path: root/platform/www/inc/parser/xhtml.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/www/inc/parser/xhtml.php')
1 files changed, 1999 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/www/inc/parser/xhtml.php b/platform/www/inc/parser/xhtml.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a135130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/inc/parser/xhtml.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1999 @@
+use dokuwiki\ChangeLog\MediaChangeLog;
+ * Renderer for XHTML output
+ *
+ * This is DokuWiki's main renderer used to display page content in the wiki
+ *
+ * @author Harry Fuecks <>
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ */
+class Doku_Renderer_xhtml extends Doku_Renderer {
+ /** @var array store the table of contents */
+ public $toc = array();
+ /** @var array A stack of section edit data */
+ protected $sectionedits = array();
+ /** @var string|int link pages and media against this revision */
+ public $date_at = '';
+ /** @var int last section edit id, used by startSectionEdit */
+ protected $lastsecid = 0;
+ /** @var array a list of footnotes, list starts at 1! */
+ protected $footnotes = array();
+ /** @var int current section level */
+ protected $lastlevel = 0;
+ /** @var array section node tracker */
+ protected $node = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ /** @var string temporary $doc store */
+ protected $store = '';
+ /** @var array global counter, for table classes etc. */
+ protected $_counter = array(); //
+ /** @var int counts the code and file blocks, used to provide download links */
+ protected $_codeblock = 0;
+ /** @var array list of allowed URL schemes */
+ protected $schemes = null;
+ /**
+ * Register a new edit section range
+ *
+ * @param int $start The byte position for the edit start
+ * @param array $data Associative array with section data:
+ * Key 'name': the section name/title
+ * Key 'target': the target for the section edit,
+ * e.g. 'section' or 'table'
+ * Key 'hid': header id
+ * Key 'codeblockOffset': actual code block index
+ * Key 'start': set in startSectionEdit(),
+ * do not set yourself
+ * Key 'range': calculated from 'start' and
+ * $key in finishSectionEdit(),
+ * do not set yourself
+ * @return string A marker class for the starting HTML element
+ *
+ * @author Adrian Lang <>
+ */
+ public function startSectionEdit($start, $data) {
+ if (!is_array($data)) {
+ msg(
+ sprintf(
+ 'startSectionEdit: $data "%s" is NOT an array! One of your plugins needs an update.',
+ hsc((string) $data)
+ ), -1
+ );
+ // @deprecated 2018-04-14, backward compatibility
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ $data = array();
+ if(isset($args[1])) $data['target'] = $args[1];
+ if(isset($args[2])) $data['name'] = $args[2];
+ if(isset($args[3])) $data['hid'] = $args[3];
+ }
+ $data['secid'] = ++$this->lastsecid;
+ $data['start'] = $start;
+ $this->sectionedits[] = $data;
+ return 'sectionedit'.$data['secid'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finish an edit section range
+ *
+ * @param int $end The byte position for the edit end; null for the rest of the page
+ *
+ * @author Adrian Lang <>
+ */
+ public function finishSectionEdit($end = null, $hid = null) {
+ $data = array_pop($this->sectionedits);
+ if(!is_null($end) && $end <= $data['start']) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!is_null($hid)) {
+ $data['hid'] .= $hid;
+ }
+ $data['range'] = $data['start'].'-'.(is_null($end) ? '' : $end);
+ unset($data['start']);
+ $this->doc .= '<!-- EDIT'.hsc(json_encode ($data)).' -->';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the format produced by this renderer.
+ *
+ * @return string always 'xhtml'
+ */
+ public function getFormat() {
+ return 'xhtml';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize the document
+ */
+ public function document_start() {
+ //reset some internals
+ $this->toc = array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finalize the document
+ */
+ public function document_end() {
+ // Finish open section edits.
+ while(count($this->sectionedits) > 0) {
+ if($this->sectionedits[count($this->sectionedits) - 1]['start'] <= 1) {
+ // If there is only one section, do not write a section edit
+ // marker.
+ array_pop($this->sectionedits);
+ } else {
+ $this->finishSectionEdit();
+ }
+ }
+ if(count($this->footnotes) > 0) {
+ $this->doc .= '<div class="footnotes">'.DOKU_LF;
+ foreach($this->footnotes as $id => $footnote) {
+ // check its not a placeholder that indicates actual footnote text is elsewhere
+ if(substr($footnote, 0, 5) != "@@FNT") {
+ // open the footnote and set the anchor and backlink
+ $this->doc .= '<div class="fn">';
+ $this->doc .= '<sup><a href="#fnt__'.$id.'" id="fn__'.$id.'" class="fn_bot">';
+ $this->doc .= $id.')</a></sup> '.DOKU_LF;
+ // get any other footnotes that use the same markup
+ $alt = array_keys($this->footnotes, "@@FNT$id");
+ if(count($alt)) {
+ foreach($alt as $ref) {
+ // set anchor and backlink for the other footnotes
+ $this->doc .= ', <sup><a href="#fnt__'.($ref).'" id="fn__'.($ref).'" class="fn_bot">';
+ $this->doc .= ($ref).')</a></sup> '.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ }
+ // add footnote markup and close this footnote
+ $this->doc .= '<div class="content">'.$footnote.'</div>';
+ $this->doc .= '</div>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '</div>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ // Prepare the TOC
+ global $conf;
+ if(
+ $this->info['toc'] &&
+ is_array($this->toc) &&
+ $conf['tocminheads'] && count($this->toc) >= $conf['tocminheads']
+ ) {
+ global $TOC;
+ $TOC = $this->toc;
+ }
+ // make sure there are no empty paragraphs
+ $this->doc = preg_replace('#<p>\s*</p>#', '', $this->doc);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add an item to the TOC
+ *
+ * @param string $id the hash link
+ * @param string $text the text to display
+ * @param int $level the nesting level
+ */
+ public function toc_additem($id, $text, $level) {
+ global $conf;
+ //handle TOC
+ if($level >= $conf['toptoclevel'] && $level <= $conf['maxtoclevel']) {
+ $this->toc[] = html_mktocitem($id, $text, $level - $conf['toptoclevel'] + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render a heading
+ *
+ * @param string $text the text to display
+ * @param int $level header level
+ * @param int $pos byte position in the original source
+ */
+ public function header($text, $level, $pos) {
+ global $conf;
+ if(blank($text)) return; //skip empty headlines
+ $hid = $this->_headerToLink($text, true);
+ //only add items within configured levels
+ $this->toc_additem($hid, $text, $level);
+ // adjust $node to reflect hierarchy of levels
+ $this->node[$level - 1]++;
+ if($level < $this->lastlevel) {
+ for($i = 0; $i < $this->lastlevel - $level; $i++) {
+ $this->node[$this->lastlevel - $i - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->lastlevel = $level;
+ if($level <= $conf['maxseclevel'] &&
+ count($this->sectionedits) > 0 &&
+ $this->sectionedits[count($this->sectionedits) - 1]['target'] === 'section'
+ ) {
+ $this->finishSectionEdit($pos - 1);
+ }
+ // write the header
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.'<h'.$level;
+ if($level <= $conf['maxseclevel']) {
+ $data = array();
+ $data['target'] = 'section';
+ $data['name'] = $text;
+ $data['hid'] = $hid;
+ $data['codeblockOffset'] = $this->_codeblock;
+ $this->doc .= ' class="'.$this->startSectionEdit($pos, $data).'"';
+ }
+ $this->doc .= ' id="'.$hid.'">';
+ $this->doc .= $this->_xmlEntities($text);
+ $this->doc .= "</h$level>".DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a new section
+ *
+ * @param int $level section level (as determined by the previous header)
+ */
+ public function section_open($level) {
+ $this->doc .= '<div class="level'.$level.'">'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close the current section
+ */
+ public function section_close() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.'</div>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render plain text data
+ *
+ * @param $text
+ */
+ public function cdata($text) {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_xmlEntities($text);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a paragraph
+ */
+ public function p_open() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.'<p>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close a paragraph
+ */
+ public function p_close() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.'</p>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a line break
+ */
+ public function linebreak() {
+ $this->doc .= '<br/>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a horizontal line
+ */
+ public function hr() {
+ $this->doc .= '<hr />'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start strong (bold) formatting
+ */
+ public function strong_open() {
+ $this->doc .= '<strong>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop strong (bold) formatting
+ */
+ public function strong_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</strong>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start emphasis (italics) formatting
+ */
+ public function emphasis_open() {
+ $this->doc .= '<em>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop emphasis (italics) formatting
+ */
+ public function emphasis_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</em>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start underline formatting
+ */
+ public function underline_open() {
+ $this->doc .= '<em class="u">';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop underline formatting
+ */
+ public function underline_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</em>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start monospace formatting
+ */
+ public function monospace_open() {
+ $this->doc .= '<code>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop monospace formatting
+ */
+ public function monospace_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</code>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start a subscript
+ */
+ public function subscript_open() {
+ $this->doc .= '<sub>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop a subscript
+ */
+ public function subscript_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</sub>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start a superscript
+ */
+ public function superscript_open() {
+ $this->doc .= '<sup>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop a superscript
+ */
+ public function superscript_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</sup>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start deleted (strike-through) formatting
+ */
+ public function deleted_open() {
+ $this->doc .= '<del>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop deleted (strike-through) formatting
+ */
+ public function deleted_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</del>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback for footnote start syntax
+ *
+ * All following content will go to the footnote instead of
+ * the document. To achieve this the previous rendered content
+ * is moved to $store and $doc is cleared
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ */
+ public function footnote_open() {
+ // move current content to store and record footnote
+ $this->store = $this->doc;
+ $this->doc = '';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback for footnote end syntax
+ *
+ * All rendered content is moved to the $footnotes array and the old
+ * content is restored from $store again
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr
+ */
+ public function footnote_close() {
+ /** @var $fnid int takes track of seen footnotes, assures they are unique even across multiple docs FS#2841 */
+ static $fnid = 0;
+ // assign new footnote id (we start at 1)
+ $fnid++;
+ // recover footnote into the stack and restore old content
+ $footnote = $this->doc;
+ $this->doc = $this->store;
+ $this->store = '';
+ // check to see if this footnote has been seen before
+ $i = array_search($footnote, $this->footnotes);
+ if($i === false) {
+ // its a new footnote, add it to the $footnotes array
+ $this->footnotes[$fnid] = $footnote;
+ } else {
+ // seen this one before, save a placeholder
+ $this->footnotes[$fnid] = "@@FNT".($i);
+ }
+ // output the footnote reference and link
+ $this->doc .= '<sup><a href="#fn__'.$fnid.'" id="fnt__'.$fnid.'" class="fn_top">'.$fnid.')</a></sup>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open an unordered list
+ *
+ * @param string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input
+ */
+ public function listu_open($classes = null) {
+ $class = '';
+ if($classes !== null) {
+ if(is_array($classes)) $classes = join(' ', $classes);
+ $class = " class=\"$classes\"";
+ }
+ $this->doc .= "<ul$class>".DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close an unordered list
+ */
+ public function listu_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</ul>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open an ordered list
+ *
+ * @param string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input
+ */
+ public function listo_open($classes = null) {
+ $class = '';
+ if($classes !== null) {
+ if(is_array($classes)) $classes = join(' ', $classes);
+ $class = " class=\"$classes\"";
+ }
+ $this->doc .= "<ol$class>".DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close an ordered list
+ */
+ public function listo_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</ol>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a list item
+ *
+ * @param int $level the nesting level
+ * @param bool $node true when a node; false when a leaf
+ */
+ public function listitem_open($level, $node=false) {
+ $branching = $node ? ' node' : '';
+ $this->doc .= '<li class="level'.$level.$branching.'">';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close a list item
+ */
+ public function listitem_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</li>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start the content of a list item
+ */
+ public function listcontent_open() {
+ $this->doc .= '<div class="li">';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop the content of a list item
+ */
+ public function listcontent_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</div>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Output unformatted $text
+ *
+ * Defaults to $this->cdata()
