path: root/www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSMinTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSMinTest.php')
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diff --git a/www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSMinTest.php b/www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSMinTest.php
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+++ b/www/wiki/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/CSSMinTest.php
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+use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
+ * @group ResourceLoader
+ * @group CSSMin
+ */
+class CSSMinTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ // For wfExpandUrl
+ $server = 'https://expand.example';
+ $this->setMwGlobals( [
+ 'wgServer' => $server,
+ 'wgCanonicalServer' => $server,
+ ] );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideSerializeStringValue
+ * @covers CSSMin::serializeStringValue
+ */
+ public function testSerializeStringValue( $input, $expected ) {
+ $output = CSSMin::serializeStringValue( $input );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expected,
+ $output,
+ 'Serialized output must be in the expected form.'
+ );
+ }
+ public static function provideSerializeStringValue() {
+ return [
+ [ 'Hello World!', '"Hello World!"' ],
+ [ "Null\0Null", "\"Null\\fffd Null\"" ],
+ [ '"', '"\\""' ],
+ [ "'", '"\'"' ],
+ [ "\\", '"\\\\"' ],
+ [ "Tab\tTab", '"Tab\\9 Tab"' ],
+ [ "Space tab \t space", '"Space tab \\9 space"' ],
+ [ "Line\nfeed", '"Line\\a feed"' ],
+ [ "Return\rreturn", '"Return\\d return"' ],
+ [ "Next\xc2\x85line", "\"Next\xc2\x85line\"" ],
+ [ "Del\x7fDel", '"Del\\7f Del"' ],
+ [ "nb\xc2\xa0sp", "\"nb\xc2\xa0sp\"" ],
+ [ "AMP&amp;AMP", "\"AMP&amp;AMP\"" ],
+ [ '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?', '"!\\"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"' ],
+ [ '@[\\]^_`{|}~', '"@[\\\\]^_`{|}~"' ],
+ [ 'ä', '"ä"' ],
+ [ 'Ä', '"Ä"' ],
+ [ '€', '"€"' ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideMimeType
+ * @covers CSSMin::getMimeType
+ */
+ public function testGetMimeType( $fileContents, $fileExtension, $expected ) {
+ $fileName = wfTempDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid( 'MW_PHPUnit_CSSMinTest_' ) . '.'
+ . $fileExtension;
+ $this->addTmpFiles( $fileName );
+ file_put_contents( $fileName, $fileContents );
+ $this->assertSame( $expected, CSSMin::getMimeType( $fileName ) );
+ }
+ public static function provideMimeType() {
+ return [
+ 'JPEG with short extension' => [
+ "\xFF\xD8\xFF",
+ 'jpg',
+ 'image/jpeg'
+ ],
+ 'JPEG with long extension' => [
+ "\xFF\xD8\xFF",
+ 'jpeg',
+ 'image/jpeg'
+ ],
+ 'PNG' => [
+ "\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A",
+ 'png',
+ 'image/png'
+ ],
+ 'PNG extension but JPEG content' => [
+ "\xFF\xD8\xFF",
+ 'png',
+ 'image/png'
+ ],
+ 'JPEG extension but PNG content' => [
+ "\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A",
+ 'jpg',
+ 'image/jpeg'
+ ],
+ 'PNG extension but SVG content' => [
+ '<?xml version="1.0"?><svg></svg>',
+ 'png',
+ 'image/png'
+ ],
+ 'SVG extension but PNG content' => [
+ "\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A",
+ 'svg',
+ 'image/svg+xml'
+ ],
+ 'SVG with all headers' => [
+ '<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" '
+ . '""><svg></svg>',
+ 'svg',
+ 'image/svg+xml'
+ ],
+ 'SVG with XML header only' => [
+ '<?xml version="1.0"?><svg></svg>',
+ 'svg',
+ 'image/svg+xml'
+ ],
+ 'SVG with DOCTYPE only' => [
+ '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" '
+ . '""><svg></svg>',
+ 'svg',
+ 'image/svg+xml'
+ ],
+ 'SVG without any header' => [
+ '<svg></svg>',
+ 'svg',
+ 'image/svg+xml'
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideMinifyCases
+ * @covers CSSMin::minify
+ */
+ public function testMinify( $code, $expectedOutput ) {
+ $minified = CSSMin::minify( $code );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expectedOutput,
+ $minified,
+ 'Minified output should be in the form expected.'
