Welcome to ACERVUS Illich (alpha version of the tool, for internal use only, not yet public.) **Browse by languages:** [[en:index|English]] - [[es:index|Español]] **Browse by Status:** [[tag:available|Available]] - [[tag:pending|Pending]] - [[tag:missing|Missing]] # Contents ## Books * [[en:book:toynbee:index|1951 - Die philosophischen Grundlagen der Geschichtsschreibung bei Arnold Joseph Toynbee]] _(The Philosophical Foundations of Historiography in Arnold Joseph Toynbee's Work)_ * [[en:book:awareness:index|1970 - Celebration of Awareness]] * [[en:book:deschooling:index|1970 - Deschooling Society]] * [[en:book:church:index|1970 - The Church, Change and Development]] * [[en:book:conviviality:index|1973 - Tools for Conviviality]] * [[en:book:energy:index|1973 - Energy and Equity]] * [[en:book:medicine:index|1976 - Limits to Medicine: Medical Nemesis, The Expropriation of Health]] * [[en:book:needs:index|1977 - Toward a History of Needs]] * [[en:book:unemployment:index|1978 - The Right to Useful Unemployment and its Professional Enemies]] * [[en:book:shadow:index|1981 - Shadow Work]] * [[en:book:gender:index|1982 - Gender ]] * [[en:book:school:index|1984 - School into Museum]] * [[en:book:h20:index|1985 - H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness]] * [[en:book:abc:index|1988 - ABC: The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind]] * [[en:book:mirror:index|1992 - In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Addresses, 1978-1990]] * [[en:book:vineyard:index|1993 - In the Vineyard of the text: A Commentary to Hugh's Didascalicon]] ## Articles Presented in chronological order with it's original title and first published year. **Mainly in English and Spanish** at the moment, other languages will be included. The list is not complete and not fully reviewed. This list is being migrated to the automated index creation system, in the current state is just for general reference. If you want to suggest a missing article, write us to ### 1950's * 1955 - Spiritual care of Puerto Rican migrants: report on the first conference, held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 11th to 16th, 1955 * Published in CIDOC Dossier 74 * [[en:article:1955-the_american_parish:index|1955 - The American Parish]] * 1955 - Can a Catholic Get a Divorce? * in Integrity, vol. 9, n. 7, aprile 1955, pp. 7-10; * in Obras Completas Italianas 1 * 1955 - Sacred Virginity * In The Poweless Church compilation ----- * 1956 - Puerto Ricans in New York * En Celebration * Otro titulo: Puerto Ricans in New York * 1956 - Rehearsal for Death * In The Poweless Church compilation ----- * 1958 - The End of Human Life * 1958 - The Pastoral Care of Puerto Rican Migrants in New York * in Social Compass, vol. 5, nn. 5-6, marzo 1958, pp. 256-260. * in Obras Completas Italianas 1 * 1958 - Missionary poverty : basic policies for courses of missionary formation * 1958 - Basic Policies for Courses of Missionary Formation * Requested at: https://findingaids.library.uic.edu/sc/MSICUI89.xml * Same text than the previous one? ----- * 1959 - Discurso de Graduación * Colegio de Agricultura y Artes Mecénucas, Mayagtiez, P.R., viernes 29 de mayo de 1959. * In: HORIZONTES; Revista de la Universidad soy ra de Puerto Rico, Ponce, 3(5):58-64, * In: CIDOC Sondeos 77, Ensayos sobre la trascendencia ### 1960's * 1960 - Missionary Silence ----- * [[en:article:1961-bootcamp_for_urbanites:index|1961 - Boot Camp for Urbanites]] * 1961 - Brazil * in Data for DECISION in Latin America, novembre 1961, * in Obras Completas Italianas 1 * 1961 - Spiritual Poverty and the Missionary Character ----- * **1962 - A Crucial Problem: Whom Should we Serve? An Objective Analysis of the Deficiencies of Catholic Education in Latin America** * Data for Decision in Latin America . June 1961. Excerpted in The Shield , September 1962, pp. 19-20. * 1962 - The Lay Missionary in Latin America * 1962 - Education and Economic Development * in Data for DECISION in Latin America, maggio/giugno/luglio 1962, * in Obras Completas Italianas 1 ----- * 1963 - The Predicament of the Church and the Task of the Religious Orders * :!: Die Not der Kirche und die Aufgabe der Ordensleute (Pro mundi vita), in: Bericht des ersten internationalen Kongresses, Essen/Deutschland 3.-5.September 1963 ----- * 1964 - Religion and the Universities: An Invitation to Discussion * in CIF Reports, vol. 2, febbraio 1964, poi in «CIDOC Cuaderno No. 37», 1969, pp. 16-18, * in Obras Completas Italianas 1 * 1964 - A Note from the Publisher * in CIF Reports, vol. 2, n. 10, marzo 1964, pp. 3-4; poi in «CIDOC Cuaderno No. 37», 1969, pp. 10/3-4. I * in Obras Completas Italianas 1 * 1964 - The Education of Submarginal People * in Joseph P. Fitzpatrick (a c. di), Educational Planning and Socio-Economic Development in Latin America, «Sondeos No. 9», 1966, pp. 159-161. * in Obras Completas Italianas 1 ----- * 1965 - Recensión del libro "Priesternot in Lateinamerika, de PROMPER, Werner". * Ed. Latein-Amerika-Kolleg der Katholicischen Universitat, 1965/. * In: CIDOC Informa, Cuernavaca, Mor., México, 2(15):223 ago. '65. * 1965 - Dear Father Kevane * 1966 - Concerning Aesthetic and Religious Experience * 1966 - :!: Reflektion über die Grenzen der Ästhetik. Abschrift von Aufzeichnugen für eine Konferenz über ästhetische und religiöse Erfahrung Teil 1, Cuernavaca 25.10 1966 und Teil 2, Cuernavaca, 26.10.1966 ----- * 1967 - Sobre el celibato y casamiento de los sacerdotes * Original title : "El clero, una 'especie' que desaparece" * In: PASTORAL MISIONERA, /s.1./, 5(1):68-89, 69.01.-02. (Pastoral Fronteriza) and CIDOC DOC. 69/158: * In: SIEMPRE, México, (733):38-42,82, 12 jul '67. * 1967 - Dear Mary: Letter to an American Volunteer * 1967 - Yankee, Go Home: The American Do-Gooder in South America * 1967 - The Church, Change and Development * 1967 - The Use and Abuse of Religious Symbols in Present-Day Change * Lecture in National University of Mexico, mentioned in "Divine Desobedience", page 297. * 1967 - The Seamy Side of Charity * the powerless church * Las sombras de la caridad * 1967 - The Vanishing Clergyman * the powerless church * la metamorfosis del clero * 1967 - To be perfectly frank * 1967 - The Secular City and the Structure of Religious Life: A Discussion Outline * Cuernavaca 1967, in CIDOC Informa, gennaio-giugno 1968, «CIDOC Cuaderno No. 20», vol. 6, 1968, pp. 51a/1-9. * in Obras Completas Italianas 1 ----- * 1968 - Latin American in revolution; violence: a mirror for americans * New York, AMERICA, 27 de abril de 1968/. * Trad: Raíz común de la violencia en el ambiente de acción estadounidense; estado de revolución en América Latina, punto de partida para una reflexión sobre la violencia. Trad. de Victor NAZARIO Cuernavaca, 28 de abril de 1968. 5 p. dáctilo. CIDOC DOC. 68/67.a.: * 1968 - La escuela, esa vieja y gorda vaca sagrada * 1969 - Commencement at the University of Puerto Rico * 1968 - To Hell with Good Intentions * DOC. 68/95.: ILLICH, Ivan. La escuela, esa vieja y gorda vaca sagrada; en América Latina abre un abismo - de clases y prepara a una élite y con ella el fascismo. In: SIEMPRE, México, D.F., 78(789):30-40, ago 7 '68. * 1968 - Control popular del poder y de la potencia * Resumen de una ponencia presen- tada en el CIDOC. Cuernavaca, Mor., México, junio 15 de 1968. /11 p. Dáctilo/. CIDOC DOC. 68/102 * [[en:article:1968-the_redistribution_of_educational_tasks:index|1968 - The Redistribution of Educational Tasks between Schools and Other Organs of Society]] ----- * 1969 - Between Jail and Campus: The Chaplain’s Halfway House * 1969 - The need for counterfoil research. Address to the Canadian Institute of Public Affairs at Couchiching * In: CIDOC DOC. 69/154. July 29th , 1969 . 14 p. * 1969 - :!: Entmythologisierung der Schulpflicht * in: Neues Forum, Wien, Oktober 1969 * [[.:article:1969-la_metamorfosis_de_la_escuela:index|1969 - La metamorfosis de la escuela]] * 1969 - Holy Mother School * 1969 - Foreword to the book "Cornell-Brazil Projet; an experiment in learning" * in: CIDOC Cuaderno 23 * 1969 - "Birth control" et conscience politique * In: ESPRIT; Paris, 37(382):1056-1069. 69.06. * In: CIDOC DOC. 69/144 * 1969 - El subdesarrollo progresivo es inevitable mientras no haya planeación de nuestras propias alternativas; I-III. * In: NOVEDADES, México, D.F., 69.10.27-29, p. 1-7; 1-9;1-9 * In: CIDOC DOC. 69/186 ### 1970's * 1970 - The need for cultural revolution * Rough copy addressed to THE GREAT IDEAS TODAY for publication in 1970 issue. Cuernavaca, 70.04. 13 p. * In: CIDOC DOC. 70/217 * 1970 - Foreword to the book "Repertorio para el estudio de las iglesias en la sociedad de América Latina: 1960-1969" * in: CIDOC Cuederno 52 * 1970 - Foreword to the book "Unidad y testimonio de las grandes letras hispanoamericanas" * in: CIDOC Cuederno 53 * 1970 - The False Ideology of Schooling * 1970 - :!: Aus Durst wird Coca Cola. Hilflose Entwicklungshilfe * in: Neues Forum, Wien, Anfang Februar 1970 * 1970 - Signposts for a Cultural Revolution * Canadian Forum , April/May 1970, pp. 118-21 * 1970 - Mission and Midwifery, Part I: Missionary Formation Based on Missiology * 1970 - Mission and Midwifery, Part II: Selection and Formation of the Missionary * 1970 - Missionary Poverty * 1970 - Missionary Silence * 1970 - Beecher Lectures * Cuadernos CIDOC ; No.1002 * 1970 - Ivan Illich Writes Pope Paul * 1970 - A Call to Celebration * 1970 - Why we must abolish schooling * In: THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS, New York, N. Y., 15(1):9-15, 70.07.02 * In: CIDOC DOC. 70/222: * 1970 - Urge una revolución cultural en las instituciones, para crear una nueva estructura de aspiraciones humanas * In: SIEMPRE! México, (889):48-50, 102, 70.07.08 * In: CIDOC DOC. 70/223 * 1970 - Révolution Culturelle, école et développement * In: LES TEMPS MODERNES, París, 26(287):2074-2083, 70.06 * In: CIDOC DOC 70/226: * 1970 - :!: Muß die 3. Welt wie die 1. werden?, in: Friedensbulletin Nr. 4/ Latein-amerika, Stuttgart o.J. * Does the 3rd World have to become like the 1st?, in: Friedensbulletin Nr. 4/ Latein-amerika, Stuttgart o.J. * 1970 - :!: Almosen und Folter. Verfehlter Fortschritt in Lateinamerika, München 1970, Kösel-Verlag * Alms and Torture. Failed Progress in Latin America, Munich 1970, Kösel-Verlag. * 1970 - :!: Schulen in Lateinamerika sind unnütz, in: Hochland, 62. Jahrgang 1970, 2. Heft März/April 1970 * Schools in Latin America are useless, in: Hochland, 62nd volume 1970, 2nd issue March/April 1970. * 1970 - :!: Muss die dritte Welt wie die Erste werden? In: Neues Forum, Wien, Mitte Mai 1970 (Vgl. 70/5)) * Must the Third World Become Like the First? In: Neues Forum, Vienna, mid-May 1970 (Cf. 70/5)). * 1970 - :!: Die Schule als neue Weltreligion, in: Schatz, Oskar (Hg.): Hat die Religion Zukunft? Graz 1971, Styria Verlag. Vorträge und Diskussionsbeiträge des 5. Salzburger Humanismusgesprächs, * The School as a New World Religion, in: Schatz, Oskar (ed.): Hat die Religion Zukunft? Graz 1971, Styria Verlag. Lectures and contributions to the discussion of the 5th Salzburg Humanism Discussion, * 1970 - :!: Pour en finir avec la religion de l'école. In: Esprit, Nouvelle