+ *
+ * @param string $text
+ */
+ public function unformatted($text) {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_xmlEntities($text);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Execute PHP code if allowed
+ *
+ * @param string $text PHP code that is either executed or printed
+ * @param string $wrapper html element to wrap result if $conf['phpok'] is okff
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ */
+ public function php($text, $wrapper = 'code') {
+ global $conf;
+ if($conf['phpok']) {
+ ob_start();
+ eval($text);
+ $this->doc .= ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= p_xhtml_cached_geshi($text, 'php', $wrapper);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Output block level PHP code
+ *
+ * If $conf['phpok'] is true this should evaluate the given code and append the result
+ * to $doc
+ *
+ * @param string $text The PHP code
+ */
+ public function phpblock($text) {
+ $this->php($text, 'pre');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Insert HTML if allowed
+ *
+ * @param string $text html text
+ * @param string $wrapper html element to wrap result if $conf['htmlok'] is okff
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ */
+ public function html($text, $wrapper = 'code') {
+ global $conf;
+ if($conf['htmlok']) {
+ $this->doc .= $text;
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= p_xhtml_cached_geshi($text, 'html4strict', $wrapper);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Output raw block-level HTML
+ *
+ * If $conf['htmlok'] is true this should add the code as is to $doc
+ *
+ * @param string $text The HTML
+ */
+ public function htmlblock($text) {
+ $this->html($text, 'pre');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start a block quote
+ */
+ public function quote_open() {
+ $this->doc .= '<blockquote><div class="no">'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop a block quote
+ */
+ public function quote_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</div></blockquote>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Output preformatted text
+ *
+ * @param string $text
+ */
+ public function preformatted($text) {
+ $this->doc .= '<pre class="code">'.trim($this->_xmlEntities($text), "\n\r").'</pre>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Display text as file content, optionally syntax highlighted
+ *
+ * @param string $text text to show
+ * @param string $language programming language to use for syntax highlighting
+ * @param string $filename file path label
+ * @param array $options assoziative array with additional geshi options
+ */
+ public function file($text, $language = null, $filename = null, $options=null) {
+ $this->_highlight('file', $text, $language, $filename, $options);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Display text as code content, optionally syntax highlighted
+ *
+ * @param string $text text to show
+ * @param string $language programming language to use for syntax highlighting
+ * @param string $filename file path label
+ * @param array $options assoziative array with additional geshi options
+ */
+ public function code($text, $language = null, $filename = null, $options=null) {
+ $this->_highlight('code', $text, $language, $filename, $options);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use GeSHi to highlight language syntax in code and file blocks
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @param string $type code|file
+ * @param string $text text to show
+ * @param string $language programming language to use for syntax highlighting
+ * @param string $filename file path label
+ * @param array $options assoziative array with additional geshi options
+ */
+ public function _highlight($type, $text, $language = null, $filename = null, $options = null) {
+ global $ID;
+ global $lang;
+ global $INPUT;
+ $language = preg_replace(PREG_PATTERN_VALID_LANGUAGE, '', $language);
+ $language = preg_replace(PREG_PATTERN_VALID_LANGUAGE, '', $language);
+ if($filename) {
+ // add icon
+ list($ext) = mimetype($filename, false);
+ $class = preg_replace('/[^_\-a-z0-9]+/i', '_', $ext);
+ $class = 'mediafile mf_'.$class;
+ $offset = 0;
+ if ($INPUT->has('codeblockOffset')) {
+ $offset = $INPUT->str('codeblockOffset');
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '<dl class="'.$type.'">'.DOKU_LF;
+ $this->doc .= '<dt><a href="' .
+ exportlink(
+ $ID,
+ 'code',
+ array('codeblock' => $offset + $this->_codeblock)
+ ) . '" title="' . $lang['download'] . '" class="' . $class . '">';
+ $this->doc .= hsc($filename);
+ $this->doc .= '</a></dt>'.DOKU_LF.'<dd>';
+ }
+ if($text[0] == "\n") {
+ $text = substr($text, 1);
+ }
+ if(substr($text, -1) == "\n") {
+ $text = substr($text, 0, -1);
+ }
+ if(empty($language)) { // empty is faster than is_null and can prevent '' string
+ $this->doc .= '<pre class="'.$type.'">'.$this->_xmlEntities($text).'</pre>'.DOKU_LF;
+ } else {
+ $class = 'code'; //we always need the code class to make the syntax highlighting apply
+ if($type != 'code') $class .= ' '.$type;
+ $this->doc .= "<pre class=\"$class $language\">" .
+ p_xhtml_cached_geshi($text, $language, '', $options) .
+ '</pre>' . DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ if($filename) {
+ $this->doc .= '</dd></dl>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ $this->_codeblock++;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format an acronym
+ *
+ * Uses $this->acronyms
+ *
+ * @param string $acronym
+ */
+ public function acronym($acronym) {
+ if(array_key_exists($acronym, $this->acronyms)) {
+ $title = $this->_xmlEntities($this->acronyms[$acronym]);
+ $this->doc .= '<abbr title="'.$title
+ .'">'.$this->_xmlEntities($acronym).'</abbr>';
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_xmlEntities($acronym);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format a smiley
+ *
+ * Uses $this->smiley
+ *
+ * @param string $smiley
+ */
+ public function smiley($smiley) {
+ if(array_key_exists($smiley, $this->smileys)) {
+ $this->doc .= '<img src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/smileys/'.$this->smileys[$smiley].
+ '" class="icon" alt="'.
+ $this->_xmlEntities($smiley).'" />';
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_xmlEntities($smiley);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format an entity
+ *
+ * Entities are basically small text replacements
+ *
+ * Uses $this->entities
+ *
+ * @param string $entity
+ */
+ public function entity($entity) {
+ if(array_key_exists($entity, $this->entities)) {
+ $this->doc .= $this->entities[$entity];
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_xmlEntities($entity);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Typographically format a multiply sign
+ *
+ * Example: ($x=640, $y=480) should result in "640×480"
+ *
+ * @param string|int $x first value
+ * @param string|int $y second value
+ */
+ public function multiplyentity($x, $y) {
+ $this->doc .= "$x&times;$y";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an opening single quote char (language specific)
+ */
+ public function singlequoteopening() {
+ global $lang;
+ $this->doc .= $lang['singlequoteopening'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render a closing single quote char (language specific)
