// action script crowdfunding.php // thanks "Thank you for register in. You can join the call in [[https://meet.jit.si/GTA-Webinar|this link]]" // Fieldset "About you" // hidden "Lang" "=en" // hidden "Date" "=@DATE@" // Textbox "Name" // email "E-Mail" ! // select "Country" "Afghanistan|Åland Islands|Albania|" // yesno "Subscribe me for e-mail updates?" "=true value" "!false value" // submit "Register in" // ob_start(); use dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\interfaces\bureaucracy_handler_interface; class helper_plugin_bureaucracy_handler_crowdfunding implements bureaucracy_handler_interface { /** * Log the form fields to DokuWiki's debug log */ public function redirect($url) { ob_start(); header('Location: '.$url); ob_end_flush(); die(); } public function handleData($fields, $thanks) { ob_start(); global $INFO; $n = 0; $m = 0; foreach($fields as $row){ if ($n != 0) { if ($row->opt["label"] === 'E-Mail' OR $row->opt["label"] === 'Correo electrónico') { $line = $line . ' | <' . $row->opt["value"] . '>'; } else { $line = $line . ' | ' . $row->opt["value"]; } if ($row->opt["label"] === 'Medio de Pago') { $pago = $row->opt["value"] ; } if ($n === 1) { $lang = $row->opt["value"]; } } $n++; } $filepath = $INFO['filepath']; // unifica el registro si viene de idioma español $store_tmp = str_replace("/es/","/",$filepath); $store_tmp2 = str_replace("/en/","/",$store_tmp); $store = str_replace(".txt",".log.txt",$store_tmp2); // // Abre el fichero para obtener el contenido existente if(!is_file($store)){ foreach($fields as $row){ if ($m != 0) { $header = $header . ' ^ ' . $row->opt["label"]; } $m++; } $header = substr($header, 1); file_put_contents($store, "$header\n"); // Save our content to the file. } $actual = file_get_contents($store); $line = substr($line, 1); $actual .= "$line\n"; // // Escribe el contenido al fichero file_put_contents($store, $actual); // // if ($pago === "PayPal") { // echo ""; // echo $thanks; // exit; // // exit; // } // dbglog($line); // return $thanks; } }