Série. Decembre 1970, Seite 835-850 * To finish with the religion of the school. In: Esprit, Nouvelle Série. December 1970, Seite 835-850 ----- * 1971 - :!: Plädoyer für die Abschaffung der Schule, in: Enzensberger, H.M./Michel, K.M. (Hrsg.): Kursbuch 24, Berlin, Juni 1971 * 1971 - :!: Schule - Ritual des Fortschritts, in: betrifft: erziehung, 4. Jg.,Heft 3, März 1971, S. 19-27 * 1971 - Lima Discourse * Speech delivered at conference "The World Education Crisis and the Church," sponsored by the World Council of Churches at Lima, Peru, 18 July 1971. * Same as: "Education as an Idol" * Same as: "Education: A Consumer Commodity and a Pseudo-Religion". The Christian Century, LXXXVIII (December 15, 1971), 1464. * 1971 - :!: Vorlesung in Lima 18. Juli 1971, gehalten auf dem internationalen Treffen des Weltrats der christlichen Kirchen, vom Autor übersetzt, in: Neue Sammlung, Göttinger Zeitschrift für Erziehung und Gesellschaft, Jahrgang 11, 1971, S. 599-606 * 1971 - :!: „Die erste Stufe der Kulturrevolution wird die Abschaffung der Schule sein“ Interview mit Ivan Illich, in: Theologia practica, Zeitschrift für praktische Theologie und Religionspädagogik, Heft 3, VI. Jahrgang, Juli 1971, Furche Verlag, Hamburg, S. 272-280 * 1971 - :!: Schule-Fortschritt-Götze?, in: Orientierung. Katholische Blätter für weltanschauliche Information, Zürich, 35. Jahrgang, Nr.20, 31.Oktober 1971, S. 221-224 * 1971 - Abolishing schools 1 * In New York Times, May 3, 1971. page 37. * 1971 - Draft for an address to the American Educational Research Association meeting in New York * February 6, 1971. CIDOC, Doc. A/E 71/282. * 1971 - The Powerless Church * 1971 - De-schooling the Teaching Orders * In: AMERICA, New York, 124(1):12-14, 71.01.09. * 1971 - Por qué debemos abolir la trata escolar * Cuaderno 66 * 1971 - Contra la religión de la escuela * Cuaderno 66 * CIDOC DOC. 71/323: * 1971 - Draft for an address to the AERA (American Educational Research Association) meeting int New York, February 6, 1971. * In: CIDOC DOC. 71/282 * 1971 - The Alternative to Schooling * In: "Saturday Review". 19 June 1971 * Revised and reprinted with same title except for one noted change In Current, July 1971; In Ti mes Educational Supplement [London], 29 October 1971, pp. 18 6f 47, EJ 052 829; In Orientations [Paris], January 1971, pp. 104-26; * Same as: "The Deschooled Society," In The Expanded Campus , edited by Dyckman W. Vermllye, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1972; as chapter In Alternatives In Education: A Regional Practlcum> Singapore 8 INNOTECH, SEAMEO Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology, 1972; and as chapter in Myth and Reality: A Reader In Education , edited by Glenn Smith and Charles R. Knlker, Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1972 * 1971 - The Alternative to Schooling; Extended Version * Cuernavaca, 71.10.04. /A Short- ened Version of this Article has been published in SATURDAY REVIEW, 71.06.19. * In: CIDOC DOC. A/E 71/324/. * In: CIDOC DOC. 71/341: * 1971 - A Center Conference: toward a Society without Schools. * In: CENTER REPORT, Santa Bárbara, California, 4(1):3-6, 71.02. * With: ILLICH, Iván; REIMER, Everett; WILKINSON, John; BELLMAN, Richard * In: CIDOC DOC. 71/295 * 1971 - Should Children Be Liberated from Tyranny of School? * National Catholic Reporter , 16 April 1971, pp. 4A-5A. * "Down with Schooling, Up with Education," New York Sunday Times , 7 November 1971, pp. 37-39 * 1971 - The Breakdown of Schools: A Problem or a Symptom? * 1971 - Society and Imagination * **1971 - The Evolution of the School** * **1971 - The Roots of Human Liberation** * Times Educational Supplement (TES) [London Times], 16 July 1971, p. 4. * 1971 - Review of the book: "This Book Is About Schools" * In: THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, New York, N. Y., 71.03.21. 