*/ // for the configuration manager $lang['namespace'] = 'default namespace for blog'; $lang['formposition'] = 'position of the new entry form'; $lang['formposition_o_top'] = 'top'; $lang['formposition_o_bottom'] = 'bottom'; $lang['formposition_o_none'] = 'none'; $lang['newentrytitle'] = 'title of the new entry form'; $lang['dateprefix'] = 'prefix date to new entry IDs'; $lang['sortkey'] = 'sort blog entries by'; $lang['sortkey_o_cdate'] = 'creation date'; $lang['sortkey_o_mdate'] = 'modification date'; $lang['sortkey_o_pagename'] = 'page name'; $lang['sortkey_o_id'] = 'page ID'; $lang['sortkey_o_title'] = 'title'; $lang['sortorder'] = 'sort order'; $lang['sortorder_o_ascending'] = 'ascending'; $lang['sortorder_o_descending'] = 'descending'; $lang['excluded_pages'] = 'exclude certain pages from blog listing (regular expression required)'; $lang['showhistogram'] = 'Display histogram on archive rendering'; $lang['max_months'] = 'Max months to show in the histogram'; $lang['histogram_height'] = 'Height of the histogram (in pixels)'; // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:enc=utf-8: