From 9375ad04cdb4f54832e52f19d98d491396481546 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yaco Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2019 13:53:59 -0300 Subject: cambios en el theme para hacer portada --- www/wiki/skins/bo/assets/fontawesome/css/all.css | 7 - www/wiki/skins/bo/ead.less | 10721 +++++++++++++++++++ www/wiki/skins/bo/layout-reevo.xml | 13 +- www/wiki/skins/bo/reevo.less | 60 +- .../chameleon/src/Components/NavbarHorizontal.php | 2 +- 5 files changed, 10793 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) create mode 100644 www/wiki/skins/bo/ead.less diff --git a/www/wiki/skins/bo/assets/fontawesome/css/all.css b/www/wiki/skins/bo/assets/fontawesome/css/all.css index 3cb2c865..039ebef5 100644 --- a/www/wiki/skins/bo/assets/fontawesome/css/all.css +++ b/www/wiki/skins/bo/assets/fontawesome/css/all.css @@ -4394,10 +4394,3 @@ readers do not read off random characters that represent icons */ .fas { font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free'; font-weight: 900; } - -i { - width: 1em; - height: 1em; - display:block; - cursor: pointer; -} diff --git a/www/wiki/skins/bo/ead.less b/www/wiki/skins/bo/ead.less new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c180c955 --- /dev/null +++ b/www/wiki/skins/bo/ead.less @@ -0,0 +1,10721 @@ +/*! +Theme Name: e[ad] PUCV +Theme URI: +Author: Bloom User Experience +Author URI: +Description: Custom theme: e[ad] PUCV, developed by Bloom User Experience +Version: 0.1.0 +License: GNU General Public License v2 or later +License URI: LICENSE +Text Domain: pucv-ead +Tags: pucv, chile, education, university, Bloom User Experience, responsive, bloom + +e[ad] PUCV is based on Underscores, (C) 2012-2017 Automattic, Inc. +Underscores is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later. +*/ + +:root { + --blue: #007bff; + --indigo: #6610f2; + --purple: #6f42c1; + --pink: #e83e8c; + --red: #dc3545; + --orange: #fd7e14; + --yellow: #ffc107; + --green: #28a745; + --teal: #20c997; + --cyan: #17a2b8; + --white: #fff; + --gray: #6c757d; + --gray-dark: #343a40; + --primary: #bf4b31; + --secondary: #31302d; + 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+ .order-sm-first { + order: -1 + } + .order-sm-last { + order: 13 + } + .order-sm-0 { + order: 0 + } + .order-sm-1 { + order: 1 + } + .order-sm-2 { + order: 2 + } + .order-sm-3 { + order: 3 + } + .order-sm-4 { + order: 4 + } + .order-sm-5 { + order: 5 + } + .order-sm-6 { + order: 6 + } + .order-sm-7 { + order: 7 + } + .order-sm-8 { + order: 8 + } + .order-sm-9 { + order: 9 + } + .order-sm-10 { + order: 10 + } + .order-sm-11 { + order: 11 + } + .order-sm-12 { + order: 12 + } + .offset-sm-0 { + margin-left: 0 + } + .offset-sm-1 { + margin-left: 8.33333% + } + .offset-sm-2 { + margin-left: 16.66667% + } + .offset-sm-3 { + margin-left: 25% + } + .offset-sm-4 { + margin-left: 33.33333% + } + .offset-sm-5 { + margin-left: 41.66667% + } + .offset-sm-6 { + margin-left: 50% + } + .offset-sm-7 { + margin-left: 58.33333% + } + .offset-sm-8 { + margin-left: 66.66667% + } + .offset-sm-9 { + margin-left: 