*/ class NewUserNotifier { private $sender; private $user; /** * Constructor */ public function NewUserNotifier() { global $wgNewUserNotifSender; $this->sender = $wgNewUserNotifSender; } /** * Send all email notifications * * @param User $user User that was created */ public function execute( $user ) { $this->user = $user; $this->sendExternalMails(); $this->sendInternalMails(); } /** * Send email to external addresses */ private function sendExternalMails() { global $wgNewUserNotifEmailTargets, $wgSitename; foreach( $wgNewUserNotifEmailTargets as $target ) { UserMailer::send( new MailAddress( $target ), new MailAddress( $this->sender ), $this->makeSubject( $target, $this->user ), $this->makeMessage( $target, $this->user ) ); } } /** * Send email to users */ private function sendInternalMails() { global $wgNewUserNotifTargets, $wgSitename; foreach( $wgNewUserNotifTargets as $userSpec ) { $user = $this->makeUser( $userSpec ); if( $user instanceof User && $user->isEmailConfirmed() ) { $user->sendMail( $this->makeSubject( $user->getName(), $this->user ), $this->makeMessage( $user->getName(), $this->user ), $this->sender ); } } } /** * Initialise a user from an identifier or a username * * @param mixed $spec User identifier or name * @return User */ private function makeUser( $spec ) { $name = is_integer( $spec ) ? User::whoIs( $spec ) : $spec; $user = User::newFromName( $name ); if( $user instanceof User && $user->getId() > 0 ) return $user; return null; } /** * Build a notification email subject line * * @param string $recipient Name of the recipient * @param User $user User that was created */ private function makeSubject( $recipient, $user ) { global $wgSitename; $subjectLine = ""; // Avoid PHP 7.1 warning of passing $this by reference $userNotif = $this; Hooks::run( 'NewUserNotifSubject', array( &$userNotif, &$subjectLine, $wgSitename, $recipient, $user ) ); if (!strlen($subjectLine) ) return wfMessage( 'newusernotifsubj', $wgSitename )->inContentLanguage()->text(); return $subjectLine; } /** * Build a notification email message body * * @param string $recipient Name of the recipient * @param User $user User that was created */ private function makeMessage( $recipient, $user ) { global $wgSitename, $wgContLang; $messageBody = ""; // Avoid PHP 7.1 warning of passing $this by reference $userNotif = $this; Hooks::run( 'NewUserNotifBody', array( &$userNotif, &$messageBody, $wgSitename, $recipient, $user ) ); if (!strlen($messageBody) ) return wfMessage( 'newusernotifbody', $recipient, $user->getName(), $wgSitename, $wgContLang->timeAndDate( wfTimestampNow() ), $wgContLang->date( wfTimestampNow() ), $wgContLang->time( wfTimestampNow() ) )->inContentLanguage()->text(); return $messageBody; } /** * Hook account creation * * @param User $user User that was created * @return bool */ public static function hook( $user ) { $notifier = new self(); $notifier->execute( $user ); return true; } }