+ */
+ public function singlequoteclosing() {
+ global $lang;
+ $this->doc .= $lang['singlequoteclosing'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an apostrophe char (language specific)
+ */
+ public function apostrophe() {
+ global $lang;
+ $this->doc .= $lang['apostrophe'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an opening double quote char (language specific)
+ */
+ public function doublequoteopening() {
+ global $lang;
+ $this->doc .= $lang['doublequoteopening'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an closinging double quote char (language specific)
+ */
+ public function doublequoteclosing() {
+ global $lang;
+ $this->doc .= $lang['doublequoteclosing'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render a CamelCase link
+ *
+ * @param string $link The link name
+ * @param bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute
+ * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
+ *
+ * @see
+ */
+ public function camelcaselink($link, $returnonly = false) {
+ if($returnonly) {
+ return $this->internallink($link, $link, null, true);
+ } else {
+ $this->internallink($link, $link);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render a page local link
+ *
+ * @param string $hash hash link identifier
+ * @param string $name name for the link
+ * @param bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute
+ * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
+ */
+ public function locallink($hash, $name = null, $returnonly = false) {
+ global $ID;
+ $name = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, $hash, $isImage);
+ $hash = $this->_headerToLink($hash);
+ $title = $ID.' ↵';
+ $doc = '<a href="#'.$hash.'" title="'.$title.'" class="wikilink1">';
+ $doc .= $name;
+ $doc .= '</a>';
+ if($returnonly) {
+ return $doc;
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $doc;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an internal Wiki Link
+ *
+ * $search,$returnonly & $linktype are not for the renderer but are used
+ * elsewhere - no need to implement them in other renderers
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @param string $id pageid
+ * @param string|null $name link name
+ * @param string|null $search adds search url param
+ * @param bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute
+ * @param string $linktype type to set use of headings
+ * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
+ */
+ public function internallink($id, $name = null, $search = null, $returnonly = false, $linktype = 'content') {
+ global $conf;
+ global $ID;
+ global $INFO;
+ $params = '';
+ $parts = explode('?', $id, 2);
+ if(count($parts) === 2) {
+ $id = $parts[0];
+ $params = $parts[1];
+ }
+ // For empty $id we need to know the current $ID
+ // We need this check because _simpleTitle needs
+ // correct $id and resolve_pageid() use cleanID($id)
+ // (some things could be lost)
+ if($id === '') {
+ $id = $ID;
+ }
+ // default name is based on $id as given
+ $default = $this->_simpleTitle($id);
+ // now first resolve and clean up the $id
+ resolve_pageid(getNS($ID), $id, $exists, $this->date_at, true);
+ $link = array();
+ $name = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, $default, $isImage, $id, $linktype);
+ if(!$isImage) {
+ if($exists) {
+ $class = 'wikilink1';
+ } else {
+ $class = 'wikilink2';
+ $link['rel'] = 'nofollow';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $class = 'media';
+ }
+ //keep hash anchor
+ @list($id, $hash) = explode('#', $id, 2);
+ if(!empty($hash)) $hash = $this->_headerToLink($hash);
+ //prepare for formating
+ $link['target'] = $conf['target']['wiki'];
+ $link['style'] = '';
+ $link['pre'] = '';
+ $link['suf'] = '';
+ $link['more'] = 'data-wiki-id="'.$id.'"'; // id is already cleaned
+ $link['class'] = $class;
+ if($this->date_at) {
+ $params = $params.'&at='.rawurlencode($this->date_at);
+ }
+ $link['url'] = wl($id, $params);
+ $link['name'] = $name;
+ $link['title'] = $id;
+ //add search string
+ if($search) {
+ ($conf['userewrite']) ? $link['url'] .= '?' : $link['url'] .= '&amp;';
+ if(is_array($search)) {
+ $search = array_map('rawurlencode', $search);
+ $link['url'] .= 's[]='.join('&amp;s[]=', $search);
+ } else {
+ $link['url'] .= 's='.rawurlencode($search);
+ }
+ }
+ //keep hash
+ if($hash) $link['url'] .= '#'.$hash;
+ //output formatted
+ if($returnonly) {
+ return $this->_formatLink($link);
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an external link
+ *
+ * @param string $url full URL with scheme
+ * @param string|array $name name for the link, array for media file
+ * @param bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute
+ * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
+ */
+ public function externallink($url, $name = null, $returnonly = false) {
+ global $conf;
+ $name = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, $url, $isImage);
+ // url might be an attack vector, only allow registered protocols
+ if(is_null($this->schemes)) $this->schemes = getSchemes();
+ list($scheme) = explode('://', $url);
+ $scheme = strtolower($scheme);
+ if(!in_array($scheme, $this->schemes)) $url = '';
+ // is there still an URL?
+ if(!$url) {
+ if($returnonly) {
+ return $name;
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $name;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // set class
+ if(!$isImage) {
+ $class = 'urlextern';
+ } else {
+ $class = 'media';
+ }
+ //prepare for formating
+ $link = array();
+ $link['target'] = $conf['target']['extern'];
+ $link['style'] = '';
+ $link['pre'] = '';
+ $link['suf'] = '';
+ $link['more'] = '';
+ $link['class'] = $class;
+ $link['url'] = $url;
+ $link['rel'] = '';
+ $link['name'] = $name;
+ $link['title'] = $this->_xmlEntities($url);
+ if($conf['relnofollow']) $link['rel'] .= ' ugc nofollow';
+ if($conf['target']['extern']) $link['rel'] .= ' noopener';
+ //output formatted
+ if($returnonly) {
+ return $this->_formatLink($link);
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an interwiki link
+ *
+ * You may want to use $this->_resolveInterWiki() here
+ *
+ * @param string $match original link - probably not much use
+ * @param string|array $name name for the link, array for media file
+ * @param string $wikiName indentifier (shortcut) for the remote wiki
+ * @param string $wikiUri the fragment parsed from the original link
+ * @param bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute
+ * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
+ */
+ public function interwikilink($match, $name, $wikiName, $wikiUri, $returnonly = false) {
+ global $conf;
+ $link = array();
+ $link['target'] = $conf['target']['interwiki'];
+ $link['pre'] = '';
+ $link['suf'] = '';
+ $link['more'] = '';
+ $link['name'] = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, $wikiUri, $isImage);
+ $link['rel'] = '';
+ //get interwiki URL
+ $exists = null;
+ $url = $this->_resolveInterWiki($wikiName, $wikiUri, $exists);
+ if(!$isImage) {
+ $class = preg_replace('/[^_\-a-z0-9]+/i', '_', $wikiName);
+ $link['class'] = "interwiki iw_$class";
+ } else {
+ $link['class'] = 'media';
+ }
+ //do we stay at the same server? Use local target
+ if(strpos($url, DOKU_URL) === 0 OR strpos($url, DOKU_BASE) === 0) {
