path: root/platform/www/inc/common.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/www/inc/common.php')
1 files changed, 2132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/www/inc/common.php b/platform/www/inc/common.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2910358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/inc/common.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2132 @@
+ * Common DokuWiki functions
+ *
+ * @license GPL 2 (
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ */
+use dokuwiki\Cache\CacheInstructions;
+use dokuwiki\Cache\CacheRenderer;
+use dokuwiki\ChangeLog\PageChangeLog;
+use dokuwiki\Subscriptions\PageSubscriptionSender;
+use dokuwiki\Subscriptions\SubscriberManager;
+use dokuwiki\Extension\AuthPlugin;
+use dokuwiki\Extension\Event;
+ * Wrapper around htmlspecialchars()
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @see htmlspecialchars()
+ *
+ * @param string $string the string being converted
+ * @return string converted string
+ */
+function hsc($string) {
+ return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
+ * Checks if the given input is blank
+ *
+ * This is similar to empty() but will return false for "0".
+ *
+ * Please note: when you pass uninitialized variables, they will implicitly be created
+ * with a NULL value without warning.
+ *
+ * To avoid this it's recommended to guard the call with isset like this:
+ *
+ * (isset($foo) && !blank($foo))
+ * (!isset($foo) || blank($foo))
+ *
+ * @param $in
+ * @param bool $trim Consider a string of whitespace to be blank
+ * @return bool
+ */
+function blank(&$in, $trim = false) {
+ if(is_null($in)) return true;
+ if(is_array($in)) return empty($in);
+ if($in === "\0") return true;
+ if($trim && trim($in) === '') return true;
+ if(strlen($in) > 0) return false;
+ return empty($in);
+ * print a newline terminated string
+ *
+ * You can give an indention as optional parameter
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $string line of text
+ * @param int $indent number of spaces indention
+ */
+function ptln($string, $indent = 0) {
+ echo str_repeat(' ', $indent)."$string\n";
+ * strips control characters (<32) from the given string
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $string being stripped
+ * @return string
+ */
+function stripctl($string) {
+ return preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F]+/s', '', $string);
+ * Return a secret token to be used for CSRF attack prevention
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @link
+ * @link
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+function getSecurityToken() {
+ /** @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ $user = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER');
+ $session = session_id();
+ // CSRF checks are only for logged in users - do not generate for anonymous
+ if(trim($user) == '' || trim($session) == '') return '';
+ return \dokuwiki\PassHash::hmac('md5', $session.$user, auth_cookiesalt());
+ * Check the secret CSRF token
+ *
+ * @param null|string $token security token or null to read it from request variable
+ * @return bool success if the token matched
+ */
+function checkSecurityToken($token = null) {
+ /** @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ if(!$INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')) return true; // no logged in user, no need for a check
+ if(is_null($token)) $token = $INPUT->str('sectok');
+ if(getSecurityToken() != $token) {
+ msg('Security Token did not match. Possible CSRF attack.', -1);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ * Print a hidden form field with a secret CSRF token
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param bool $print if true print the field, otherwise html of the field is returned
+ * @return string html of hidden form field
+ */
+function formSecurityToken($print = true) {
+ $ret = '<div class="no"><input type="hidden" name="sectok" value="'.getSecurityToken().'" /></div>'."\n";
+ if($print) echo $ret;
+ return $ret;
+ * Determine basic information for a request of $id
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @author Chris Smith <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id pageid
+ * @param bool $htmlClient add info about whether is mobile browser
+ * @return array with info for a request of $id
+ *
+ */
+function basicinfo($id, $htmlClient=true){
+ global $USERINFO;
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ // set info about manager/admin status.
+ $info = array();
+ $info['isadmin'] = false;
+ $info['ismanager'] = false;
+ if($INPUT->server->has('REMOTE_USER')) {
+ $info['userinfo'] = $USERINFO;
+ $info['perm'] = auth_quickaclcheck($id);
+ $info['client'] = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER');
+ if($info['perm'] == AUTH_ADMIN) {
+ $info['isadmin'] = true;
+ $info['ismanager'] = true;
+ } elseif(auth_ismanager()) {
+ $info['ismanager'] = true;
+ }
+ // if some outside auth were used only REMOTE_USER is set
+ if(!$info['userinfo']['name']) {
+ $info['userinfo']['name'] = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $info['perm'] = auth_aclcheck($id, '', null);
+ $info['client'] = clientIP(true);
+ }
+ $info['namespace'] = getNS($id);
+ // mobile detection
+ if ($htmlClient) {
+ $info['ismobile'] = clientismobile();
+ }
+ return $info;
+ }
+ * Return info about the current document as associative
+ * array.
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @return array with info about current document
+ */
+function pageinfo() {
+ global $ID;
+ global $REV;
+ global $RANGE;
+ global $lang;
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ $info = basicinfo($ID);
+ // include ID & REV not redundant, as some parts of DokuWiki may temporarily change $ID, e.g. p_wiki_xhtml
+ // FIXME ... perhaps it would be better to ensure the temporary changes weren't necessary
+ $info['id'] = $ID;
+ $info['rev'] = $REV;
+ $subManager = new SubscriberManager();
+ $info['subscribed'] = $subManager->userSubscription();
+ $info['locked'] = checklock($ID);
+ $info['filepath'] = wikiFN($ID);
+ $info['exists'] = file_exists($info['filepath']);
+ $info['currentrev'] = @filemtime($info['filepath']);
+ if($REV) {
+ //check if current revision was meant
+ if($info['exists'] && ($info['currentrev'] == $REV)) {
+ $REV = '';
+ } elseif($RANGE) {
+ //section editing does not work with old revisions!
+ $REV = '';
+ $RANGE = '';
+ msg($lang['nosecedit'], 0);
+ } else {
+ //really use old revision
+ $info['filepath'] = wikiFN($ID, $REV);
+ $info['exists'] = file_exists($info['filepath']);
+ }
+ }
+ $info['rev'] = $REV;
+ if($info['exists']) {
+ $info['writable'] = (is_writable($info['filepath']) &&
+ ($info['perm'] >= AUTH_EDIT));
+ } else {
+ $info['writable'] = ($info['perm'] >= AUTH_CREATE);
+ }
+ $info['editable'] = ($info['writable'] && empty($info['locked']));
+ $info['lastmod'] = @filemtime($info['filepath']);
+ //load page meta data
+ $info['meta'] = p_get_metadata($ID);
+ //who's the editor
+ $pagelog = new PageChangeLog($ID, 1024);
+ if($REV) {
+ $revinfo = $pagelog->getRevisionInfo($REV);
+ } else {
+ if(!empty($info['meta']['last_change']) && is_array($info['meta']['last_change'])) {
+ $revinfo = $info['meta']['last_change'];
+ } else {
+ $revinfo = $pagelog->getRevisionInfo($info['lastmod']);
+ // cache most recent changelog line in metadata if missing and still valid
+ if($revinfo !== false) {
+ $info['meta']['last_change'] = $revinfo;
+ p_set_metadata($ID, array('last_change' => $revinfo));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //and check for an external edit
+ if($revinfo !== false && $revinfo['date'] != $info['lastmod']) {
+ // cached changelog line no longer valid
+ $revinfo = false;
+ $info['meta']['last_change'] = $revinfo;
+ p_set_metadata($ID, array('last_change' => $revinfo));
+ }
+ if($revinfo !== false){
+ $info['ip'] = $revinfo['ip'];
+ $info['user'] = $revinfo['user'];
+ $info['sum'] = $revinfo['sum'];
+ // See also $INFO['meta']['last_change'] which is the most recent log line for page $ID.
+ // Use $INFO['meta']['last_change']['type']===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT in place of $info['minor'].
