assertEquals(1, pq('form.bureaucracy__plugin', $doc)->length); $this->assertEquals(6, pq('form.bureaucracy__plugin fieldset', $doc)->length); // standard input types $this->checkField($doc, 'Employee Name', 'input[type=text][value=Your Name].edit', true); $this->checkField($doc, 'Your Age', 'input[type=text].edit', true); $this->checkField($doc, 'Your E-Mail Address', 'input[type=text].edit', true); $this->checkField($doc, 'Occupation (optional)', 'input[type=text].edit'); $this->checkField($doc, 'Some password', 'input[type=password].edit', true); // select field $select = $this->checkField($doc, 'Please select an option', 'select'); $this->assertEquals(3, pq('option', $select)->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('option:selected', $select)->length); $this->assertEquals('Peaches', pq('option:selected', $select)->val()); // static text $this->assertEquals(1, pq('p:contains(Some static text)', $doc)->length); // checkbox $cb = $this->checkField($doc, 'Read the agreement?', 'input[type=checkbox][value=1]'); $this->assertEquals('1', pq('input[type=hidden][value=0]', $cb->parent())->length); // text area $this->checkField($doc, 'Tell me about your self', 'textarea.edit', true); // file field $this->checkField($doc, 'File1', 'input[type=file].edit', true); // submit button $this->assertEquals(1, pq('button[type=submit]:contains(Submit Query)')->length); } public function test_HTMLinclusion() { $input = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/input.txt'); $xhtml = p_render('xhtml', p_get_instructions($input), $info); $doc = phpQuery::newDocument($xhtml); // HTML Check - there should be no bold tag anywhere $this->assertEquals(0, pq('bold', $doc)->length); } private function checkField($doc, $name, $check, $required=false) { $field = pq('form.bureaucracy__plugin label span:contains(' . $name . ')', $doc); $this->assertEquals(1, $field->length, "find span of $name"); if($required){ $this->assertEquals(1, pq('sup', $field)->length, "is mandatory of $name"); } $label = $field->parent(); $this->assertTrue($label->is('label'), "find label of $name"); $input = pq($check, $label); $this->assertEquals(1, $input->length, "find check of $name"); return $input; } public function test_parseline() { $match = 'textbox label0 "Test with spaces" textbox LabelWithoutSpaces textbox Label Without Spaces textbox "Label with spaces" "Text with a quote""in text" textbox Label2 " " textbox Label3 """" textbox Label4 " """ " """ " """ textbox Label5 """ " textbox Label6 "" " " textbox Label7 " "" " textbox Label7 " "" "" ss" textbox Label8'; $expected = array( array('textbox', 'label0', 'Test with spaces'), array('textbox', 'LabelWithoutSpaces'), array('textbox', 'Label', 'Without', 'Spaces'), array('textbox', 'Label with spaces', 'Text with a quote"in text'), array('textbox', 'Label2', ' '), array('textbox', 'Label3', '"'), array('textbox', 'Label4', ' "', ' "', ' "'), array('textbox', 'Label5', '" '), array('textbox', 'Label6', '', ' '), array('textbox', 'Label7', ' " '), array('textbox', 'Label7', ' " " ss'), array('textbox', 'Label8') ); $lines = explode("\n", $match); $i = 0; while(count($lines) > 0) { $line = trim(array_shift($lines)); $syntaxcomponent = new syntax_plugin_bureaucracy(); $actual = $this->callNonaccessibleMethod($syntaxcomponent, '_parse_line', array($line, &$lines)); $this->assertEquals($expected[$i], $actual); $i++; } } /** * Test not accessible methods.. * * @param string|object $obj * @param string $name * @param array $args * @return mixed */ protected function callNonaccessibleMethod($obj, $name, array $args) { $class = new ReflectionClass($obj); $method = $class->getMethod($name); $method->setAccessible(true); return $method->invokeArgs($obj, $args); } }