+ $link['target'] = $conf['target']['wiki'];
+ }
+ if($exists !== null && !$isImage) {
+ if($exists) {
+ $link['class'] .= ' wikilink1';
+ } else {
+ $link['class'] .= ' wikilink2';
+ $link['rel'] .= ' nofollow';
+ }
+ }
+ if($conf['target']['interwiki']) $link['rel'] .= ' noopener';
+ $link['url'] = $url;
+ $link['title'] = htmlspecialchars($link['url']);
+ // output formatted
+ if($returnonly) {
+ if($url == '') return $link['name'];
+ return $this->_formatLink($link);
+ } else {
+ if($url == '') $this->doc .= $link['name'];
+ else $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Link to windows share
+ *
+ * @param string $url the link
+ * @param string|array $name name for the link, array for media file
+ * @param bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute
+ * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
+ */
+ public function windowssharelink($url, $name = null, $returnonly = false) {
+ global $conf;
+ //simple setup
+ $link = array();
+ $link['target'] = $conf['target']['windows'];
+ $link['pre'] = '';
+ $link['suf'] = '';
+ $link['style'] = '';
+ $link['name'] = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, $url, $isImage);
+ if(!$isImage) {
+ $link['class'] = 'windows';
+ } else {
+ $link['class'] = 'media';
+ }
+ $link['title'] = $this->_xmlEntities($url);
+ $url = str_replace('\\', '/', $url);
+ $url = 'file:///'.$url;
+ $link['url'] = $url;
+ //output formatted
+ if($returnonly) {
+ return $this->_formatLink($link);
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render a linked E-Mail Address
+ *
+ * Honors $conf['mailguard'] setting
+ *
+ * @param string $address Email-Address
+ * @param string|array $name name for the link, array for media file
+ * @param bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute
+ * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly
+ */
+ public function emaillink($address, $name = null, $returnonly = false) {
+ global $conf;
+ //simple setup
+ $link = array();
+ $link['target'] = '';
+ $link['pre'] = '';
+ $link['suf'] = '';
+ $link['style'] = '';
+ $link['more'] = '';
+ $name = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, '', $isImage);
+ if(!$isImage) {
+ $link['class'] = 'mail';
+ } else {
+ $link['class'] = 'media';
+ }
+ $address = $this->_xmlEntities($address);
+ $address = obfuscate($address);
+ $title = $address;
+ if(empty($name)) {
+ $name = $address;
+ }
+ if($conf['mailguard'] == 'visible') $address = rawurlencode($address);
+ $link['url'] = 'mailto:'.$address;
+ $link['name'] = $name;
+ $link['title'] = $title;
+ //output formatted
+ if($returnonly) {
+ return $this->_formatLink($link);
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an internal media file
+ *
+ * @param string $src media ID
+ * @param string $title descriptive text
+ * @param string $align left|center|right
+ * @param int $width width of media in pixel
+ * @param int $height height of media in pixel
+ * @param string $cache cache|recache|nocache
+ * @param string $linking linkonly|detail|nolink
+ * @param bool $return return HTML instead of adding to $doc
+ * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $return
+ */
+ public function internalmedia($src, $title = null, $align = null, $width = null,
+ $height = null, $cache = null, $linking = null, $return = false) {
+ global $ID;
+ if (strpos($src, '#') !== false) {
+ list($src, $hash) = explode('#', $src, 2);
+ }
+ resolve_mediaid(getNS($ID), $src, $exists, $this->date_at, true);
+ $noLink = false;
+ $render = ($linking == 'linkonly') ? false : true;
+ $link = $this->_getMediaLinkConf($src, $title, $align, $width, $height, $cache, $render);
+ list($ext, $mime) = mimetype($src, false);
+ if(substr($mime, 0, 5) == 'image' && $render) {
+ $link['url'] = ml(
+ $src,
+ array(
+ 'id' => $ID,
+ 'cache' => $cache,
+ 'rev' => $this->_getLastMediaRevisionAt($src)
+ ),
+ ($linking == 'direct')
+ );
+ } elseif(($mime == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' || media_supportedav($mime)) && $render) {
+ // don't link movies
+ $noLink = true;
+ } else {
+ // add file icons
+ $class = preg_replace('/[^_\-a-z0-9]+/i', '_', $ext);
+ $link['class'] .= ' mediafile mf_'.$class;
+ $link['url'] = ml(
+ $src,
+ array(
+ 'id' => $ID,
+ 'cache' => $cache,
+ 'rev' => $this->_getLastMediaRevisionAt($src)
+ ),
+ true
+ );
+ if($exists) $link['title'] .= ' ('.filesize_h(filesize(mediaFN($src))).')';
+ }
+ if (!empty($hash)) $link['url'] .= '#'.$hash;
+ //markup non existing files
+ if(!$exists) {
+ $link['class'] .= ' wikilink2';
+ }
+ //output formatted
+ if($return) {
+ if($linking == 'nolink' || $noLink) return $link['name'];
+ else return $this->_formatLink($link);
+ } else {
+ if($linking == 'nolink' || $noLink) $this->doc .= $link['name'];
+ else $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an external media file
+ *
+ * @param string $src full media URL
+ * @param string $title descriptive text
+ * @param string $align left|center|right
+ * @param int $width width of media in pixel
+ * @param int $height height of media in pixel
+ * @param string $cache cache|recache|nocache
+ * @param string $linking linkonly|detail|nolink
+ * @param bool $return return HTML instead of adding to $doc
+ * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $return
+ */
+ public function externalmedia($src, $title = null, $align = null, $width = null,
+ $height = null, $cache = null, $linking = null, $return = false) {
+ if(link_isinterwiki($src)){
+ list($shortcut, $reference) = explode('>', $src, 2);
+ $exists = null;
+ $src = $this->_resolveInterWiki($shortcut, $reference, $exists);
+ if($src == '' && empty($title)){
+ // make sure at least something will be shown in this case
+ $title = $reference;
+ }
+ }
+ list($src, $hash) = explode('#', $src, 2);
+ $noLink = false;
+ if($src == '') {
+ // only output plaintext without link if there is no src
+ $noLink = true;
+ }
+ $render = ($linking == 'linkonly') ? false : true;
+ $link = $this->_getMediaLinkConf($src, $title, $align, $width, $height, $cache, $render);
+ $link['url'] = ml($src, array('cache' => $cache));
+ list($ext, $mime) = mimetype($src, false);
+ if(substr($mime, 0, 5) == 'image' && $render) {
+ // link only jpeg images
+ // if ($ext != 'jpg' && $ext != 'jpeg') $noLink = true;
+ } elseif(($mime == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' || media_supportedav($mime)) && $render) {
+ // don't link movies
+ $noLink = true;
+ } else {
+ // add file icons
+ $class = preg_replace('/[^_\-a-z0-9]+/i', '_', $ext);
+ $link['class'] .= ' mediafile mf_'.$class;
+ }
+ if($hash) $link['url'] .= '#'.$hash;
+ //output formatted
+ if($return) {
+ if($linking == 'nolink' || $noLink) return $link['name'];
+ else return $this->_formatLink($link);
+ } else {
+ if($linking == 'nolink' || $noLink) $this->doc .= $link['name'];
+ else $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Renders an RSS feed
+ *
+ * @param string $url URL of the feed
+ * @param array $params Finetuning of the output
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ */
+ public function rss($url, $params) {
+ global $lang;
+ global $conf;
+ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/FeedParser.php');
+ $feed = new FeedParser();
+ $feed->set_feed_url($url);
+ //disable warning while fetching