+ if($revinfo['user']) {
+ $info['editor'] = $revinfo['user'];
+ } else {
+ $info['editor'] = $revinfo['ip'];
+ }
+ }else{
+ $info['ip'] = null;
+ $info['user'] = null;
+ $info['sum'] = null;
+ $info['editor'] = null;
+ }
+ // draft
+ $draft = new \dokuwiki\Draft($ID, $info['client']);
+ if ($draft->isDraftAvailable()) {
+ $info['draft'] = $draft->getDraftFilename();
+ }
+ return $info;
+ * Initialize and/or fill global $JSINFO with some basic info to be given to javascript
+ */
+function jsinfo() {
+ global $JSINFO, $ID, $INFO, $ACT;
+ if (!is_array($JSINFO)) {
+ $JSINFO = [];
+ }
+ //export minimal info to JS, plugins can add more
+ $JSINFO['id'] = $ID;
+ $JSINFO['namespace'] = isset($INFO) ? (string) $INFO['namespace'] : '';
+ $JSINFO['ACT'] = act_clean($ACT);
+ $JSINFO['useHeadingNavigation'] = (int) useHeading('navigation');
+ $JSINFO['useHeadingContent'] = (int) useHeading('content');
+ * Return information about the current media item as an associative array.
+ *
+ * @return array with info about current media item
+ */
+function mediainfo(){
+ global $NS;
+ global $IMG;
+ $info = basicinfo("$NS:*");
+ $info['image'] = $IMG;
+ return $info;
+ * Build an string of URL parameters
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr
+ *
+ * @param array $params array with key-value pairs
+ * @param string $sep series of pairs are separated by this character
+ * @return string query string
+ */
+function buildURLparams($params, $sep = '&amp;') {
+ $url = '';
+ $amp = false;
+ foreach($params as $key => $val) {
+ if($amp) $url .= $sep;
+ $url .= rawurlencode($key).'=';
+ $url .= rawurlencode((string) $val);
+ $amp = true;
+ }
+ return $url;
+ * Build an string of html tag attributes
+ *
+ * Skips keys starting with '_', values get HTML encoded
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr
+ *
+ * @param array $params array with (attribute name-attribute value) pairs
+ * @param bool $skipEmptyStrings skip empty string values?
+ * @return string
+ */
+function buildAttributes($params, $skipEmptyStrings = false) {
+ $url = '';
+ $white = false;
+ foreach($params as $key => $val) {
+ if($key[0] == '_') continue;
+ if($val === '' && $skipEmptyStrings) continue;
+ if($white) $url .= ' ';
+ $url .= $key.'="';
+ $url .= htmlspecialchars($val);
+ $url .= '"';
+ $white = true;
+ }
+ return $url;
+ * This builds the breadcrumb trail and returns it as array
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @return string[] with the data: array(pageid=>name, ... )
+ */
+function breadcrumbs() {
+ // we prepare the breadcrumbs early for quick session closing
+ static $crumbs = null;
+ if($crumbs != null) return $crumbs;
+ global $ID;
+ global $ACT;
+ global $conf;
+ global $INFO;
+ //first visit?
+ $crumbs = isset($_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['bc']) ? $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['bc'] : array();
+ //we only save on show and existing visible readable wiki documents
+ $file = wikiFN($ID);
+ if($ACT != 'show' || $INFO['perm'] < AUTH_READ || isHiddenPage($ID) || !file_exists($file)) {
+ $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['bc'] = $crumbs;
+ return $crumbs;
+ }
+ // page names
+ $name = noNSorNS($ID);
+ if(useHeading('navigation')) {
+ // get page title
+ $title = p_get_first_heading($ID, METADATA_RENDER_USING_SIMPLE_CACHE);
+ if($title) {
+ $name = $title;
+ }
+ }
+ //remove ID from array
+ if(isset($crumbs[$ID])) {
+ unset($crumbs[$ID]);
+ }
+ //add to array
+ $crumbs[$ID] = $name;
+ //reduce size
+ while(count($crumbs) > $conf['breadcrumbs']) {
+ array_shift($crumbs);
+ }
+ //save to session
+ $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['bc'] = $crumbs;
+ return $crumbs;
+ * Filter for page IDs
+ *
+ * This is run on a ID before it is outputted somewhere
+ * currently used to replace the colon with something else
+ * on Windows (non-IIS) systems and to have proper URL encoding
+ *
+ * See discussions at and
+ * why we use a whitelist of
+ * unaffected servers instead of blacklisting affected servers here.
+ *
+ * Urlencoding is ommitted when the second parameter is false
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id pageid being filtered
+ * @param bool $ue apply urlencoding?
+ * @return string
+ */
+function idfilter($id, $ue = true) {
+ global $conf;
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ if($conf['useslash'] && $conf['userewrite']) {
+ $id = strtr($id, ':', '/');
+ } elseif(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' &&
+ $conf['userewrite'] &&
+ strpos($INPUT->server->str('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'Microsoft-IIS') === false
+ ) {
+ $id = strtr($id, ':', ';');
+ }
+ if($ue) {
+ $id = rawurlencode($id);
+ $id = str_replace('%3A', ':', $id); //keep as colon
+ $id = str_replace('%3B', ';', $id); //keep as semicolon
+ $id = str_replace('%2F', '/', $id); //keep as slash
+ }
+ return $id;
+ * This builds a link to a wikipage
+ *
+ * It handles URL rewriting and adds additional parameters
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id page id, defaults to start page
+ * @param string|array $urlParameters URL parameters, associative array recommended
+ * @param bool $absolute request an absolute URL instead of relative
+ * @param string $separator parameter separator
+ * @return string
+ */
+function wl($id = '', $urlParameters = '', $absolute = false, $separator = '&amp;') {
+ global $conf;
+ if(is_array($urlParameters)) {
+ if(isset($urlParameters['rev']) && !$urlParameters['rev']) unset($urlParameters['rev']);
+ if(isset($urlParameters['at']) && $conf['date_at_format']) {
+ $urlParameters['at'] = date($conf['date_at_format'], $urlParameters['at']);
+ }
+ $urlParameters = buildURLparams($urlParameters, $separator);
+ } else {
+ $urlParameters = str_replace(',', $separator, $urlParameters);
+ }
+ if($id === '') {
+ $id = $conf['start'];
+ }
+ $id = idfilter($id);
+ if($absolute) {
+ $xlink = DOKU_URL;
+ } else {
+ $xlink = DOKU_BASE;
+ }
+ if($conf['userewrite'] == 2) {
+ $xlink .= DOKU_SCRIPT.'/'.$id;
+ if($urlParameters) $xlink .= '?'.$urlParameters;
+ } elseif($conf['userewrite']) {
+ $xlink .= $id;
+ if($urlParameters) $xlink .= '?'.$urlParameters;
+ } elseif($id !== '') {
+ $xlink .= DOKU_SCRIPT.'?id='.$id;
+ if($urlParameters) $xlink .= $separator.$urlParameters;
+ } else {
+ $xlink .= DOKU_SCRIPT;
+ if($urlParameters) $xlink .= '?'.$urlParameters;
+ }
+ return $xlink;
+ * This builds a link to an alternate page format
+ *
+ * Handles URL rewriting if enabled. Follows the style of wl().
+ *
+ * @author Ben Coburn <>
+ * @param string $id page id, defaults to start page
+ * @param string $format the export renderer to use
+ * @param string|array $urlParameters URL parameters, associative array recommended
+ * @param bool $abs request an absolute URL instead of relative
+ * @param string $sep parameter separator
+ * @return string
+ */
+function exportlink($id = '', $format = 'raw', $urlParameters = '', $abs = false, $sep = '&amp;') {
+ global $conf;
+ if(is_array($urlParameters)) {
+ $urlParameters = buildURLparams($urlParameters, $sep);
+ } else {
+ $urlParameters = str_replace(',', $sep, $urlParameters);
+ }
+ $format = rawurlencode($format);
+ $id = idfilter($id);
+ if($abs) {
+ $xlink = DOKU_URL;
+ } else {
+ $xlink = DOKU_BASE;
+ }
+ if($conf['userewrite'] == 2) {
+ $xlink .= DOKU_SCRIPT.'/'.$id.'?do=export_'.$format;
+ if($urlParameters) $xlink .= $sep.$urlParameters;
+ } elseif($conf['userewrite'] == 1) {
+ $xlink .= '_export/'.$format.'/'.$id;
+ if($urlParameters) $xlink .= '?'.$urlParameters;
+ } else {
+ $xlink .= DOKU_SCRIPT.'?do=export_'.$format.$sep.'id='.$id;
+ if($urlParameters) $xlink .= $sep.$urlParameters;
+ }
+ return $xlink;
+ * Build a link to a media file
+ *
+ * Will return a link to the detail page if $direct is false
+ *
+ * The $more parameter should always be given as array, the function then
+ * will strip default parameters to produce even cleaner URLs
+ *
+ * @param string $id the media file id or URL
+ * @param mixed $more string or array with additional parameters
+ * @param bool $direct link to detail page if false
+ * @param string $sep URL parameter separator
+ * @param bool $abs Create an absolute URL
+ * @return string
+ */
+function ml($id = '', $more = '', $direct = true, $sep = '&amp;', $abs = false) {
+ global $conf;
+ $isexternalimage = media_isexternal($id);
+ if(!$isexternalimage) {
+ $id = cleanID($id);
+ }
+ if(is_array($more)) {
+ // add token for resized images
+ if(!empty($more['w']) || !empty($more['h']) || $isexternalimage){
+ $more['tok'] = media_get_token($id,$more['w'],$more['h']);
+ }
+ // strip defaults for shorter URLs
+ if(isset($more['cache']) && $more['cache'] == 'cache') unset($more['cache']);
+ if(empty($more['w'])) unset($more['w']);
+ if(empty($more['h'])) unset($more['h']);
+ if(isset($more['id']) && $direct) unset($more['id']);
+ if(isset($more['rev']) && !$more['rev']) unset($more['rev']);
+ $more = buildURLparams($more, $sep);
+ } else {
+ $matches = array();
+ if (preg_match_all('/\b(w|h)=(\d*)\b/',$more,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER) || $isexternalimage){
+ $resize = array('w'=>0, 'h'=>0);
+ foreach ($matches as $match){
+ $resize[$match[1]] = $match[2];
+ }
+ $more .= $more === '' ? '' : $sep;
+ $more .= 'tok='.media_get_token($id,$resize['w'],$resize['h']);
+ }
+ $more = str_replace('cache=cache', '', $more); //skip default
+ $more = str_replace(',,', ',', $more);
+ $more = str_replace(',', $sep, $more);
+ }
+ if($abs) {
+ $xlink = DOKU_URL;
+ } else {
+ $xlink = DOKU_BASE;
+ }
+ // external URLs are always direct without rewriting
+ if($isexternalimage) {
+ $xlink .= 'lib/exe/fetch.php';
+ $xlink .= '?'.$more;
+ $xlink .= $sep.'media='.rawurlencode($id);
+ return $xlink;
+ }
+ $id = idfilter($id);
+ // decide on scriptname
+ if($direct) {
+ if($conf['userewrite'] == 1) {
+ $script = '_media';
+ } else {
+ $script = 'lib/exe/fetch.php';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if($conf['userewrite'] == 1) {
+ $script = '_detail';
+ } else {
+ $script = 'lib/exe/detail.php';
+ }
+ }
+ // build URL based on rewrite mode
+ if($conf['userewrite']) {
+ $xlink .= $script.'/'.$id;
+ if($more) $xlink .= '?'.$more;
+ } else {
+ if($more) {
+ $xlink .= $script.'?'.$more;
+ $xlink .= $sep.'media='.$id;
+ } else {
+ $xlink .= $script.'?media='.$id;
+ }
+ }
+ return $xlink;
+ * Returns the URL to the DokuWiki base script
+ *
+ * Consider using wl() instead, unless you absoutely need the doku.php endpoint
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+function script() {
+ * Spamcheck against wordlist
+ *
+ * Checks the wikitext against a list of blocked expressions
+ * returns true if the text contains any bad words
+ *
+ *
+ * Action Plugins can use this event to inspect the blocked data
+ * and gain information about the user who was blocked.
+ *
+ * Event data:
+ * data['matches'] - array of matches
+ * data['userinfo'] - information about the blocked user
+ * [ip] - ip address
+ * [user] - username (if logged in)
+ * [mail] - mail address (if logged in)
+ * [name] - real name (if logged in)
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @author Michael Klier <>
+ *
+ * @param string $text - optional text to check, if not given the globals are used
+ * @return bool - true if a spam word was found
+ */
+function checkwordblock($text = '') {
+ global $TEXT;
+ global $PRE;
+ global $SUF;
+ global $SUM;
+ global $conf;
+ global $INFO;
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ if(!$conf['usewordblock']) return false;
+ if(!$text) $text = "$PRE $TEXT $SUF $SUM";
+ // we prepare the text a tiny bit to prevent spammers circumventing URL checks
+ // phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ '!(\b)(www\.[\w.:?\-;,]+?\.[\w.:?\-;,]+?[\w/\#~:.?+=&%@\!\-.:?\-;,]+?)([.:?\-;,]*[^\w/\#~:.?+=&%@\!\-.:?\-;,])!i',
+ '\1http://\2 \2\3',
+ $text
+ );
+ // phpcs:enable
+ $wordblocks = getWordblocks();
+ // how many lines to read at once (to work around some PCRE limits)
+ if(version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0', '<')) {
+ // old versions of PCRE define a maximum of parenthesises even if no
+ // backreferences are used - the maximum is 99
+ // this is very bad performancewise and may even be too high still
+ $chunksize = 40;
+ } else {
+ // read file in chunks of 200 - this should work around the
+ // MAX_PATTERN_SIZE in modern PCRE
+ $chunksize = 200;
+ }
+ while($blocks = array_splice($wordblocks, 0, $chunksize)) {
+ $re = array();
+ // build regexp from blocks
+ foreach($blocks as $block) {
+ $block = preg_replace('/#.*$/', '', $block);
+ $block = trim($block);
+ if(empty($block)) continue;
+ $re[] = $block;
+ }
+ if(count($re) && preg_match('#('.join('|', $re).')#si', $text, $matches)) {
+ // prepare event data
+ $data = array();
+ $data['matches'] = $matches;
+ $data['userinfo']['ip'] = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_ADDR');
+ if($INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')) {
+ $data['userinfo']['user'] = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER');
+ $data['userinfo']['name'] = $INFO['userinfo']['name'];
+ $data['userinfo']['mail'] = $INFO['userinfo']['mail'];
+ }
+ $callback = function () {
+ return true;
+ };
+ return Event::createAndTrigger('COMMON_WORDBLOCK_BLOCKED', $data, $callback, true);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Return the IP of the client
+ *
+ * Honours X-Forwarded-For and X-Real-IP Proxy Headers
+ *
+ * It returns a comma separated list of IPs if the above mentioned
+ * headers are set. If the single parameter is set, it tries to return
+ * a routable public address, prefering the ones suplied in the X
+ * headers
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param boolean $single If set only a single IP is returned
+ * @return string
+ */
+function clientIP($single = false) {
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT, $conf;
+ $ip = array();
+ $ip[] = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_ADDR');
+ if($INPUT->server->str('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) {
+ $ip = array_merge($ip, explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $INPUT->server->str('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'))));
+ }
+ if($INPUT->server->str('HTTP_X_REAL_IP')) {
+ $ip = array_merge($ip, explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $INPUT->server->str('HTTP_X_REAL_IP'))));
+ }
+ // some IPv4/v6 regexps borrowed from Feyd
+ // see:
+ $dec_octet = '(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|[0-9])';
+ $hex_digit = '[A-Fa-f0-9]';
+ $h16 = "{$hex_digit}{1,4}";
+ $IPv4Address = "$dec_octet\\.$dec_octet\\.$dec_octet\\.$dec_octet";
+ $ls32 = "(?:$h16:$h16|$IPv4Address)";
+ $IPv6Address =
+ "(?:(?:{$IPv4Address})|(?:".
+ "(?:$h16:){6}$ls32".
+ "|::(?:$h16:){5}$ls32".
+ "|(?:$h16)?::(?:$h16:){4}$ls32".
+ "|(?:(?:$h16:){0,1}$h16)?::(?:$h16:){3}$ls32".
+ "|(?:(?:$h16:){0,2}$h16)?::(?:$h16:){2}$ls32".
+ "|(?:(?:$h16:){0,3}$h16)?::(?:$h16:){1}$ls32".
+ "|(?:(?:$h16:){0,4}$h16)?::$ls32".
+ "|(?:(?:$h16:){0,5}$h16)?::$h16".
+ "|(?:(?:$h16:){0,6}$h16)?::".
+ ")(?:\\/(?:12[0-8]|1[0-1][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))?)";
+ // remove any non-IP stuff
+ $cnt = count($ip);
+ $match = array();
+ for($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
+ if(preg_match("/^$IPv4Address$/", $ip[$i], $match) || preg_match("/^$IPv6Address$/", $ip[$i], $match)) {
+ $ip[$i] = $match[0];
+ } else {
+ $ip[$i] = '';
+ }
+ if(empty($ip[$i])) unset($ip[$i]);
+ }
+ $ip = array_values(array_unique($ip));
+ if(!$ip[0]) $ip[0] = ''; // for some strange reason we don't have a IP
+ if(!$single) return join(',', $ip);
+ // skip trusted local addresses
+ foreach($ip as $i) {
+ if(!empty($conf['trustedproxy']) && preg_match('/'.$conf['trustedproxy'].'/', $i)) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ return $i;
+ }
+ }
+ // still here? just use the last address
+ // this case all ips in the list are trusted
+ return $ip[count($ip)-1];
+ * Check if the browser is on a mobile device
+ *
+ * Adapted from the example code at url below
+ *
+ * @link
+ *
+ * @deprecated 2018-04-27 you probably want media queries instead anyway
+ * @return bool if true, client is mobile browser; otherwise false
+ */
+function clientismobile() {
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ if($INPUT->server->has('HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE')) return true;
+ if(preg_match('/wap\.|\.wap/i', $INPUT->server->str('HTTP_ACCEPT'))) return true;
+ if(!$INPUT->server->has('HTTP_USER_AGENT')) return false;
+ $uamatches = join(
+ '|',
+ [
+ 'midp', 'j2me', 'avantg', 'docomo', 'novarra', 'palmos', 'palmsource', '240x320', 'opwv',
+ 'chtml', 'pda', 'windows ce', 'mmp\/', 'blackberry', 'mib\/', 'symbian', 'wireless', 'nokia',
+ 'hand', 'mobi', 'phone', 'cdm', 'up\.b', 'audio', 'SIE\-', 'SEC\-', 'samsung', 'HTC', 'mot\-',
+ 'mitsu', 'sagem', 'sony', 'alcatel', 'lg', 'erics', 'vx', 'NEC', 'philips', 'mmm', 'xx',
+ 'panasonic', 'sharp', 'wap', 'sch', 'rover', 'pocket', 'benq', 'java', 'pt', 'pg', 'vox',
+ 'amoi', 'bird', 'compal', 'kg', 'voda', 'sany', 'kdd', 'dbt', 'sendo', 'sgh', 'gradi', 'jb',
+ '\d\d\di', 'moto'
+ ]
+ );
+ if(preg_match("/$uamatches/i", $INPUT->server->str('HTTP_USER_AGENT'))) return true;
+ return false;
+ * check if a given link is interwiki link
+ *
+ * @param string $link the link, e.g. "wiki>page"
+ * @return bool
+ */
+function link_isinterwiki($link){
+ if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+>/u',$link)) return true;
+ return false;
+ * Convert one or more comma separated IPs to hostnames
+ *
+ * If $conf['dnslookups'] is disabled it simply returns the input string
+ *
+ * @author Glen Harris <>
+ *
+ * @param string $ips comma separated list of IP addresses
+ * @return string a comma separated list of hostnames
+ */
+function gethostsbyaddrs($ips) {
+ global $conf;
+ if(!$conf['dnslookups']) return $ips;
+ $hosts = array();
+ $ips = explode(',', $ips);
+ if(is_array($ips)) {
+ foreach($ips as $ip) {
+ $hosts[] = gethostbyaddr(trim($ip));
+ }
+ return join(',', $hosts);
+ } else {
+ return gethostbyaddr(trim($ips));
+ }
+ * Checks if a given page is currently locked.
+ *
+ * removes stale lockfiles
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id page id
+ * @return bool page is locked?
+ */
+function checklock($id) {
+ global $conf;
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ $lock = wikiLockFN($id);
+ //no lockfile
+ if(!file_exists($lock)) return false;
+ //lockfile expired
+ if((time() - filemtime($lock)) > $conf['locktime']) {
+ @unlink($lock);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //my own lock
+ @list($ip, $session) = explode("\n", io_readFile($lock));
+ if($ip == $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER') || $ip == clientIP() || (session_id() && $session == session_id())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $ip;
+ * Lock a page for editing
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id page id to lock
+ */
+function lock($id) {
+ global $conf;
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ if($conf['locktime'] == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $lock = wikiLockFN($id);
+ if($INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')) {
+ io_saveFile($lock, $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'));
+ } else {
+ io_saveFile($lock, clientIP()."\n".session_id());
+ }
+ * Unlock a page if it was locked by the user
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id page id to unlock
+ * @return bool true if a lock was removed
+ */
+function unlock($id) {
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ $lock = wikiLockFN($id);
+ if(file_exists($lock)) {
+ @list($ip, $session) = explode("\n", io_readFile($lock));
+ if($ip == $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER') || $ip == clientIP() || $session == session_id()) {
+ @unlink($lock);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ * convert line ending to unix format
+ *
+ * also makes sure the given text is valid UTF-8
+ *
+ * @see formText() for 2crlf conversion
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $text
+ * @return string
+ */
+function cleanText($text) {
+ $text = preg_replace("/(\015\012)|(\015)/", "\012", $text);
+ // if the text is not valid UTF-8 we simply assume latin1
+ // this won't break any worse than it breaks with the wrong encoding
+ // but might actually fix the problem in many cases
+ if(!\dokuwiki\Utf8\Clean::isUtf8($text)) $text = utf8_encode($text);
+ return $text;
+ * Prepares text for print in Webforms by encoding special chars.
+ * It also converts line endings to Windows format which is
+ * pseudo standard for webforms.
+ *
+ * @see cleanText() for 2unix conversion
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $text
+ * @return string
+ */
+function formText($text) {
+ $text = str_replace("\012", "\015\012", $text);
+ return htmlspecialchars($text);
+ * Returns the specified local text in raw format
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id page id
+ * @param string $ext extension of file being read, default 'txt'
+ * @return string
+ */
+function rawLocale($id, $ext = 'txt') {
+ return io_readFile(localeFN($id, $ext));
+ * Returns the raw WikiText
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id page id
+ * @param string|int $rev timestamp when a revision of wikitext is desired
+ * @return string
+ */
+function rawWiki($id, $rev = '') {
+ return io_readWikiPage(wikiFN($id, $rev), $id, $rev);
+ * Returns the pagetemplate contents for the ID's namespace
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id the id of the page to be created
+ * @return string parsed pagetemplate content
+ */
+function pageTemplate($id) {
+ global $conf;
+ if(is_array($id)) $id = $id[0];
+ // prepare initial event data
+ $data = array(
+ 'id' => $id, // the id of the page to be created
+ 'tpl' => '', // the text used as template
+ 'tplfile' => '', // the file above text was/should be loaded from
+ 'doreplace' => true // should wildcard replacements be done on the text?