1 p. * In: CIDOC DOC. 71/311: * 1971 - The institutionalization of Truth * In the compilation book "Tradition and revolution" edited by Lionel Rubinoff * 1971 - On the Necessity to De-school Society * CIDOC Cuaderno 82 * UNESCO Series B: Opinions,no. 38. 1971. Prepared for the International Comission on the Development of Education, which eventually published Its report as Learning to Be * Request to library@unesco.org, https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000221954 * French version available * 1971 - Mr Chief Justice Burger and the disestablishment of schooling * Draft of an essay submitted to the editors of THE NEW YORK TIMES. Cuernavaca, Mor., 71.03. * in CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 76 * in CIDOC DOC 71/310 * **1971 - Radical Politics — The Need to Overthrow the Domination of Productivity** * Summary of speech Issued by The Tellhard Centre for the Future of Man, from Its sixth annual conference In London, "The Case for Hope and the Cost of Hope," 22-23 October 1971. 2 pp * 1971 - Outwitting Developed Nations * in: "National health care; issues and problems in socialized medicine" (1971) * in:New York 1980, first published 1977. * 1971 - Education without school: how it can be done * Included in "Farewell to schools" by Daniel Levine * Published in New York Book reviews on January 7, 1971 ----- * 1972 - Density and dignity * Presentation at HABITAT I Forum, organized United Nations. Took place on June 11th. * **1972 - Deschooled Society** * Current Issues In Higher Education , 27 (1972): 263-73 * 1972 - :!: Alternatives to Schooling, Melbourne, Nov. 1972, Andrew Bain/Australian Union of Students * 1972 - How Will We Pass on Christianity? * The Critic . January/February 1972, pp. 14-21. * 1972 - Foreword to book "Letters from the Desert" * 1972 - Re-tooling Society; Draft * Cuernavaca, 72.04.15. 51 p. /dâctilo/. * In: CIDOC DOC. 72/369 * **1972 - Education: Knowledge Capitalism** * CIDOC. No. 39, * 1972 - A Center Conference: Toward a Society without Schools * CIDOC DOCUMENTA Alternatives in Education V. 2, * 1972 - Identity and the nature of revolution * In Latin America: The Dynamics of Social Change: https://hollis.harvard.edu/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=01HVD_ALMA211929995010003941&context=L&vid=HVD2&lang=en_US&search_scope=everything&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&tab=everything&query=any,contains,Latin%20America:%20The%20Dynamics%20of%20Social%20Change&offset=0 * **1972 - Hacía una sociedad convivencial** * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 1021 * 1972 - Institutional Inversion * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 1017 * 1972 - Anglo American Law and a convivial society * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 82 * 1972 - Gradual change or violent revolution in Latin America? * 1972 - Political Inversion * In: CIDOC DOC. 72/353: * Included in "Imprisoned in the Global Classroom" * 1972 - Deschooled Society * In: Current Issues In Higher Education , 27 (1972): 263-73 ----- * 1973 - Foreword to the book "Education and the rise of the corporate state" * 1973 - After Deschooling, What? * Un Mundo sin escuelas * 1973 - An Expansion of the Concept of Alienation * In: Journal of Social Philosophy , January 1973, pp. 1-7* * 1973 - La necesidad de un techo común; el control social de la tecnología * In: CIDOC Documenta l/V 71/4, September 1971, pp. 4/1-4/3. * 1973 - Maintaining a Wattage Threshold * In: "The New York Times".; p. 33 * 1973 - Limits of Therapy * Preparatory Documents for 1974 CIDOC * 