75% + } + .offset-sm-10 { + margin-left: 83.33333% + } + .offset-sm-11 { + margin-left: 91.66667% + } +} + +@media (min-width:768px) { + .col-md { + flex-basis: 0; + flex-grow: 1; + max-width: 100% + } + .col-md-auto { + flex: 0 0 auto; + width: auto; + max-width: none + } + .col-md-1 { + flex: 0 0 8.33333%; + max-width: 8.33333% + } + .col-md-2 { + flex: 0 0 16.66667%; + max-width: 16.66667% + } + .col-md-3 { + flex: 0 0 25%; + max-width: 25% + } + .col-md-4 { + flex: 0 0 33.33333%; + max-width: 33.33333% + } + .col-md-5 { + flex: 0 0 41.66667%; + max-width: 41.66667% + } + .col-md-6 { + flex: 0 0 50%; + max-width: 50% + } + .col-md-7 { + flex: 0 0 58.33333%; + max-width: 58.33333% + } + .col-md-8 { + flex: 0 0 66.66667%; + max-width: 66.66667% + } + .col-md-9 { + flex: 0 0 75%; + max-width: 75% + } + .col-md-10 { + flex: 0 0 83.33333%; + max-width: 83.33333% + } + .col-md-11 { + flex: 0 0 91.66667%; + max-width: 91.66667% + } + .col-md-12 { + flex: 0 0 100%; + max-width: 100% + } + .order-md-first { + order: -1 + } + .order-md-last { + order: 13 + } + .order-md-0 { + 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auto!important +} +, { + margin-left: auto!important +} + +@media (min-width:576px) { + .m-sm-0 { + margin: 0!important + } + .mt-sm-0, + .my-sm-0 { + margin-top: 0!important + } + .mr-sm-0, + .mx-sm-0 { + margin-right: 0!important + } + .mb-sm-0, + .my-sm-0 { + margin-bottom: 0!important + } + .ml-sm-0, + .mx-sm-0 { + margin-left: 0!important + } + .m-sm-1 { + margin: .25rem!important + } + .mt-sm-1, + .my-sm-1 { + margin-top: .25rem!important + } + .mr-sm-1, + .mx-sm-1 { + margin-right: .25rem!important + } + .mb-sm-1, + .my-sm-1 { + margin-bottom: .25rem!important + } + .ml-sm-1, + .mx-sm-1 { + margin-left: .25rem!important + } + .m-sm-2 { + margin: .5rem!important + } + .mt-sm-2, + .my-sm-2 { + margin-top: .5rem!important + } + .mr-sm-2, + .mx-sm-2 { + margin-right: .5rem!important + } + .mb-sm-2, + .my-sm-2 { + margin-bottom: .5rem!important + } + .ml-sm-2, + .mx-sm-2 { + margin-left: .5rem!important + } + .m-sm-3 { + margin: 1rem!important + } + .mt-sm-3, + .my-sm-3 { + 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+ margin-right: .25rem!important + } + .mb-lg-1, + .my-lg-1 { + margin-bottom: .25rem!important + } + .ml-lg-1, + .mx-lg-1 { + margin-left: .25rem!important + } + .m-lg-2 { + margin: .5rem!important + } + .mt-lg-2, + .my-lg-2 { + margin-top: .5rem!important + } + .mr-lg-2, + .mx-lg-2 { + margin-right: .5rem!important + } + .mb-lg-2, + .my-lg-2 { + margin-bottom: .5rem!important + } + .ml-lg-2, + .mx-lg-2 { + margin-left: .5rem!important + } + .m-lg-3 { + margin: 1rem!important + } + .mt-lg-3, + .my-lg-3 { + margin-top: 1rem!important + } + .mr-lg-3, + .mx-lg-3 { + margin-right: 1rem!important + } + .mb-lg-3, + .my-lg-3 { + margin-bottom: 1rem!important + } + .ml-lg-3, + .mx-lg-3 { + margin-left: 1rem!important + } + .m-lg-4 { + margin: 1.5rem!important + } + .mt-lg-4, + .my-lg-4 { + margin-top: 1.5rem!important + } + .mr-lg-4, + .mx-lg-4 { + margin-right: 1.5rem!important + } + .mb-lg-4, + .my-lg-4 { + margin-bottom: 