*/ /** * parses a changelog line into it's components * * @author Ben Coburn * * @param string $line changelog line * @return array|bool parsed line or false */ function parseChangelogLine($line) { $line = rtrim($line, "\n"); $tmp = explode("\t", $line); if ($tmp!==false && count($tmp)>1) { $info = array(); $info['date'] = (int)$tmp[0]; // unix timestamp $info['ip'] = $tmp[1]; // IPv4 address ( $info['type'] = $tmp[2]; // log line type $info['id'] = $tmp[3]; // page id $info['user'] = $tmp[4]; // user name $info['sum'] = $tmp[5]; // edit summary (or action reason) $info['extra'] = $tmp[6]; // extra data (varies by line type) if(isset($tmp[7]) && $tmp[7] !== '') { //last item has line-end|| $info['sizechange'] = (int) $tmp[7]; } else { $info['sizechange'] = null; } return $info; } else { return false; } } /** * Add's an entry to the changelog and saves the metadata for the page * * @param int $date Timestamp of the change * @param String $id Name of the affected page * @param String $type Type of the change see DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_* * @param String $summary Summary of the change * @param mixed $extra In case of a revert the revision (timestmp) of the reverted page * @param array $flags Additional flags in a key value array. * Available flags: * - ExternalEdit - mark as an external edit. * @param null|int $sizechange Change of filesize * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Esther Brunner * @author Ben Coburn */ function addLogEntry($date, $id, $type=DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT, $summary='', $extra='', $flags=null, $sizechange = null){ global $conf, $INFO; /** @var Input $INPUT */ global $INPUT; // check for special flags as keys if (!is_array($flags)) { $flags = array(); } $flagExternalEdit = isset($flags['ExternalEdit']); $id = cleanid($id); $file = wikiFN($id); $created = @filectime($file); $minor = ($type===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT); $wasRemoved = ($type===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE); if(!$date) $date = time(); //use current time if none supplied $remote = (!$flagExternalEdit)?clientIP(true):''; $user = (!$flagExternalEdit)?$INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'):''; if($sizechange === null) { $sizechange = ''; } else { $sizechange = (int) $sizechange; } $strip = array("\t", "\n"); $logline = array( 'date' => $date, 'ip' => $remote, 'type' => str_replace($strip, '', $type), 'id' => $id, 'user' => $user, 'sum' => \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::substr(str_replace($strip, '', $summary), 0, 255), 'extra' => str_replace($strip, '', $extra), 'sizechange' => $sizechange ); $wasCreated = ($type===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE); $wasReverted = ($type===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_REVERT); // update metadata if (!$wasRemoved) { $oldmeta = p_read_metadata($id); $meta = array(); if ( $wasCreated && ( empty($oldmeta['persistent']['date']['created']) || $oldmeta['persistent']['date']['created'] === $created ) ){ // newly created $meta['date']['created'] = $created; if ($user){ $meta['creator'] = isset($INFO) ? $INFO['userinfo']['name'] : null; $meta['user'] = $user; } } elseif (($wasCreated || $wasReverted) && !empty($oldmeta['persistent']['date']['created'])) { // re-created / restored $meta['date']['created'] = $oldmeta['persistent']['date']['created']; $meta['date']['modified'] = $created; // use the files ctime here $meta['creator'] = $oldmeta['persistent']['creator']; if ($user) $meta['contributor'][$user] = isset($INFO) ? $INFO['userinfo']['name'] : null; } elseif (!$minor) { // non-minor modification $meta['date']['modified'] = $date; if ($user) $meta['contributor'][$user] = isset($INFO) ? $INFO['userinfo']['name'] : null; } $meta['last_change'] = $logline; p_set_metadata($id, $meta); } // add changelog lines $logline = implode("\t", $logline)."\n"; io_saveFile(metaFN($id,'.changes'),$logline,true); //page changelog io_saveFile($conf['changelog'],$logline,true); //global changelog cache } /** * Add's an entry to the media changelog * * @author Michael Hamann * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Esther Brunner * @author Ben Coburn * * @param int $date Timestamp of the change * @param String $id Name of the affected page * @param String $type Type of the change see DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_* * @param String $summary Summary of the change * @param mixed $extra In case of a revert the revision (timestmp) of the reverted page * @param array $flags Additional flags in a key value array. * Available flags: * - (none, so far) * @param null|int $sizechange Change of filesize */ function addMediaLogEntry( $date, $id, $type=DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT, $summary='', $extra='', $flags=null, $sizechange = null) { global $conf; /** @var Input $INPUT */ global $INPUT; $id = cleanid($id); if(!$date) $date = time(); //use current time if none supplied $remote = clientIP(true); $user = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'); if($sizechange === null) { $sizechange = ''; } else { $sizechange = (int) $sizechange; } $strip = array("\t", "\n"); $logline = array( 'date' => $date, 'ip' => $remote, 'type' => str_replace($strip, '', $type), 'id' => $id, 'user' => $user, 'sum' => \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::substr(str_replace($strip, '', $summary), 0, 255), 'extra' => str_replace($strip, '', $extra), 'sizechange' => $sizechange ); // add changelog lines $logline = implode("\t", $logline)."