+ );
+ $evt = new Event('COMMON_PAGETPL_LOAD', $data);
+ if($evt->advise_before(true)) {
+ // the before event might have loaded the content already
+ if(empty($data['tpl'])) {
+ // if the before event did not set a template file, try to find one
+ if(empty($data['tplfile'])) {
+ $path = dirname(wikiFN($id));
+ if(file_exists($path.'/_template.txt')) {
+ $data['tplfile'] = $path.'/_template.txt';
+ } else {
+ // search upper namespaces for templates
+ $len = strlen(rtrim($conf['datadir'], '/'));
+ while(strlen($path) >= $len) {
+ if(file_exists($path.'/__template.txt')) {
+ $data['tplfile'] = $path.'/__template.txt';
+ break;
+ }
+ $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // load the content
+ $data['tpl'] = io_readFile($data['tplfile']);
+ }
+ if($data['doreplace']) parsePageTemplate($data);
+ }
+ $evt->advise_after();
+ unset($evt);
+ return $data['tpl'];
+ * Performs common page template replacements
+ * This works on data from COMMON_PAGETPL_LOAD
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param array $data array with event data
+ * @return string
+ */
+function parsePageTemplate(&$data) {
+ /**
+ * @var string $id the id of the page to be created
+ * @var string $tpl the text used as template
+ * @var string $tplfile the file above text was/should be loaded from
+ * @var bool $doreplace should wildcard replacements be done on the text?
+ */
+ extract($data);
+ global $USERINFO;
+ global $conf;
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ // replace placeholders
+ $file = noNS($id);
+ $page = strtr($file, $conf['sepchar'], ' ');
+ $tpl = str_replace(
+ array(
+ '@ID@',
+ '@NS@',
+ '@CURNS@',
+ '@!CURNS@',
+ '@!!CURNS@',
+ '@!CURNS!@',
+ '@FILE@',
+ '@!FILE@',
+ '@!FILE!@',
+ '@PAGE@',
+ '@!PAGE@',
+ '@!!PAGE@',
+ '@!PAGE!@',
+ '@USER@',
+ '@NAME@',
+ '@MAIL@',
+ '@DATE@',
+ ),
+ array(
+ $id,
+ getNS($id),
+ curNS($id),
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::ucfirst(curNS($id)),
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::ucwords(curNS($id)),
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::strtoupper(curNS($id)),
+ $file,
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::ucfirst($file),
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::strtoupper($file),
+ $page,
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::ucfirst($page),
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::ucwords($page),
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::strtoupper($page),
+ $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'),
+ $USERINFO ? $USERINFO['name'] : '',
+ $USERINFO ? $USERINFO['mail'] : '',
+ $conf['dformat'],
+ ), $tpl
+ );
+ // we need the callback to work around strftime's char limit
+ $tpl = preg_replace_callback(
+ '/%./',
+ function ($m) {
+ return strftime($m[0]);
+ },
+ $tpl
+ );
+ $data['tpl'] = $tpl;
+ return $tpl;
+ * Returns the raw Wiki Text in three slices.
+ *
+ * The range parameter needs to have the form "from-to"
+ * and gives the range of the section in bytes - no
+ * UTF-8 awareness is needed.
+ * The returned order is prefix, section and suffix.
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $range in form "from-to"
+ * @param string $id page id
+ * @param string $rev optional, the revision timestamp
+ * @return string[] with three slices
+ */
+function rawWikiSlices($range, $id, $rev = '') {
+ $text = io_readWikiPage(wikiFN($id, $rev), $id, $rev);
+ // Parse range
+ list($from, $to) = explode('-', $range, 2);
+ // Make range zero-based, use defaults if marker is missing
+ $from = !$from ? 0 : ($from - 1);
+ $to = !$to ? strlen($text) : ($to - 1);
+ $slices = array();
+ $slices[0] = substr($text, 0, $from);
+ $slices[1] = substr($text, $from, $to - $from);
+ $slices[2] = substr($text, $to);
+ return $slices;
+ * Joins wiki text slices
+ *
+ * function to join the text slices.
+ * When the pretty parameter is set to true it adds additional empty
+ * lines between sections if needed (used on saving).
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $pre prefix
+ * @param string $text text in the middle
+ * @param string $suf suffix
+ * @param bool $pretty add additional empty lines between sections
+ * @return string
+ */
+function con($pre, $text, $suf, $pretty = false) {
+ if($pretty) {
+ if($pre !== '' && substr($pre, -1) !== "\n" &&
+ substr($text, 0, 1) !== "\n"
+ ) {
+ $pre .= "\n";
+ }
+ if($suf !== '' && substr($text, -1) !== "\n" &&
+ substr($suf, 0, 1) !== "\n"
+ ) {
+ $text .= "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $pre.$text.$suf;
+ * Checks if the current page version is newer than the last entry in the page's
+ * changelog. If so, we assume it has been an external edit and we create an
+ * attic copy and add a proper changelog line.
+ *
+ * This check is only executed when the page is about to be saved again from the
+ * wiki, triggered in @see saveWikiText()
+ *
+ * @param string $id the page ID
+ */
+function detectExternalEdit($id) {
+ global $lang;
+ $fileLastMod = wikiFN($id);
+ $lastMod = @filemtime($fileLastMod); // from page
+ $pagelog = new PageChangeLog($id, 1024);
+ $lastRev = $pagelog->getRevisions(-1, 1); // from changelog
+ $lastRev = (int) (empty($lastRev) ? 0 : $lastRev[0]);
+ if(!file_exists(wikiFN($id, $lastMod)) && file_exists($fileLastMod) && $lastMod >= $lastRev) {
+ // add old revision to the attic if missing
+ saveOldRevision($id);
+ // add a changelog entry if this edit came from outside dokuwiki
+ if($lastMod > $lastRev) {
+ $fileLastRev = wikiFN($id, $lastRev);
+ $revinfo = $pagelog->getRevisionInfo($lastRev);
+ if(empty($lastRev) || !file_exists($fileLastRev) || $revinfo['type'] == DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE) {
+ $filesize_old = 0;
+ } else {
+ $filesize_old = io_getSizeFile($fileLastRev);
+ }
+ $filesize_new = filesize($fileLastMod);
+ $sizechange = $filesize_new - $filesize_old;
+ addLogEntry(
+ $lastMod,
+ $id,
+ $lang['external_edit'],
+ '',
+ array('ExternalEdit' => true),
+ $sizechange
+ );
+ // remove soon to be stale instructions
+ $cache = new CacheInstructions($id, $fileLastMod);
+ $cache->removeCache();
+ }
+ }
+ * Saves a wikitext by calling io_writeWikiPage.
+ * Also directs changelog and attic updates.
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @author Ben Coburn <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id page id
+ * @param string $text wikitext being saved
+ * @param string $summary summary of text update
+ * @param bool $minor mark this saved version as minor update
+ */
+function saveWikiText($id, $text, $summary, $minor = false) {
+ /* Note to developers:
+ This code is subtle and delicate. Test the behavior of
+ the attic and changelog with dokuwiki and external edits
+ after any changes. External edits change the wiki page
+ directly without using php or dokuwiki.