+ );
+ }
+ public static function provideMinifyCases() {
+ return [
+ // Whitespace
+ [ "\r\t\f \v\n\r", "" ],
+ [ "foo, bar {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
+ // Loose comments
+ [ "/* foo */", "" ],
+ [ "/*******\n foo\n *******/", "" ],
+ [ "/*!\n foo\n */", "" ],
+ // Inline comments in various different places
+ [ "/* comment */foo, bar {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
+ [ "foo/* comment */, bar {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
+ [ "foo,/* comment */ bar {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
+ [ "foo, bar/* comment */ {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
+ [ "foo, bar {\n\t/* comment */prop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
+ [ "foo, bar {\n\tprop: /* comment */value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
+ [ "foo, bar {\n\tprop: value /* comment */;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value }" ],
+ [ "foo, bar {\n\tprop: value; /* comment */\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value; }" ],
+ // Keep track of things that aren't as minified as much as they
+ // could be (T37493)
+ [ 'foo { prop: value ;}', 'foo{prop:value }' ],
+ [ 'foo { prop : value; }', 'foo{prop :value}' ],
+ [ 'foo { prop: value ; }', 'foo{prop:value }' ],
+ [ 'foo { font-family: "foo" , "bar"; }', 'foo{font-family:"foo" ,"bar"}' ],
+ [ "foo { src:\n\turl('foo') ,\n\turl('bar') ; }", "foo{src:url('foo') ,url('bar') }" ],
+ // Interesting cases with string values
+ // - Double quotes, single quotes
+ [ 'foo { content: ""; }', 'foo{content:""}' ],
+ [ "foo { content: ''; }", "foo{content:''}" ],
+ [ 'foo { content: "\'"; }', 'foo{content:"\'"}' ],
+ [ "foo { content: '\"'; }", "foo{content:'\"'}" ],
+ // - Whitespace in string values
+ [ 'foo { content: " "; }', 'foo{content:" "}' ],
+ // Whitespaces after opening and before closing parentheses and brackets
+ [ 'a:not( [ href ] ) { prop: url( foobar.png ); }', 'a:not([href]){prop:url(foobar.png)}' ],
+ // Ensure that the invalid "url (" will not become the valid "url(" by minification
+ [ 'foo { prop: url ( foobar.png ); }', 'foo{prop:url (foobar.png)}' ],
+ ];
+ }
+ public static function provideIsRemoteUrl() {
+ return [
+ [ true, 'http://localhost/w/red.gif?123' ],
+ [ true, '' ],
+ [ true, '//' ],
+ [ true, '//localhost/styles.css?query=yes' ],
+ [ true, '' ],
+ [ false, 'x.gif' ],
+ [ false, '/x.gif' ],
+ [ false, './x.gif' ],
+ [ false, '../x.gif' ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideIsRemoteUrl
+ * @covers CSSMin::isRemoteUrl
+ */
+ public function testIsRemoteUrl( $expect, $url ) {
+ $class = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromClass( CSSMin::class );
+ $this->assertEquals( $class->isRemoteUrl( $url ), $expect );
+ }
+ public static function provideIsLocalUrls() {
+ return [
+ [ false, 'x.gif' ],
+ [ true, '/x.gif' ],
+ [ false, './x.gif' ],
+ [ false, '../x.gif' ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideIsLocalUrls
+ * @covers CSSMin::isLocalUrl
+ */
+ public function testIsLocalUrl( $expect, $url ) {
+ $class = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromClass( CSSMin::class );
+ $this->assertEquals( $class->isLocalUrl( $url ), $expect );
+ }
+ /**
+ * This test tests funky parameters to CSSMin::remap.
