path: root/www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/ang/crmMailing/services.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/ang/crmMailing/services.js')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/ang/crmMailing/services.js b/www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/ang/crmMailing/services.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45c20637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/ang/crmMailing/services.js
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+(function (angular, $, _) {
+ // The representation of from/reply-to addresses is inconsistent in the mailing data-model,
+ // so the UI must do some adaptation. The crmFromAddresses provides a richer way to slice/dice
+ // the available "From:" addrs. Records are like the underlying OptionValues -- but add "email"
+ // and "author".
+ angular.module('crmMailing').factory('crmFromAddresses', function ($q, crmApi) {
+ var emailRegex = /^"(.*)" *<([^@>]*@[^@>]*)>$/;
+ var addrs =, function (addr) {
+ var match = emailRegex.exec(addr.label);
+ return angular.extend({}, addr, {
+ email: match ? match[2] : '(INVALID)',
+ author: match ? match[1] : '(INVALID)'
+ });
+ });
+ function first(array) {
+ return (array.length === 0) ? null : array[0];
+ }
+ return {
+ getAll: function getAll() {
+ return addrs;
+ },
+ getByAuthorEmail: function getByAuthorEmail(author, email, autocreate) {
+ var result = null;
+ _.each(addrs, function (addr) {
+ if ( == author && == email) {
+ result = addr;
+ }
+ });
+ if (!result && autocreate) {
+ result = {
+ label: '(INVALID) "' + author + '" <' + email + '>',
+ author: author,
+ email: email
+ };
+ addrs.push(result);
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ getByEmail: function getByEmail(email) {
+ return first(_.where(addrs, {email: email}));
+ },
+ getByLabel: function (label) {
+ return first(_.where(addrs, {label: label}));
+ },
+ getDefault: function getDefault() {
+ return first(_.where(addrs, {is_default: "1"}));
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ angular.module('crmMailing').factory('crmMsgTemplates', function ($q, crmApi) {
+ var tpls =, function (tpl) {
+ return angular.extend({}, tpl, {
+ //id: tpl parseInt(
+ });
+ });
+ window.tpls = tpls;
+ var lastModifiedTpl = null;
+ return {
+ // Get a template
+ // @param id MessageTemplate id (per APIv3)
+ // @return Promise MessageTemplate (per APIv3)
+ get: function get(id) {
+ return crmApi('MessageTemplate', 'getsingle', {
+ "return": "id,msg_subject,msg_html,msg_title,msg_text",
+ "id": id
+ });
+ },
+ // Save a template
+ // @param tpl MessageTemplate (per APIv3) For new templates, omit "id"
+ // @return Promise MessageTemplate (per APIv3)
+ save: function (tpl) {
+ return crmApi('MessageTemplate', 'create', tpl).then(function (response) {
+ if (! {
+ = '' +; //parseInt(;
+ tpls.push(tpl);
+ }
+ lastModifiedTpl = tpl;
+ return tpl;
+ });
+ },
+ // @return Object MessageTemplate (per APIv3)
+ getLastModifiedTpl: function () {
+ return lastModifiedTpl;
+ },
+ getAll: function getAll() {
+ return tpls;
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ // The crmMailingMgr service provides business logic for loading, saving, previewing, etc
+ angular.module('crmMailing').factory('crmMailingMgr', function ($q, crmApi, crmFromAddresses, crmQueue) {
+ var qApi = crmQueue(crmApi);
+ var pickDefaultMailComponent = function pickDefaultMailComponent(type) {
+ var mcs = _.where(CRM.crmMailing.headerfooterList, {
+ component_type: type,
+ is_default: "1"
+ });
+ return (mcs.length >= 1) ? mcs[0].id : null;
+ };
+ return {
+ // @param scalar idExpr a number or the literal string 'new'
+ // @return Promise|Object Mailing (per APIv3)
+ getOrCreate: function getOrCreate(idExpr) {
+ return (idExpr == 'new') ? this.create() : this.get(idExpr);
+ },
+ // @return Promise Mailing (per APIv3)
+ get: function get(id) {
+ var crmMailingMgr = this;
+ var mailing;
+ return qApi('Mailing', 'getsingle', {id: id})
+ .then(function (getResult) {
+ mailing = getResult;
+ return $q.all([
+ crmMailingMgr._loadGroups(mailing),
+ crmMailingMgr._loadJobs(mailing)
+ ]);
+ })
+ .then(function () {
+ return mailing;
+ });
+ },
+ // Call MailingGroup.get and merge results into "mailing"
+ _loadGroups: function (mailing) {
+ return crmApi('MailingGroup', 'get', {mailing_id:})
+ .then(function (groupResult) {
+ mailing.recipients = {};
+ mailing.recipients.groups = {include: [], exclude: [], base: []};
+ mailing.recipients.mailings = {include: [], exclude: []};