1.5rem!important + } + .ml-lg-4, + .mx-lg-4 { + margin-left: 1.5rem!important + } + .m-lg-5 { + margin: 3rem!important + } + .mt-lg-5, + .my-lg-5 { + margin-top: 3rem!important + } + .mr-lg-5, + .mx-lg-5 { + margin-right: 3rem!important + } + .mb-lg-5, + .my-lg-5 { + margin-bottom: 3rem!important + } + .ml-lg-5, + .mx-lg-5 { + margin-left: 3rem!important + } + .p-lg-0 { + padding: 0!important + } + .pt-lg-0, + .py-lg-0 { + padding-top: 0!important + } + .pr-lg-0, + .px-lg-0 { + padding-right: 0!important + } + .pb-lg-0, + .py-lg-0 { + padding-bottom: 0!important + } + .pl-lg-0, + .px-lg-0 { + padding-left: 0!important + } + .p-lg-1 { + padding: .25rem!important + } + .pt-lg-1, + .py-lg-1 { + padding-top: .25rem!important + } + .pr-lg-1, + .px-lg-1 { + padding-right: .25rem!important + } + .pb-lg-1, + .py-lg-1 { + padding-bottom: .25rem!important + } + .pl-lg-1, + .px-lg-1 { + padding-left: .25rem!important + } + .p-lg-2 { + padding: .5rem!important + } + .pt-lg-2, + .py-lg-2 { + padding-top: .5rem!important + } + .pr-lg-2, + .px-lg-2 { + padding-right: .5rem!important + } + .pb-lg-2, + .py-lg-2 { + padding-bottom: .5rem!important + } + .pl-lg-2, + .px-lg-2 { + padding-left: .5rem!important + } + .p-lg-3 { + padding: 1rem!important + } + .pt-lg-3, + .py-lg-3 { + padding-top: 1rem!important + } + .pr-lg-3, + .px-lg-3 { + padding-right: 1rem!important + } + .pb-lg-3, + .py-lg-3 { + padding-bottom: 1rem!important + } + .pl-lg-3, + .px-lg-3 { + padding-left: 1rem!important + } + .p-lg-4 { + padding: 1.5rem!important + } + .pt-lg-4, + .py-lg-4 { + padding-top: 1.5rem!important + } + .pr-lg-4, + .px-lg-4 { + padding-right: 1.5rem!important + } + .pb-lg-4, + .py-lg-4 { + padding-bottom: 1.5rem!important + } + .pl-lg-4, + .px-lg-4 { + padding-left: 1.5rem!important + } + .p-lg-5 { + padding: 3rem!important + } + .pt-lg-5, + .py-lg-5 { + padding-top: 3rem!important + } + .pr-lg-5, + .px-lg-5 { + padding-right: 3rem!important + } + .pb-lg-5, + .py-lg-5 { + padding-bottom: 3rem!important + } + .pl-lg-5, + .px-lg-5 { + padding-left: 3rem!important + } + .m-lg-auto { + margin: auto!important + } + .mt-lg-auto, + .my-lg-auto { + margin-top: auto!important + } + .mr-lg-auto, + .mx-lg-auto { + margin-right: auto!important + } + .mb-lg-auto, + .my-lg-auto { + margin-bottom: auto!important + } + .ml-lg-auto, + .mx-lg-auto { + margin-left: auto!important + } +} + +@media (min-width:1360px) { + .m-xl-0 { + margin: 0!important + } + .mt-xl-0, + .my-xl-0 { + margin-top: 0!important + } + .mr-xl-0, + .mx-xl-0 { + margin-right: 0!important + } + .mb-xl-0, + .my-xl-0 { + margin-bottom: 0!important + } + .ml-xl-0, + .mx-xl-0 { + margin-left: 0!important + } + .m-xl-1 { + margin: .25rem!important + } + .mt-xl-1, + .my-xl-1 { + margin-top: .25rem!important + } + .mr-xl-1, + .mx-xl-1 { + margin-right: .25rem!important + } + .mb-xl-1, + .my-xl-1 { + margin-bottom: .25rem!important + } + .ml-xl-1, + .mx-xl-1 { + margin-left: .25rem!important + } + .m-xl-2 { + margin: .5rem!important + } + .mt-xl-2, + .my-xl-2 { + 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