+ *
+ * @see testRemapRemapping for testing of the basic functionality
+ * @dataProvider provideRemapCases
+ * @covers CSSMin::remap
+ * @covers CSSMin::remapOne
+ */
+ public function testRemap( $message, $params, $expectedOutput ) {
+ $remapped = call_user_func_array( 'CSSMin::remap', $params );
+ $messageAdd = " Case: $message";
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expectedOutput,
+ $remapped,
+ 'CSSMin::remap should return the expected url form.' . $messageAdd
+ );
+ }
+ public static function provideRemapCases() {
+ // Parameter signature:
+ // CSSMin::remap( $code, $local, $remote, $embedData = true )
+ return [
+ [
+ 'Simple case',
+ [ 'foo { prop: url(bar.png); }', false, '', false ],
+ 'foo { prop: url(; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Without trailing slash',
+ [ 'foo { prop: url(../bar.png); }', false, '', false ],
+ 'foo { prop: url(; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'With trailing slash on remote (T29052)',
+ [ 'foo { prop: url(../bar.png); }', false, '', false ],
+ 'foo { prop: url(; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Guard against stripping double slashes from query',
+ [ 'foo { prop: url(bar.png?corge=//grault); }', false, '', false ],
+ 'foo { prop: url(; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Expand absolute paths',
+ [ 'foo { prop: url(/w/skin/images/bar.png); }', false, '', false ],
+ 'foo { prop: url(https://expand.example/w/skin/images/bar.png); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ "Don't barf at behavior: url(#default#behaviorName) - T162973",
+ [ 'foo { behavior: url(#default#bar); }', false, '/w/', false ],
+ 'foo { behavior: url("#default#bar"); }',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cases with empty url() for CSSMin::remap.
+ *
+ * Regression test for T191237.
+ *
+ * @dataProvider provideRemapEmptyUrl
+ * @covers CSSMin
+ */
+ public function testRemapEmptyUrl( $params, $expected ) {
+ $remapped = call_user_func_array( 'CSSMin::remap', $params );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $remapped, 'Ignore empty url' );
+ }
+ public static function provideRemapEmptyUrl() {
+ return [
+ 'Empty' => [
+ [ "background-image: url();", false, '/example', false ],
+ "background-image: url();",
+ ],
+ 'Single quote' => [
+ [ "background-image: url('');", false, '/example', false ],
+ "background-image: url('');",
+ ],
+ 'Double quote' => [
+ [ 'background-image: url("");', false, '/example', false ],
+ 'background-image: url("");',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * This tests the basic functionality of CSSMin::remap.
+ *
+ * @see testRemap for testing of funky parameters
+ * @dataProvider provideRemapRemappingCases
+ * @covers CSSMin
+ */
+ public function testRemapRemapping( $message, $input, $expectedOutput ) {
+ $localPath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/cssmin';
+ $remotePath = 'http://localhost/w';
+ $realOutput = CSSMin::remap( $input, $localPath, $remotePath );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedOutput, $realOutput, "CSSMin::remap: $message" );
+ }
+ public static function provideRemapRemappingCases() {
+ // red.gif and green.gif are one-pixel 35-byte GIFs.
+ // large.png is a 35K PNG that should be non-embeddable.
+ // Full paths start with http://localhost/w/.
+ // Timestamps in output are replaced with 'timestamp'.
+ // data: URIs for red.gif, green.gif, circle.svg
+ $red = '';
+ $green = '';
+ $svg = 'data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=%22 width=%228'
+ . '%22 height=%228%22 viewBox=%220 0 8 8%22%3E %3Ccircle cx=%224%22 cy=%224%22 '
+ . 'r=%222%22/%3E %3Ca xmlns:xlink=%22 xlink:title='
+ . '%22%3F%3E%22%3Etest%3C/a%3E %3C/svg%3E';
+ // phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
+ return [
+ [
+ 'Regular file',
+ 'foo { background: url(red.gif); }',
+ 'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Regular file (missing)',
+ 'foo { background: url(theColorOfHerHair.gif); }',
+ 'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/theColorOfHerHair.gif); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Remote URL',
+ 'foo { background: url(; }',
+ 'foo { background: url(; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Protocol-relative remote URL',
+ 'foo { background: url(//; }',
+ 'foo { background: url(//; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Remote URL with query',
+ 'foo { background: url(; }',
+ 'foo { background: url(; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Protocol-relative remote URL with query',
+ 'foo { background: url(//; }',
+ 'foo { background: url(//; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Domain-relative URL',
+ 'foo { background: url(/static/foo.png); }',
+ 'foo { background: url(https://expand.example/static/foo.png); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Domain-relative URL with query',
+ 'foo { background: url(/static/foo.png?query=yes); }',
+ 'foo { background: url(https://expand.example/static/foo.png?query=yes); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Remote URL (unnecessary quotes not preserved)',
+ 'foo { background: url(""); }',