+ _.each(groupResult.values, function (mailingGroup) {
+ var bucket = (/^civicrm_group/.test(mailingGroup.entity_table)) ? 'groups' : 'mailings';
+ var entityId = parseInt(mailingGroup.entity_id);
+ mailing.recipients[bucket][mailingGroup.group_type.toLowerCase()].push(entityId);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ // Call MailingJob.get and merge results into "mailing"
+ _loadJobs: function (mailing) {
+ return crmApi('MailingJob', 'get', {mailing_id:, is_test: 0})
+ .then(function (jobResult) {
+ = || {};
+ angular.extend(, jobResult.values);
+ });
+ },
+ // @return Object Mailing (per APIv3)
+ create: function create(params) {
+ var defaults = {
+ jobs: {}, // {jobId: JobRecord}
+ recipients: {
+ groups: {include: [], exclude: [], base: []},
+ mailings: {include: [], exclude: []}
+ },
+ template_type: "traditional",
+ // Workaround CRM-19756 w/template_options.nonce
+ template_options: {nonce: 1},
+ name: "",
+ campaign_id: null,
+ replyto_email: "",
+ subject: "",
+ body_html: "",
+ body_text: ""
+ };
+ return angular.extend({}, defaults, params);
+ },
+ // @param mailing Object (per APIv3)
+ // @return Promise
+ 'delete': function (mailing) {
+ if ( {
+ return qApi('Mailing', 'delete', {id:});
+ }
+ else {
+ var d = $q.defer();
+ d.resolve();
+ return d.promise;
+ }
+ },
+ // Search the body, header, and footer for required tokens.
+ // ex: var msgs = findMissingTokens(mailing, 'body_html');
+ findMissingTokens: function(mailing, field) {
+ var missing = {};
+ if (!_.isEmpty(mailing[field]) && !CRM.crmMailing.disableMandatoryTokensCheck) {
+ var body = '';
+ if (mailing.footer_id) {
+ var footer = _.where(CRM.crmMailing.headerfooterList, {id: mailing.footer_id});
+ body = body + footer[0][field];
+ }
+ body = body + mailing[field];
+ if (mailing.header_id) {
+ var header = _.where(CRM.crmMailing.headerfooterList, {id: mailing.header_id});
+ body = body + header[0][field];
+ }
+ angular.forEach(CRM.crmMailing.requiredTokens, function(value, token) {
+ if (!_.isObject(value)) {
+ if (body.indexOf('{' + token + '}') < 0) {
+ missing[token] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var count = 0;
+ angular.forEach(value, function(nestedValue, nestedToken) {
+ if (body.indexOf('{' + nestedToken + '}') >= 0) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ });
+ if (count === 0) {
+ angular.extend(missing, value);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return missing;
+ },
+ // Copy all data fields in (mailingFrom) to (mailingTgt) -- except for (excludes)
+ // ex: crmMailingMgr.mergeInto(newMailing, mailingTemplate, ['subject']);
+ mergeInto: function mergeInto(mailingTgt, mailingFrom, excludes) {
+ // always exclude: 'id'
+ 'name',
+ 'campaign_id',
+ 'from_name',
+ 'from_email',
+ 'replyto_email',
+ 'subject',
+ 'dedupe_email',
+ 'recipients',
+ 'body_html',
+ 'body_text',
+ 'footer_id',
+ 'header_id',
+ 'visibility',
+ 'url_tracking',
+ 'dedupe_email',
+ 'forward_replies',
+ 'auto_responder',
+ 'open_tracking',
+ 'override_verp',
+ 'optout_id',
+ 'reply_id',
+ 'resubscribe_id',
+ 'unsubscribe_id'
+ ];
+ if (!excludes) {
+ excludes = [];
+ }
+ _.each(MAILING_FIELDS, function (field) {
+ if (!_.contains(excludes, field)) {
+ mailingTgt[field] = mailingFrom[field];
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ // @param mailing Object (per APIv3)
+ // @return Promise an object with "subject", "body_text", "body_html"
+ preview: function preview(mailing) {
+ return this.getPreviewContent(qApi, mailing);
+ },
+ // @param backend
+ // @param mailing Object (per APIv3)
+ // @return preview content
+ getPreviewContent: function getPreviewContent(backend, mailing) {
+ if (CRM.crmMailing.workflowEnabled && !CRM.checkPerm('create mailings') && !CRM.checkPerm('access CiviMail')) {
+ return backend('Mailing', 'preview', {id:}).then(function(result) {
+ return result.values;
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ var params = angular.extend({}, mailing);
+ delete;
+ return backend('Mailing', 'preview', params).then(function(result) {
+ // changes rolled back, so we don't care about updating mailing
+ return result.values;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // @param mailing Object (per APIv3)
+ // @param int previewLimit
+ // @return Promise for a list of recipients (mailing_id, contact_id,,
+ previewRecipients: function previewRecipients(mailing, previewLimit) {
+ // To get list of recipients, we tentatively save the mailing and
+ // get the resulting recipients -- then rollback any changes.