+ if(!defined('DOKU_E_LEVEL')) {
+ $elvl = error_reporting(E_ERROR);
+ }
+ $rc = $feed->init();
+ if(isset($elvl)) {
+ error_reporting($elvl);
+ }
+ if($params['nosort']) $feed->enable_order_by_date(false);
+ //decide on start and end
+ if($params['reverse']) {
+ $mod = -1;
+ $start = $feed->get_item_quantity() - 1;
+ $end = $start - ($params['max']);
+ $end = ($end < -1) ? -1 : $end;
+ } else {
+ $mod = 1;
+ $start = 0;
+ $end = $feed->get_item_quantity();
+ $end = ($end > $params['max']) ? $params['max'] : $end;
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '<ul class="rss">';
+ if($rc) {
+ for($x = $start; $x != $end; $x += $mod) {
+ $item = $feed->get_item($x);
+ $this->doc .= '<li><div class="li">';
+ // support feeds without links
+ $lnkurl = $item->get_permalink();
+ if($lnkurl) {
+ // title is escaped by SimplePie, we unescape here because it
+ // is escaped again in externallink() FS#1705
+ $this->externallink(
+ $item->get_permalink(),
+ html_entity_decode($item->get_title(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')
+ );
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= ' '.$item->get_title();
+ }
+ if($params['author']) {
+ $author = $item->get_author(0);
+ if($author) {
+ $name = $author->get_name();
+ if(!$name) $name = $author->get_email();
+ if($name) $this->doc .= ' '.$lang['by'].' '.hsc($name);
+ }
+ }
+ if($params['date']) {
+ $this->doc .= ' ('.$item->get_local_date($conf['dformat']).')';
+ }
+ if($params['details']) {
+ $this->doc .= '<div class="detail">';
+ if($conf['htmlok']) {
+ $this->doc .= $item->get_description();
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= strip_tags($item->get_description());
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '</div>';
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '</div></li>';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->doc .= '<li><div class="li">';
+ $this->doc .= '<em>'.$lang['rssfailed'].'</em>';
+ $this->externallink($url);
+ if($conf['allowdebug']) {
+ $this->doc .= '<!--'.hsc($feed->error).'-->';
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '</div></li>';
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '</ul>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start a table
+ *
+ * @param int $maxcols maximum number of columns
+ * @param int $numrows NOT IMPLEMENTED
+ * @param int $pos byte position in the original source
+ * @param string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input
+ */
+ public function table_open($maxcols = null, $numrows = null, $pos = null, $classes = null) {
+ // initialize the row counter used for classes
+ $this->_counter['row_counter'] = 0;
+ $class = 'table';
+ if($classes !== null) {
+ if(is_array($classes)) $classes = join(' ', $classes);
+ $class .= ' ' . $classes;
+ }
+ if($pos !== null) {
+ $hid = $this->_headerToLink($class, true);
+ $data = array();
+ $data['target'] = 'table';
+ $data['name'] = '';
+ $data['hid'] = $hid;
+ $class .= ' '.$this->startSectionEdit($pos, $data);
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '<div class="'.$class.'"><table class="inline">'.
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close a table
+ *
+ * @param int $pos byte position in the original source
+ */
+ public function table_close($pos = null) {
+ $this->doc .= '</table></div>'.DOKU_LF;
+ if($pos !== null) {
+ $this->finishSectionEdit($pos);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a table header
+ */
+ public function tablethead_open() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_TAB.'<thead>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close a table header
+ */
+ public function tablethead_close() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_TAB.'</thead>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a table body
+ */
+ public function tabletbody_open() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_TAB.'<tbody>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close a table body
+ */
+ public function tabletbody_close() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_TAB.'</tbody>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a table footer
+ */
+ public function tabletfoot_open() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_TAB.'<tfoot>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close a table footer
+ */
+ public function tabletfoot_close() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_TAB.'</tfoot>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a table row
+ *
+ * @param string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input
+ */
+ public function tablerow_open($classes = null) {
+ // initialize the cell counter used for classes
+ $this->_counter['cell_counter'] = 0;
+ $class = 'row'.$this->_counter['row_counter']++;
+ if($classes !== null) {
+ if(is_array($classes)) $classes = join(' ', $classes);
+ $class .= ' ' . $classes;
+ }
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_TAB.'<tr class="'.$class.'">'.DOKU_LF.DOKU_TAB.DOKU_TAB;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close a table row
+ */
+ public function tablerow_close() {
+ $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.DOKU_TAB.'</tr>'.DOKU_LF;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a table header cell
+ *
+ * @param int $colspan
+ * @param string $align left|center|right
+ * @param int $rowspan
+ * @param string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input
+ */
+ public function tableheader_open($colspan = 1, $align = null, $rowspan = 1, $classes = null) {
+ $class = 'class="col'.$this->_counter['cell_counter']++;
+ if(!is_null($align)) {
+ $class .= ' '.$align.'align';
+ }
+ if($classes !== null) {
+ if(is_array($classes)) $classes = join(' ', $classes);
+ $class .= ' ' . $classes;
+ }
+ $class .= '"';
+ $this->doc .= '<th '.$class;
+ if($colspan > 1) {
+ $this->_counter['cell_counter'] += $colspan - 1;
+ $this->doc .= ' colspan="'.$colspan.'"';
+ }
+ if($rowspan > 1) {
+ $this->doc .= ' rowspan="'.$rowspan.'"';
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close a table header cell
+ */
+ public function tableheader_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</th>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a table cell
+ *
+ * @param int $colspan
+ * @param string $align left|center|right
+ * @param int $rowspan
+ * @param string|string[] $classes css classes - have to be valid, do not pass unfiltered user input
+ */
+ public function tablecell_open($colspan = 1, $align = null, $rowspan = 1, $classes = null) {
+ $class = 'class="col'.$this->_counter['cell_counter']++;
+ if(!is_null($align)) {
+ $class .= ' '.$align.'align';
+ }
+ if($classes !== null) {
+ if(is_array($classes)) $classes = join(' ', $classes);
+ $class .= ' ' . $classes;
+ }
+ $class .= '"';
+ $this->doc .= '<td '.$class;
+ if($colspan > 1) {
+ $this->_counter['cell_counter'] += $colspan - 1;
+ $this->doc .= ' colspan="'.$colspan.'"';
+ }
+ if($rowspan > 1) {
+ $this->doc .= ' rowspan="'.$rowspan.'"';
+ }
+ $this->doc .= '>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close a table cell
+ */
+ public function tablecell_close() {
+ $this->doc .= '</td>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current header level.