+ */
+ global $conf;
+ global $lang;
+ global $REV;
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ // prepare data for event
+ $svdta = array();
+ $svdta['id'] = $id;
+ $svdta['file'] = wikiFN($id);
+ $svdta['revertFrom'] = $REV;
+ $svdta['oldRevision'] = @filemtime($svdta['file']);
+ $svdta['newRevision'] = 0;
+ $svdta['newContent'] = $text;
+ $svdta['oldContent'] = rawWiki($id);
+ $svdta['summary'] = $summary;
+ $svdta['contentChanged'] = ($svdta['newContent'] != $svdta['oldContent']);
+ $svdta['changeInfo'] = '';
+ $svdta['changeType'] = DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT;
+ $svdta['sizechange'] = null;
+ // select changelog line type
+ if($REV) {
+ $svdta['changeType'] = DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_REVERT;
+ $svdta['changeInfo'] = $REV;
+ } else if(!file_exists($svdta['file'])) {
+ $svdta['changeType'] = DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE;
+ } else if(trim($text) == '') {
+ // empty or whitespace only content deletes
+ $svdta['changeType'] = DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE;
+ // autoset summary on deletion
+ if(blank($svdta['summary'])) {
+ $svdta['summary'] = $lang['deleted'];
+ }
+ } else if($minor && $conf['useacl'] && $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')) {
+ //minor edits only for logged in users
+ $svdta['changeType'] = DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT;
+ }
+ $event = new Event('COMMON_WIKIPAGE_SAVE', $svdta);
+ if(!$event->advise_before()) return;
+ // if the content has not been changed, no save happens (plugins may override this)
+ if(!$svdta['contentChanged']) return;
+ detectExternalEdit($id);
+ if(
+ $svdta['changeType'] == DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE ||
+ ($svdta['changeType'] == DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_REVERT && !file_exists($svdta['file']))
+ ) {
+ $filesize_old = 0;
+ } else {
+ $filesize_old = filesize($svdta['file']);
+ }
+ if($svdta['changeType'] == DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE) {
+ // Send "update" event with empty data, so plugins can react to page deletion
+ $data = array(array($svdta['file'], '', false), getNS($id), noNS($id), false);
+ Event::createAndTrigger('IO_WIKIPAGE_WRITE', $data);
+ // pre-save deleted revision
+ @touch($svdta['file']);
+ clearstatcache();
+ $svdta['newRevision'] = saveOldRevision($id);
+ // remove empty file
+ @unlink($svdta['file']);
+ $filesize_new = 0;
+ // don't remove old meta info as it should be saved, plugins can use
+ // IO_WIKIPAGE_WRITE for removing their metadata...
+ // purge non-persistant meta data
+ p_purge_metadata($id);
+ // remove empty namespaces
+ io_sweepNS($id, 'datadir');
+ io_sweepNS($id, 'mediadir');
+ } else {
+ // save file (namespace dir is created in io_writeWikiPage)
+ io_writeWikiPage($svdta['file'], $svdta['newContent'], $id);
+ // pre-save the revision, to keep the attic in sync
+ $svdta['newRevision'] = saveOldRevision($id);
+ $filesize_new = filesize($svdta['file']);
+ }
+ $svdta['sizechange'] = $filesize_new - $filesize_old;
+ $event->advise_after();
+ addLogEntry(
+ $svdta['newRevision'],
+ $svdta['id'],
+ $svdta['changeType'],
+ $svdta['summary'],
+ $svdta['changeInfo'],
+ null,
+ $svdta['sizechange']
+ );
+ // send notify mails
+ notify($svdta['id'], 'admin', $svdta['oldRevision'], $svdta['summary'], $minor, $svdta['newRevision']);
+ notify($svdta['id'], 'subscribers', $svdta['oldRevision'], $svdta['summary'], $minor, $svdta['newRevision']);
+ // update the purgefile (timestamp of the last time anything within the wiki was changed)
+ io_saveFile($conf['cachedir'].'/purgefile', time());
+ // if useheading is enabled, purge the cache of all linking pages
+ if(useHeading('content')) {
+ $pages = ft_backlinks($id, true);
+ foreach($pages as $page) {
+ $cache = new CacheRenderer($page, wikiFN($page), 'xhtml');
+ $cache->removeCache();
+ }
+ }
+ * moves the current version to the attic and returns its
+ * revision date
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $id page id
+ * @return int|string revision timestamp
+ */
+function saveOldRevision($id) {
+ $oldf = wikiFN($id);
+ if(!file_exists($oldf)) return '';
+ $date = filemtime($oldf);
+ $newf = wikiFN($id, $date);
+ io_writeWikiPage($newf, rawWiki($id), $id, $date);
+ return $date;
+ * Sends a notify mail on page change or registration
+ *
+ * @param string $id The changed page
+ * @param string $who Who to notify (admin|subscribers|register)
+ * @param int|string $rev Old page revision
+ * @param string $summary What changed
+ * @param boolean $minor Is this a minor edit?
+ * @param string[] $replace Additional string substitutions, @KEY@ to be replaced by value
+ * @param int|string $current_rev New page revision
+ * @return bool
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ */
+function notify($id, $who, $rev = '', $summary = '', $minor = false, $replace = array(), $current_rev = false) {
+ global $conf;
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ // decide if there is something to do, eg. whom to mail
+ if($who == 'admin') {
+ if(empty($conf['notify'])) return false; //notify enabled?
+ $tpl = 'mailtext';
+ $to = $conf['notify'];
+ } elseif($who == 'subscribers') {
+ if(!actionOK('subscribe')) return false; //subscribers enabled?
+ if($conf['useacl'] && $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER') && $minor) return false; //skip minors
+ $data = array('id' => $id, 'addresslist' => '', 'self' => false, 'replacements' => $replace);
+ Event::createAndTrigger(
+ array(new SubscriberManager(), 'notifyAddresses')
+ );
+ $to = $data['addresslist'];
+ if(empty($to)) return false;
+ $tpl = 'subscr_single';
+ } else {
+ return false; //just to be safe
+ }
+ // prepare content
+ $subscription = new PageSubscriptionSender();
+ return $subscription->sendPageDiff($to, $tpl, $id, $rev, $summary, $current_rev);
+ * extracts the query from a search engine referrer
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ * @author Todd Augsburger <>
+ *
+ * @return array|string
+ */
+function getGoogleQuery() {
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ if(!$INPUT->server->has('HTTP_REFERER')) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $url = parse_url($INPUT->server->str('HTTP_REFERER'));
+ // only handle common SEs
+ if(!preg_match('/(google|bing|yahoo|ask|duckduckgo|babylon|aol|yandex)/',$url['host'])) return '';
+ $query = array();
+ parse_str($url['query'], $query);
+ $q = '';
+ if(isset($query['q'])){
+ $q = $query['q'];
+ }elseif(isset($query['p'])){
+ $q = $query['p'];
+ }elseif(isset($query['query'])){
+ $q = $query['query'];
+ }
+ $q = trim($q);
+ if(!$q) return '';
+ // ignore if query includes a full URL
+ if(strpos($q, '//') !== false) return '';
+ $q = preg_split('/[\s\'"\\\\`()\]\[?:!\.{};,#+*<>\\/]+/', $q, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+ return $q;
+ * Return the human readable size of a file
+ *
+ * @param int $size A file size
+ * @param int $dec A number of decimal places
+ * @return string human readable size
+ *
+ * @author Martin Benjamin <>
+ * @author Aidan Lister <>
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ */
+function filesize_h($size, $dec = 1) {
+ $sizes = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB');
+ $count = count($sizes);
+ $i = 0;
+ while($size >= 1024 && ($i < $count - 1)) {
+ $size /= 1024;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return round($size, $dec)."\xC2\xA0".$sizes[$i]; //non-breaking space
+ * Return the given timestamp as human readable, fuzzy age
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param int $dt timestamp
+ * @return string
+ */
+function datetime_h($dt) {
+ global $lang;
+ $ago = time() - $dt;
+ if($ago > 24 * 60 * 60 * 30 * 12 * 2) {
+ return sprintf($lang['years'], round($ago / (24 * 60 * 60 * 30 * 12)));
+ }
+ if($ago > 24 * 60 * 60 * 30 * 2) {
+ return sprintf($lang['months'], round($ago / (24 * 60 * 60 * 30)));
+ }
+ if($ago > 24 * 60 * 60 * 7 * 2) {
+ return sprintf($lang['weeks'], round($ago / (24 * 60 * 60 * 7)));
+ }
+ if($ago > 24 * 60 * 60 * 2) {
+ return sprintf($lang['days'], round($ago / (24 * 60 * 60)));
+ }
+ if($ago > 60 * 60 * 2) {
+ return sprintf($lang['hours'], round($ago / (60 * 60)));
+ }
+ if($ago > 60 * 2) {
+ return sprintf($lang['minutes'], round($ago / (60)));
+ }
+ return sprintf($lang['seconds'], $ago);
+ * Wraps around strftime but provides support for fuzzy dates
+ *
+ * The format default to $conf['dformat']. It is passed to
+ * strftime - %f can be used to get the value from datetime_h()
+ *
+ * @see datetime_h
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param int|null $dt timestamp when given, null will take current timestamp
+ * @param string $format empty default to $conf['dformat'], or provide format as recognized by strftime()
+ * @return string
+ */
+function dformat($dt = null, $format = '') {
+ global $conf;
+ if(is_null($dt)) $dt = time();
+ $dt = (int) $dt;
+ if(!$format) $format = $conf['dformat'];
+ $format = str_replace('%f', datetime_h($dt), $format);
+ return strftime($format, $dt);
+ * Formats a timestamp as ISO 8601 date
+ *
+ * @author <ungu at terong dot com>
+ * @link
+ *
+ * @param int $int_date current date in UNIX timestamp
+ * @return string
+ */
+function date_iso8601($int_date) {
+ $date_mod = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $int_date);
+ $pre_timezone = date('O', $int_date);
+ $time_zone = substr($pre_timezone, 0, 3).":".substr($pre_timezone, 3, 2);
+ $date_mod .= $time_zone;
+ return $date_mod;
+ * return an obfuscated email address in line with $conf['mailguard'] setting
+ *
+ * @author Harry Fuecks <>
+ * @author Christopher Smith <>
+ *
+ * @param string $email email address
+ * @return string
+ */
+function obfuscate($email) {
+ global $conf;
+ switch($conf['mailguard']) {
+ case 'visible' :
+ $obfuscate = array('@' => ' [at] ', '.' => ' [dot] ', '-' => ' [dash] ');
+ return strtr($email, $obfuscate);
+ case 'hex' :
+ return \dokuwiki\Utf8\Conversion::toHtml($email, true);
+ case 'none' :
+ default :
+ return $email;
+ }
+ * Removes quoting backslashes
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $string
+ * @param string $char backslashed character
+ * @return string
+ */
+function unslash($string, $char = "'") {
+ return str_replace('\\'.$char, $char, $string);
+ * Convert php.ini shorthands to byte
+ *
+ * On 32 bit systems values >= 2GB will fail!