+ 'foo { background: url(; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Embedded file',
+ 'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif); }',
+ "foo { background: url($red); background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Embedded file, other comments before the rule',
+ "foo { /* Bar. */ /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif); }",
+ "foo { /* Bar. */ background: url($red); /* Bar. */ background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Can not re-embed data: URIs',
+ "foo { /* @embed */ background: url($red); }",
+ "foo { background: url($red); }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Can not remap data: URIs',
+ "foo { background: url($red); }",
+ "foo { background: url($red); }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Can not embed remote URLs',
+ 'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(; }',
+ 'foo { background: url(; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Embedded file (inline @embed)',
+ 'foo { background: /* @embed */ url(red.gif); }',
+ "foo { background: url($red); "
+ . "background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Can not embed large files',
+ 'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(large.png); }',
+ "foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/large.png?e3d1f); }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'SVG files are embedded without base64 encoding and unnecessary IE 6 and 7 fallback',
+ 'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(circle.svg); }',
+ "foo { background: url(\"$svg\"); }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Two regular files in one rule',
+ 'foo { background: url(red.gif), url(green.gif); }',
+ 'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6), '
+ . 'url(http://localhost/w/green.gif?13651); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Two embedded files in one rule',
+ 'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif), url(green.gif); }',
+ "foo { background: url($red), url($green); "
+ . "background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6), "
+ . "url(http://localhost/w/green.gif?13651)!ie; }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Two embedded files in one rule (inline @embed)',
+ 'foo { background: /* @embed */ url(red.gif), /* @embed */ url(green.gif); }',
+ "foo { background: url($red), url($green); "
+ . "background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6), "
+ . "url(http://localhost/w/green.gif?13651)!ie; }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Two embedded files in one rule (inline @embed), one too large',
+ 'foo { background: /* @embed */ url(red.gif), /* @embed */ url(large.png); }',
+ "foo { background: url($red), url(http://localhost/w/large.png?e3d1f); "
+ . "background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6), "
+ . "url(http://localhost/w/large.png?e3d1f)!ie; }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Practical example with some noise',
+ 'foo { /* @embed */ background: #f9f9f9 url(red.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; }',
+ "foo { background: #f9f9f9 url($red) 0 0 no-repeat; "
+ . "background: #f9f9f9 url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6) 0 0 no-repeat!ie; }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Does not mess with other properties',
+ 'foo { color: red; background: url(red.gif); font-size: small; }',
+ 'foo { color: red; background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6); font-size: small; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Spacing and miscellanea not changed (1)',
+ 'foo { background: url(red.gif); }',
+ 'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Spacing and miscellanea not changed (2)',
+ 'foo {background:url(red.gif)}',
+ 'foo {background:url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)}',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Spaces within url() parentheses are ignored',
+ 'foo { background: url( red.gif ); }',
+ 'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@import rule to local file (should we remap this?)',
+ '@import url(/styles.css)',
+ '@import url(https://expand.example/styles.css)',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@import rule to local file (should we remap this?)',
+ '@import url(/styles.css)',
+ '@import url(https://expand.example/styles.css)',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@import rule to URL',
+ '@import url(//localhost/styles.css?query=val)',
+ '@import url(//localhost/styles.css?query=val)',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Background URL (double quotes)',
+ 'foo { background: url("//localhost/styles.css?quoted=double") }',
+ 'foo { background: url(//localhost/styles.css?quoted=double) }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Background URL (single quotes)',
+ 'foo { background: url(\'//localhost/styles.css?quoted=single\') }',
+ 'foo { background: url(//localhost/styles.css?quoted=single) }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Background URL (double quoted, containing parentheses; T60473)',
+ 'foo { background: url("//localhost/styles.css?query=(parens)") }',