1973 - Herramientas para la convivencia * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 1027 * 1973 - La escuela y la represión de nuestros hijos * 1973 - National Health Insurance and the People's Health * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 84 * 1973 - On the Political Uses of Natural Death * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 84 * 1973 - La importación de la muerte natural * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 84 * 1973 - Para reencontrar la vida * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 84 * 1973 - Recycling the World * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 84 * The Guardian (1959-2003); London (UK) [London (UK)]. 15 June 1973 * 1973 - The illusion of unlimited Health Insurance * In: CIDOC Documenta I/V, Julio 1971 - Agosto 1972. In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 82 * 1973 - To Pedal a Theory: The High Life on Low Energy: II * New York Times (1923-); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 18 Sep 1973: 43. * 1973 - Criterios y métodos de limitación de los medios de producción * in: CIDOC Cuaderno No.83 , Cuernavaca 1973 * 1973 - On STYLE: the root of dissidence, deviance and delinquency * in: CIDOC Cuaderno No.83 , Cuernavaca 1973 ----- * 1974 - Discurso en el Colegio de Abogados de San Juan, Puerto Rico, el 15 de abril de 1974 * In: CIDOC DOCUMENTA I/V * 1974 - The Annual Encyclopaedia Brittanica Lecture, Edinburgh ----- * 1975 - Crisis en la didáctica, 2a parte. * 1975 - Introduction * In: CIDOC CUADERNO. No. 90 * 1975 - La educación autocrítica * and Paulo Freire * 1975 - Pilgrims of the Obvious: A Conversation with Ivan Illich and Paulo Freire * In: "Risk" * 1975 - The industrialization of medicine * In: "Ciba Found Symp" * 1975 - The medicalization of life * In: "Journal of Medical Ethics. The Journal of the Society for the Study of Medical Ethics" * 1975 - The Recovery of Health * In: "Cross Currents" * 1975 - Behold the Ball Bearing! * Design and Environment Spring 1975: Vol 6 Iss 1 ----- * 1976 - The Medicated Society * The Washington Post (1974-); May 30, 1976; * 1976 - Medicine Is a Major Threat to Health * [Co-author: Keen, Sam.] In: "Psychology Today" * 1976 - The expanding Medical Industry, the Money and the Myths * in: America 1976-05-01: Vol 134 Iss 17 * 1976 - The age of professional dominance * [A draft.] In: "TECNO-POLITICA". Doc. Cuernavaca, (México) ----- * 1977 - Disabling Professions * In the book of the same name, its only one article from Illich * 1977 - Factors in Contemporary Medicine ----- * 1978 - Alternativas de la educacion * In: Coleccion Afluente. Ed. Apex: Buenos Aires; 116 * 1978 - In Lieu of Education * In: Illich, Ivan: Toward a history of needs * 1978 - Tantalizing Needs * In: Illich, Ivan: Toward a history of needs * 1978 - Introduction * In: Doctors on trial. * 1978 - Taught Mother Tongue * In Mirror * Other name: Taught mother language and vernacular tongue * In the book "Multilingualism and mother-tongue education" with Debi Prasanna Pattanayak * 1978 - Introduction to "The Inverse of Managed Health" * In: "Social Alternatives". with Borremans, Valentina * [[en:article:1978-the_message_of_bapus_hut:index|1978 - The Message of Bapu’s Hut]] ----- * 1979 - Preface * In: Borremanns,Valentina: Guide to convivial tools * 1979 - The New Frontier for Arrogance: Colonization of the Informal Sector * 1979 - Vernacular Values and Education * 1979 - The Educational Sphere * In Mirror ### 1980's * 1980 - Alternativas del desarrollo. In: "El Viejo Topo". * 1980 - Los profesionales de la impotencia. * In: "Construcción, Arquitectura y Urbanismo". 