+ *
+ * -1 (infinite size) will be reported as -1
+ *
+ * @link
+ * @param string $value PHP size shorthand
+ * @return int
+ */
+function php_to_byte($value) {
+ switch (strtoupper(substr($value,-1))) {
+ case 'G':
+ $ret = intval(substr($value, 0, -1)) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ $ret = intval(substr($value, 0, -1)) * 1024 * 1024;
+ break;
+ case 'K':
+ $ret = intval(substr($value, 0, -1)) * 1024;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $ret = intval($value);
+ break;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ * Wrapper around preg_quote adding the default delimiter
+ *
+ * @param string $string
+ * @return string
+ */
+function preg_quote_cb($string) {
+ return preg_quote($string, '/');
+ * Shorten a given string by removing data from the middle
+ *
+ * You can give the string in two parts, the first part $keep
+ * will never be shortened. The second part $short will be cut
+ * in the middle to shorten but only if at least $min chars are
+ * left to display it. Otherwise it will be left off.
+ *
+ * @param string $keep the part to keep
+ * @param string $short the part to shorten
+ * @param int $max maximum chars you want for the whole string
+ * @param int $min minimum number of chars to have left for middle shortening
+ * @param string $char the shortening character to use
+ * @return string
+ */
+function shorten($keep, $short, $max, $min = 9, $char = '…') {
+ $max = $max - \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::strlen($keep);
+ if($max < $min) return $keep;
+ $len = \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::strlen($short);
+ if($len <= $max) return $keep.$short;
+ $half = floor($max / 2);
+ return $keep .
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::substr($short, 0, $half - 1) .
+ $char .
+ \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::substr($short, $len - $half);
+ * Return the users real name or e-mail address for use
+ * in page footer and recent changes pages
+ *
+ * @param string|null $username or null when currently logged-in user should be used
+ * @param bool $textonly true returns only plain text, true allows returning html
+ * @return string html or plain text(not escaped) of formatted user name
+ *
+ * @author Andy Webber <dokuwiki AT andywebber DOT com>
+ */
+function editorinfo($username, $textonly = false) {
+ return userlink($username, $textonly);
+ * Returns users realname w/o link
+ *
+ * @param string|null $username or null when currently logged-in user should be used
+ * @param bool $textonly true returns only plain text, true allows returning html
+ * @return string html or plain text(not escaped) of formatted user name
+ *
+ * @triggers COMMON_USER_LINK
+ */
+function userlink($username = null, $textonly = false) {
+ global $conf, $INFO;
+ /** @var AuthPlugin $auth */
+ global $auth;
+ /** @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ // prepare initial event data
+ $data = array(
+ 'username' => $username, // the unique user name
+ 'name' => '',
+ 'link' => array( //setting 'link' to false disables linking
+ 'target' => '',
+ 'pre' => '',
+ 'suf' => '',
+ 'style' => '',
+ 'more' => '',
+ 'url' => '',
+ 'title' => '',
+ 'class' => ''
+ ),
+ 'userlink' => '', // formatted user name as will be returned
+ 'textonly' => $textonly
+ );
+ if($username === null) {
+ $data['username'] = $username = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER');
+ if($textonly){
+ $data['name'] = $INFO['userinfo']['name']. ' (' . $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER') . ')';
+ }else {
+ $data['name'] = '<bdi>' . hsc($INFO['userinfo']['name']) . '</bdi> '.
+ '(<bdi>' . hsc($INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER')) . '</bdi>)';
+ }
+ }
+ $evt = new Event('COMMON_USER_LINK', $data);
+ if($evt->advise_before(true)) {
+ if(empty($data['name'])) {
+ if($auth) $info = $auth->getUserData($username);
+ if($conf['showuseras'] != 'loginname' && isset($info) && $info) {
+ switch($conf['showuseras']) {
+ case 'username':
+ case 'username_link':
+ $data['name'] = $textonly ? $info['name'] : hsc($info['name']);
+ break;
+ case 'email':
+ case 'email_link':
+ $data['name'] = obfuscate($info['mail']);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $data['name'] = $textonly ? $data['username'] : hsc($data['username']);
+ }
+ }
+ /** @var Doku_Renderer_xhtml $xhtml_renderer */
+ static $xhtml_renderer = null;
+ if(!$data['textonly'] && empty($data['link']['url'])) {
+ if(in_array($conf['showuseras'], array('email_link', 'username_link'))) {
+ if(!isset($info)) {
+ if($auth) $info = $auth->getUserData($username);
+ }
+ if(isset($info) && $info) {
+ if($conf['showuseras'] == 'email_link') {
+ $data['link']['url'] = 'mailto:' . obfuscate($info['mail']);
+ } else {
+ if(is_null($xhtml_renderer)) {
+ $xhtml_renderer = p_get_renderer('xhtml');
+ }
+ if(empty($xhtml_renderer->interwiki)) {
+ $xhtml_renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki();
+ }
+ $shortcut = 'user';
+ $exists = null;
+ $data['link']['url'] = $xhtml_renderer->_resolveInterWiki($shortcut, $username, $exists);
+ $data['link']['class'] .= ' interwiki iw_user';
+ if($exists !== null) {
+ if($exists) {
+ $data['link']['class'] .= ' wikilink1';
+ } else {
+ $data['link']['class'] .= ' wikilink2';
+ $data['link']['rel'] = 'nofollow';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $data['textonly'] = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $data['textonly'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if($data['textonly']) {
+ $data['userlink'] = $data['name'];
+ } else {
+ $data['link']['name'] = $data['name'];
+ if(is_null($xhtml_renderer)) {
+ $xhtml_renderer = p_get_renderer('xhtml');
+ }
+ $data['userlink'] = $xhtml_renderer->_formatLink($data['link']);
+ }
+ }
+ $evt->advise_after();
+ unset($evt);
+ return $data['userlink'];
+ * Returns the path to a image file for the currently chosen license.