\n"; io_saveFile($conf['media_changelog'],$logline,true); //global media changelog cache io_saveFile(mediaMetaFN($id,'.changes'),$logline,true); //media file's changelog } /** * returns an array of recently changed files using the * changelog * * The following constants can be used to control which changes are * included. Add them together as needed. * * RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED - don't include deleted pages * RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS - don't include minor changes * RECENTS_ONLY_CREATION - only include new created pages and media * RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES - don't include subspaces * RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES - return media changes instead of page changes * RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED - return both media changes and page changes * * @param int $first number of first entry returned (for paginating * @param int $num return $num entries * @param string $ns restrict to given namespace * @param int $flags see above * @return array recently changed files * * @author Ben Coburn * @author Kate Arzamastseva */ function getRecents($first,$num,$ns='',$flags=0){ global $conf; $recent = array(); $count = 0; if(!$num) return $recent; // read all recent changes. (kept short) if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) { $lines = @file($conf['media_changelog']) ?: []; } else { $lines = @file($conf['changelog']) ?: []; } if (!is_array($lines)) { $lines = array(); } $lines_position = count($lines)-1; $media_lines_position = 0; $media_lines = array(); if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED) { $media_lines = @file($conf['media_changelog']) ?: []; if (!is_array($media_lines)) { $media_lines = array(); } $media_lines_position = count($media_lines)-1; } $seen = array(); // caches seen lines, _handleRecent() skips them // handle lines while ($lines_position >= 0 || (($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED) && $media_lines_position >=0)) { if (empty($rec) && $lines_position >= 0) { $rec = _handleRecent(@$lines[$lines_position], $ns, $flags, $seen); if (!$rec) { $lines_position --; continue; } } if (($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED) && empty($media_rec) && $media_lines_position >= 0) { $media_rec = _handleRecent( @$media_lines[$media_lines_position], $ns, $flags | RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES, $seen ); if (!$media_rec) { $media_lines_position --; continue; } } if (($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_PAGES_MIXED) && @$media_rec['date'] >= @$rec['date']) { $media_lines_position--; $x = $media_rec; $x['media'] = true; $media_rec = false; } else { $lines_position--; $x = $rec; if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) $x['media'] = true; $rec = false; } if(--$first >= 0) continue; // skip first entries $recent[] = $x; $count++; // break when we have enough entries if($count >= $num){ break; } } return $recent; } /** * returns an array of files changed since a given time using the * changelog * * The following constants can be used to control which changes are * included. Add them together as needed. * * RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED - don't include deleted pages * RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS - don't include minor changes * RECENTS_ONLY_CREATION - only include new created pages and media * RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES - don't include subspaces * RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES - return media changes instead of page changes * * @param int $from date of the oldest entry to return * @param int $to date of the newest entry to return (for pagination, optional) * @param string $ns restrict to given namespace (optional) * @param int $flags see above (optional) * @return array of files * * @author Michael Hamann * @author Ben Coburn */ function getRecentsSince($from,$to=null,$ns='',$flags=0){ global $conf; $recent = array(); if($to && $to < $from) return $recent; // read all recent changes. (kept short) if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) { $lines = @file($conf['media_changelog']); } else { $lines = @file($conf['changelog']); } if(!$lines) return $recent; // we start searching at the end of the list $lines = array_reverse($lines); // handle lines $seen = array(); // caches seen lines, _handleRecent() skips them foreach($lines as $line){ $rec = _handleRecent($line, $ns, $flags, $seen); if($rec !== false) { if ($rec['date'] >= $from) { if (!$to || $rec['date'] <= $to) { $recent[] = $rec; } } else { break; } } } return array_reverse($recent); } /** * Internal function used by getRecents * * don't call directly * * @see getRecents() * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Ben Coburn * * @param string $line changelog line * @param string $ns restrict to given namespace * @param int $flags flags to control which changes are included * @param array $seen listing of seen pages * @return array|bool false or array with info about a change */ function _handleRecent($line,$ns,$flags,&$seen){ if(empty($line)) return false; //skip empty lines // split the line into parts $recent = parseChangelogLine($line); if ($recent===false) { return false; } // skip seen ones if(isset($seen[$recent['id']])) return false; // skip changes, of only new items are requested if($recent['type']!==DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE && ($flags & RECENTS_ONLY_CREATION)) return false; // skip minors if($recent['type']===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT && ($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS)) return false; // remember in seen to skip additional sights $seen[$recent['id']] = 1; // check if it's a hidden page if(isHiddenPage($recent['id'])) return false; // filter namespace if (($ns) && (strpos($recent['id'],$ns.':') !== 0)) return false; // exclude subnamespaces if (($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES) && (getNS($recent['id']) != $ns)) return false; // check ACL if ($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) { $recent['perms'] = auth_quickaclcheck(getNS($recent['id']).':*'); } else { $recent['perms'] = auth_quickaclcheck($recent['id']); } if ($recent['perms'] < AUTH_READ) return false; // check existance if($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED){ $fn = (($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) ? mediaFN($recent['id']) : wikiFN($recent['id'])); if(!file_exists($fn)) return false; } return $recent; }