+ 'foo { background: url("//localhost/styles.css?query=(parens)") }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Background URL (double quoted, containing single quotes; T60473)',
+ 'foo { background: url("//localhost/styles.css?quote=\'") }',
+ 'foo { background: url("//localhost/styles.css?quote=\'") }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Background URL (single quoted, containing double quotes; T60473)',
+ 'foo { background: url(\'//localhost/styles.css?quote="\') }',
+ 'foo { background: url("//localhost/styles.css?quote=\"") }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Background URL (double quoted with outer spacing)',
+ 'foo { background: url( "http://localhost/styles.css?quoted=double" ) }',
+ 'foo { background: url(http://localhost/styles.css?quoted=double) }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Simple case with comments before url',
+ 'foo { prop: /* some {funny;} comment */ url(bar.png); }',
+ 'foo { prop: /* some {funny;} comment */ url(http://localhost/w/bar.png); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Simple case with comments after url',
+ 'foo { prop: url(red.gif)/* some {funny;} comment */ ; }',
+ 'foo { prop: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)/* some {funny;} comment */ ; }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Embedded file with comment before url',
+ 'foo { /* @embed */ background: /* some {funny;} comment */ url(red.gif); }',
+ "foo { background: /* some {funny;} comment */ url($red); background: /* some {funny;} comment */ url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Embedded file with comments inside and outside the rule',
+ 'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif) /* some {foo;} comment */; /* some {bar;} comment */ }',
+ "foo { background: url($red) /* some {foo;} comment */; background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6) /* some {foo;} comment */!ie; /* some {bar;} comment */ }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Embedded file with comment outside the rule',
+ 'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif); /* some {funny;} comment */ }',
+ "foo { background: url($red); background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; /* some {funny;} comment */ }",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Rule with two urls, each with comments',
+ '{ background: /*asd*/ url(something.png); background: /*jkl*/ url(something.png); }',
+ '{ background: /*asd*/ url(http://localhost/w/something.png); background: /*jkl*/ url(http://localhost/w/something.png); }',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Sanity check for offending line from jquery.ui.theme.css (T62077)',
+ '.ui-state-default, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default { border: 1px solid #d3d3d3/*{borderColorDefault}*/; background: #e6e6e6/*{bgColorDefault}*/ url(images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png)/*{bgImgUrlDefault}*/ 50%/*{bgDefaultXPos}*/ 50%/*{bgDefaultYPos}*/ repeat-x/*{bgDefaultRepeat}*/; font-weight: normal/*{fwDefault}*/; color: #555555/*{fcDefault}*/; }',
+ '.ui-state-default, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default { border: 1px solid #d3d3d3/*{borderColorDefault}*/; background: #e6e6e6/*{bgColorDefault}*/ url(http://localhost/w/images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png)/*{bgImgUrlDefault}*/ 50%/*{bgDefaultXPos}*/ 50%/*{bgDefaultYPos}*/ repeat-x/*{bgDefaultRepeat}*/; font-weight: normal/*{fwDefault}*/; color: #555555/*{fcDefault}*/; }',
+ ],
+ ];
+ // phpcs:enable
+ }
+ /**
+ * This tests basic functionality of CSSMin::buildUrlValue.
+ *
+ * @dataProvider provideBuildUrlValueCases
+ * @covers CSSMin::buildUrlValue
+ */
+ public function testBuildUrlValue( $message, $input, $expectedOutput ) {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expectedOutput,
+ CSSMin::buildUrlValue( $input ),
+ "CSSMin::buildUrlValue: $message"
+ );
+ }
+ public static function provideBuildUrlValueCases() {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'Full URL',
+ 'scheme://user@domain:port/~user/fi%20le.png?query=yes&really=y+s',
+ 'url(scheme://user@domain:port/~user/fi%20le.png?query=yes&really=y+s)',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'data: URI',
+ '',
+ 'url()',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'URL with quotes',
+ "'s",
+ "url(\"'s\")",
+ ],
+ [
+ 'URL with parentheses',
+ '',
+ 'url("")',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Seperated because they are currently broken (T37492)
+ *
+ * @group Broken
+ * @dataProvider provideStringCases
+ * @covers CSSMin::remap
+ */
+ public function testMinifyWithCSSStringValues( $code, $expectedOutput ) {
+ $this->testMinifyOutput( $code, $expectedOutput );
+ }
+ public static function provideStringCases() {
+ return [
+ // String values should be respected
+ // - More than one space in a string value
+ [ 'foo { content: " "; }', 'foo{content:" "}' ],
+ // - Using a tab in a string value (turns into a space)
+ [ "foo { content: '\t'; }", "foo{content:'\t'}" ],
+ // - Using css-like syntax in string values
+ [
+ 'foo::after { content: "{;}"; position: absolute; }',
+ 'foo::after{content:"{;}";position:absolute}'
+ ],
+ ];
+ }