+ * When no image exists, returns an empty string
+ *
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $type - type of image 'badge' or 'button'
+ * @return string
+ */
+function license_img($type) {
+ global $license;
+ global $conf;
+ if(!$conf['license']) return '';
+ if(!is_array($license[$conf['license']])) return '';
+ $try = array();
+ $try[] = 'lib/images/license/'.$type.'/'.$conf['license'].'.png';
+ $try[] = 'lib/images/license/'.$type.'/'.$conf['license'].'.gif';
+ if(substr($conf['license'], 0, 3) == 'cc-') {
+ $try[] = 'lib/images/license/'.$type.'/cc.png';
+ }
+ foreach($try as $src) {
+ if(file_exists(DOKU_INC.$src)) return $src;
+ }
+ return '';
+ * Checks if the given amount of memory is available
+ *
+ * If the memory_get_usage() function is not available the
+ * function just assumes $bytes of already allocated memory
+ *
+ * @author Filip Oscadal <>
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param int $mem Size of memory you want to allocate in bytes
+ * @param int $bytes already allocated memory (see above)
+ * @return bool
+ */
+function is_mem_available($mem, $bytes = 1048576) {
+ $limit = trim(ini_get('memory_limit'));
+ if(empty($limit)) return true; // no limit set!
+ if($limit == -1) return true; // unlimited
+ // parse limit to bytes
+ $limit = php_to_byte($limit);
+ // get used memory if possible
+ if(function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
+ $used = memory_get_usage();
+ } else {
+ $used = $bytes;
+ }
+ if($used + $mem > $limit) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ * Send a HTTP redirect to the browser
+ *
+ * Works arround Microsoft IIS cookie sending bug. Exits the script.
+ *
+ * @link
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ *
+ * @param string $url url being directed to
+ */
+function send_redirect($url) {
+ $url = stripctl($url); // defend against HTTP Response Splitting
+ /* @var Input $INPUT */
+ global $INPUT;
+ //are there any undisplayed messages? keep them in session for display
+ global $MSG;
+ if(isset($MSG) && count($MSG) && !defined('NOSESSION')) {
+ //reopen session, store data and close session again
+ @session_start();
+ }
+ // always close the session
+ session_write_close();
+ // check if running on IIS < 6 with CGI-PHP
+ if($INPUT->server->has('SERVER_SOFTWARE') && $INPUT->server->has('GATEWAY_INTERFACE') &&
+ (strpos($INPUT->server->str('GATEWAY_INTERFACE'), 'CGI') !== false) &&
+ (preg_match('|^Microsoft-IIS/(\d)\.\d$|', trim($INPUT->server->str('SERVER_SOFTWARE')), $matches)) &&
+ $matches[1] < 6
+ ) {
+ header('Refresh: 0;url='.$url);
+ } else {
+ header('Location: '.$url);
+ }
+ // no exits during unit tests
+ if(defined('DOKU_UNITTEST')) {
+ // pass info about the redirect back to the test suite
+ $testRequest = TestRequest::getRunning();
+ if($testRequest !== null) {
+ $testRequest->addData('send_redirect', $url);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ exit;
+ * Validate a value using a set of valid values
+ *
+ * This function checks whether a specified value is set and in the array
+ * $valid_values. If not, the function returns a default value or, if no
+ * default is specified, throws an exception.
+ *
+ * @param string $param The name of the parameter
+ * @param array $valid_values A set of valid values; Optionally a default may
+ * be marked by the key “default”.
+ * @param array $array The array containing the value (typically $_POST
+ * or $_GET)
+ * @param string $exc The text of the raised exception
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ * @return mixed
+ * @author Adrian Lang <>
+ */
+function valid_input_set($param, $valid_values, $array, $exc = '') {
+ if(isset($array[$param]) && in_array($array[$param], $valid_values)) {
+ return $array[$param];
+ } elseif(isset($valid_values['default'])) {
+ return $valid_values['default'];
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception($exc);
+ }
+ * Read a preference from the DokuWiki cookie
+ * (remembering both keys & values are urlencoded)
+ *
+ * @param string $pref preference key
+ * @param mixed $default value returned when preference not found
+ * @return string preference value
+ */
+function get_doku_pref($pref, $default) {
+ $enc_pref = urlencode($pref);
+ if(isset($_COOKIE['DOKU_PREFS']) && strpos($_COOKIE['DOKU_PREFS'], $enc_pref) !== false) {
+ $parts = explode('#', $_COOKIE['DOKU_PREFS']);
+ $cnt = count($parts);
+ // due to #2721 there might be duplicate entries,
+ // so we read from the end
+ for($i = $cnt-2; $i >= 0; $i -= 2) {
+ if($parts[$i] == $enc_pref) {
+ return urldecode($parts[$i + 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $default;
+ * Add a preference to the DokuWiki cookie
+ * (remembering $_COOKIE['DOKU_PREFS'] is urlencoded)
+ * Remove it by setting $val to false
+ *
+ * @param string $pref preference key
+ * @param string $val preference value
+ */
+function set_doku_pref($pref, $val) {
+ global $conf;
+ $orig = get_doku_pref($pref, false);
+ $cookieVal = '';
+ if($orig !== false && ($orig !== $val)) {
+ $parts = explode('#', $_COOKIE['DOKU_PREFS']);
+ $cnt = count($parts);
+ // urlencode $pref for the comparison
+ $enc_pref = rawurlencode($pref);
+ $seen = false;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i += 2) {
+ if ($parts[$i] == $enc_pref) {
+ if (!$seen){
+ if ($val !== false) {
+ $parts[$i + 1] = rawurlencode($val);
+ } else {
+ unset($parts[$i]);
+ unset($parts[$i + 1]);
+ }
+ $seen = true;
+ } else {
+ // no break because we want to remove duplicate entries
+ unset($parts[$i]);
+ unset($parts[$i + 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $cookieVal = implode('#', $parts);
+ } else if ($orig === false && $val !== false) {
+ $cookieVal = ($_COOKIE['DOKU_PREFS'] ? $_COOKIE['DOKU_PREFS'] . '#' : '') .
+ rawurlencode($pref) . '#' . rawurlencode($val);
+ }
+ $cookieDir = empty($conf['cookiedir']) ? DOKU_REL : $conf['cookiedir'];
+ if(defined('DOKU_UNITTEST')) {
+ $_COOKIE['DOKU_PREFS'] = $cookieVal;
+ }else{
+ setcookie('DOKU_PREFS', $cookieVal, time()+365*24*3600, $cookieDir, '', ($conf['securecookie'] && is_ssl()));
+ }
+ * Strips source mapping declarations from given text #601
+ *
+ * @param string &$text reference to the CSS or JavaScript code to clean
+ */
+function stripsourcemaps(&$text){
+ $text = preg_replace('/^(\/\/|\/\*)[@#]\s+sourceMappingURL=.*?(\*\/)?$/im', '\\1\\2', $text);
+ * Returns the contents of a given SVG file for embedding
+ *
+ * Inlining SVGs saves on HTTP requests and more importantly allows for styling them through
+ * CSS. However it should used with small SVGs only. The $maxsize setting ensures only small
+ * files are embedded.
+ *
+ * This strips unneeded headers, comments and newline. The result is not a vaild standalone SVG!
+ *
+ * @param string $file full path to the SVG file
+ * @param int $maxsize maximum allowed size for the SVG to be embedded
+ * @return string|false the SVG content, false if the file couldn't be loaded
+ */
+function inlineSVG($file, $maxsize = 2048) {
+ $file = trim($file);
+ if($file === '') return false;
+ if(!file_exists($file)) return false;
+ if(filesize($file) > $maxsize) return false;
+ if(!is_readable($file)) return false;
+ $content = file_get_contents($file);
+ $content = preg_replace('/<!--.*?(-->)/s','', $content); // comments
+ $content = preg_replace('/<\?xml .*?\?>/i', '', $content); // xml header
+ $content = preg_replace('/<!DOCTYPE .*?>/i', '', $content); // doc type
+ $content = preg_replace('/>\s+</s', '><', $content); // newlines between tags
+ $content = trim($content);
+ if(substr($content, 0, 5) !== '<svg ') return false;
+ return $content;
+//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 :