+ var params = angular.extend({}, mailing.recipients, {
+ id:,
+ 'api.MailingRecipients.get': {
+ mailing_id: '$',
+ options: {limit: previewLimit},
+ '': {'return': 'display_name'},
+ '': {'return': 'email'}
+ }
+ });
+ delete params.scheduled_date;
+ delete params.recipients; // the content was merged in
+ return qApi('Mailing', 'create', params).then(function (recipResult) {
+ // changes rolled back, so we don't care about updating mailing
+ mailing.modified_date = recipResult.values[].modified_date;
+ return recipResult.values[]['api.MailingRecipients.get'].values;
+ });
+ },
+ previewRecipientCount: function previewRecipientCount(mailing, crmMailingCache, rebuild) {
+ var cachekey = 'mailing-' + + '-recipient-count';
+ var recipientCount = crmMailingCache.get(cachekey);
+ if (rebuild || _.isEmpty(recipientCount)) {
+ // To get list of recipients, we tentatively save the mailing and
+ // get the resulting recipients -- then rollback any changes.
+ var params = angular.extend({}, mailing, mailing.recipients, {
+ id:,
+ 'api.MailingRecipients.getcount': {
+ mailing_id: '$'
+ }
+ });
+ // if this service is executed on rebuild then also fetch the recipients list
+ if (rebuild) {
+ params = angular.extend(params, {
+ 'api.MailingRecipients.get': {
+ mailing_id: '$',
+ options: {limit: 50},
+ '': {'return': 'display_name'},
+ '': {'return': 'email'}
+ }
+ });
+ crmMailingCache.put('mailing-' + + '-recipient-params', params.recipients);
+ }
+ delete params.scheduled_date;
+ delete params.recipients; // the content was merged in
+ recipientCount = qApi('Mailing', 'create', params).then(function (recipResult) {
+ // changes rolled back, so we don't care about updating mailing
+ mailing.modified_date = recipResult.values[].modified_date;
+ if (rebuild) {
+ crmMailingCache.put('mailing-' + + '-recipient-list', recipResult.values[]['api.MailingRecipients.get'].values);
+ }
+ return recipResult.values[]['api.MailingRecipients.getcount'];
+ });
+ crmMailingCache.put(cachekey, recipientCount);
+ }
+ return recipientCount;
+ },
+ // Save a (draft) mailing
+ // @param mailing Object (per APIv3)
+ // @return Promise
+ save: function(mailing) {
+ var params = angular.extend({}, mailing, mailing.recipients);
+ // Angular ngModel sometimes treats blank fields as undefined.
+ angular.forEach(mailing, function(value, key) {
+ if (value === undefined || value === null) {
+ mailing[key] = '';
+ }
+ });
+ // WORKAROUND: Mailing.create (aka CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::create()) interprets scheduled_date
+ // as an *intent* to schedule and creates tertiary records. Saving a draft with a scheduled_date
+ // is therefore not allowed. Remove this after fixing Mailing.create's contract.
+ delete params.scheduled_date;
+ delete;
+ delete params.recipients; // the content was merged in
+ params._skip_evil_bao_auto_recipients_ = 1; // skip recipient rebuild on simple save
+ return qApi('Mailing', 'create', params).then(function(result) {
+ if ( && ! {
+ =;
+ } // no rollback, so update
+ // Perhaps we should reload mailing based on result?
+ mailing.modified_date = result.values[].modified_date;
+ return mailing;
+ });
+ },
+ // Schedule/send the mailing
+ // @param mailing Object (per APIv3)
+ // @return Promise
+ submit: function (mailing) {
+ var crmMailingMgr = this;
+ var params = {
+ id:,
+ approval_date: 'now',
+ scheduled_date: mailing.scheduled_date ? mailing.scheduled_date : 'now'
+ };
+ return qApi('Mailing', 'submit', params)
+ .then(function (result) {
+ angular.extend(mailing, result.values[]); // Perhaps we should reload mailing based on result?
+ return crmMailingMgr._loadJobs(mailing);
+ })
+ .then(function () {
+ return mailing;
+ });
+ },
+ // Immediately send a test message
+ // @param mailing Object (per APIv3)
+ // @param to Object with either key "email" (string) or "gid" (int)
+ // @return Promise for a list of delivery reports
+ sendTest: function (mailing, recipient) {
+ var params = angular.extend({}, mailing, mailing.recipients, {
+ // options: {force_rollback: 1}, // Test mailings include tracking features, so the mailing must be persistent
+ 'api.Mailing.send_test': {
+ mailing_id: '$',
+ test_email:,
+ test_group: recipient.gid
+ }
+ });
+ // WORKAROUND: Mailing.create (aka CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing::create()) interprets scheduled_date
+ // as an *intent* to schedule and creates tertiary records. Saving a draft with a scheduled_date
+ // is therefore not allowed. Remove this after fixing Mailing.create's contract.
+ delete params.scheduled_date;
+ delete;
+ delete params.recipients; // the content was merged in
+ params._skip_evil_bao_auto_recipients_ = 1; // skip recipient rebuild while sending test mail
+ return qApi('Mailing', 'create', params).then(function (result) {
+ if ( && ! {
+ =;
+ } // no rollback, so update
+ mailing.modified_date = result.values[].modified_date;
+ return result.values[]['api.Mailing.send_test'].values;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ // The preview manager performs preview actions while putting up a visible UI (e.g. dialogs & status alerts)
+ angular.module('crmMailing').factory('crmMailingPreviewMgr', function (dialogService, crmMailingMgr, crmStatus) {
+ return {
+ // @param mode string one of 'html', 'text', or 'full'
+ // @return Promise
+ preview: function preview(mailing, mode) {
+ var templates = {
+ html: '~/crmMailing/PreviewMgr/html.html',
+ text: '~/crmMailing/PreviewMgr/text.html',
+ full: '~/crmMailing/PreviewMgr/full.html'
+ };
+ var result = null;
+ var p = crmMailingMgr
+ .getPreviewContent(CRM.api3, mailing)
+ .then(function (content) {
+ var options = CRM.utils.adjustDialogDefaults({
+ autoOpen: false,
+ title: ts('Subject: %1', {
+ 1: content.subject
+ })
+ });
+ result ='previewDialog', templates[mode], content, options);
+ });
+ crmStatus({start: ts('Previewing...'), success: ''}, p);
+ return result;
+ },
+ // @param to Object with either key "email" (string) or "gid" (int)
+ // @return Promise
+ sendTest: function sendTest(mailing, recipient) {
+ var promise = crmMailingMgr.sendTest(mailing, recipient)
+ .then(function (deliveryInfos) {
+ var count = Object.keys(deliveryInfos).length;
+ if (count === 0) {
+ CRM.alert(ts('Could not identify any recipients. Perhaps the group is empty?'));
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ return crmStatus({start: ts('Sending...'), success: ts('Sent')}, promise);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ angular.module('crmMailing').factory('crmMailingStats', function (crmApi, crmLegacy) {
+ var statTypes = [
+ // {name: 'Recipients', title: ts('Intended Recipients'), searchFilter: '', eventsFilter: '&event=queue', reportType: 'detail', reportFilter: ''},
+ {name: 'Delivered', title: ts('Successful Deliveries'), searchFilter: '&mailing_delivery_status=Y', eventsFilter: '&event=delivered', reportType: 'detail', reportFilter: '&delivery_status_value=successful'},
+ {name: 'Opened', title: ts('Tracked Opens'), searchFilter: '&mailing_open_status=Y', eventsFilter: '&event=opened', reportType: 'opened', reportFilter: ''},
