],
+ 'screen-query.css' => [ 'media' => 'screen and (min-width: 400px)' ],
+ ],
+ 'skinStyles' => [
+ 'default' => 'quux-fallback.less',
+ 'fakeskin' => [
+ 'baz-vector.css',
+ 'quux-vector.less',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'messages' => [
+ 'hello',
+ 'world',
+ ],
+ ];
+ $module = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( $baseParams );
+ $module->setName( 'testing' );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ [
+ 'foo.css',
+ 'baz-vector.css',
+ 'quux-vector.less',
+ 'quux-fallback.less',
+ 'bar.css',
+ 'screen.less',
+ 'screen-query.css',
+ ],
+ array_map( 'basename', $module->getAllStyleFiles() )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Strip @noflip annotations from CSS code.
+ * @param string $css
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private static function stripNoflip( $css ) {
+ return str_replace( '/*@noflip*/ ', '', $css );
+ }
+ /**
+ * What happens when you mix @embed and @noflip?
+ * This really is an integration test, but oh well.
+ *
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getStyles
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getStyleFiles
+ */
+ public function testMixedCssAnnotations() {
+ $basePath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/css';
+ $testModule = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( [
+ 'localBasePath' => $basePath,
+ 'styles' => [ 'test.css' ],
+ ] );
+ $testModule->setName( 'testing' );
+ $expectedModule = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( [
+ 'localBasePath' => $basePath,
+ 'styles' => [ 'expected.css' ],
+ ] );
+ $expectedModule->setName( 'testing' );
+ $contextLtr = $this->getResourceLoaderContext( [
+ 'lang' => 'en',
+ 'dir' => 'ltr',
+ ] );
+ $contextRtl = $this->getResourceLoaderContext( [
+ 'lang' => 'he',
+ 'dir' => 'rtl',
+ ] );
+ // Since we want to compare the effect of @noflip+@embed against the effect of just @embed, and
+ // the @noflip annotations are always preserved, we need to strip them first.
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expectedModule->getStyles( $contextLtr ),
+ self::stripNoflip( $testModule->getStyles( $contextLtr ) ),
+ "/*@noflip*/ with /*@embed*/ gives correct results in LTR mode"
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expectedModule->getStyles( $contextLtr ),
+ self::stripNoflip( $testModule->getStyles( $contextRtl ) ),
+ "/*@noflip*/ with /*@embed*/ gives correct results in RTL mode"
+ );
+ }
+ public static function providerGetTemplates() {
+ $modules = self::getModules();
+ return [
+ [
+ $modules['noTemplateModule'],
+ [],
+ ],
+ [
+ $modules['templateModuleHandlebars'],
+ [
+ 'templates/template_awesome.handlebars' => "wow\n",
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ $modules['htmlTemplateModule'],
+ [
+ 'templates/template.html' => "<strong>hello</strong>\n",
+ 'templates/template2.html' => "<div>goodbye</div>\n",
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ $modules['aliasedHtmlTemplateModule'],
+ [
+ 'foo.html' => "<strong>hello</strong>\n",
+ 'bar.html' => "<div>goodbye</div>\n",
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ $modules['htmlTemplateUnknown'],
+ false,
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider providerGetTemplates
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getTemplates
+ */
+ public function testGetTemplates( $module, $expected ) {
+ $rl = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( $module );
+ $rl->setName( 'testing' );
+ if ( $expected === false ) {
+ $this->setExpectedException( MWException::class );
+ $rl->getTemplates();
+ } else {
+ $this->assertEquals( $rl->getTemplates(), $expected );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::stripBom
+ */
+ public function testBomConcatenation() {
+ $basePath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/css';
+ $testModule = new ResourceLoaderFileModule( [
+ 'localBasePath' => $basePath,
+ 'styles' => [ 'bom.css' ],
+ ] );
+ $testModule->setName( 'testing' );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ substr( file_get_contents( "$basePath/bom.css" ), 0, 10 ),
+ "\xef\xbb\xbf.efbbbf",
+ 'File has leading BOM'
+ );
+ $context = $this->getResourceLoaderContext();
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $testModule->getStyles( $context ),
+ [ 'all' => ".efbbbf_bom_char_at_start_of_file {}\n" ],
+ 'Leading BOM removed when concatenating files'
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @covers ResourceLoaderFileModule::getDefinitionSummary
+ */
+ public function testGetVersionHash() {
+ $context = $this->getResourceLoaderContext();
+ // Less variables
+ $module = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule();
+ $version = $module->getVersionHash( $context );
+ $module = new ResourceLoaderFileTestModule( [], [
+ 'lessVars' => [ 'key' => 'value' ],
+ ] );
+ $this->assertNotEquals(
+ $version,
+ $module->getVersionHash( $context ),
+ 'Using less variables is significant'
+ );
+ }