61, Col. Of. de Arquitectos Téc. y Aparejadores de Cataluña: Barcelona; * 1980 - Hugh - or, Science by People * 1980 - The De-linking of Peace and Development * In Mirror ----- * 1981 - Multilingualism and mother-tongue education * with Pattanayak, Debi Prasanna * 1981 - On Education * In: "New Education". * 1981 - La guerra contra la subsistencia: antología. * In: Coleccion "Esta America". * Otro titulo: La represión del ámbito vernáculo. * **1981 - :!: The War against Subsistence** * in: democracy. A Journal of Polical Renewal and Radical Change, New York July 1981, p. 70 -85 ----- * **1982 - :!: The Cultural Limits to the Size of a Village** * Contibution to SID, Baltimore 1982 * **1982 - Leopold Kohr: Initiator of Social Morphology** * Symposium on the Human Scale in honour of Leopold Kohr, April 28 to 30, 1982 at Salzburg * 1982 - Arts Education: Process and Product * Opening Speech to the 24th World Congress of INSEA, Rotterdam 1981, in: Journal of Art&Design Education, Vol. 1, No.2 1982 * 1982 - Medicalization and primary care * In: "The Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners". * 1982 - Silence is a Commons * In mirror * Otro titulo: La sociedad gestionada mediante computadoras * 1982 - Draft for a lecture in Berlin ----- * 1983 - The Social Construction of Energy * Opening Talk to a Seminar on "The Basic Option Within Any Future Low-Energy Society" held at El Colegio de México, July 1983 * 1983 - I Too Have Decided to Keep Silent * In Mirror * 1984 - Dwelling * In Mirror * 1984 - Eco Paedagogics and the Commons * In: "Education". no. 2, 6, p. 29-34 * 1984 - El hedor de la ciudad y sus aguas * https://elpais.com/diario/1984/09/02/opinion/462924009_850215.html * 1984 - Ni más educación, ni más desarrollo * https://elpais.com/diario/1984/05/13/opinion/453247216_850215.html * 1984 - La salud y la calidad de vida en la escasez * https://elpais.com/diario/1984/04/07/sociedad/450136801_850215.html ----- * 1985 - In the vineyard of text * (primero en aleman?) * 1985 - Twelve Years after Medical Nemesis: A Plea for Body History * Escribir la historia del cuerpo doce años después de Nemesis médica. In: "Archipiélago: cuadernos de crítica de la cultura". No 15, Archipiélago: Barcelona; p ----- * 1986 - Education as a problem of scarcity of means * 1986 - A plea for body history * 1986 - A Plea for Research on Lay Literacy * In Mirror * [[en:article:1986-disvalue:index|1986 - Disvalue]] * 1986 - Foreword to the book "On the social utility of psychopathology: a deviant majority and its keepers?" ----- * 1987 - El género del espacio. El hogar vernáculo * In: "Av. Arquitectura y vivienda". 12, Soc.Estatal de Gestión para la Rehabilitación y Construcción de la Vivienda: Madrid * 1987 - Hospitality and Pain. * 1987 - Computer Literacy and the Cybernetic Dream. * In Mirror * 1987 - Medical Ethics: A Call to De-bunk Bio-ethics. * In Mirror * 1987 - Some theological perspectives on pain and suffering * Talk in The Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology, St. Louis. ----- * 1988 - Needs * 1988 - The Educational Enterprise in the Light of the Gospel * 1988 - Alternatives to Economics: Toward a History of Waste * In Mirror * **1988 - :!: Beyond Needs** * Foster Av.Meeting:“Beyond Development What?“ 11. September 1988 * 1988 - 20th Anniversary Rendezvous * **1988 - :!: A Call for Reflection on "Life"** * State College September 30,1988 ----- * 1989 - Posthumous Longevity. An open letter to a cloistered community of Benedictine nuns, 1989. * Text in mirror is different * 1989 - The Institutional Construction of a New Fetish: Human Life * In Mirror * 1989 - The Shadow that the Future Throws * 1989 - Commentary on Robert J. Fox * 1989 - ASCESIS. Introduction, etymology and bibliography 1989 * Introduction to Ascesis for discussion with David Ramage, Jun13, 1989, correct. September 9,1989. * 1989 - Text in "Fox-Sight: telling the vision of Robert J. Fox" * Compiled by Bea McMahon ### 1990's * 1990 - A-mortality * 1990 - Introduction to A-mortality * 1990 - Drugs * 1990 - Declaration On Soil * 1990 - Health as One's Own Responsibility - No, Thank You! * 1990 - Mnemosyne: The Mold of Memory. 