+ * (required e.g. by the filelist plugin)
+ *
+ * @return int The current header level
+ */
+ public function getLastlevel() {
+ return $this->lastlevel;
+ }
+ #region Utility functions
+ /**
+ * Build a link
+ *
+ * Assembles all parts defined in $link returns HTML for the link
+ *
+ * @param array $link attributes of a link
+ * @return string
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ */
+ public function _formatLink($link) {
+ //make sure the url is XHTML compliant (skip mailto)
+ if(substr($link['url'], 0, 7) != 'mailto:') {
+ $link['url'] = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $link['url']);
+ $link['url'] = str_replace('&amp;amp;', '&amp;', $link['url']);
+ }
+ //remove double encodings in titles
+ $link['title'] = str_replace('&amp;amp;', '&amp;', $link['title']);
+ // be sure there are no bad chars in url or title
+ // (we can't do this for name because it can contain an img tag)
+ $link['url'] = strtr($link['url'], array('>' => '%3E', '<' => '%3C', '"' => '%22'));
+ $link['title'] = strtr($link['title'], array('>' => '&gt;', '<' => '&lt;', '"' => '&quot;'));
+ $ret = '';
+ $ret .= $link['pre'];
+ $ret .= '<a href="'.$link['url'].'"';
+ if(!empty($link['class'])) $ret .= ' class="'.$link['class'].'"';
+ if(!empty($link['target'])) $ret .= ' target="'.$link['target'].'"';
+ if(!empty($link['title'])) $ret .= ' title="'.$link['title'].'"';
+ if(!empty($link['style'])) $ret .= ' style="'.$link['style'].'"';
+ if(!empty($link['rel'])) $ret .= ' rel="'.trim($link['rel']).'"';
+ if(!empty($link['more'])) $ret .= ' '.$link['more'];
+ $ret .= '>';
+ $ret .= $link['name'];
+ $ret .= '</a>';
+ $ret .= $link['suf'];
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Renders internal and external media
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @param string $src media ID
+ * @param string $title descriptive text
+ * @param string $align left|center|right
+ * @param int $width width of media in pixel
+ * @param int $height height of media in pixel
+ * @param string $cache cache|recache|nocache
+ * @param bool $render should the media be embedded inline or just linked
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function _media($src, $title = null, $align = null, $width = null,
+ $height = null, $cache = null, $render = true) {
+ $ret = '';
+ list($ext, $mime) = mimetype($src);
+ if(substr($mime, 0, 5) == 'image') {
+ // first get the $title
+ if(!is_null($title)) {
+ $title = $this->_xmlEntities($title);
+ } elseif($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
+ //try to use the caption from IPTC/EXIF
+ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/JpegMeta.php');
+ $jpeg = new JpegMeta(mediaFN($src));
+ if($jpeg !== false) $cap = $jpeg->getTitle();
+ if(!empty($cap)) {
+ $title = $this->_xmlEntities($cap);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$render) {
+ // if the picture is not supposed to be rendered
+ // return the title of the picture
+ if($title === null || $title === "") {
+ // just show the sourcename
+ $title = $this->_xmlEntities(\dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::basename(noNS($src)));
+ }
+ return $title;
+ }
+ //add image tag
+ $ret .= '<img src="' . ml(
+ $src,
+ array(
+ 'w' => $width, 'h' => $height,
+ 'cache' => $cache,
+ 'rev' => $this->_getLastMediaRevisionAt($src)
+ )
+ ) . '"';
+ $ret .= ' class="media'.$align.'"';
+ if($title) {
+ $ret .= ' title="'.$title.'"';
+ $ret .= ' alt="'.$title.'"';
+ } else {
+ $ret .= ' alt=""';
+ }
+ if(!is_null($width))
+ $ret .= ' width="'.$this->_xmlEntities($width).'"';
+ if(!is_null($height))
+ $ret .= ' height="'.$this->_xmlEntities($height).'"';
+ $ret .= ' />';
+ } elseif(media_supportedav($mime, 'video') || media_supportedav($mime, 'audio')) {
+ // first get the $title
+ $title = !is_null($title) ? $title : false;
+ if(!$render) {
+ // if the file is not supposed to be rendered
+ // return the title of the file (just the sourcename if there is no title)
+ return $this->_xmlEntities($title ? $title : \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::basename(noNS($src)));
+ }
+ $att = array();
+ $att['class'] = "media$align";
+ if($title) {
+ $att['title'] = $title;
+ }
+ if(media_supportedav($mime, 'video')) {
+ //add video
+ $ret .= $this->_video($src, $width, $height, $att);
+ }
+ if(media_supportedav($mime, 'audio')) {
+ //add audio
+ $ret .= $this->_audio($src, $att);
+ }
+ } elseif($mime == 'application/x-shockwave-flash') {
+ if(!$render) {
+ // if the flash is not supposed to be rendered
+ // return the title of the flash
+ if(!$title) {
+ // just show the sourcename
+ $title = \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::basename(noNS($src));
+ }
+ return $this->_xmlEntities($title);
+ }
+ $att = array();
+ $att['class'] = "media$align";
+ if($align == 'right') $att['align'] = 'right';
+ if($align == 'left') $att['align'] = 'left';
+ $ret .= html_flashobject(
+ ml($src, array('cache' => $cache), true, '&'), $width, $height,
+ array('quality' => 'high'),
+ null,
+ $att,
+ $this->_xmlEntities($title)
+ );
+ } elseif($title) {
+ // well at least we have a title to display
+ $ret .= $this->_xmlEntities($title);
+ } else {
+ // just show the sourcename
+ $ret .= $this->_xmlEntities(\dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::basename(noNS($src)));
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Escape string for output
+ *
+ * @param $string
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function _xmlEntities($string) {
+ return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Construct a title and handle images in titles
+ *
+ * @author Harry Fuecks <>
+ * @param string|array $title either string title or media array
+ * @param string $default default title if nothing else is found
+ * @param bool $isImage will be set to true if it's a media file
+ * @param null|string $id linked page id (used to extract title from first heading)
+ * @param string $linktype content|navigation
+ * @return string HTML of the title, might be full image tag or just escaped text
+ */
+ public function _getLinkTitle($title, $default, &$isImage, $id = null, $linktype = 'content') {
+ $isImage = false;
+ if(is_array($title)) {
+ $isImage = true;
+ return $this->_imageTitle($title);
+ } elseif(is_null($title) || trim($title) == '') {
+ if(useHeading($linktype) && $id) {
+ $heading = p_get_first_heading($id);
+ if(!blank($heading)) {