+ {name: 'Unique Clicks', title: ts('Click-throughs'), searchFilter: '&mailing_click_status=Y', eventsFilter: '&event=click&distinct=1', reportType: 'clicks', reportFilter: ''},
+ // {name: 'Forward', title: ts('Forwards'), searchFilter: '&mailing_forward=1', eventsFilter: '&event=forward', reportType: 'detail', reportFilter: '&is_forwarded_value=1'},
+ // {name: 'Replies', title: ts('Replies'), searchFilter: '&mailing_reply_status=Y', eventsFilter: '&event=reply', reportType: 'detail', reportFilter: '&is_replied_value=1'},
+ {name: 'Bounces', title: ts('Bounces'), searchFilter: '&mailing_delivery_status=N', eventsFilter: '&event=bounce', reportType: 'bounce', reportFilter: ''},
+ {name: 'Unsubscribers', title: ts('Unsubscribes'), searchFilter: '&mailing_unsubscribe=1', eventsFilter: '&event=unsubscribe', reportType: 'detail', reportFilter: '&is_unsubscribed_value=1'},
+ // {name: 'OptOuts', title: ts('Opt-Outs'), searchFilter: '&mailing_optout=1', eventsFilter: '&event=optout', reportType: 'detail', reportFilter: ''}
+ ];
+ return {
+ getStatTypes: function() {
+ return statTypes;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @param mailingIds object
+ * List of mailing IDs ({a: 123, b: 456})
+ * @return Promise
+ * List of stats for each mailing
+ * ({a: ...object..., b: ...object...})
+ */
+ getStats: function(mailingIds) {
+ var params = {};
+ angular.forEach(mailingIds, function(mailingId, name) {
+ params[name] = ['Mailing', 'stats', {mailing_id: mailingId, is_distinct: 0}];
+ });
+ return crmApi(params).then(function(result) {
+ var stats = {};
+ angular.forEach(mailingIds, function(mailingId, name) {
+ stats[name] = result[name].values[mailingId];
+ });
+ return stats;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determine the legacy URL for a report about a given mailing and stat.
+ *
+ * @param mailing object
+ * @param statType object (see statTypes above)
+ * @param view string ('search', 'event', 'report')
+ * @param returnPath string|null Return path (relative to Angular base)
+ * @return string|null
+ */
+ getUrl: function getUrl(mailing, statType, view, returnPath) {
+ switch (view) {
+ case 'events':
+ var retParams = returnPath ? '&context=angPage&angPage=' + returnPath : '';
+ return crmLegacy.url('civicrm/mailing/report/event',
+ 'reset=1&mid=' + + statType.eventsFilter + retParams);
+ case 'search':
+ return crmLegacy.url('civicrm/contact/search/advanced',
+ 'force=1&mailing_id=' + + statType.searchFilter);
+ case 'report':
+ var reportIds = CRM.crmMailing.reportIds;
+ return crmLegacy.url('civicrm/report/instance/' + reportIds[statType.reportType],
+ 'reset=1&mailing_id_value=' + + statType.reportFilter);
+ default:
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ // crmMailingSimpleDirective is a template/factory-function for constructing very basic
+ // directives that accept a "mailing" argument. Please don't overload it. If one continues building
+ // this, it risks becoming a second system that violates Angular architecture (and prevents one
+ // from using standard Angular docs+plugins). So this really shouldn't do much -- it is really
+ // only for simple directives. For something complex, suck it up and write 10 lines of boilerplate.
+ angular.module('crmMailing').factory('crmMailingSimpleDirective', function ($q, crmMetadata, crmUiHelp) {
+ return function crmMailingSimpleDirective(directiveName, templateUrl) {
+ return {
+ scope: {
+ crmMailing: '@'
+ },
+ templateUrl: templateUrl,
+ link: function (scope, elm, attr) {
+ scope.$parent.$watch(attr.crmMailing, function(newValue){
+ scope.mailing = newValue;
+ });
+ scope.crmMailingConst = CRM.crmMailing;
+ scope.ts = CRM.ts(null);
+ scope.hs = crmUiHelp({file: 'CRM/Mailing/MailingUI'});
+ scope[directiveName] = attr[directiveName] ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr[directiveName]) : {};
+ $q.when(crmMetadata.getFields('Mailing'), function(fields) {
+ scope.mailingFields = fields;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ });
+ angular.module('crmMailing').factory('crmMailingCache', ['$cacheFactory', function($cacheFactory) {
+ return $cacheFactory('crmMailingCache');
+ }]);
+})(angular, CRM.$, CRM._);