'The Object of Objects: An Elegy for the Anchored Text' * 1990 - The Loudspeaker on the Tower * 1990 - The Sad Loss of Gender * 1990 - Los objetos como moldes de la memoria ----- * 1991 - Comment: The Last Modern Century * 1991 - Preface In: Arney, William Ray: Experts in the Age of Systems * 1991 - Mente letrada versus mente informática * In: "Archipiélago: cuadernos de crítica de la cultura". No 7 * 1991 - Text and University - on the idea and history of a unique institution * 1991 - The Earthy Virtue of Place ----- * 1992 - Autostop * 1992 - The loss of world and flesh ----- * 1993 - Guarding the Eye in the Age of Show. * 1993 - Lectio divina. * 1993 - To Honor Jaques Ellul. ----- * 1994 - An Address to "Master Jacques" * **1994 - Blasphemy: A Radical Critique of Technological Culture** * Included in STS Working Paper 2, mentioned by Cayley in his latest book (page 336) * 1994 - Coping with sickness * 1994 - Brave New Biocracy: Health Care From Womb to Tomb * 1994 - La ilusión fundamental * In: "Archipiélago: cuadernos de crítica de la cultura". No 18-19, Archipiélago: * 1994 - Pathogenesis, Immunity and the Quality of Health Care. * 1994 - The Wisdom of Leopold Kohr * 1994 - Unhappy paradoxes of medicine ----- * 1995 - Death Undefeated: From Medicine to Medicalisation to Systematisation * 1995 - Statements by Jacques Ellul and Ivan Illich * In: "Technology in Society". no. 2, 1995, volume 17, p. 231-235 * 1995 - The Scopic Past and the Ethics of the Gaze. A plea for the historical study of ocular perception * [[en:article:1995-foreword_deschooling_our_lives:index|1995 - Foreword to the book "Deschooling Our Lives"]] ----- * 1996 - Education in the Perspective of the Dropout * In: "Bulletin of Science, Technology andSociety". * 1996 - Health * In: "Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society". no. 5/6, 1996, v * 1996 - Living Off the Waste of Development. * In: "New Perspectives Quarterly" no. 3, June 1996, 13, p. 10-11 * 1996 - Philosophy... Artifacts... Friendship - and the History of the Gaze * 1996 - Speed? What Speed? * Same: "From Fast to Quick" ----- * 1997 - The Image of Objectivity * 1997 - To Hell with Life * 1997 - Beauty in Proportion * In: "Resurgence: an international forum for ecological and spiritual thinking". Issue 185, * 1997 - Homo educandus lost. Education and Technology: Asking the Right Questions * 1997 - Slow Is Beautiful. In: "New Perspectives Quarterly" * Gardels, Nathan ed.; issue 1, volume 14 * 1997 - The Immorality of Bioethics ----- * [[en:article:1998-conspiracy:index|1998 - The Cultivation of Conspiracy]] * 1998 - La reindinvicación de la casa * In: "Archipiélago: cuadernos de crítica de la cultura". No 34-35, Archipiélago * 1998 - And do not lead us into diagnosis, but deliver us of the pursuit of health ----- * 1999 - The Conditional Human * 1999 - Der verhältnismäßige Mensch * wiith Beck, Johannes; Ivan Illich und Silja Samerski (1999): "Der verhältnismäßige Mensch." European Conference "Lifelong Learning - Inside and Outside Schools." 25. - 27. February 1999, University of Bremen. ### 2000's * 2002 - Il prossimo non è un'istituzione * 2002 - Vom Zahlenzauber der Statistik. Ein Lehrstück über die Zumutungen des Risikodenkens * with Silja Samerski ## Other resources * [[videos|Videos]] * [[audios|Audios]] * [[interviews|Interviews (in text)]]