+ return $this->_xmlEntities($heading);
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->_xmlEntities($default);
+ } else {
+ return $this->_xmlEntities($title);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns HTML code for images used in link titles
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @param array $img
+ * @return string HTML img tag or similar
+ */
+ public function _imageTitle($img) {
+ global $ID;
+ // some fixes on $img['src']
+ // see internalmedia() and externalmedia()
+ list($img['src']) = explode('#', $img['src'], 2);
+ if($img['type'] == 'internalmedia') {
+ resolve_mediaid(getNS($ID), $img['src'], $exists ,$this->date_at, true);
+ }
+ return $this->_media(
+ $img['src'],
+ $img['title'],
+ $img['align'],
+ $img['width'],
+ $img['height'],
+ $img['cache']
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * helperfunction to return a basic link to a media
+ *
+ * used in internalmedia() and externalmedia()
+ *
+ * @author Pierre Spring <>
+ * @param string $src media ID
+ * @param string $title descriptive text
+ * @param string $align left|center|right
+ * @param int $width width of media in pixel
+ * @param int $height height of media in pixel
+ * @param string $cache cache|recache|nocache
+ * @param bool $render should the media be embedded inline or just linked
+ * @return array associative array with link config
+ */
+ public function _getMediaLinkConf($src, $title, $align, $width, $height, $cache, $render) {
+ global $conf;
+ $link = array();
+ $link['class'] = 'media';
+ $link['style'] = '';
+ $link['pre'] = '';
+ $link['suf'] = '';
+ $link['more'] = '';
+ $link['target'] = $conf['target']['media'];
+ if($conf['target']['media']) $link['rel'] = 'noopener';
+ $link['title'] = $this->_xmlEntities($src);
+ $link['name'] = $this->_media($src, $title, $align, $width, $height, $cache, $render);
+ return $link;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Embed video(s) in HTML
+ *
+ * @author Anika Henke <>
+ * @author Schplurtz le Déboulonné <>
+ *
+ * @param string $src - ID of video to embed
+ * @param int $width - width of the video in pixels
+ * @param int $height - height of the video in pixels
+ * @param array $atts - additional attributes for the <video> tag
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function _video($src, $width, $height, $atts = null) {
+ // prepare width and height
+ if(is_null($atts)) $atts = array();
+ $atts['width'] = (int) $width;
+ $atts['height'] = (int) $height;
+ if(!$atts['width']) $atts['width'] = 320;
+ if(!$atts['height']) $atts['height'] = 240;
+ $posterUrl = '';
+ $files = array();
+ $tracks = array();
+ $isExternal = media_isexternal($src);
+ if ($isExternal) {
+ // take direct source for external files
+ list(/*ext*/, $srcMime) = mimetype($src);
+ $files[$srcMime] = $src;
+ } else {
+ // prepare alternative formats
+ $extensions = array('webm', 'ogv', 'mp4');
+ $files = media_alternativefiles($src, $extensions);
+ $poster = media_alternativefiles($src, array('jpg', 'png'));
+ $tracks = media_trackfiles($src);
+ if(!empty($poster)) {
+ $posterUrl = ml(reset($poster), '', true, '&');
+ }
+ }
+ $out = '';
+ // open video tag
+ $out .= '<video '.buildAttributes($atts).' controls="controls"';
+ if($posterUrl) $out .= ' poster="'.hsc($posterUrl).'"';
+ $out .= '>'.NL;
+ $fallback = '';
+ // output source for each alternative video format
+ foreach($files as $mime => $file) {
+ if ($isExternal) {
+ $url = $file;
+ $linkType = 'externalmedia';
+ } else {
+ $url = ml($file, '', true, '&');
+ $linkType = 'internalmedia';
+ }
+ $title = $atts['title'] ? $atts['title'] : $this->_xmlEntities(\dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::basename(noNS($file)));
+ $out .= '<source src="'.hsc($url).'" type="'.$mime.'" />'.NL;
+ // alternative content (just a link to the file)
+ $fallback .= $this->$linkType(
+ $file,
+ $title,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ $cache = null,
+ $linking = 'linkonly',
+ $return = true
+ );
+ }
+ // output each track if any
+ foreach( $tracks as $trackid => $info ) {
+ list( $kind, $srclang ) = array_map( 'hsc', $info );
+ $out .= "<track kind=\"$kind\" srclang=\"$srclang\" ";
+ $out .= "label=\"$srclang\" ";
+ $out .= 'src="'.ml($trackid, '', true).'">'.NL;
+ }
+ // finish
+ $out .= $fallback;
+ $out .= '</video>'.NL;
+ return $out;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Embed audio in HTML
+ *
+ * @author Anika Henke <>
+ *
+ * @param string $src - ID of audio to embed
+ * @param array $atts - additional attributes for the <audio> tag
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function _audio($src, $atts = array()) {
+ $files = array();
+ $isExternal = media_isexternal($src);
+ if ($isExternal) {
+ // take direct source for external files
+ list(/*ext*/, $srcMime) = mimetype($src);
+ $files[$srcMime] = $src;
+ } else {
+ // prepare alternative formats
+ $extensions = array('ogg', 'mp3', 'wav');
+ $files = media_alternativefiles($src, $extensions);
+ }
+ $out = '';
+ // open audio tag
+ $out .= '<audio '.buildAttributes($atts).' controls="controls">'.NL;
+ $fallback = '';
+ // output source for each alternative audio format
+ foreach($files as $mime => $file) {
+ if ($isExternal) {
+ $url = $file;
+ $linkType = 'externalmedia';
+ } else {
+ $url = ml($file, '', true, '&');
+ $linkType = 'internalmedia';
+ }
+ $title = $atts['title'] ? $atts['title'] : $this->_xmlEntities(\dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::basename(noNS($file)));
+ $out .= '<source src="'.hsc($url).'" type="'.$mime.'" />'.NL;
+ // alternative content (just a link to the file)
+ $fallback .= $this->$linkType(
+ $file,
+ $title,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ $cache = null,
+ $linking = 'linkonly',
+ $return = true
+ );
+ }
+ // finish
+ $out .= $fallback;
+ $out .= '</audio>'.NL;
+ return $out;
+ }
+ /**
+ * _getLastMediaRevisionAt is a helperfunction to internalmedia() and _media()
+ * which returns an existing media revision less or equal to rev or date_at
+ *
+ * @author lisps
+ * @param string $media_id
+ * @access protected
+ * @return string revision ('' for current)
+ */
+ protected function _getLastMediaRevisionAt($media_id){
+ if(!$this->date_at || media_isexternal($media_id)) return '';
+ $pagelog = new MediaChangeLog($media_id);
+ return $pagelog->getLastRevisionAt($this->date_at);
+ }
+ #endregion
+//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 :